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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

You failed to adequately address the fact that we know where the Noahs Ark story came from. It's Sumerian. The Hebrews ripped it off and adapted it to their culture. There was no Noah. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that flood stories in other cultures do not match up with the Noahs flood story. They are localized stories and myths, nothing more. If they had been from Noahs flood, the survivors would have told the same stories AND they all would be worshipping the same God of Noah, because He would have saved them from the flood. But they didn't. They all had their own pagan Gods. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that Noah and his sons wouldn't have the shipbuilding skills to build a boat half the size of the titanic. No one then did. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that Noah and his sons wouldn't have been able to gather the necessary lumber and other materials. Also that they never would have been able to finish the ark because sections would have rotted away before they finished. There wasn't enough time. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that there isn't enough water on or in Earth for the flood to have happened. And the "water" inside the earth that you point to is SOLID, not sweet water. Your hypothesis on how it became sweet water doesn't work. And you failed to adequately address where it all supposedly went. And no, draining 'back into the earth' doesn't work. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that there would have to have been over 8 million species of animal on the ark and tens of millions of species of insects. Your 'kinds' vs 'species' thing doesn't work. example - House cats don't turn into lions within 2,000 years to be eating Christians in Rome. The animals all simply wouldn't fit. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address how the animals got to the ark from around the world. How did Pandas walk that far, without food! How did penguins get all the way from Antarctica, again without food on land? The sloth from South America? etc etc. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that the animals would have needed a years supply of fresh food and fresh water. Where and how was this stored? What about the lions and tigers etc that need fresh meat? What about the Koala and it's eucalyptus? What about the Panda and it's bamboo? etc. What about the animals that eat termites and ants and insects? What about the animals that need fresh flowers like bees do? Your imaginary rooftop garden doesn't work. It would have been destroyed by the 40 days and nights of pounding flood rain. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on animal pee and poop. It would have taken 8 people 18 hours a day just working on clearing the pee and poop and even then they wouldn't get the job done. The disease would have overwhelmed them all rather quickly. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information provided showing animal diversity. There is NO WAY that the diversity of the worlds animals came from 5,000 'kinds' of animals in 2400BC. IT DOESN"T WORK THAT WAY. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information provided on human DNA diversity showing that humans did not all come from one man - Noah - 4400 years ago. DNA doesn't lie. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on EGYPT. That the culture and peoples flourished before, during, and after the alleged flood period. NO BREAK. They kept the same culture. They kept the same language. They kept the same pagan Gods. All things any offspring from Noah would not do. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on CHINA. That the culture and peoples flourished before, during, and after the alleged flood period. NO BREAK. They kept the same culture. They kept the same language. They kept the same pagan Gods. All things any offspring from Noah would not do. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on ICE SHELVES. That they still exist. They would have been destroyed by a world wide flood. AND their ice layers have been dated back 100,000 years, and there is no evidence of any world wide flood in any of the ice layers. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on trees that predate the alleged flood time. That there are trees alive older than when the flood was supposed to happen. They would all be dead if it had happened. And tree rings from that time from dead trees show no world wide flood. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to address AT ALL the information I provided on page 2 - 21 Reasons In ROCKS that Noahs Worldwide Flood Never Happened . This thread is about rocks and I gave 21 examples IN ROCKS why the flood never happened. You did not address any of it. Conclusion - there was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that, if the floods purpose was to punish people and destroy evil, IT FAILED IN IT"S PURPOSE. Sin immediately sprang up again. That makes God cruel for subjecting innocent animals to terror and horrible death by drowning. And that makes God stupid for not knowing his plan wouldn't work. The story is an insult to God. Conclusion - There was no flood.

Your position on this has been DESTROYED. Ground into the dirt.

COOPERTON ... you know you can still believe in God WITHOUT taking the Noahs Ark story as literal truth. It did not happen. It's okay to say that it didn't. God isn't going to get mad at you. It's simply the truth. The Old Testament stories are just stories that the uneducated peasants back in that time period made up to explain that which they couldn't explain.

