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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: cooperton

I believe it's a 4D hypersphere... that's another topic that I'm waiting on a few results before I share.

That's way beyond my ken!

I was sure you had posted your support of the Flat Earth Theory before in other threads?

If I am wrong I sincerely apologise.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: purplemer

Younger Dryas period is the great flood.. Scientifically proven objective event. This is backed up with ancestral memory the world over.. The only thing out is your ability to calibrate cultures against this event..

Exactly. If more people knew that a lot of dates are just arbitrarily assigned, then it opens the door for a more complete understanding of history.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:38 AM
Her's some actual science and not pesdo-science

Glacial sediments, landforms, paleosols, and a 20,000-year-old forest bed 23

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Then, right around the date where the Hebrew, Incan, and Sumerian scripts say the global flood happened, the old dynasty ends and there's the first intermediate period, known as the "dark period" of Egyptian history.

Dont hold back.. Massive story spans the globe,,

oday, we are aware that flood myths are found not only in Near Eastern societies, but also in many other ancient civilizations throughout the world. Accounts of a great deluge are seen in ancient Sumerian tablets, the Deucalion in Greek mythology, the lore of the K’iche’ and Maya peoples in Mesoamerica, the Gun-Yu myth of China, the stories of the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa tribe of North America, and the stories of the Muisca people, to name but a few. One of the oldest and most interesting accounts originates in Hindu mythology, and while there are discrepancies, it does bear fascinating similarity to the story of Noah and his ark.

The Hindu flood myth is found in several different sources. The earliest account is said to have been written in the Vedic Satapatha Brahmana, whilst later accounts can be found in the Puranas, including the Bhagavata Purana and the Matsya Purana, as well as in the Mahabharata. Regardless, all these accounts agree that the main character of the flood story is a man named Manu Vaivasvata. Like Noah, Manu is described as a virtuous individual. The Satapatha Brahmana, for instance, has this to say about Manu: “There lived in ancient time a holy man / Called Manu, who, by penances and prayers, / Had won the favour of the lord of heaven.”

Manu was said to have three sons before the flood – Charma, Sharma, and Yapeti, while Noah also had three sons – Ham, Shem, and Japheth.

Amazing stuff eh

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn

That's way beyond my ken!

I was sure you had posted your support of the Flat Earth Theory before in other threads?

If I am wrong I sincerely apologise.

I was definitely in discussions about it, I like to assess evidence in its purest form and see where that goes. In short I believe the spherical nature of the earth is due to the curvature of spacetime

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Um ... no. There is no break in Egyptian history. Before, during and after the alleged flood period Egypt flourished.

What you are claiming is that Noahs offspring immigrated to a wiped out Egypt and all instantly took up Egyptian culture, Egyptian Language, and Egyptian GODS .... totally abandoning the God that had saved them in the flood. MAKES NO SENSE.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Im afraid the Earth is shaped like an oblate spheroid and exists in 3 dimensions just like ourselves.

A hypersphere is a mathematical concept that describes a higher-dimensional analog of a sphere.

In the case of a hypersphere, it would exist in more than 3 dimensions.

When we observe the horizon from any point on Earth, it appears to be a flat line.

Which is consistent with the Earth being a roughly spherical object, a hypersphere would not exhibit a consistently flat horizon.

Then there is the gravity on Earth which behaves as if it is centered around a massive roughly spherical object.

If the Earth were a hypersphere, gravity would behave differently, pulling objects toward the center in a manner inconsistent with our observations.

Circumnavigation also seems to raise some interesting problems, people can and have circumnavigated the planet by traveling in one direction and eventually returning to their starting point.

This is possible on a sphere but would be impossible on a hypersphere, at least not in a linear manner.
edit on 21-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: cooperton

exactly. Especially if literacy rates were as low as historians estimate, then all the more reason that the scribes were not simply writing fairy tales.

I see you missed out the first written story...

It was the suMMerian text which included a flood myth which predates Noahs little rip off.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Kurokage 23

What is this random paper meant to prove.. i am bewildered.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

t was the suMMerian text which included a flood myth which predates Noahs little rip off.

Did the vedics rip it off too...

