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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

hahah i cant count right

the gas giant Jupiter

well I know that its not habitable for humans on the surface
due to the crushing gravity and non breathable atmosphere for our human lungs
the moons of jupiter maybe offer some environments but still not really viable for humans especially not for us to have evolved the way we have in our current state

unless you are implying we didnt start off the way we are now and then genetically engineered ourselves to live on earth in our current state

anyway I am just speculating
but what evidence is there that we arent natives of earth or terra , and where did you get the name "tarra" from

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LaPourer

hahah i cant count right

the gas giant Jupiter

well I know that its not habitable for humans on the surface
due to the crushing gravity and non breathable atmosphere for our human lungs
the moons of jupiter maybe offer some environments but still not really viable for humans especially not for us to have evolved the way we have in our current state

unless you are implying we didnt start off the way we are now and then genetically engineered ourselves to live on earth in our current state

anyway I am just speculating
but what evidence is there that we arent natives of earth or terra , and where did you get the name "tarra" from

Jupiter would be sixt one. I am asking about fifth.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I'm with you a on seeing the deed of title for any and all alleged ownership.

Your idea of keeping knowledge out of AI's greedy paws is a good one.


I'll throw on the table the folk I call "fairies" (for want of a better word. So too the Jinn.

The tall flames claim memories going back further than the fairies, and the memories of fairies go back to before the earth existed. So I understand. Maybe the flames are older.

As far as I am aware neither presume ownership of humans, nor the planet. Those Beings have precious things instead. Things that are special to them.

That is the language they use to refer to the human children they adopt.

I am of the opinion that even if humans are seeded, as is alleged, the fae, Jinns and fairies have more of a claim than any one else. At least they care about the individuals rather than playing civilisation's.

edit on 26-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: spellin mastaks

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Planet V hypothesis - wiki

Another theory is something impacted the early Earth and gave us the oversized core that makes life possible, it's potentially why we have a moon.

Interesting theories (in my mind) that could fit a timeline.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: sapien82

Planet V hypothesis - wiki

Another theory is something impacted the early Earth and gave us the oversized core that makes life possible, it's potentially why we have a moon.

Interesting theories (in my mind) that could fit a timeline.
From link, not between.
Dinosaurs and gulf by teotihuacan.
Moon is from either different story, comes with original half of Tarra.
edit on 26-4-2023 by LaPourer because: moon

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: sapien82

I'm with you a on seeing the deed of title for any and all alleged ownership.

Your idea of keeping knowledge out of AI's greedy paws is a good one.


I'll throw on the table the folk I call "fairies" (for want of a better word. So too the Jinn.

The tall flames claim memories going back further than the fairies, and the memories of fairies go back to before the earth existed. So I understand. Maybe the flames are older.

As far as I am aware neither presume ownership of humans, nor the planet. Those Beings have precious things instead. Things that are special to them.

That is the language they use to refer to the human children they adopt.

I owanceam of the opinion that even if humans are seeded, as is alleged, the fae, Jinns and fairies have more of a claim than any one else. At least they care about the individuals rather than playing civilisation's.
"Adoption" was addressed before. Allowance upon asking.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Do you actually answer any questions people ask you about the comments you make or just ask more questions in return
or hit them with more riddles

we are here to discuss stuff not speak in riddles to each other and be vague and mysterious
everyone else in the discussion including Direne are pretty open about what they say and elaborate on specific information when asked

Im also pretty sure that there is a "one line" reply rule on ATS

so cmon why dont you just spit it out instead of playing stepping stones with me.

please answer my questions , what evidence is there that humans are not native to earth
do you have sources or any material which would suggest this

where did you get the name "tarra" from or is it a play on terra tellus

and what 5th planet are you referring to if not Jupiter

pray Tellus

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I've noticed what sapien82 mentioned about past faiths/religions. I always associated the practice of oral tradition to be based in the works of faith being alive and evolving with the rituals. A side by side learning with 'higher powers' whilst adherence was kept with the overall theme.

Foresight makes sense too...

Plus there's those meeting places alluded to, AI doesn't have access to that place in a natural sense whereas humans do.

EMS - external memory systems, I think that's the correct term. They're useless without a translation. If a civilization or a group failed to record things then there's probably reasoning to it. There's also the possibility such things needn't be recorded, externally anyways.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: fireslinger
a reply to: Ksihkehe
I'm curious if you were able to decode any of the vids? The android vid FL sent this group in the beginning of the thread is the only one I watched.

I don't know that I really tried to decipher them. Not with any technical methods.

I engaged them as I would if I were using hemi-sync audio, but with the added visual compenent. I tried to maintain the same degree of engagement. Perceive everything and yet nothing.

I previously recalled mention that they were experimental and potentially could be used to transmit information. While it's certainly possible to hide data that can be extracted through the programmed algorithms and computational methods, that doesn't really seem like an FL kind of thing. Instead, I would expect FL to exploit the algorithms already in the head of target audiences rather than some inelegant cryptography tool that can be found embedded on ARG fan forums.

It's far more interesting, but also far more difficult to achieve. This is just an informed opinion and I have no evidence. I don't even know if it would be decoding, maybe more like collating or assembling. Algorithmic subconscious translation may be on the bingo card of potential names for this effect, if there is one.