Well said, and proves beyond a doubt that the Noah story is just a myth.

And to add, Cooperton a few pages back said Noah had nets to fish for crustateans and such. The floods needed to be 5.5 miles high+ to cover Everest. Imagine 8 people trying to lower a 5.5 mile rope with a nets on whilst managing a magical ship with millions of animals on, fish tanks and green houses?

edit on 22-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

All that's required is to imagine 8 people trying to control and maintain a wooden boat half the side of the Titanic.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: cooperton

So the entire 1.8 million cubic feet of the ark was dedicated to 5000 animal couples?

You do realise ships/arks are not empty inside.

Also, your 5000 animal couples number is sheer nonsense.

There are millions of different animal species on the planet and that was not any different 5000/6000 years ago.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Second double today, again my bad.

Santas bringing me a new mouse hopefully that should fix my doubles game.
edit on 22-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

ll that's required is to imagine 8 people trying to control and maintain a wooden boat half the side of the Titanic.

All that urine and dung sloshing about, they all would have had Leptospirosis from the rats, mice, cows, pigs and dogs which can be spread through soil or freshwater contaminated with infected urine.

Then there's Anthrax, cattle and sheep can die quickly from anthrax, but their carcasses may show no obvious signs of the disease.
But the length of the illness varies and some animals may have signs of illness for several days before death.

African Swine Flu is a highly contagious viral disease of pigs. In severe cases the disease generally results in a high number of deaths. Symptoms include high temperature, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Avian influenza from all those birds on board.

The list goes on and on...

edit on 22-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

Canny teach pork through Kurokage.

Those who choose to believe such nonsense.

Do so of their own volition and free will.

Even though they probably know deep down at some level that it's complete and utter tripe.

They are stuck and either unable or unwilling to actually think for themselves.

The same type of peeps that need Jesus to be white else the world crumbles around their ears if we are honest.
edit on 22-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
It would have been 8 million land animal species at the very least.
Plus tens of millions of bugs.
And no. 'kinds' doesn't work.

The bible was certainly not referring to the current taxonomic class of 'species' when it referred to 2 of each animal. As was already shown with wolves, and the various other wolves and dogs that it can become with various environmental cues, such is true with the other biological families.

2 house cats can't turn into lions by 2,000 years later to be eating Christians in Rome.
You are wrong.

2 of whatever cat-like creature cats came from can though. Look at the wild leopard cat, already smaller than some cat breeds

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
I'm not trying to convince anyone of any view on anthropology. I'm saying the Noah story was not possible as told.

People make stuff up.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Here is one to ponder, the Bible does not mention many a nation.

For instance New Zealand or Australia.

Or was even aware of the likes of entire continents like Antarctica or the Americas.

So how did all the animals who resided in those places manage to make their way to Noah's superyacht?

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: cooperton

3 double today, again sorry my bad.
edit on 22-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: cooperton

My question is what about dinosaurs? According to YOU, dinosaurs and men walked the Earth together. Was Noah responsible for their extinction because he didn't pick them up?

These stories get to a point of ridiculousness that even a 10 year old could successfully challenge.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
You have to convince us why we should throw out the near-totality of human knowledge on biology and geology because it happens to contradict what is said in a Millenia-old collection of poorly written and questionably translated desert scribblings.

Plus a load of other stuff down the line because anything the bible cares to speak about it gets absurdly wrong. Even the alleged history of the tribe that supposedly is the focus of part one. A poor showing for something claimed to be inspired by God himself. You'd think having created the universe, earth and everything contained within he'd have a better understanding of them.

Here is where I say a true fact that irritates both sides and makes few friends for me.
But truth is truth.
The old Testament is mostly about the history of the lawgiver storm God moloch a.k.a, Zeus, ak.a. yahweh, a.k.a. Satan.
The 2 testaments are just like parables.
A good and a bad example.
The law does not save, it kills.
Nobody was ever saved through the law.

