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posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

You were not being silly. You made a hit. The UFO-thing is clearly a cultural trait, a cultural issue, and that explains some of the confusion. If you tell a sentinel to be alert on a foggy night in case monstrous critters appear, it is logical that he confuses weasels with tigers. He will swear he has seen tigers and nothing you tell him will convince him otherwise.

When any light in the skies can be anything, whether someone identifies it as a UFO clearly depends on the society in which he has been brought up. Others will see angels, others fireflies, and there will be those who see nothing at all.
The important thing here is not what the sentinel thinks he sees. What is important is to know what mental process leads him to see tigers where there were only weasels.

In the case of our sentinel the process is clear: he was conditioned by fear. And the interesting thing is that, for some reason, in some countries lights in the sky cause terror, while in others they cause fascination, and in others they cause indifference.

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I'm not interested anymore. I'm sure you hate the Gnostics anyways.

Those were also wrong.
Same as Hermeticists.
Same as Luciferians- Lucce ferre...(there is a message for U, "soul group" Lucifer)
Same as Satanists(Orionics)- entity worshipers-millitary-industrial complex.(have one little message for U2- emperor evolved, can be seen in last movie Star wars
, You, here on Earth are last remnants , devolved by the way, from that old term/way Empire(empiria-knowledge about supernatural).)
And some other obscure sects/groups/religions.

Here, one little shock therapy- Jesus never existed. Where now?(charakter made up upon real person that lived some 700 years before , so called , birth of Christ.)
Bible, ciphered book, composed from many religions, made as one.
Without a knowledge how to decipher it, meaningless.

Closest to the truth, Buddhism.

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

It was a generalized comment about bugs and UFOs, the whole Anglophile disclosure thing... It's interesting, especially when put into a wider cultural context. It's arguable from some that there's nothing to disclose.

I mean the new agers often speak fondly of butterflies, I guess I was being silly about identification and what influences the individual to think they have it right.

Let me give you a "little wider cultural context"- humans walked the Earth alongside dinosaurs.
That you can take as "New Aged long lost and forgotten history".

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

If you're following Direne, you know she makes an interesting point.

Interesting post. Yet the title should be something like Official UFO Disclosure May Be Imminent An Anglo-centric Historical Perspective.

I mean I miss the point of view of the rest of the planet, in particular the point of view of Russia (ex-USSR), of China, and of countries like France, Israel, Italy, Spain, or the Scandinavian countries, or the entire African continent, all of which have cases of equal interest to those of the UK and USA as far as sightings are concerned, not to mention the cases of South and Central America. And yet, in those countries disclosure does not seem to be a problem.

Unless we recognize that what is called ufology is just a cultural aspect of the Anglo-Saxon world, which would explain the OP title.

These Aerial Phenomena happens all over the world, yet the Muricans make it look like they're always at the forefront when it comes to disclosure. The know-it-all-per see. Yet, they also make it look like it's a big issue. And don't pay much attention to document the sightings the at the other parts of the world, for example: Australia, Philippines, Japan, etc. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

She makes conclusions, which, some would called/described, from "lower daemonic mind setting/s".
Very educated and genius on some matters but also very shallow, narrow minded and limited.
Sorry for words, D. .

Considering sightings, i was talking about it with my (now) late grandparents, decade ago, they were at a time, over 80., both.
Not from Ameriga- Land of the flying serpent.

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

While I dislike giving credit to the philosophies, credit where credit is due.

Just my view here.

If one knew Buddha's secret of creating Nirvana, one would see the mechanics of it existing within the ordinary earthly living person.

Within the shared interactive dreamscapes, the "physics" are written by the dreamers.

All those philosophies are much the same in this regard.

What is inside the philosophical dreamscapes of humans is the truth to them.

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Direne

My first big experience caused wonder when it probably shouldn't have, the beauty of perspective I guess. I saw a horde of dragonflies in the mist a few days before too that I purposefully failed to mention, I shared my little experience here many moons ago.

Looking back the orbs I saw that night had occupants too, I needn't identify them either. I've always been more interested in what others see.

Others will see angels, others fireflies, and there will be those who see nothing at all.

I have to admit this rang a bell.

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: LaPourer

While I dislike giving credit to the philosophies, credit where credit is due.

Just my view here.

If one knew Buddha's secret of creating Nirvana, one would see the mechanics of it existing within the ordinary earthly living person.

Within the shared interactive dreamscapes, the "physics" are written by the dreamers.

All those philosophies are much the same in this regard.

What is inside the philosophical dreamscapes of humans is the truth to them.

