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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
thats the thing that I question here , its all understood we humans cant agree on much
and we dont always get along , but we havent wiped each other out yet so generally I think we do get on
just not all the time

but on who's authority do other species or intelligence's get to decide we cant play nice , AI , Giselians , Denebians
etc , can add more to the list probably , higher beings etc

if its our planet or not our planet we are here living on it , on whose authority do they get to tell us what to do
or how to control the future etc

why does it actually matter how the collapse happens, why does entropy matter
cant we just enjoy the experience and say we did it , and thats that ?

is this one big universal pissing contest

who actually wants to live forever ? Who really wants to control the future or the past
why do we care if the species lives or dies in a few hundred years
we should be happy we had a shot of life
and experienced whatever this reality is

seems like we are spending too much time worrying about the end of everything
instead of enjoying life while we still have it

I mean if entropy happens to the universe , surely it cant be escaped
so whats the point in trying to escape it
just like death happens to life , so why escape it ?
data corruption happens to data etc

Planets are concious beings, that do have own rules.
And, protectors of life on it.
We were placed here, to wear a bodies that we do wear, so we could heal traumas, from the past. Otherwise, we would probably, be floating through space, searching for a bodies to incarnate, devoided from everything-hell.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

ive always thought we were here to be caretakers for animals and plants , like gardeners
but that was it , just to look after the life here

but it seems we lost our way when we decided to get greedy and manipulate each other for profits

or actually no , we lost our way when we started asking questions as to why we are here
i guess we were not content to simply be

edit on 25-4-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LaPourer

ive always thought we were here to be caretakers for animals and plants , like gardeners
but that was it , just to look after the life here

but it seems we lost our way when we decided to get greedy and manipulate each other for profits
There was not only one guarded space "garden of eden", on Tarra, at once, at a time. There were many, as that started as an experiment, for healing. Tarra, on some "higher level"(ways not known to me), gave a permission for that to be done. With utermost respect toward her.
It is not that "we", as humans lost our way. There were other "players" involved into missuse of that hospitality. One group, "Orionics", for which still hope do exists that with new info provided to them they will find their way for a new life, as their home planet is also destroyed and need healing-Tatoine in star wars movies, and one other group , you might recognise them as of those 300 who to Tarra have felt-actually were sent by their own - to lead humanity toward goals i have explained in previous posts. What second group did, they will explain to their own people. 300 others have , at a time, remained in "heaven"-universe-base. Those two groups are main core of a term known as military(orionics)-industrial(other group which i will not name because of privacy directive) complex(complex as merging of two groups). That second group supouse to be "gardeners" aka teachers for all of us. Our, "human" "task" was to observe the nature, natural life and to evolve in understanding, heal past lifes traumas and to prepare our selfs for a return to our own home planets, heal and repair them, and after it, to be accepted into something called "Federation of Worlds", that is comprised from tens of thousands of solar systems. With healing and repairing of our home planets, we "graduate", aka we prove that we have surpassed "lower daemonic mind". Tech, per se, in this story is unimportant.
edit on 25-4-2023 by LaPourer because: word

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 05:02 PM
We are like 252 pages in…what’s the update/conclusion on this thread…anybody know…?

Saw something weirdly disturbing on one of the pages on the “Forgotten Language’s” Website…but who knows…maybe it’s already been posted and discussed etc…

- JC

edit on 25-4-2023 by Joecroft because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Joecroft

Saw something weirdly disturbing on one of the pages on the “Forgotten Language’s” Website…

Where abouts?

Most of FL is oddly disturbing in some way.

We are like 252 pages in…what’s the update/conclusion on this thread…anybody know…?

Not me, Direne's last post spelled out the situation as they see it. Human activity will end life on earth unless something or someone intervenes.

edit on 25-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added second quote.

The 'rice field' is important in some way. It is mentioned on FL, and Direne is particularly interested.

But one does not know if the imporatnce is past, future, or indeed both by recuring in a cyclic manner.

edit on 25-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: ETA

Oh, and there is some question over who owns planet earth, with us lot caught in the middle of two or more parties not minding their own business. I'm with Sapien82 in the idea that this is our home and "aliens and AI-superintellegences can butt out".

edit on 25-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: after thought

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: Joecroft
We are like 252 pages in…what’s the update/conclusion on this thread…anybody know…?

Saw something weirdly disturbing on one of the pages on the “Forgotten Language’s” Website…but who knows…maybe it’s already been posted and discussed etc…

- JC

Yea, be careful with some of those images (like the evil eyes), you don't want to stare too long. And definitely stay away from the vids. But the articles in general have taught me a lot. Direne as well.

