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The Brink has been reached.

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posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 06:56 PM
It looks like the red line has been called, and Russia will be at war with NATO countries if they allow the new missiles to be used against the Russian Federation. The western leaders seem to be totally oblivious to the fact that the majority of the Wests people do not support a war with Russia. Starmer and the Americans seem to have okayed the use of said missiles. What a strange set of circumstances , it almost looks like the deal is that Russia aids the depopulation of the West, as fighting a nuclear war with a country that has extensive bomb shelters in place with ones whom the general population will be left to look at the bright lights seems somehow like a double cross. Am I missing something?

+9 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 07:06 PM
Arming a non-nato, non-ally country with our weapons so they can use them to hit apartment buildings deep in Russian territory.
This is how wars start.
This is why Biden Harris is a joke.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: annonentity

No, the "brink," Putin's red line(s), have been a constant thing since it has been clear to him that his strategy has been woefully wrong. World history is filled with efforts to appease a mad man. Sometimes you fight to the death, and Ukraine has accepted the challenge. You would rather kiss up?

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: annonentity

# 'em.

Putin has redrawn his red line several times now, why would this be any different?

So its been ok for Putin to use Iranian and North Korean missiles against Ukrainian civilian targets for well over two years but because they want to start doing more or less the same to Russia its Ukraine who are in the wrong?
Or should I say its 'The West' that's in the wrong for enabling Ukraine to fight back?

I guess you think they should just roll over and accept Russian control and domination again?

Is that what you would do, just go belly up?

Appeasement doesn't work - never has and never will.

+10 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 07:28 PM
Are we still pretending the conflict in Ukraine isn't a proxy war for Russian vs NATO? Yeah? Okay I'll shut up then.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 08:22 PM
The NWO is aligning everything just the way they want it. ☠️❗️

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: annonentity

"Threats are illogical. Payment is often expensive."

"Pooptin" Can threaten all he wants, and draw "red lines" until his crayon is a nub. The truth is, the West has confirmed that the Russian Bear is all growl and no real bite; toothless, clawless, clumsy, old, and corrupt.

Pudding knows that the moment he authorizes Russia's nuclear weapons to be released from the rotting crypts they've been stored in, the entire arsenal of every Western nation will be drawn down on the Motherland. He also knows, as every dictator before him knew (and should know), that when the the long knives come out, even the most trusted cronies will be aiming for your back.

Et tu, Brutus!

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Are we still pretending the conflict in Ukraine isn't a proxy war for Russian vs NATO? Yeah? Okay I'll shut up then.

Well, just to make a correction; the allies that Joe Biden assembled on the Western side of the equation are a much bigger group than just NATO. It includes NATO, but also includes allies from all around the globe: Japan, South Korea, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, several Mid-eastern countries, several South American countries, several African countries, European countries that aren't part of NATO, etc. The General Assembly of the United Nations voted 143 to 5 to condemn Russia's invasion.

But if by proxy war you mean that this is a way for the allied countries to wage war against Russia indirectly rather than directly, when did anyone pretend otherwise? The allied countries don't want Putin to win in his objective of redrawing national boundaries by force and are willing to provide resources for Ukraine to resist that objective. At the same time, they also don't want to see the war spread any wider than it has to in order to stop Putin.

I don't see any pretense there.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

The allies assembled outside of NATO do much of there GDP with China , if they go to war with Russia then they go to war with China, that will give them pause for thought.

If Russia removes all diplomats from the NATO countries I think that will be the start of fireworks. At the moment they have sent six UK diplomats home from Moscow . Does anyone know how staffed the Russian embassies ae in the NATO countries? that will be the giveaway that it is going to get hot, as the diplomats are usually sons and daughters of top officials within the kremlin.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

Arming a non-nato, non-ally country with our weapons so they can use them to hit apartment buildings deep in Russian territory.
This is how wars start.
This is why Biden Harris is a joke.

Biden wants to go out being a consequential President, even if it's as extreme as starting WWIII.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: Boomer1947
If Russia removes all diplomats from the NATO countries I think that will be the start of fireworks.

TRUE. That is usually the first significant ACTION prior to war.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:03 PM
At the debate Kamala bragged about all the money she and Biden are making for all the arms dealers in this country.

I thought it was weird way to sell yourself. Particularly for a party that's always pretending to be against war.

Well, this is where it's getting us

The fact that some just shrug this off is why we'll keep digging our graves.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: 5thHead

I am still of the opinion that these decisions were made a long time ago. If the Deagal report was factual, there are two possibilities for causing the population outcome. Either the Jab or Mass casualties due to war or both. Either way it stinks for the general population. CP does a good rundown. Owing to the date at this time of writing it does tend to look that if the cities of the west got nuked that would just about fix the Deagal numbers for the stated date.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: annonentity

This is why I dint trust or like zalensky. He is nothing but a war mongerer.

If he truly wanted to protect his people, fight the war in your borders.

Ultimately if he is either too stupid firing missiles into Russia. Ultimately the Russians will escalate to more serious choices of weapons. Thus destroying Ukraine.

Either Zelenskyy is a western sacrificial paw and he can’t realise that he is being used for an agenda.

Or has been given assurances he and his cohorts will be evacuated before the storm begins.

Then the countries who gave these weapons to use, wipe their hands clean.

