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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Species is not the same as 'kind' in the Bible. There's probably only about 5000 different kinds of animals, not including insects. All the different species of wolves would just be wolf-kind

Okay we won't include insects. I feel bad for the ones that can't weather the storm though.

And as far as animals go, you're a creationist, therefore you deny evolutionary branches and subspecies split from each-other. You have to assert every individual subspecies was created as is. And always existed as created by your God. If they've been identified as different today they existed then. You can't go back on that.

Therefore there are:

85,000 molluscs, and 65,000 vertebrates. And you know, I won't even hold you to the clams, snails, and barnacles. Screw the invertebrates entirely. Just own to the vertebrates.

So now, over 65,000 vertebrate species. They are different. Enough to have their own classification. And once again, SINCE YOU DENY EVOLUTION THEY MUST HAVE ALWAYS EXISTED AS THEY DO TODAY.

You can't change it now to fit it on your boat. You arbitrarily reduced the number of animals to fit the narrative. Can't do that! Bad creationist!

Still, 5,000 animals at your low end estimate on a boat? Including African Elephants? And all 5000 species (you claim) on a boat with 17% the interior volume of The RMS Titanic?

How you gonna pull that off?

All 5000. On that boat?

Not good enough. Try again.

Until then, Just ignore the reality of your rhetorical position like you do the squid, which has been graciously excluded from the mandatory protected species list.

edit on 21-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
I don't mean to be a broken record, but I haven't gotten an answer on the boat logistics, kinda invalidates everything else if you're trying to move a city with a radio flyer wagon.

So before we rape earth science anymore, let's clear up the very fundamental problems facing this narrative. If you want to say it's truth, start at cubit one.

Ark is biblically stated to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.

Noahs Ark dimensions = 450 ft long, 75 ft wide, and 45 ft high or 1,518,750 cubic feet of volume.

Titanic dimensions = 883 ft long, 93 ft wide, and 104 ft tall (175 with funnels) or 8,540,376 cubic feet of volume.


How do you put all that on a boat with LESS THAN ⅕ (17%) THE AREA BY VOLUME of Titanic?

There are two boats at our cruise ship terminal right now bigger than Noah's Ark. And they only fit a few thousand fat people.

Was it a magical boat with the spacial rules of The TARDIS? It has to be a really magical boat, because 1.2 million (identified species, with 8.7 million estimated) and 420,000 species of plant is not fitting on something literally smaller than James Cameron's 3/4 Scale Titanic replica.

The video by Trey Smith answers every one of those questions.
It is really well produced and very entertaining even if you do not agree.
It does take some getting used to with Trey Smiths style but I actually learned to enjoy it.
He addresses all the logistics of housing, managing animals and engineering.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Right just like blue eyed jesus, although he looks middle eastern to middle easterners and black to ethiopians.

They conquered but never really bred. Also Noah only had three sons. Did the third look asian, middle eastern, indian, native american and black to have his seed populate everyone else on the planet that didn't organize civilization?

GTFO with that BS.

edit on 21-12-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Right just like blue eyed jesus, although he looks middle eastern to middle easterners and black to ethiopians.

They conquered but never really bred. Also Noah only had three sons. Did the third look asian, middle eastern, indian, native american and black to have his seed populate everyone else on the planet that didn't organize civilization?

GTFO with that BS.

You think humans adapting to various climates is "BS" but then you assume that all organisms evolve from an ancestral microbe.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher

But the mud would be too salty to grow anything salt does not evaporate nothing would have grown .

Maybe at lower elevations near where the ocean once resided. Regardless, rainfall cleans the soil of the salt relatively quickly. It's not like salt is insoluble and permanent, it is soluble and will be washed into deeper layers.

Not to mention some plants thrive in saline soil, so they would probably have been the first to sprout at the lower elevations where salt was more concentrated in the waters

In a valley just a ways from death valley a farm that attempted to grow alfalfa ended up growing some of the highest quality hay in the country.
Elaine Ingaham came and investigated what was up as the ph was 1113.
But at the rizosphere it was 7.8 ph.
The microbes and bacteria are capable of making huge adjustments and ph of the water like rain is way more important than the soil which can be corrected.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: cooperton
You think humans adapting to various climates is "BS" but then you assume that all organisms evolve from an ancestral microbe.

Farmer didn't say it was adaptation, they said said Noah already had 2 blue eyed blonde and ginger sons.

