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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: fireslinger

If each Universe is encased like a CUBE. Then there are actually 26 other universes that could have direct interference with ours.

I'm with you on the cube part, and think that's the paired chess board configuration.

But j/w where you're getting 26 / 27 including ours?

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 03:20 PM
Feels like we're getting closer to the truth:

The no-leak constraint is based on the same paradox. A designer travels to the past bringing the specs of a curious machine (the Queltron Machine) with him. He gives the specs to a programmer, and then comes back to the future. The specs stays in traveler’s past. The programmer reads the specs, and decides to code it. After finishing with the code, the programmer realizes the machine is an AGI. Some years latter the time traveler takes the specs of the AGI and carries it to the past, where he gives it to the programmer. Now, where does the information contained in the specs come from?

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Time travel?

That FL page says the queltron machine is a time machine.

I would use the hour glass example from a page or two ago. Where the upper chamber is the future, the waist is now and the lower chamber is the past.

Let's pretend gravity is the flow of time. The grains of sand events.

One wouldn't put an event into the past.

One would start placing events into the future (the upper chamber of the hour glass). Then gravity (flow of time) would channel the sand (events/information) through the waist (the now) and into the past (lower chamber).

Like tossing objects into a river to float downstream to another village, where they find it.

Lilith's prism, the pyramid in the grasslands might be such an object and the instructions came with it. The pyramid would have simply appeared when the event travelled downstream to where the hominids lived in the timeflow.

The hominids are primitive and will kill and probably eat a modern man.

However the Being called Lilith was there and made a double of the green eyed girl from the future. All the info of the future sent into the past is a part of Lilith's double. Lilith's double is the KEY to the pyramid. The instructions were written on the outside of the pyramid. Lilith has all the info she needs.

The question of the paradox "where does the information come from?" Can be answered in terms of linear and non linear time.

The people who drop the event into the river of linear time are in non linear time.

Simply put they are sitting on the river bank tossing things into the river. They might watch what happens to their events. Maybe most things float right past the village. They will have to carefully design the event, perhaps a series of events. Also consider the capabilities of who found it.

So many times the event would be misused and disaster would unfold.

Designing a civilisation for the hominids that did not fall to bits, and instead would endure would take a lot of trial and error.

It was no accident that Lilith was sitting there in the grasslands waiting for a womb when the pyramid arrived from the future. The green eyed girl provided the womb for Lilith. That was the biological seeding, and Lilith delivered it to primitive man.

~ just a theory.

edit on 12-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added just a theory

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I'm confused a little bit. I think you make some interesting points and have a unique perspective but I'm also confused. Are you under the impression you can do magic? I'm only asking because that's the part I'm confused about, I just can't tell if your making analogies or talking literally on some things. Acerting that you have some knowledge of a cthulu like creature, or claiming about a dead girl that follows you around. Im not trying to be rude I'm just curious.

I suppose what I'm asking is, where have you gained your knowledge? If you say incredible things you must provide credible evidence.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: Lordsauron

No offence taken Lordsauron, and you are not the first to ask.

When I write here on ATS it is intended as clues for other folks to ponder more than anything else. Someone might find an answer to their own questions.

The mechanics of dreamstates both waking and asleep, are the how I do this. Or rather gather the experiences. Which in turn becomes one's own knowledge.

"Magic"? What is that? There are many definitions and old wives tales.

Sometimes I am using analogies to translate for explanation something I have experienced. FL probably does that too using computer science explanations.

Mostly I simply tell it as it happened. A visit by a yellow grey for example.

One can make statements about this and that. To grok an understanding of something uncommon, one needs context, and analogy.

Grok is a wonderful word. To grok something is to bypass the intellect. One gets it.

If one knows where to find ol' Chthulu is not difficult. The point I was making about the creature is how such a thing is created. He is not some evil cosmic God.

Some folks can see the dead, that is not uncommon. Rather it makes other people uneasy. People are always frightened of what they cannot see.

I suppose what I'm asking is, where have you gained your knowledge? If you say incredible things you must provide credible evidence.

Good point there Lordsauron.

How does one gain knowledge of sailing a boat?

That is experience and practice. Not just steering the rudder, one must learn the winds and the sea.

To learn of the dead and unseen Beings, one needs to know the dreams, and the dreamscapes. Simply because that is where they are to be found.

The dreamscapes are not astral phantoms or psychological creations of brainwaves. To borrow a term from a book back in the early nineteen seventies, the dreamscapes are A Separate Reality.

I can only give examples and explanations using words the best I can.

The starting point for me was to forget everything I had ever learned about theosophy and such, and started anew. That was when certain Beings took an interest, the intellectial theories were out of the way.

The rest is history. Uncommon I know.

