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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: FlyersFan

Noah and his three sons to do something that big all by themselves. It would have taken so long that whole sections of the ship would have rotted away before they could get to the next parts.

Naw God would have treated the timber with angel juice surely?

And 500-year-old raging alcoholic makes good?

Nah, it was dribble from God watching all the mother humping Noah's sons were doing!

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: WaESN

Well at the very least a display of a somewhat massive inferiority complex.

And like you suggest, at worst, mass genocide the likes of which the world has yet to witness.

Guess God was just taking his baw and going up the road in a cream puff.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
You're just another blind believer.

No. That would be YOU. Blindly thinking that the Noahs Ark story is to be taken literally when in fact it was just a myth from a foreign country that the Hebrews stole and adapted to their own culture. That has been proven. I already gave the irrefutable paper trail on it.

As I already said ... because of personal experience I believe in God, that doesn't mean I have to turn my brain off and believe in a literal Noahs Ark story.

NO CHRISTIAN should believe Noahs Ark actually happened. It makes God out to be a monster who would subject all of humanity and all of the animal kingdom to terror and a horrible death by drowning. It also makes God out to be an idiot, because the purpose of the flood was to destroy evil, and yet evil popped right back up again. So Gods plan failed and he didn't foresee the failure.

NO CHRISTIAN should think Noahs Ark story is true. It insults God.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Kurokage

You're stooping very low now, picking apart someones spelling?

Come on! They literally said the archeology was solid. How do you know the archaeology is solid if you haven't been studying it long enough to know how to spell it?

And yet here you are telling us enough magic water come out of Gods arse to flood the world higher than Everest, and then magically disappear...

No the water is in the mantle, there's likely even more that hasn't been detected yet. If it was able to come out it would have no problem going back in.

It is solid, it's just you who choses to believe a made up book over real science and then expect people to post research papers ad nausium. Whats's your proof? "Oh God said so"

No the water is in the mantle, there's likely even more that hasn't been detected yet. If it was able to come out it would have no problem going back in.

And again you're back that crap, when you've been proven wrong and proven you don't understand the science. The water isn't magically floating around. It's part of the actually rock structure.
edit on 21-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

Emperor Yao
2356 – 2255 BCE are the accepted dates for him.

During Emperor Yao's reign it is recorded that there were great floods. The rivers overflowed and there was great destruction. But they survived and the culture went on.

Yeah his dynasty started right after the global flood waters subsided. The Hebrews and Sumerians say the global flood was in the 24th century BC, so this matches their account.

Then came the Xia Dynasty 2100–1600 B.C.E
PLENTY of Chinese people around to create a dynasty and a whole people to rule over.

We've been over this before, it would take merely 7 generations to reach 1 million people given 10 kids per generation. Plenty of people to have a dynasty.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

Stuff splishing and sploshing around in that stuff, is that not how Mary got pregnant?

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
They literally said the archeology was solid. How do you know the archaeology is solid if you haven't been studying it long enough to know how to spell it?

Like I said ... grow up. Typos happen. I"m typing fast over keys and fingers don't always connect fully with them.

That doesn't change the IRREFUTABLE FACTS I presented. Facts you are failing to address. Egypt and China ... both had vibrant and growing cultures before, during, and after 2400 BC when Noahs flood was supposed to have happened. No break in culture. No wipe out. No immigration into the area and new culture emerging. Nope. Same old cultures, same old populations .. just growing and thriving even more.

Explain that. Go ahead. We'll wait. ......

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
No. That would be YOU. Blindly thinking that the Noahs Ark story is to be taken literally when in fact it was just a myth from a foreign country that the Hebrews stole and adapted to their own culture.

If it is mere diffusion of myth then why do the Incans have a comparative global flood story too?

NO CHRISTIAN should believe Noahs Ark actually happened. It makes God out to be a monster who would subject all of humanity and all of the animal kingdom to terror and a horrible death by drowning. It also makes God out to be an idiot, because the purpose of the flood was to destroy evil, and yet evil popped right back up again. So Gods plan failed and he didn't foresee the failure.