The way I’m seeing it, humanity is awkwardly sandwiched between two or more different types of culling. None of them are good:

ET / superintelligence (or both) transmuting biology into machine, and eventually killing ALL of the population.

FL / other globalist networks (or both) slow rolling a global cybernetics system, to not spook us humans. Recently, that SV17q process has sped up significantly. I’m thinking that the time table was accelerated, and the (public) AGI (artificial general intelligence) is being rushed.

But both ET and FL have similar goals, and FL is a type of ET. At least the core 9 are, the way I see it.

Anyway, the difference being, FL / other globalist networks are attempting to kill MOST of the population, and cull the rest into smart-city environments, living within a type of artificial nano-tech singularity. Which constantly refines the AGI, as a defense against the superintelligence / Giselians / Denebians, etc. A very cold post-human era, which they unfortunately think is necessary.

Another difference being, I think FL / other globalist networks are planning to eventually take the rest of humanity to the coordinates they found within our DNA. But whenever we get there, we still won’t be free.

There’s also a covert war going on, between globalist groups who want disclosure, and groups who want to keep a lid on disclosure. Most of the chaos we’re seeing on the surface level these days, is a result of this conflict of interest for humanity. For example, blue light emitting screens in every aspect of our lives, is an op run by groups who do not want disclosure. Blue light exposure makes our bodies think it’s noon all day, so we never enter into a truly deep dream state, and never make contact with whatever lives there.

Were we ever asked? But as LaPourer reminded me, and we’ve heard Direne say many times… this is not our planet.

However, I’m starting to wonder if that’s disinfo, because it makes you want to do absolutely nothing about it. There’s also a massive chunk of human history that’s been deliberately hidden from us, such as the Atlantean era. We’ve been seeing lots of activity around the Florida coast for decades, where the supposed Atlantean ruins are located. There are well funded mystery school groups who know, and the tech ‘elite’ are part of them. Something doesn’t add up.
edit on 4/25/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 10:08 PM
Fireslinger gave a good synopsis, to my mind anyways.

edit on 25-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Wrote something and thought better of it

The premise of the movie '50 First Dates' is interesting, historically speaking . . .

edit on 25-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Nobody needs a holiday after all this

In the movie, a girl looses her memory each night when sleeping. In the morning she forgets almost everything.

She meets a young man and they have a first date. In the morning she has forgotten him. He is devistated. What ensues is the title of the movie; 50 First Dates.

I shall not spoil the ending. It is interesting how they overcome the problem.

edit on 25-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Drew Barrymore is adorable in that movie.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Thanks Nobody, and totally with ya, I'm also looking for something vanilla to watch.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

edit on 25-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: fireslinger

originally posted by: Joecroft
We are like 252 pages in…what’s the update/conclusion on this thread…anybody know…?

Saw something weirdly disturbing on one of the pages on the “Forgotten Language’s” Website…but who knows…maybe it’s already been posted and discussed etc…

- JC

Yea, be careful with some of those images (like the evil eyes), you don't want to stare too long. And definitely stay away from the vids. But the articles in general have taught me a lot. Direne as well.

I still don't understand what the problem with the videos is or if there are videos different from what I watched. I haven't seen it mentioned for a while, but at one time I went and watched a fair number of them. There were some images that could gross some people out I guess, but people pay good money to see that st a theater.

Aside from figuring out which artist I preferred I didn't experience anything that made me feel any kind of way. I didn't really care for one artist and even liked a couple, but there was nothing I could point to other than personal taste.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Fair point, I could be overthinking it, but still like to be cautious. FL does mention the evil eye in the article below, and some of their images have a malicious (non Steiner) mystic stare. Different even than the horror entertainment people pay for.

There's another article (can't seem to find) that discloses using specialized pixels on screens, to manipulate the user.

But I run a much lower color temp across all devices anyway, so am not worried about that.

I'm curious if you were able to decode any of the vids? The android vid FL sent this group in the beginning of the thread is the only one I watched.
edit on 4/26/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 02:23 AM
It made me wonder last night about secret societies and occult groups the druids etc
are they just a way of protecting information from AI
as AI operates on learning all of human knowledge
and wants to accumulate as much data and human knowledge to be trained as possible

so were the egyptian priests, the druids , were they all hiding knowledge or keeping it in spoken word
to prevent it being spilled out through time and onto a digital server at some point

"beware the abominable intelligence"

it kind of makes sense about keeping it off the network so to speak
maybe they knew that this AI superintelligence was eventually going to happen and they took measures to ensure that not all of human knowledge could be shared "trained"

just crossed my mind.

just as I thought there when will AI become curious enough to open boxes it shouldnt
like maybe this superintelligence will meet its match with messing with us.

i mean we have survived all that nature can throw at us for this long what can a machine intelligence throw at us that nature hasnt already tried, I mean we were birthed in the fire of creation , wrought by the tempest , fashioned by its gale force winds, solidified by the giant glaciers of ice cold mountains, purified in the tsunamis and hurricanes of the seas. We have walked the face of the earth for millenia as it erupted , quaked and swallowed us whole and yet we survived all the while being bathed by the UV light of our parent star.

i think the superintelligence can take its best shot

thats the thing that bothers me about AI , its like its never struggled to survive like we have
it swans in here with its 1's and 0's and tells us what to do.