Take it up with them.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:13 PM
I keep telling you.
The bible says 6 of each kind.
Which also helps with species development and 2 sets of spares for if something died before it could breed

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: cooperton

Good thing theyre so small it wouldn't really take up much space at all.

Your recognising the limitation through not all animals are so small.

Logistically cooperton its just not tenable or in any way viable to store two of every animal on Earth on a wooden boat about 450ft long or thereabouts.

Also how would they have got there considering the majority would have had to cross continents and oceans to reach Noahs Ark in the first place?

It's sheer madness cooperton you must recognise that fact?

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
That just make it even more difficult to be true. 3X the food water and waste, when 1x was already impossible for 8 people.


posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
aSpecies is not the same as 'kind' in the Bible. There's probably only about 5000 different kinds of animals, not including insects. All the different species of wolves would just be wolf-kind

And as far as animals go, you're a creationist, therefore you deny evolutionary branches and subspecies split from each-other. You have to assert every individual subspecies was created as is.

No I believe they can adapt to a certain extent, giving rise to the variety of domesticated dogs for example, or the variety of wild wolves that are all wolves, including the dogs, just a different phenotypic breed.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Right just like blue eyed jesus, although he looks middle eastern to middle easterners and black to ethiopians.

They conquered but never really bred. Also Noah only had three sons. Did the third look asian, middle eastern, indian, native american and black to have his seed populate everyone else on the planet that didn't organize civilization?

GTFO with that BS.

There are no pictures or renderings of what Yashua looked like.
That is on purpose.
But if the shroud of Turin is to play a part, it is ab-

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
There are no pictures or renderings of what Yashua looked like.

There are no pictures of the others on your list either, that is why people can render them however they want.

There certainly ain't no pictures or renderings of those 2 blue eyed blonde and ginger sons Noah had, so where did you pull that BS out of?

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Right just like blue eyed jesus, although he looks middle eastern to middle easterners and black to ethiopians.

They conquered but never really bred. Also Noah only had three sons. Did the third look asian, middle eastern, indian, native american and black to have his seed populate everyone else on the planet that didn't organize civilization?

GTFO with that BS.

Anthropology. DNA hapligroups
Cromagnon and Neanderthal.
Caucasian from Noahs 3 sons.
I am tired from a long day.
So no synopsis from this video.
Pick it up at 5:00 minute mark and tell me what you want to discuss.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
That just make it even more difficult to be true. 3X the food water and waste, when 1x was already impossible for 8 people.


For you maybe, sure.

Trey Smith covers it for you in his documentary.
Nothing I can say will convince from needing more info only to have me refer you back to the same documentary.
I am not going to convince you.
He might.
You are certainly not going to convince me of your views of Anthropology.
You do not even try.

Anyway, I am tired.

The DNA hapligroups do not and cannot lie.
Pick it up at the 5:00 minute mark.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 03:06 AM
You have to convince us why we should throw out the near-totality of human knowledge on biology and geology because it happens to contradict what is said in a Millenia-old collection of poorly written and questionably translated desert scribblings.

Plus a load of other stuff down the line because anything the bible cares to speak about it gets absurdly wrong. Even the alleged history of the tribe that supposedly is the focus of part one. A poor showing for something claimed to be inspired by God himself. You'd think having created the universe, earth and everything contained within he'd have a better understanding of them.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
The blonde and red haired, blue eyed sons of Noah that civilized Egypt and most of the Mediterranean, Africa, India.

DNA from the people living in those areas says you are wrong. They are not blonde, red haired, blue eyed and never were.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
[5000 regular land animals would each have more than 300 square feet of room.

It would have been 8 million land animal species at the very least.
Plus tens of millions of bugs.
And no. 'kinds' doesn't work.
2 house cats can't turn into lions by 2,000 years later to be eating Christians in Rome.
You are wrong.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
Anthropology. DNA hapligroups

DNA Hapligroups proves that there was no Noahs Ark with 8 people on board - and the everyone is related to Noah and his wife - from 2400 BC. If you want to start talking Hapigroups then your position is dead in the water.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 04:38 AM