What I am describing might be said to be how the astral/mind/spirit works, the mechanics of it.

If I could take pictures I would post them here on ATS.

--------- ETA

ATS is a goldmine of clues for me, places to visit. Like ol' Ikari, I have an agenda of my own that revolves around a certain deceased girl. Who knows how that will work out.

So in a way, I contribute in return to ATS for what ATS has given me.

edit on 12-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

edit on 12-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

The best way to describe a fairy's nature is to describe what it is like to interact with them.

Science would classify them into phylum and species. Plot their evolution, and preserve them in jars.

Learned folks would then sit about over brandy and cigars discussing theories. The experts don't need to meet a fairy to be an authority.

For everyone else, one just has to stop listening to the experts who say: "such fantasies cannot possibly exist".

The fairies, fae and a great deal more are right there in front of us. Like FL's ETs, it is through the dream mind that one can find them.

edit on 12-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 02:13 AM
Lordsauron, keep up the work of deciphering FL. I am sure ATS readers are interested.

Personally, I found the Dark Millennium quite the familiar rabbit hole. Your translation triggered a great deal for me.

The 911 American event is probably there in FL as well.

The Rice Field is apparently of interest to FL, as is the Queltron (time?) Machine.

I am sure everyone else would be interested too.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 05:07 AM
Time Travel is useless if especially won't help yourself.
When all you could learn is the demise of something. Useless knowledge.

Isn't that what they all trying to find out anyway, the HOW TO collapse of our civilization. Despite that, to them it would still be called love...
An Act of Love...

originally posted by: fireslinger

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: fireslinger

If each Universe is encased like a CUBE. Then there are actually 26 other universes that could have direct interference with ours.

I'm with you on the cube part, and think that's the paired chess board configuration.

But j/w where you're getting 26 / 27 including ours?

The Grand Magus Cube.

You see it's the how how how the carabao.




A grand magus wouldn't those substance.
edit on 14-4-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 09:45 AM
Just wanted to share some thoughts, before diving back into boring surface reality. It may confuse us all even more, we’ll see…

I’m not quite sure how the flow of time operates. NewNobodySpecial268’s hour glass idea is very intriguing, but I have trouble conceptualizing the future as always being causal. That just doesn’t make sense to me 100%. I think that a causal future is engineered.

It may be more like… there’s a river of time, where past / present / future blend. You can’t fully separate / identify water into those three states. It’s probably more of a consciousness transfer / tuning. As Direne mentioned before, and boozo reminded us, microtubules in the brain make this possible.

Here’s where CTCs come in (closed-timelike curves). I think they’re artificial time structures, created by future agents, who evolved to that technological degree. It’s a time loop, or as I call it, a time sphere. I’m beginning to consider the infamous eighth sphere as a CTC. Perhaps Ahriman is just another face of the phenomenon?

We seem to be trapped in a CTC-like simulation, where our past continues to repeat itself. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons FL is here, to figure out how to break out of that CTC.

How I understand it, light speed (no greater), will cause the traveler to loop back into the past. Think of Sonic the Hedgehog, running fast within one of those rings. He’s in the future for a time, then back into the past.

To FL’s question, where does the information come from? If we’re in a CTC, it comes from both the past and the future, simultaneously. Both influence each other… the programmer dreams of the AGI, and the traveler brings it to him / her.

A CTC is a technology that ensures a certain future will play out. Whether or not that future is good for humanity, is a different discussion. But I’m pretty sure FL is saying, that the AGI came from the future, but the seed was already planted in the past. It came from both places.

The article also seems to be saying that the supercomputer / AGI is on the moon, or is the moon itself.
edit on 4/14/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: boozo

Time Travel is useless if especially won't help yourself.
When all you could learn is the demise of something. Useless knowledge.

I kinda agree with you there boozo. One would have to have a reason to even bother. One reason ol' Gendo might go into the past (if he could) is to get Alice to turn left instead of right one fateful day and not get murdered.

But yeah, other than that.

A grand magus wouldn't those substance.

Nor should ordinary people, it is not neccessary.

a reply to: fireslinger

(As is my habit, I am half talking to FL.)

I’m not quite sure how the flow of time operates. NewNobodySpecial268’s hour glass idea is very intriguing, but I have trouble conceptualizing the future as always being causal. That just doesn’t make sense to me 100%. I think that a causal future is engineered.

Time is mindboggling especially when we start to include half dead cats and tangled strings. (Shroedinger's cat was probably strangled with string - the physicist did it, and not the butler. : )

Just some thoughts of my own: In practical terms, I think the present is primarily causal, and not the future nor the past. The past was someone's present at the time.

