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posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

I believe Saratov with it's strategic bomber base is on our "Nuke It Again" list.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

All that's on the money as far as I'm aware.

I think they got more than they bargained for with even the scaled-down version.

edit on 14-9-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

I hadn't heard of the Tsar bomb before, thanks for sharing those videos. I would also point out that almost everything in that second video supports the idea of Russia detonating a nuke as a show of strength before actually using nukes on civilians. I think it's a little bit naive to assume they haven't got anything up their sleeve, especially in a time of war.
edit on 14/9/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

No animals were harmed in that test.

Well, maybe a few....

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think it's a little bit naive to assume they haven't got anything up their sleeve, especially in a time of war.

Why do you imagine they have anything up their sleeve when they are having to resort to the use of tanks from the 1960s, importing drones, missiles, and artillery rounds from developing and 3rd world nations?

And what do you imagine for that matter?

edit on 14-9-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

And what do you imagine for that matter?

I imagine they have some pretty big nukes, and it's not really a prediction, it's more of a logical conclusion. Just look at what they were capable all those years ago in the video you posted. To assume they have given up all that power at a time when it might be crucial for them to win a war is naive. You can claim Russia is running on 3rd world resources all you want, it doesn't change reality, which is they are a nuclear super power, and now also the most self-sufficient nation on this planet due to being ostracized by the global community.
edit on 14/9/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

"You can claim Russia is running on 3rd world resources all you want, it doesn't change reality, which is they are a nuclear super power, and now also the most self-sufficient nation on this planet due to being ostracized by the global community."

That is a non sequitur as although they have nukes (which can't be used because - M.A.D.) because they are sanctioned and running out of hardware and munitions they now have to get stuff from Iran and NK.

So, not self sufficient at all.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Russia developed and deployed pretty big nuclear warheads with yields in the range of 5 to 10 megatons during the Cold War mainly down to the reasons watchitburn outlines.

But in this day of age in terms of deployed nuclear warheads, the largest warheads are typically in the range of about 800 kilotons to 1 megaton.

What you need to realise is that modern warheads are more varied, with yields designed to balance power and strategic purposes.

You understand that they can make a hell of a mess without having to resort to the use of weapons with yields like the Tsar Bomba.

Which was not exactly easy to deploy or produce en mass.

Im not claiming anything thats not true ChaoticOrder.

Russia is on its arse and importing missiles/drones and artillery from developing and 3rd world nations.

That's just a fact.
edit on 14-9-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:10 PM
Bottom line is Putin can't even take Ukraine - So Russia would be destroyed by NATO in days resulting in just a few Nukes as a last death throw.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

As if the majority of their resources come from small and relatively impoverished nations such as Iran and NK, give me a break, that's nothing but fantasy from political stooges who think they know everything without actually observing reality. Meanwhile, Ukraine has the support of the entire EU and western world, a seemingly endless supply of resources, and yet Russia still manages to hold out using 3rd world resources from some of the most underdeveloped nations on Earth? Right... just more fantasy for those who crave a narrative which makes them feel good.
edit on 14/9/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Now then, ChaoticOrder, it's not a "fantasy", it's a fact.

Sorry if these facts are at odds with your own "narrative".

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

That's not how it would go.

There's no such thing as a nuke or a few nukes.

Once the first one is launched everyone will launch all of them.

Then it's adios muchachos

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

That's not how it would go.

There's no such thing as a nuke or a few nukes.

Once the first one is launched everyone will launch all of them.

Then it's adios muchachos

I would think the plan is already in play by NATO so if Russia launched 1 the Motherland would only have a few seconds left. These things need guidance if NATO isn't targeting the Satellite's I would be very surprised . I'm also sure that NATO has insiders that would warn of a launch order .
edit on 14-9-2024 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Yes, M.A.D.ness.

Goodbye, cruel World.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I've lost track of the number of times I've seen people say Russia is on the verge of losing, they are running out of resource, etc. They've been saying it for literally years... at some point you'd think they'd realize the reality of the matter, but they obviously aren't interested in reality, they care only about their little fantasy worlds, as if making people believe Russia is losing will make them lose... and it honestly seems to me they'd rather see the world burn in a nuclear fire rather than ever concede any amount of Ukraine territory to Russia.