Then leave it up to their military forces to fight Russia, the the crap show begins.

It’s the end.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 09:59 PM
For those who seem to have forgotten how we got here...

The CIA moved into Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, looking to take advantage of the lawless and destabilized country, using it as an offshore proxy, outside the scope of US oversight.

It began with the Nunn-Lugar Act in 1991, and then carried on into 2005, when then Senators Obama and Lugar visited Ukraine to inspect the former Soviet bio, chemical, and nuclear facilities and then added Ukraine to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and began turning these former Soviet facilities into “defensive research facilities”, which opened the door for US contractors to establish their foothold in Ukraine, and set up their money laundering and racketeering operations, under the guise of “foreign aid”.

Then the CIA funded Nazi militant groups in Ukraine which led to the outbreak of civil war in 2014 in the Donbas. Amidst the chaos, the US State Department, via Victoria Nuland, leveraged the situation to install US-loyal puppets, including the infamous leaked phone call between her and fellow State Department bureaucrat Geoffrey Pyatt, about ensuring “their guy” Yatsenuik, was installed as Prime Minister. The State Department, in tandem with the CIA, covertly took control of Ukraine via Color Revolution in 2014.

Putin recognized this. He knew that the US had destabilized and taken control of Ukraine, and recognized that the US were building a proxy army on his border, by funding, training, and supplying Ukraine with weapons, and trying to bring them into NATO. This was a red line for Putin, as he has said for decades. Russia have been invaded from the West too many times before, and will not tolerate a hostile standing army and long-range missiles on their border. Just like the US didn’t like it when Russia tried to put nukes in Cuba in the 60’s, Russia doesn’t like the US trying to bring armies and weapons to Ukraine.

Essentially, Ukraine is an unofficial US territory and NATO member, and the Deep State do not want to lose out on their cash cow and strategic asset that is Ukraine, hence why they continue to send hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to protect Ukraine’s border. They are using Ukraine as a laundry mat to funnel in hundreds of billions for the war machine, and also covering up their extreme criminality in Ukraine, including crimes against humanity for bioweapon development, human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. All the things they can’t get away with stateside, they do in Ukraine.

If the public knew the truth about the origins of US involvement in Ukraine, they would NEVER have supported sending a single penny to Ukraine. The narrative that Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 “unprovoked”, is war propaganda to make it appear Ukraine are the righteous defenders in order to garner your support, when in reality, The US started this conflict, they are the ones who brought war to Putin’s doorstep, and the US are the ones perpetuating the war by continuing to fund and supply Ukraine.

Putin does not want to conquer all of Europe, he just wants NATO off of his border, and justice for US development of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, namely, gene-specific biological weapons.

The Cold War never truly ended

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Putin does not want to conquer all of Europe, he just wants NATO off of his border, and justice for US development of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, namely, gene-specific biological weapons.

Who gives a f*ck about appeasing Putin NATO-wise? He deserves the threat of long range missiles pointed at him from Poland, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and everywhere NATO can place them.

The whole chemical/biological weapons thing is Kremlin propaganda anyway. And I'm getting tired of their BS dividing and conquering us (deliberately) specifically to grow support for Russia's buffer zone and increase Anti-NATO sentiment. Besides, most countries are spending 2% since 2022, even Denmark.

The United States has denied claims that it is funding biological weapons research in Ukraine. The US Department of Defense has worked with Ukraine's Ministry of Health since 2005 to improve the country's public health laboratories. The US has also funded programs to help transition former Soviet weapons facilities into peaceful public health facilities. The US has said that Ukraine has no nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons programs. The UN has also stated that it is not aware of any biological weapons programs in Ukraine.

Russia has accused the US and Ukraine of working with "pathogens of dangerous infections" in 30 laboratories across the country. Pathogens are microorganisms that can cause disease.

Why does it seem like this reclamation patriotism has a growing prerequisite to lick Putins ass and apply their propaganda to our political determinations - essentially converting us into an oblivious puppet state?

Anything Putin wants can be taken to hell with Nadya Tolokonnikova.
edit on 13-9-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Maybe some of us resent the Cia and our politicians setting up crap like this and making the country pay the price for their actions. With how deeply entwined this administration is with Zelenski from before the war even started, makes all of this questionable. Who even cared about the Ukraine before everyone went buggy over Trumps phone call? It gets even better when we re-examine our actions from the Obama administration. From selling them uranium, to now supporting a country against them. Their flippant attitude in 2012, "the cold war wants it policies back" and acting like they had a rapport with the Russians! So yeah, those of us with memories not suited for tik tok are questioning everything about this. It is well warranted.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

They are not pointing the missiles at Putin they are pointing the missiles at the likes of your mother father and siblings. It is all manipulation for profit of the chosen ones. The people who have done this do not live in the real world nor suffer the consequences of their actions. They will be in deep bunkers at the slightest danger, and leave you to cop the angst.

We as a collective would not have let it get this far if we had really given a crap for the system as it stands now. Perhaps we should have done or wise up fast. I see a whole culture committing suicide because they have run out of kicks .
edit on pm920249America/Chicago930013024 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Putin is bad.

Instigating nuclear war is worse.

I hope that's dumbed down enough for you.

And once again, please educate yourself instead of parroting regime talking points.

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Thanks, WIB! I appreciate the synopsis, though I'm pretty sure few others will.

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