I can do some cryptography, am familiar with some, but I am far from competent realative to even hobbyists. I've been disappointed with some of the puzzles I've come across and I just can't get into spending much time for what ends up being "don't forget to drink your Ovaltine". If they're using vanilla cryptography I'm just not terribly interested in it. Having not detected any compatibility between their content and my brain either I'm doing it wrong, I lack the capacity to perceive it at this time, or there simply is no message.

I now recall that I may have listened to one or two several times, but that again I can't attribute to anything more than curiosity or enjoyment. No compulsion.

Maybe when I get around to making Ganzfeld goggles I'll listen to some of them again.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: sapien82


We're native now, I have a dog that's as much a family member as anyone else occupying this particular house. The dog can't build.

Yet this is his home.

Old school rules say "I'll fight ya for it" and that's most likely the way things will go down.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I think maybe the videos arent for decrypting but seeding ideas to the brain so that when you dream your dreaming along the lines they need you to dream so that the dreams can be recorded and catalogued for LyAv or XVis whichever device they need it for

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Yeh I agree which takes me back to Nobodys post
the Aos Si / Daoine Sith aka the fae , and the Jinn
probably have more claim to the earth than we humans so what will they do when threatened by an AI or ET
for control of their homeworld

or if the earth is a living being of itself what will it do

or maybe this is part of their actions
to rid humans from the earth
who knows

edit on 26-4-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I think maybe the videos arent for decrypting but seeding ideas to the brain so that when you dream your dreaming along the lines they need you to dream so that the dreams can be recorded and catalogued for LyAv or XVis whichever device they need it for

I thought remote harvesting of dreaming human calculations was from an entirely different thread.

Has that been brought up related to FL too?

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

There is an overlap, but as you say a different thread.

It was recently mentioned to draw attention to parallels no more.
edit on 26-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: enlarged

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: sapien82

or if the earth is a living being of itself what will it do

Something like snowball earth?
When balance is upset things go to extremes going by the data.

a reply to: Ksihkehe

I remember watching a few of those videos years ago, there's a correlation in my experience although I wouldn't say it was dream harvesting. More like forcing an issue, it's only recently I considered the possibility someone or something was watching.

Others on ATS have had similar dreams.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

well yes , LyAv is a super computer machine intelligence being trained to dream
and it requires training data
so having dreamstates recorded then studied it will then be able to simulate its own dreams based on real human data

we dreamers are just the training data

but aye "astro's" thread on dream harvesting for inter stellar travel is another parallel thread coincidence so it seems.
maybe its all linked anyway

as for Xvis from what I gather from what Direne has mentioned its for studying information from another dimensions albeit only for 0.4 ms at a time as any more and it fries the brain "neural exhaustion" or brain death of sorts (can write it off as a crazed serial killer)

which Is why I mentioned in another thread about 17 prostitutes showing up dead with "coke" in their system and suffering "neural exhaustion" what better test subjects than the homeless , drug addicts or prostitutes , people who arent going to be missed.

I mean surely its all connected
I often wonder about why so many people go missing now , missing persons reports etc
are they all just being used up like test subjects "spent cartridges" to gather the data for their experiments.


I mean there is 7.6 billion of us , surely a few million wont be missed right especially if they are "useless" or have a low enough social credit score or are deemed undesirable

I mean lets put things into perspective , they alluded to the pandemic as a test in FL posts as an experiment , on an LyAv post .
The US government have been caught out testing MK ULTRA before, the japanese , chinese and nazi germany were all testing on humans
until they got caught and Nuremburg trialed

So # knows what goes on in this day and age
arent we all expendable in wars for profit anyway , what makes us think its any different with human testing for science exotic science experiments

edit on 26-4-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: sapien82


We're native now, I have a dog that's as much a family member as anyone else occupying this particular house. The dog can't build.

Yet this is his home.

Old school rules say "I'll fight ya for it" and that's most likely the way things will go down.

That is a fight "we" can not win, since "so enlighted and evolved species" at war with it, for long time now is.

And what "dogs" have had "built", upon it, on it and below it, is "beyond words and comprehensions". Now try to imagine that that "dogs deeds" as a complet, you personaly have to present to some "higher civilization/s".

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Native as in born here. Literally in my dog's case when it comes to his home.

And what "dogs" have had "built", upon it, on it and below it, is "beyond words and comprehensions". Now try to imagine that that "dogs deeds" as a complet, you personaly have to present to some "higher civilization/s".

Can you rephrase that please?

I think you're saying my dog is a slave and so am I. I prefer to see mutual co-existence, I haven't seen my owner and I've never seen the leash.

I guess I'll add that my dog is a runner sometimes too, maybe I just need to treat him better?
edit on 26-4-2023 by RAY1990 because: I'm not pulling chains

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

this makes me think back to what Direne said about the simulation
the simulation would be so real you wouldnt even suspect it

so the perfect prison is one in which you see no boundaries or shackles
no guards or warden

you wouldnt even suspect youd committed a crime
or were guilty of one but were in actual fact free as a bird

but you could still be a slave to your senses and your biology , which ultimately could act as a prison as in a limitation

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I think maybe the videos arent for decrypting but seeding ideas to the brain so that when you dream your dreaming along the lines they need you to dream so that the dreams can be recorded and catalogued for LyAv or XVis whichever device they need it for

Not only that. Add to it chems in body, air pollution, waves from Sun, waves from towers for mobiles, TV satelites, radio frequencies, tel-a-vision waves, monitor vibes, vaccines, others people vibrations, natural life vibrations, Tarras vibrations, sea and water vibrations, space radiations due to depletion of both shields all combined at once. Considering other posts re. , later.

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