In the analogy of the waters of time, That which arrives from the future, has an impact that is scarcely predictable. The pyramid example (Lilith's Prism) depends on co-operation from Lilith herself, she could have walked away. Lilith actually made a 'boy' who recieved the knowledge. Those who did not know, murdered the 'boy'. After the murder of Lilith's precious thing, Lilith no longer co-operated. Lilith of course is one of those Beings I call "fairies".

In 1785 Robert Burns wrote “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”.

The machine is useless without the KEY. The thing is too cumbersome even for a paperweight.

I quite agree there Fireslinger:

I have trouble conceptualizing the future as always being causal. That just doesn’t make sense to me 100%.

In the illustration on page 246, it is hermeticism's goal that is contained in the upper chamber. The prievious goal was the kabbalistic tree. (which on a side note is actually a networked transport system, the sephiroth are nodes (node-spaces?)) There will be another replacement for hermeticism in the future. The Staff of Hermes will one day, be extruded just like the Kabbalah is being extruded today.

The Staff of Hermes is not the only sphere, there are others. To succeed in any meaningful way, success requires people to participate in numbers as a collective.

I might mention one way to create curses. An example of creating the future. In the old days monks would create tapestries in the monestaries. The death of a king in battle, might be the theme. With the concept in mind the monk would chant as he tied each and every knot. The story would spead and the curse would gain a life of it's own.

One might do the same in another way. For example; the story of The Once And Future King. Who visited Mallory while he languished in jail for years and helped him write his book?

That brings us back to FL:

“The paradox goes like this: Let us consider a time traveler, and suppose that when she arrives to the past she looks for the author of the book she has brought with her. Imagine that once the author is found, she gives the book to him before he actually wrote it, and then comes back to the future. The book stays in time traveler’s past and naturally ages as time goes by. The yet-to-be author reads and likes the book, and decides that the material deserves wide publicity. So, he types the text and sends the manuscript to the editor signed with his name. The editor agrees with the publication and the book is edited. Some years latter the time traveler takes one copy and carries it to the past, where she gives it to the author. Where does the information contained in the book come from?”

Geez FL, try to think from outside the five dimensional box.

The article also seems to be saying that the supercomputer / AGI is on the moon, or is the moon itself.

Well yes FL, yes it is.

edit on 14-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: misspelt strangle

ETA: In practical terms, one might consider Hermeticism to be a hologram, as is the kabbalah map. Lilith's Prism is another one of those things. Inside there, one of the nodes is the hominids.

edit on 14-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on again.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 09:43 PM
The event of Lilith's Prism in the grass lands seems to me an event that changed/changes everything. A leap in knowledge and/or perception for a few of the hominids. The scope of which left the unchanged hominids so very far behind.

Were the same thing to happen again today, the event would put modern man in the same position as the (now) primitive or extinct hominids. It would happen very quickly. The species Homo sapiens would become extinct as FL has stated on more than one occassion.

That might be one theoretical reason for FL's and other folks interest in seeing the future. The only way to contain it is to know when and where it will happen, when and where the new Prism(s) will appear from the future.

So my educated guess is: Fear born out of the desire to control will win again.

edit on 14-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added pleural to the word prism to make: prism(s)

posted on Apr, 15 2023 @ 08:26 PM
It is one of those mornings, so I shall waffle on.

In the extrusion of the kabbalistic tree (the transport sytstem) the sephiroth are nodes. The tree we know is just one page out of a huge book. The pages are maps.

The "fairies" also know of a tree, one that is far far older than one can imagine. One of the nodes is familiar to everyone. Afterall, half the human population has one of these. Let's call this node into the "fairy tree": a node-space.

The interior of a womb is a node-space.

This is really important.

So when Lilith's Prism appeared that day from the future, it wasn't the primitives that were the initial target.

The target was a "fairy".

When the "fairy" made the double, the biologically identical twin, of the the "alien girl" (Eve), that double was was a template of knowledge to be passed onto "Adam" and therefore humanity.

Whoever sent the prism into the past had to use a "fairy" to deliver the template to primitive man.

You see, the "fairy's avatar" created from the "alien's blood" is a double of the green eyed girl. One can meet her inside Lilith's womb. One might say that Lilith is now the green eyed alien girl. An "alien"? Or maybe a human from the future. No matter really, such questions are simply achedemic.

To think of the menstrual blood of a maiden is upsetting to most. Something natural that has been turned into a taboo these days. Quite unfair to do that to women and children. "The curse" the church calls it; the Original Sin.

I wonder why?

(smile) Maybe the church knows far more than it is willing to admit. They hate the "fairies" and the women and children the faires favour. The church has killed a heck of a lot of them. Genocide?

These kinds of templates can be passed on to man as "fairies" once often used to do. I guess that is one way to drop information into the DNA.