The letter of the law kills.
Only the Spirit can give life.
The old testament is the story of Satan's reign over mankind.
The New Testament is the story of the one who paid the price for the law in full and provided life through the spirit.
He conquered death and fulfilled all of the law that we may live.
The whole of the law is in these two.
Love the Father with all your heart,soul,strength and mind.
The second is like the other.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Forgiveness is the mandate.
Unless you forgive others for their trespasses against you, you will not be forgiven of your trespasses against Him.

The 2 testaments are separate and the 2nd is the manifold wisdom of the other.
Just like a parable.
edit on 22-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
That just make it even more difficult to be true. 3X the food water and waste, when 1x was already impossible for 8 people.


No, it just means you have more hoops to jump through in order to confuse yourself by adding them.
Trey Smith answered it for you in the documentary.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:45 AM
La reply to: FarmerSimulation

Well that’s a very gnostic line of thought.

Presumably however the flood and the ark story is not to be taken as parable given your rather rigorous defence of it being an actual thing that happened, which can be proven through science no less! (Though it has yet to be done in this thread at least)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:48 AM
I was talking about the group that brought horses and agriculture to these people's that caused civilization to erupt.cro mignon and Neanderthal rh- people.
Start at the 5:00 minute mark

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
The blonde and red haired, blue eyed sons of Noah that civilized Egypt and most of the Mediterranean, Africa, India.

DNA from the people living in those areas says you are wrong. They are not blonde, red haired, blue eyed and never were.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: cooperton
[5000 regular land animals would each have more than 300 square feet of room.

It would have been 8 million land animal species at the very least.
Plus tens of millions of bugs.
And no. 'kinds' doesn't work.
2 house cats can't turn into lions by 2,000 years later to be eating Christians in Rome.
You are wrong.

6 of each kind.
Plenty of room for diversity in species from that.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
Anthropology. DNA hapligroups

DNA Hapligroups proves that there was no Noahs Ark with 8 people on board - and the everyone is related to Noah and his wife - from 2400 BC. If you want to start talking Hapigroups then your position is dead in the water.

Noahs wife, Naamah was from Cains lineage.
We can postulate on Noahs sons wives.
Naamah was Noahs 2nd, maybe 3rd wife.
Plenty of diversity allowed in this.
Not all of Noahs sons had the same mother.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
No, it means I don't put stock in that story. Nothing more, nothing less.

Trey Smith may have answered it for you in the documentary, which I just took a quick look at. It is the same bunk being peddled here. You already buy into it, which is why it was easy to feel like they had figured it out.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:59 AM
It was built to float, not tip over and sink.
No need for steering.
Watch the documentary for curing this ignorance.
You are trying to make a god in your own image.

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Kurokage

All that's required is to imagine 8 people trying to control and maintain a wooden boat half the side of the Titanic.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

You failed to adequately address the fact that we know where the Noahs Ark story came from. It's Sumerian. The Hebrews ripped it off and adapted it to their culture.

You have to explain how the Incans dates the flood to the same time period as them. I don't know why you think our ancestors were so dumb, and just constantly lying lol.

You failed to adequately address the fact that flood stories in other cultures do not match.

This shows it is not a mere copy and paste job, the differences show the oral re-telling or record of this event was not just stolen from Sumer. Thereby disproving your prior point

They are localized stories and myths

That is your opinion, that is the opposite of what our ancestral record says. You can choose not to believe what they say, but that does not mean it is a myth.

If they had been from Noahs flood, the survivors would have told the same stories AND they all would be worshipping the same God of Noah

You realize Judaism wasn't even a thing yet during Noah's time? Also, given the inclination for many off-shoots of populations to ignore the Most High God for their own contrivances would also explain the deviation from the Most High God.

The Hawaiian flood account even refers to the survivor as "Nu-u".

They all had their own pagan Gods. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that Noah and his sons wouldn't have the shipbuilding skills to build a boat

They were living to almost 1000 years old, and had immense knowledge given to them by the Nephilim / Anunaki / Titans, they were not rock-eating cavemen like our archaeologists say. These were the Old Dynasty pyramid builders, they were capable of things that would blow your mind if most of it didn't get wiped away w/the flood

Noah and his sons wouldn't have been able to gather the necessary lumber

Manila Galleon's require about 200 trees, and are about 200,000 cubic feet. to get to 1.8 million cubic ft, multiply both those numbers by 9x, so it would only take about 1800 trees.

