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The Ukrainian sortie into Kursk was coordinated by British intelligence services

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posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: charlest2

I'll bet you know who I'm talking about.

I bet I know who you're supposed to be alluding to....but more pertinently do you? Because you do seem to be getting quite a bit wrong today.

I have lost interest by now.

Yet still you're posting?

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I thought you'd flounced off?

I wish I could. I don't sleep good anymore. Didn't sleep at all last night. Names and dates elude me. Everything of this nature is all distant memory for me now. I just breeze over headlines and don't commit much detail to memory anymore.

edit on 15-8-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:29 PM
The goal of the exercise isn’t physical.

It’s to demoralise Europe and kill as many plebs as possible. Depopulation in action.

I’m waiting for the countries supporting the Ukes to follow them into Russia and spring the trap.

The trap being the Ukraine switching sides at the peak of incursion and having foreign personnel stuck inside Russia surrounded by newly hostile Ukrainian military.

They will probably be paraded around until their corpses rot quietly in front if a 24/7 live streaming video camera.

It’s what I would do if I was secretly aligned with my adversary in a conflict designed to plunge the world into war 👍

It would make for a special military operation indeed.

a reply to: CriticalStinker

edit on 15-8-2024 by Dalamax because: Eta

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

I'm not Scottish, but oddly enough, I just had some fried Haggis.

Have some grits. And a cheeseburger. You may feel better? 😁

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: charlest2

On that I certainly sympathise.....getting old is #.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

"The trap being the Ukraine switching sides at the peak of incursion and having foreign personnel stuck inside Russia surrounded by newly hostile Ukrainian military."

Really?!!! 🥺 🤯

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Yes I am. I guess this topic has become old news that has been discussed to infinity and I don't see the need to pursue it any further. As I said, I don't see much need in bantering anymore. It's wasted time and effort by now.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

Yeah, that's not racist whatsoever.

And "blood sausage"??? LoL

I take it you mean "Black Pudding".

If you are going to be so crass with your silly stereotypes you may at least learn to use the correct words.

Haggis, i do like it, but it's a hit-and-miss affair for most, best from the butchers of choice.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: charlest2

To be fair....I feel like that sometimes.
Increasingly so as well.
As I said; getting old is #.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

"It’s what I would do if I was secretly aligned with my adversary in a conflict designed to plunge the world into war 👍"

Good job you are not, then.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

I concern myself with topics such as this less and less as time passes. I'm a tired old man that is ready to pass the worries of this world on to the younger generations who will be more affected by it than I am.

Even with the current turmoil going on here with our corrupted electoral fiasco. Our democratic republic has been stollen away from us. The nation I love is only a memory now.
edit on 15-8-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Dalamax

I'm not Scottish, but oddly enough, I just had some fried Haggis.

Have some grits. And a cheeseburger. You may feel better? 😁

Your as Scottish as I am American 😃 I just had some coffee that tasted like warm mud.

We call it a ‘downthesinkachino’ here in the colonies.

Might have a mango and hug a eucalypt to reinvigorate my tortured tastebuds.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Dalamax

"The trap being the Ukraine switching sides at the peak of incursion and having foreign personnel stuck inside Russia surrounded by newly hostile Ukrainian military."

Really?!!! 🥺 🤯

You heard it here first.

Clear the smoke and shatter the mirrors, it’s all WEF based props.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Dalamax

Yeah, that's not racist whatsoever.

And "blood sausage"??? LoL

I take it you mean "Black Pudding".

If you are going to be so crass with your silly stereotypes you may at least learn to use the correct words.

Haggis, i do like it, but it's a hit-and-miss affair for most, best from the butchers of choice.

Your national dish is racist? 😂 and it’s hardly stereotyping if you do in fact like haggis…

Correct use of English…. Ripe from a poster who regularly tortures the English language 👍 may at least learn to use the correct words 😂

Have a good day Andrew, I tips me lid to ya.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Dalamax

"It’s what I would do if I was secretly aligned with my adversary in a conflict designed to plunge the world into war 👍"

Good job you are not, then.

I agree.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: RussianTroll

"The matter has already reached the point of deporting American citizens who write the truth about the unrest in Britain against migrants."

Got a source for that?

Why not look at Posts on ATS ?

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

More like flips your lid methinks.

But as if i really care.

As long as you have learned nobody here calls "black pudding" "blood sausage" it's all good.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: Lazy88
Considering the Western mentality, tolerance and unwillingness and inability to defend their country

You realize that's projection? You're saying that at the exact time Russia can't defend their own country.

Russia will steamroll the West if you anger Russians.

Yes, and Vlad will ride in on a bear, hoisting a nuclear missile over his right shoulder. Or is it his left?

That's just vodka talking right there. That's some lunch you're having! Hope for everyone's sake you don't do anything important, for when you get back to work.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Dalamax

More like flips your lid methinks.

But as if i really care.

As long as you have learned nobody here calls "black pudding" "blood sausage" it's all good.

Why is it sausage shaped?
👍 good morning Andrew.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 10:00 PM
Conspiracy time.

The leaders of Ukraine have been led to believe they can win this war. The west is sending a lot of their weapons to Ukraine to fight Russia, weapons that the US and Europe are not able to replenish as of yet but have contracts in place to build new weapon factories to build up stores of weapons again. Then Iran who are adversaries of the west starts supplying Russia with drones and so do North Korea and China sends supplies to Moscow. Iran pushes Hamas to start a war with Israel, further drawing down American stocks of weapons.

All they need is a person in the Whitehouse that is not all there to go along with sending too much weapons to Ukraine, a leader that the Ukrainian leadership has some evidence of misdoings on him.

The Ukrainians to make things look good say lots of Russians are killed by their attacks, but in essence, the ones killed are not their experienced soldiers, they are the young guys off the streets of Russia, with short training.

Look at all of this, the US government has alienated our country from China and is making chips now, but the factories are not ready. We do not even mine our own titanium for aircraft, and China businesses are selling us contaminated titanium...not the government, big businesses who are getting it from other countries mines now.

Put all of this together and wonder, is this a conspiracy or a prediction based on what is happening.

Are we actually sure that what we are told is going on is actually going on, is that missile defense station really inoperatable?

The majority of the equipment lost in Ukraine by Russians is old equipment, not too much new equipment has been deployed yet. Getting rid of outdated weapons, production of weapons there since they never shut down factories is probably going full tilt. Has there actually been a better time for the wests adversaries to start a world War? Is this a conspiracy created by a bunch of things happening by chance, or is it a prediction of something happening shortly.

Are we one hundred percent sure that Zelinski is not aligned with Russia to weaken the west?

I said it is a conspiracy theory, I am just stating a bunch of things that seem coincidental.

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