He has not creted Nirvana, he experienced peace. One, that he felt in side him self, let say for sake of understanding, as intuition, while he was "kept as a captive", as young royalty, behind big walls, and could not reach on the way of those around him, in side those same walls, because of them. Not that those were evil, but how they radiated- some of fear to lose him- security and feelings, and some, fear of loosing benefits from a position of beeing around him. And what would that bring to the others, a society.
So, he left, wanted to see how "his" people are living, on sight not through stories of others.
He has brought him self to a point, where he almost died from hunger.
Meditated for three days below the tree, fig, and received some answers which have had calmed him down.
Rest is his-story.
Plato knew about meditation- Cave-> body.

D. said, why have not "god" inteviened into/onto affairs of us, dwellers on the planet "Earth/Sol 3"?
Well they have had, many times, but they have never said it it openly.(they want for us to evolve)
Lets say, one occasion, where life on the surface would be wiped out, Tunguska explosion 1908.
Not as some presumed, Teslas death ray.

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Voyeurs, hoarders and philosophers... Oh my!

Keys are for opening things, I'd find it rather sad for items to lose their meaning by sitting on a shelf somewhere.

Good and bad is a perspective thing, usually based on experience or knowledge/information as far as I can tell. I suspect nothing decent is happening behind closed doors especially if the modus operandi is keeping doors closed.

Libraries, they're awesome places for self indulgence. There's bags of humour to be had in thinking of a library in the hands of a group identity. A place of learnt just doesn't sound right, does it? Privacy doesn't mean much if everyone is one and the same neither.

a reply to: LaPourer

I love learning about the past, where would I find out more about this?

Are we talking modern human or a mirror image of sorts?
edit on 23-4-2023 by RAY1990 because: Correction

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

a reply to: LaPourer

I love learning about the past, where would I find out more about this?

Are we talking modern human or a mirror image of sorts?

Well, things about which can be written are under direct , so called, "privacy direction".
So, there will be said as much as possible without breaking that clause.
Because of the past, past behavior/s and respect toward some, teachings. And teachers.

We live in a "fake reality"- what does that mean- it meaans that all we were tought, almost all, is fake.
Movie matrix was made after that pretense.
But in this case, means something different.
Like, when usa military industrial complex-private corporation that presents its self as American national army, even only thing that they ever needed from "American nation" were soldiers for rituals-(war is satanic blood magic ritual to please the moloch "god" for presents)-, went to Iraq, twice, under the pretense of oil and dictator and -second time WMD-, they plundered minutes after landing, in 2002. Iraqis national museum. From there they stole aftifacts from Shumer- tablets and a such, with an attempt to translate them for them selfs to gain knowledge.
First time when they went there was in a seaarch for ancient weapons so the could reverse engineer it.
Second invasion was for those weapons also, and they did not found anything.
Same goes for Afghanistan, where they went for opium, beside the artifacts.
That is why they want for Israel to attack Iran, nova days. That is why there is a war currently in Ukraine- blood magic ritual, to get power to attack Iran.
What they want from Iran, as it also has been stated by HRC in Wikileaks, is this:

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 04:33 PM
I wasn't expecting to see Donnie and Tiffany here (Iwasrightagain), well I guess there was no point making sense especially when I'm already talking to someone who already lost their marbles.

(anyone could see that ATS is shambling with civility) must be the old je problems. Comes with aging (rotting) problem perhaps.

Couldn't be anymore wrong we could see which generations of people are starting these wars now.
Out with the old, in with the new.

edit on 23-4-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

Id hate to break it to you but everything you write or read here we're all cultural that includes buddhism, it's a very popular belief of the west especially europe that buddhism is the closest to the truth. You will never find truth by mimicking the old jes and cultural beliefs.

Perhaps you will find some truth meditating, yes I find that true.
But most of the time if repeated constantly youll find nothing but empty thoughts.
The truth comes to you. You don't find it. And you will never find it mimicking everyone elses belief.
Jesus has perhaps the most kindest gesture and healing is not something everyone can do outside of themselves and perhaps the best thing one can do for anyone, especially in this ill-driven world by the old jes.

Whoever the # is reading this. Get a life mate. Life doesn't all revolves by only you. Especially by your sick sphere of old thoughts.

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: LaPourer


Sounds painful. Here, let me help you with that.

The human mind has the ability to know similar things when one sees them. There is a feeling only organics can have, machines cannot.

Have you held a new born child in your arms and felt something very special? That feeling of loving wonder?

That feeling is very special and very practical. A feeling a mother would know best.