The Nephilim had taken over the world and subjugated humankind. The wickedness of the people was irrevocable. It was said among most flood accounts that this depravity was known to be the cause for the earth to have to cleanse itself. When a malignant tumor arises, it is best to remove it before it destroys the whole organism.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

That doesn't change the IRREFUTABLE FACTS I presented. Facts you are failing to address. Egypt and China ... both had vibrant and growing cultures before, during, and after 2400 BC when Noahs flood was supposed to have happened. No break in culture. No wipe out. No immigration into the area and new culture emerging. Nope. Same old cultures, same old populations .. just growing and thriving even more.

Explain that. Go ahead. We'll wait. ......

Well no you just showed that Chinese history reset in the 24th century with emperor Yao after a great flood. That reinforces the other accounts.

Now show me the Egyptian timeframe that spans this, and show why they believe those age ranges. As I said before, I do not blindly trust scientists or historians, I have to see the evidence for their claims.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
Yeah his dynasty started right after the global flood waters subsided. The Hebrews and Sumerians say the global flood was in the 24th century BC, so this matches their account.

It was a LOCAL flood around that time. The story clearly says that everyone survived. The dynasty line was before, during, and after the time period of the flood. And who exactly would the emperor rule over if there were no people to rule. Not exactly a 'dynasty' if no one was around. You fail.

We've been over this before, it would take merely 7 generations to reach 1 million people given 10 kids per generation. Plenty of people to have a dynasty.

The next emperor wasn't 7 generations from the flood. It was that next generation. And if there were a million people on the planet why would they travel all the way to China to pick up exactly where the last emperor left off? Same culture. Same language. Same genetics. No break in any of that. You fail.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: cooperton

2498 BCE - 2491 BCE
Reign of the King Userkaf in Egypt.
2490 BCE - 2477 BCE
Reign of King Sahure in Egypt.
2477 BCE - 2467 BCE
Reign of the King Neferiskare Kakai in Egypt.
2460 BCE - 2458 BCE
Reign of the King Neferefre in Egypt.
c. 2458 BCE - c. 2457 BCE
Reign of King Shepseskare in Egypt.
c. 2445 BCE - 2422 BCE
Reign of the King Nyussere Ini of Egypt.
2422 BCE - 2414 BCE
Reign of King Menkauhor in Egypt.
2414 BCE - 2375 BCE
Reign of King Djedkare Isesi in Egypt.
2375 BCE - 2345 BCE
Reign of King Unas in Egypt.
2345 BCE - 2333 BCE
Reign of King Teti in Egypt.
2333 BCE - 2332 BCE
Reign of King Userkare in Egypt.
2332 BCE - 2283 BCE
Reign of King Pepi I in Egypt.

edit on 21-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage

And again you're back that crap, when you've been proven wrong and proven you don't understand the science. The water isn't magically floating around. It's part of the actually rock structure.

You think water would only be in the minerals? That's like finding a wet rock at the bottom of a river and supposing there is no water surrounding it. Similarly, Hydroxide ions indicate the presence of water in the layer where these minerals exist. The hydroxide ions indicate these minerals are immerse in water. That was the evidence for the researchers to make the claim to begin with.
edit on 21-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage

2498 BCE - 2491 BCE
Reign of the King Userkaf in Egypt.
2490 BCE - 2477 BCE
Reign of King Sahure in Egypt.
2477 BCE - 2467 BCE
Reign of the King Neferiskare Kakai in Egypt.
2460 BCE - 2458 BCE
Reign of the King Neferefre in Egypt.
c. 2458 BCE - c. 2457 BCE
Reign of King Shepseskare in Egypt.
c. 2445 BCE - 2422 BCE
Reign of the King Nyussere Ini of Egypt.
2422 BCE - 2414 BCE
Reign of King Menkauhor in Egypt.
2414 BCE - 2375 BCE
Reign of King Djedkare Isesi in Egypt.
2375 BCE - 2345 BCE
Reign of King Unas in Egypt.
2345 BCE - 2333 BCE
Reign of King Teti in Egypt.
2333 BCE - 2332 BCE
Reign of King Userkare in Egypt.
2332 BCE - 2283 BCE
Reign of King Pepi I in Egypt.