You failed to adequately address the fact that we know where the Noahs Ark story came from. It's Sumerian. The Hebrews ripped it off and adapted it to their culture. There was no Noah. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that flood stories in other cultures do not match up with the Noahs flood story. They are localized stories and myths, nothing more. If they had been from Noahs flood, the survivors would have told the same stories AND they all would be worshipping the same God of Noah, because He would have saved them from the flood. But they didn't. They all had their own pagan Gods. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that Noah and his sons wouldn't have the shipbuilding skills to build a boat half the size of the titanic. No one then did. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that Noah and his sons wouldn't have been able to gather the necessary lumber and other materials. Also that they never would have been able to finish the ark because sections would have rotted away before they finished. There wasn't enough time. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that there isn't enough water on or in Earth for the flood to have happened. And the "water" inside the earth that you point to is SOLID, not sweet water. Your hypothesis on how it became sweet water doesn't work. And you failed to adequately address where it all supposedly went. And no, draining 'back into the earth' doesn't work. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that there would have to have been over 8 million species of animal on the ark and tens of millions of species of insects. Your 'kinds' vs 'species' thing doesn't work. example - House cats don't turn into lions within 2,000 years to be eating Christians in Rome. The animals all simply wouldn't fit. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address how the animals got to the ark from around the world. How did Pandas walk that far, without food! How did penguins get all the way from Antarctica, again without food on land? The sloth from South America? etc etc. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that the animals would have needed a years supply of fresh food and fresh water. Where and how was this stored? What about the lions and tigers etc that need fresh meat? What about the Koala and it's eucalyptus? What about the Panda and it's bamboo? etc. What about the animals that eat termites and ants and insects? What about the animals that need fresh flowers like bees do? Your imaginary rooftop garden doesn't work. It would have been destroyed by the 40 days and nights of pounding flood rain. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on animal pee and poop. It would have taken 8 people 18 hours a day just working on clearing the pee and poop and even then they wouldn't get the job done. The disease would have overwhelmed them all rather quickly. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information provided showing animal diversity. There is NO WAY that the diversity of the worlds animals came from 5,000 'kinds' of animals in 2400BC. IT DOESN"T WORK THAT WAY. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information provided on human DNA diversity showing that humans did not all come from one man - Noah - 4400 years ago. DNA doesn't lie. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on EGYPT. That the culture and peoples flourished before, during, and after the alleged flood period. NO BREAK. They kept the same culture. They kept the same language. They kept the same pagan Gods. All things any offspring from Noah would not do. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on CHINA. That the culture and peoples flourished before, during, and after the alleged flood period. NO BREAK. They kept the same culture. They kept the same language. They kept the same pagan Gods. All things any offspring from Noah would not do. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on ICE SHELVES. That they still exist. They would have been destroyed by a world wide flood. AND their ice layers have been dated back 100,000 years, and there is no evidence of any world wide flood in any of the ice layers. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the information on trees that predate the alleged flood time. That there are trees alive older than when the flood was supposed to happen. They would all be dead if it had happened. And tree rings from that time from dead trees show no world wide flood. Conclusion - There was no flood.

You failed to address AT ALL the information I provided on page 2 - 21 Reasons In ROCKS that Noahs Worldwide Flood Never Happened . This thread is about rocks and I gave 21 examples IN ROCKS why the flood never happened. You did not address any of it. Conclusion - there was no flood.

You failed to adequately address the fact that, if the floods purpose was to punish people and destroy evil, IT FAILED IN IT"S PURPOSE. Sin immediately sprang up again. That makes God cruel for subjecting innocent animals to terror and horrible death by drowning. And that makes God stupid for not knowing his plan wouldn't work. The story is an insult to God. Conclusion - There was no flood.

Your position on this has been DESTROYED. Ground into the dirt.

COOPERTON ... you know you can still believe in God WITHOUT taking the Noahs Ark story as literal truth. It did not happen. It's okay to say that it didn't. God isn't going to get mad at you. It's simply the truth. The Old Testament stories are just stories that the uneducated peasants back in that time period made up to explain that which they couldn't explain.
edit on 12/22/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

And, i keep telling you.

Your book is full of mince and tatties.

A product of man with all his fear and fallibilities laid bare.

Full of beautiful stories and laced with control constructs and lies.

If you are actually willing to entertain the fable of Noah's Ark in any sort of literal sense.

Then you should probably take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and consider getting an education.

That should hopefully dispel such nonsense and misplaced believe, because that crap, simply does not fly or add up.

edit on 22-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

The shroud of Turin eh?

Made from cloth from the ""Middle Ages"" which has been radiocarbon dated specifically to between 1260 and 1390.

As to what "Yahshua" looked like, would that not be a big burning bush?

If you like magic tablecloths, ive got a lamp that when you rub, grants wishes.

£5000 and it's yours.

edit on 22-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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