I get it, I'm all about liberty and freedom from dictators, but I find it extremely hard to reconcile all the lives which have been lost over such a small amount of territory, especially considering most Eastern Ukraine regions would happily join Russia. It was clearly wrong of Putin to invade Ukraine, I'm not denying that, but the entire reason they did it was to get some buffer zone between them and NATO/EU nations. Bringing those forces directly to their doorstep is only going to further provoke them and increase the probability of a disastrous outcome.
edit on 14/9/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

If you want to deny that Russia is now getting arms and munitions from Iran and NK, go ahead.

Unfortunately, because of Putins War, he now has Finland and Sweden in NATO.

Which they freely wanted.

It's a defensive alliance that makes a disastrous outcome less likely.

Unless Mad Vlad gets even more insane.

Appeasing an expansionist aggressive Dictator seldom ends well, as history tells us.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I didn't deny they might be getting resources from other nations, I merely pointed out they are highly self-sufficient, which they are. They basically have their own alternative for every western business, and that isn't an exaggeration. They also have a large supply of natural resources which they are no longer exporting to the rest of the world.

I also don't necessarily think that "expansionist aggressive Dictator" is the correct way of interpreting Putin's actions. He clearly knows there is a limit to how far the Russian borders can expand. I think it's also crucial to realize Ukraine was a part of a the USSR at one point in time. It's not like Putin is trying to invade France or Sweden.

He wants a clear buffer zone which can act as a defensive line in the case of a war with EU nations, he doesn't want to expand and take over the entire world or something like that, because he knows it could never happen. This wont end in nuclear war, unless Russia feels truly threatened, like if we started launching long range missiles into civilian territory.

Now you might say we are better than that, we wouldn't target civilians, but history and common sense tells me something different. I truly fear how low the evil forces in the world are willing to stoop in order to get their way. They literally tried to assassinate Trump, if that isn't a wake up call I really don't know what is.

And I know exactly what most people are thinking right now, "well that's a ridiculous conspiracy theory"... but when you look at all the facts it's very hard to avoid that conclusion. Just look at that video showing how long law enforcement was aware of a potential threat. Well maybe they didn't have a line of communication with the secret service?

Then you watch an interview with the sheriff of the local police department clearly state there was a shared radio frequency being used between local law enforcement and the SS. And you want me to believe they chose not to move Trump out of harms way after such a long period of time, knowing full well there was a potential threat?

Once again... it's pure fantasy and propaganda. By some miracle they failed to take out Trump and that's probably the biggest mistake they will ever make. I just hope the system isn't so compromised that his overwhelming victory cannot not be denied. Because he is our only hope for ever de-escalating this situation in Ukraine, without giving up too much to Russia.
edit on 14/9/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

"I also don't necessarily think that "expansionist aggressive Dictator" is the correct way of interpreting Putin's actions. He clearly knows there is a limit to how far the Russian borders can expand. I think it's also crucial to realize Ukraine was a part of a the USSR at one point in time. It's not like Putin is trying to invade France or Sweden."

Yes, and all the other former USSR vassal states don't want to go back, either.

What your comments about Trump have to do with this, is perplexing.

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Maybe I went a bit off topic, but like I said, Trump is our best way out of this situation. He might even be able to talk Putin down completely, I wouldn't put it past him. My fundamental issue is, politicians seem to love war, and the profits of war, and it's both sides of the political aisle. However, I see more people on the left who are completely content with perpetual wars, and more people on the right who want to take meaningful actions to reduce the level of conflict in the world. Make no mistake, there are extremely powerful entities who profit immensely from war, and the last thing they want is a world at peace. But I believe one day it will happen, regardless of their selfish motives.
edit on 14/9/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2024 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

In a nuclear conflict with the gloves off, it is a war of attrition, and the winner will be the last man standing , in the best fallout shelters. Russia is a Sovreign country and if its being taken apart by western missiles it will not matter what China says. The three Gorges dam was a tactical mistake and they know it.

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