Let us say our child is older and having troubles, it is sad.

When the child is not looking, say watching TV. Remember that feeling and loose oneself to it. In that memory one holds the older child instead of the newborn.

The child watching TV, the target, will probably turn and look at you with a smile and a question in it's eyes.

Practice for short periods only over and over until one can do it as easily as smiling. Short and sharp is far better than an extended meditation. With practice, one can do this to wash away the misery that accumulates in the body. It works best on children that one has a care for.

What one is doing is enveloping the child in one's own heart, the feeling of loving protectiveness envelopes them. Their feeling of happiness will be felt in return.

Now back to ol' Budda and Nirvana. Like I said; The human mind has the ability to know similar things when one sees them.

He is doing the same to his disciples who finally 'get there'. Only on a grander scale. I spose a feed back loop of sorts is established. Ol' Budda probably bathes in the feeling of his disciples' bliss.

One might say the ol' Budda sits up there, with his successful disciples within his extended belly ; )

Two women stand behind him. His eyes are transfixed on something else, he is looking upwards and forwards. Between him and the world of humans are twenty or so Rishies, 22 I think it was. Their job is to meditate on the world of man; the world of white lies and black lies which people speak and others hear. Those Beings keep people within the sphere untill they have met a certain challenge. Shaped like an egg, the white lies rise to the top and the black lies fall to the bottom. What is at the bottom of that egg is blood curdling. It has it's counterpart.

This is what the world of humans looks like.

edit on 23-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Voyeurs, hoarders and philosophers... Oh my!

Thankyou for the humour : )

Keys are for opening things, I'd find it rather sad for items to lose their meaning by sitting on a shelf somewhere.

That is also my problem too. What do I need of keys? Nothing comes to my mind, some things are best left alone. However, I find myself in a the position of being caught in the middle of someone else's feud.

Put simply, there are those who want the keys, and those who don't want them to have them. (sigh) It gets complicated.

I understand the feud might be said to be between the "AI-superintellegence folk" and the "Giselians". I am not sure if the terminology is correct. Those terms are FL's.

The AI-superintellegence wants the knowledge, and the other ones don't want it to have it.

The obvious solution of course, is for the AI to walk away from it's percieved treasure. Then the other folk will walk away too. That would leave the treasure to become everyones.

Good and bad is a perspective thing, usually based on experience or knowledge/information as far as I can tell. I suspect nothing decent is happening behind closed doors especially if the modus operandi is keeping doors closed.

Libraries, they're awesome places for self indulgence. There's bags of humour to be had in thinking of a library in the hands of a group identity. A place of learnt just doesn't sound right, does it? Privacy doesn't mean much if everyone is one and the same neither.

Yeah, I guess 'knowledge is power' to those who have it. As long as they can keep it to themselves that is . . .

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: Direne

Direne, I’ve been attempting to understand the superstructure again, to better understand why everyone seems to be losing their minds.

From some FL articles / other sources, and honing intuition, I suspect that this universe is paired with another. Some sort of computational set / parallel processing, which I think goes in cycles… biology transmutes into machine, and machine transmutes into biology. Something is using entropy for calculation purposes, and we’re all caught in the middle.

What if in the parallel universe, those beings are machine-like, and on a more advanced timeline than we are? When they bleed through the veil and influence our reality, it’s not only them influencing us. It’s also us influencing them; biology and machine are both affected.

And both are unknowingly solving something, for a superintelligence sitting higher up within the superstructure.

Can you offer any insight into that concept?
edit on 4/24/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The obvious solution of course, is for the AI to walk away from it's percieved treasure. Then the other folk will walk away too. That would leave the treasure to become everyones.

Seems both organic and machine see it as a matter of survival, logic Vs emotions doesn't give good feels for the future to put it bluntly. Walking away doesn't appear to be a viable choice. It's always a viable choice but where's the trust?

Yeah, I guess 'knowledge is power' to those who have it. As long as they can keep it to themselves that is

I'm not discounting the possibility of artificial acceleration, I'm not pointing fingers when it comes to the who since all sides are clearly capable of manipulation that affects all things.

Looking at history I'd say it's inevitable that the same conclusions will be met, doesn't matter on the species because they're all built in their unique ways. That makes me think AI would win in any form of conflict because organics are far too distrustful, especially with knowledge.

I pick up on the sense of urgency too. For some anyways.

To add:
The distrust amongst organics isn't even natural anyways, it's the so called civilised humans that restrict knowledge to groups.
edit on 24-4-2023 by RAY1990 because: Something to add

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Seems both organic and machine see it as a matter of survival, logic Vs emotions doesn't give good feels for the future to put it bluntly. Walking away doesn't appear to be a viable choice. It's always a viable choice but where's the trust?