The Hindu flood myth is found in several different sources. The earliest account is said to have been written in the Vedic Satapatha Brahmana, whilst later accounts can be found in the Puranas, including the Bhagavata Purana and the Matsya Purana, as well as in the Mahabharata. Regardless, all these accounts agree that the main character of the flood story is a man named Manu Vaivasvata. Like Noah, Manu is described as a virtuous individual. The Satapatha Brahmana, for instance, has this to say about Manu: “There lived in ancient time a holy man / Called Manu, who, by penances and prayers, / Had won the favour of the lord of heaven.” Manu was said to have three sons before the flood – Charma, Sharma, and Yapeti, while Noah also had three sons – Ham, Shem, and Japheth.

Happy to move on to others cultures too.. Face it. you have been laarped pretty hard.. Someone wants to control your narrative... shake and wake to get the cheese..

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
Younger Dryas period is the great flood.. .

That took 290 years and was about 14,000 years ago. Noahs Flood was supposedly 4,400 years ago and lasted only a year. The Dryas did not cover the entire earth killing everything and everyone. Noahs Flood supposedly did. These are two different things.

edit on 12/21/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Kurokage 23

What is this random paper meant to prove.. i am bewildered.

Well the fact that its a 20,000 year old forest. By Coopertons argument, this can't exist because it's older than 4000 years and wasn't washed away and turned into oil a few thousand years ago during this great flood.....

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

I understand now..ty

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:47 AM
Attention cooperton .... you failed to adequately address the Egypt information and the China information. Address the Panda Bears.


Panda bears live in China. They only eat bamboo.
How did Pandas walk all the way from China to the Middle East?
It would have taken years and years and years.
And there is no bamboo on the way. None.
And what did they eat when they got to the Middle East? There is no bamboo there.
And how did Noah get a years worth of bamboo to store for the Pandas on the Ark?
How did he get it to stay fresh for a year on the ark?
When the flood receded, and the pandas got off the ark, what did they eat?
There is no bamboo in the Middle East.
And for that matter, ALL PLANTS would be dead from the flood.
And how did they walk from the Middle East all the way back to China?
That would have taken years and years and years.
And there is no bamboo on the way.
And when they got back to China, what did they eat?
The bamboo would all be dead from the flood. Roots and seeds and plants all dead.

Well ..... ?????

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
That took hundreds of years and was 290 years and was about 14,000 years ago. Noahs Flood was supposedly 4,400 years ago and lasted only a year. The Dryas did not cover the entire earth killing everything and everyone. Noahs Flood supposedly did. These are two different things.

But if you match this cataclysm with the egyptian dark period, the Hebrew flood, the Sumerian flood, and the Incan flood, then you realize the younger dryas cataclysm was actually just the global flood.

Like you don't find it alarming that the Egyptian dark period occurs right when this flood was alleged to have happened?

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Wow Andy....I think I sort of understood that, a little bit.

I now need the opportunity to make people think I'm a geek by dropping it in casual conversation some time. 🤣🤣

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Happy to move on to others cultures too.. Face it. you have been laarped pretty hard.. Someone wants to control your narrative... shake and wake to get the cheese..

Really? So lets all forget about the local flooding that happened during the neolithic age. and not some magical world wide flood with appearing and disappearing water??

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
Cool story. I can't remember anything worth noting that you've said.

Doesn't change the fact that you have tried to claim it isn't a religious thing going on with you, but obviously it is.

To the point that all humans coming from one family 4000 years ago can look different but not evolved, or the fact that the stories of floods around the world are tens or even hundreds of years apart.

Guess all that just slides off of your armour of god.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
But if you match this cataclysm with the egyptian dark period, the Hebrew flood, the Sumerian flood, and the Incan flood, then you realize the younger dryas cataclysm was actually just the global flood.

Like you don't find it alarming that the Egyptian dark period occurs right when this flood was alleged to have happened?

- There is no break in Egyptian history or culture. None. It is all accounted for during the 2400BC time period. Before it and after it as well.

- The younger dryas was 12000 BC. NOT 2400BC. Two different time periods.

And as for the supposed 'dark period'. No it's not 400 years and it's not a 'black out'. History is accounted for during that time. And that time period is NOT during the Noahs Ark time period.

The First Intermediate Period, described as a 'dark period' in ancient Egyptian history, spanned approximately 125 years, c. 2181–2055 BC, after the end of the Old Kingdom.
edit on 12/21/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: cooperton

the Hebrew flood, the Sumerian flood

Stop altering the facts about when these myths were written to support your belief in a great flood

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