Yeah so what's the empirical evidence that supports this timeline? Show what the Egyptian record says, not the extrapolation of archaeologists. Do you understand the importance of empirical evidence? I'm not being snide, I genuinely don't think you know the difference between the opinion of historians and the history itself, or the opinion of scientists and the science itself.
edit on 21-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
If it is mere diffusion of myth then why do the Incans have a comparative global flood story too?

The flood myths in different parts of the world do not match the Noahs Flood story. You fail.

The Nephilim had taken over the world and subjugated humankind. The wickedness of the people was irrevocable. It was said among most flood accounts that this depravity was known to be the cause for the earth to have to cleanse itself. When a malignant tumor arises, it is best to remove it before it destroys the whole organism.

Nephilim are a MYTH. There is ZERO evidence they existed. And again, the flood story makes God out to be a monster. Subjecting all of creation, including innocent animals that feel fear and pain, to terror and a miserable death by drowning. God could have sent a virus to kill all the people, and given immunity to Noah and his family. But instead he sends a flood to destroy every living thing, including all the plantlike? MAKES NO SENSE and makes him a sadist.

AND the alleged purpose of the flood was to destroy sin but sin popped right back up again. So the plan failed. That makes God an IDIOT for destroying everything in such a horrible way only to have the plan fail. He failed to foresee it.

The entire story reeks and is anti-God.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The order of calibration is in qiestion. The fact it happened is not..

Legends from ancient China describe a global cata- strophic flood so vast that the waters reached the sun and covered the mountains, drowning all the land-dwelling creatures, including mankind. In the midst of this global calamity, there stood a legend- ary hero named Nüwa (女媧) who turned back the flood and helped to repopulate the world.

The ancient Book of Documents (Shu Jing 書經),10 writ- ten around 1000 BC, describes a gigantic flood so huge that it rose to heaven and drowned all the mountains and living things. The original ancient Chinese texts were destroyed by various emperors over time when they felt threatened by them, most notably the emperor Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇) in 200 BC. Hence, most ancient Chinese history and legends are the compilations of people’s recollections by historians such as Confucius (孔夫子) and Si Ma Qian (司馬遷). If the story of the flood recorded in Shu Jing is authentic, we reason that analysis of ancient Chinese characters which can be traced back to around 2500 BC

happy days :-)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Kurokage

Stuff splishing and sploshing around in that stuff, is that not how Mary got pregnant?

I think you can figure out where I'm going with this??

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
Show what the Egyptian record says, not the extrapolation of archaeologists.

You wouldn't know how to read ancient Egyptian. The Archaeologists do. And they know which artifacts belong to which dynasty. You do not.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: cooperton

eah so what's the empirical evidence that supports this timeline? Show what the Egyptian record says, not the extrapolation of archaeologists. Do you understand the importance of empirical evidence?

Whos empriral evidence the Germans had far older dates for the kemetic culture in WW2,

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: purplemer

ALREADY SAID .. it was a LOCAL flood. People survived to tell the tale. The dynasty was unbroken. Plenty of people around to have a dynasty to rule over. This proves Noahs Flood, as the Bible describes it, did not happen.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
a reply to: purplemer

ALREADY SAID .. it was a LOCAL flood. People survived to tell the tale. The dynasty was unbroken. Plenty of people around to have a dynasty to rule over. This proves Noahs Flood, as the Bible describes it, did not happen.

Dont sound very local to me..

Legends from ancient China describe a global cata- strophic flood so vast that the waters reached the sun and covered the mountains, drowning all the land-dwelling creatures, including mankind. In the midst of this global calamity, there stood a legend- ary hero named Nüwa

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