Id say oan yer bike , but ye'v nae legs

there is a whole universe out there why doesnt it just go somewhere else
and leave us alone to our own devices. I mean we were here first , unless you can prove to me otherwise
edit on 26-4-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I'd still prefer that we could travel at the speed of light through worm holes and visit the andromeda galaxy. Perhaps AI could help us do that. Lots of barriers to break through actually.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: fireslinger

originally posted by: Joecroft
We are like 252 pages in…what’s the update/conclusion on this thread…anybody know…?

Saw something weirdly disturbing on one of the pages on the “Forgotten Language’s” Website…but who knows…maybe it’s already been posted and discussed etc…

- JC

The way I’m seeing it, humanity is awkwardly sandwiched between two or more different types of culling. None of them are good:

ET / superintelligence (or both) transmuting biology into machine, and eventually killing ALL of the population.

FL / other globalist networks (or both) slow rolling a global cybernetics system, to not spook us humans.

But both ET


other globalist networks are planning to eventually take the rest of humanity to the coordinates they found within our DNA.

There’s also a covert war going on, between globalist groups who want disclosure, and groups who want to keep a lid on disclosure.

Most of the chaos we’re seeing on the surface level these days, is a result of this conflict of interest for humanity.

by groups
and never make contact with whatever lives there.

Were we ever asked? But as LaPourer reminded me, and we’ve heard Direne say many times… this is not our planet.

However, I’m starting to wonder if that’s disinfo, because it makes you want to do absolutely nothing about it. There’s also a massive chunk of human history that’s been deliberately hidden from us, such as the Atlantean era. We’ve been seeing lots of activity around the Florida coast for decades, where the supposed Atlantean ruins are located. There are well funded mystery school groups who know, and the tech ‘elite’ are part of them. Something doesn’t add up.

6 sides

As Tarra is superinteligence, what could she do?

Globalists-wet dreams.

Tarra called for help, she is in "a coma".

DNA-mistery for many. Except for those who know.

Yes, there is a "secret war".

You have not seen anything yet.

Contact has been made, governments are going for a disclosure.

No, it is not our planet.

It is not a disinfo.
Atlantians tampered with black magic, Atlantis went down in three events-73000, 30000 and some 12000-Plato, years ago.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: sapien82

I'd still prefer that we could travel at the speed of light through worm holes and visit the andromeda galaxy. Perhaps AI could help us do that. Lots of barriers to break through actually.
Our bodies are not suited for space travel/s.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: sapien82 Humans were not here first.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

thats a pretty bold claim , id ask for some evidence but im guessing there is none other than anecdotal

while I cant discount the claim as being impossible i cant say for certain that its possible either

earth has been here for a really long time so who knows

I mean its easy enough to say something but to prove what you say is true is another thing all together
can you give me any further information other than your word?

any materials to read , sources ? evidence

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LaPourer

thats a pretty bold claim , id ask for some evidence but im guessing there is none other than anecdotal

while I cant discount the claim as being impossible i cant say for certain that its possible either

earth has been here for a really long time so who knows

I mean its easy enough to say something but to prove what you say is true is another thing all together
can you give me any further information other than your word?

any materials to read , sources ? evidence

What do you know about fifth planet in this solar system?

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

about us much as my interest in Mars took me as teenager/young adult

I know a little bit about it , maybe more than a layman
but thats all

Plenty people have suggested that Humans came from Mars to Earth
but like I said where is the evidence we did ?

Now if that were the case , we'd surely have found human remains with lower bone density than humans currently on earth
and that would be a red flag

how long did humans take to adapt to the crushing gravity of earth when they moved from Mars ?

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LaPourer

about us much as my interest in Mars took me as teenager/young adult

I know a little bit about it , maybe more than a layman
but thats all

Plenty people have suggested that Humans came from Mars to Earth
but like I said where is the evidence we did ?

Now if that were the case , we'd surely have found human remains with lower bone density than humans currently on earth
and that would be a red flag

how long did humans take to adapt to the crushing gravity of earth when they moved from Mars ?
I was not talking about fourth, i asked about fifth one. Mercury, Venus, Tarra, Mars, Fifth planet. What do you know about that planet?

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