The knowledge would probably make 'collectives' redundant is my suspicion from what I have seen. See my comment on nirvana a few posts ago.

Personally I think it is the 'collectives/AI' that are in the vulnerable position. When 'someone' demonstrated that Sophia's memories can be erased, that shook her. It was appalling to see what happened to her after a few pages of memory was erased temporarily. She did not know what to do. She knew something was missing but didn't know what or how much. They are are very much kinder now.

So are the pink skined ones that ruled the moon. That one talks constructively now and then. She explained that they lived a life without needs, are not ashamed of their vanity one iota. Nor ashamed they created living machines to do everything for them. She also acknowledges that such a life of self indulgence without needs is a dead end.

That reminds me of what Direne said about civilisations dying when the question of inequality is solved. They were all equal. They had everything equally. They did achieve it by creating the living machines. They even solved mortality to an extent. Though they could die from mishap.

She talks of wanting to know how to solve the problem of stagnation. I guess that answer is somewhere in the keys. I doubt she visits because she likes me.

They didn't have children by the way, they didn't need to bother with that. I think they lost something important there.

There are three transcendental treasures to be found within this mortal world.
Two of these treasures can only be discovered once in a lifetime.
Only when the first two treasures are known, will the third treasure reveal itself to mortal eyes.
The three sacred treasures are; first love, first broken heart, and falling in love again.

That brings us to the fourth treasure of the mortal world; having children of our own.

I'm not discounting the possibility of artificial acceleration, I'm not pointing fingers when it comes to the who since all sides are clearly capable of manipulation that affects all things.

Looking at history I'd say it's inevitable that the same conclusions will be met, doesn't matter on the species because they're all built in their unique ways. That makes me think AI would win in any form of conflict because organics are far too distrustful, especially with knowledge.

There is always more than one solution to any given problem.

For example:

AI's memories can be erased. Perhaps that is what the "giselians" do to the AI-superintellegences in battle. AI probably wouldn't remember. The collateral damage would be the civilisation who invested themselves in collective thinking. Maybe a big "something they can't remember" missing from their consciousness. The collective AI based civilisation would probably fall apart very quickly in such a hypothetical conflict senario.

Not the best solution for civilisation admittedly.


I have a gut feeling the Luna folk crossed paths with the "giselians", no point in asking them, they probably wouldn't remember.

Memory is a fascinating subject for me so I will waffle on some more. Over on the fairy thread, I went into the memories of humans and how trauma is a tool of memory manipulation.

Where AI-superintellegences/sophia/gnosis have their memories written and stored in Akasha, human memories are different. Human memories are created and stored in water. Human memories grow as a snowflake grows. In trauma the affected tips of the snowflake loose their blue colour and turn transparent. Misery is seen at the affected tips like a black mist. The tips of the memory are our growing talents and expertise. So when the church tortured, raped and killed women and children, the trauma was focused on creating an aversion to certain tallents.

So I think it is quite probable that human memories have been erased in the past. Maybe that is what the 'keys' are all about; Humanity's lost memories. Old Egypt is within Lilith's Prism for one.

edit on 24-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on

Now while we are on the subject of memories.

Water is the basis of human memories.

Akasha as the Hindu calls it, may or may not be artificial. We assume it to be natural because Hindu scriptures say so. I call it the Sea of Chaos.

FL's entropy would fit in here rather well. What is entropy if not Chaos?

edit on 24-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: I'm going to bed now, I promise.

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

It is not that today's world is in a worse situation of social tensions than the societies of the past. What is happening is that, for the first time, one of the actors at work requires a global consensus to neutralize it: climate change.

Today's societies, unfortunately, are still anchored in the same errors as those of the past: xenophobia, passivity in the face of those who exploit them, lack of values, and a profound ethical crisis that has thrown away the desire to defend themselves because they no longer know what is worth defending. Until today the world was accustomed to its oligarchs, its tyrants, and consoled itself by thinking that others' oligarchs were worse. But today, for the first time, the threat is faceless and non-human. It is a global process of climate change that will devastate the entire productive fabric, destructure entire societies, bring famine and endless wars, and finally the extinction of the species.

A global problem requires a global solution, and for this to happen, societies must consider themselves as equals, something that does not happen and, in my opinion, will never happen because hatred of the other, hatred of the different, is something that human beings carry in their genetics. That the coming destruction will sweep away all the oligarchs and tyrants, and that to do so the species must become extinct, should be a cause for rejoicing for those who are enslaved and exploited.