Also that they never would have been able to finish the ark because sections would have rotted away before they finished. There wasn't enough time. Conclusion - There was no flood.

Trees back then were old-growth, and had plenty of resin to prevent it from weathering. Look at cedars long ago compared to now. You can literally chew through pine lumber from home depot. It was not the same long ago, trees were healthier and stronger, and their wood was more weather-resistant.

You failed to adequately address the fact that there isn't enough water on or in Earth for the flood to have happened. And the "water" inside the earth that you point to is SOLID, not sweet water.

At the temperature and pressure exhibited that close to the core, water would actually be in a superfluid state, meaning that it permeates through the layer like a gas while still maintaining it's liquid qualities.

And you failed to adequately address where it all supposedly went. And no, draining 'back into the earth' doesn't work.

Why would it not return to where it was? Whatever geophysical mechanism was used to elicit the flood, when returned to normal, would have allowed the water back below the surface. Water does have a tendency to want to go down lol.

You failed to adequately address how the animals got to the ark from around the world. How did Pandas walk that far, without food!

You know animals migrate all the time right? And they can get food along the way.

How did penguins get all the way from Antarctica, again without food on land? The sloth from South America? etc etc. Conclusion - There was no flood.

The pre-flood geography likely would have been entirely different. There's even evidence in the days of Peleg when "the land divided" after the flood that may have turned a supercontinent into various continents

You failed to adequately address the fact that the animals would have needed a years supply of fresh food and fresh water.

The food they would have been eating would have been the perfect ratios of water (fish, plants, seeds, etc). You only really need to drink water if you're eating cooked foods, because that dehydrates the meal. Otherwise there is plenty of water in raw food. You know how easy it would be to fish with a massive net on such a big ark?

Where and how was this stored?

Likely some sort of natural preservation method. Believe it or not there's natural ways to preserve food, and again, they were not morons. But regardless, they would have fresh fish and other aquatic life to eat.

What about the lions and tigers etc that need fresh meat?

There's plenty of fish in the sea.

What about the Koala and it's eucalyptus?

You just need to do a basic google search to realize they don't have to eat just one food:

Koalas consume eucalyptus leaves, but they also eat a far larger range of foods, including:
The leaves of camphor laurel, macadamia, and olive trees

What about the Panda and it's bamboo?

We've already been over this. Pandas eat more than just bamboo, they just so happen to prefer bamboo

What about the animals that need fresh flowers like bees do?

Remember how they would have had a planted garden on the deck of the dark? Plenty of flowers.

Your imaginary rooftop garden doesn't work. It would have been destroyed by the 40 days and nights of pounding flood rain.

What? No way lol. They likely built overflow releases into the deck so the deck wouldn't flood. Not to mention all the windows of the ark would allow sunlight in as well

You failed to adequately address the information on animal pee and poop.

Oh you mean what did they do with the natural plant fertilizer? Probably put it on the plants, and then dumped the leftover into the ocean.

It would have taken 8 people 18 hours a day just working on clearing the pee and poop and even then they wouldn't get the job done.

This is you assuming they took every "species" on the boat, all the various types of wolves, and so on, but if the number was only about 5000 animals, the number of known land animal families, and on average each animal poops about 1lb per
day, 5000 lbs of manure is not a difficult task. I have moved more than that weight in gravel in one day by my self.

You failed to adequately address the information provided showing animal diversity. There is NO WAY that the diversity of the worlds animals came from 5,000 'kinds' of animals in 2400BC. IT DOESN"T WORK THAT WAY. Conclusion - There was no flood.

Bro leave the pugs alone, it's ancestor is a wolf. It's the same with the bears, the giraffes, the elephants, the ostriches, the penguins, etc. Different climates after the flood would allow these organisms to emerge unique qualities that did not emerge in the other regions, just like we see with humans, dogs, and felines.
edit on 22-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

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