posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to:
You post as a person who's willing to talk and discuss, making you rare amongst ATS' recent influx of religious nut jobs, AI bots, and spammers.
ATS is becoming a place where American bible bashers are shoving scripture down peoples throats as though it's a known fact, and wishing for the End
of Days. They've got a rude awaking coming if the 'End Is Nigh'.
The Bible was a mixture of oral and old testament before the Cathloics hacked it up into what we know today, and was purely a dieing Roman ploy to
hang onto power and control of its people and offer stability, the Romans had always taken other Gods into their pantheon, Christianity was no
different. The pagan Roman belief of men becoming gods was dieing and was replaced by a man becoming God. Who would have thought it??