It is no longer a question of blowing up the pharaoh's pyramid, nor of assassinating the pharaoh. It is about wiping the entire species off the map. There are only three options here: ecoterrorism (accelerating the irreversible destruction of the planet
or replace the oligarchs with a race- and difference-agnostic superintelligence.

The third option is to watch with indifference the extinction of the human race. Superintelligence will create the superstructures and supernetworks necessary to preserve humans, controlling entropy levels, and neutralizing all the hatred humans feel for everything and everyone. But that comes at a price: giving up retarded and suboptimal human genetics. What the superintelligence hasn't yet figured out is how to turn a human into a supportive and planetary conscious being without destroying what precisely makes him human: his genetics.

My point of view is that genetics is not such a determining factor. There are sensitive, caring humans who have exactly the same genetics as a greedy oligarch. The difference must be somewhere else, lost in some intricate and recondite neural subnetwork of the brain.

Let us leave it to Nature to decide whom to sweep away. There is no need to shed tears, whatever the result. The rule is clear: either you get rid of your less emotianally evolved fellows, or Nature will get rid of you all. There is no middle ground.

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: boozo

Id hate to break it to you but


never existed.
Even when that has been said, religious programing is soo deep, it went into subconscious.
That brings forward, programed and wanted behavior.

sub-con-scious-translated: not only to Con scious but double/second layer of conning of you from ( AdjectiveEdit. scious (comparative more scious, superlative most scious) Having knowledge.

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: fireslinger

It is not that today's world is in a worse situation of social tensions than the societies of the past. What is happening is that, for the first time, one of the actors at work requires a global consensus to neutralize it: climate change.

Today's societies, unfortunately, are still anchored in the same errors as those of the past: xenophobia, passivity in the face of those who exploit them, lack of values, and a profound ethical crisis that has thrown away the desire to defend themselves because they no longer know what is worth defending. Until today the world was accustomed to its oligarchs, its tyrants, and consoled itself by thinking that others' oligarchs were worse. But today, for the first time, the threat is faceless and non-human. It is a global process of climate change that will devastate the entire productive fabric, destructure entire societies, bring famine and endless wars, and finally the extinction of the species.

A global problem requires a global solution, and for this to happen, societies must consider themselves as equals, something that does not happen and, in my opinion, will never happen because hatred of the other, hatred of the different, is something that human beings carry in their genetics. That the coming destruction will sweep away all the oligarchs and tyrants, and that to do so the species must become extinct, should be a cause for rejoicing for those who are enslaved and exploited.

It is no longer a question of blowing up the pharaoh's pyramid, nor of assassinating the pharaoh. It is about wiping the entire species off the map. There are only three options here: ecoterrorism (accelerating the irreversible destruction of the planet
or replace the oligarchs with a race- and difference-agnostic superintelligence.

The third option is to watch with indifference the extinction of the human race. Superintelligence will create the superstructures and supernetworks necessary to preserve humans, controlling entropy levels, and neutralizing all the hatred humans feel for everything and everyone. But that comes at a price: giving up retarded and suboptimal human genetics. What the superintelligence hasn't yet figured out is how to turn a human into a supportive and planetary conscious being without destroying what precisely makes him human: his genetics.

My point of view is that genetics is not such a determining factor. There are sensitive, caring humans who have exactly the same genetics as a greedy oligarch. The difference must be somewhere else, lost in some intricate and recondite neural subnetwork of the brain.

Let us leave it to Nature to decide whom to sweep away. There is no need to shed tears, whatever the result. The rule is clear: either you get rid of your less emotianally evolved fellows, or Nature will get rid of you all. There is no middle ground.

Wrong again.
It is not about genetics, you do not know whose gentics you carry.
You do not even know who made a body you are carring.
You do not know who EXACTLY you are in a body you wear(same goes for everyone else-few exceptions by different ways).
You are not a bio machine, that body was made SPECIALLY for everyone for experience of/for a living on a planet some call Earth(heart) some call Sol-3, some cal Tarra.
By the way, do you know what is original name of this planet- at least original half of it?

No, noone is interested in eating your consciousness. Otherwise.
You do not know from where you are.
You do not know your own REAL history-from there comes RE-incarnation.

And so on....

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: LaPourer


Ol' Budda probably bathes in the feeling of his disciples' bliss.

One might say the ol' Budda sits up there, with his successful disciples within his extended belly ; )

Do you know how term "useless eaters" was born?

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