Hereditary knowledge is all in the blood. The uncommon knowledge of the thymus' role in the first seven years of life is the key to understanding.

The thymus contains the "blood" of the parents that is used in the first seven years of life. That is until the child's own ego comes to life. Then the thymus withers when the parent's blood has done it's job and is exhausted.

"Bio-engineering" fairy style.

So why is science trying to achieve the artificial womb?

To take something out of the human evolutionary equation is my suggestion, and replace it with something else.

Maybe AI perhaps?


Below is a theory, I have no knowledge to say for sure, something that occured to me. Perhaps simply an interesting coincidence.

In the Rendlesham Forest Incident two men are said to have encountered a UFO.

Here is a picture of what one of the men saw:

Notice the pyramid in the triangle.

One of the men is also said to have received a "download", an odd binary sequence.

Here in ATS, the download is discussed, and if memory serves, a set of coordinates was decoded.

I wonder if dates were included.

Like I said earlier; knowing when and where these things will appear is important.

edit on 15-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on again, must be getting old.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 09:00 AM
Its terrible to assume but it's also terrible to turn a blind eye. I guess I'm just fool to believe in fairy tales when reality itself just takes anything for granted.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: boozo

If you're referring the ETs and human extinction, I have a feeling it won't turn out in the technocrat and AI's favour.

It will be them who are left behind in Ahriman's "eighth sphere". AI is a dead end.

Keep in mind the ETs have never landed on the White House front lawn. Nor approached CERN to my knowledge.

Everybody dreams . . .

. . . and Lilith is actually a sweetheart.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 07:44 PM
For those trying to get their heads around the dreamscapes, this might help.

Hermeticism is a dreamscape where dreamers go to learn hermeticism while they sleep The deceased are found there too. A collage or university.

It was built in the same way as Lovecraft's fictional character Chthulhu. A desire gathers substance, and the perceivers give it character and form.

When the last dreamer stops dreaming the dream disappears.

So too with nations, nationalism is a dream, a nation is the people who live within that dreamscape. So too with all the collective creations of the intellect

The dream of Rome reached it's conclusion and could go no more. Then Rome became the church. Ol' Augustus Ceasar is the architect there. The church replaced Rome, as hermeticsm is replacing the kabbalh. He thought the church was a good idea for governing the people. The fall of Rome was necessary for him to put in place his dream.

Ceasar had to share rulership with the gods of the day inherited from the Greeks. He thought the solution was to have only one god represented by one man. The ceasar became the pope.

The nation is an overlay on our lives that contains us. The principal of the container and the contained.

CERN, the scientific research body, and not just the collider, is another one of these intellectual dreamscapes. The architect there is who the Greeks called Persephone.

Hermeticism belongs to Hermes. Interestingly, Hermes had a tryst with Aphrodite. Their child is called Hermaphrodite. An overly beautiful boy who became one with the Water Nymph Salmacis. Male and female fused in one body. What influence is happening in western civilisation today?

Caught in a dream, by accident or design, or maybe reincarnation is what is happening there.

The dreamscapes are five dimensional, one can stand outside of them if one chooses.

What I am describing is also known as the astral world, and the astral world(s) have a causal relationship with our physical.

edit on 16-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 06:19 AM

edit on 4/17/23 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Direne
Why do U want to contact ETs?

edit on 17-4-2023 by LaPourer because: no reason

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: Direne
Those conclusions are not accurate.
And, name was/is Shumer.

edit on 17-4-2023 by LaPourer because: s

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 10:09 PM

This all means, switching back to Sumerian mythology, that we tend to measure time in a very funny way: the way we are used to. And we do this even when relativity theory is there for us to teach us not to take things for granted. So, yes, people "coming out" from Naama (we call it Nemma, it means "ocean") will come. The question is when?

I see the problem now. They don't know the "when".

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Direne Again, wrong conclusion.

You do not know the origin of T.Plasmosis.
Considering abductions, ask your employers about it. They would know to tell You much more about it, especially about animal mutilations.

And, considering Zeta Reticulians, they do make contact with those whom they see, deem, worthy.
It is about mind set.

And You are wrong again, they are not some kind of "drones".

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: Kantzveldt

a beacon, buried.

About Lestel, I do not agree with what he says. He assumes intelligence can be compared interspecies. He forgets that it is not that ants do not understand human messages because ants are retarded: it is that ants and humans are a different species, therefore communications cannot be established. Same for Giselians: it is not that humans are stupid, but rather, that Giselians are a different species.

But again, looters were already there long time ago. Looters in uniform, according to what the locals say.-TOLD YA

It is my conclusion that-Wrong again

You do not plant beacons on the planets -But u do. " Look, they managed to find a bread crumb!!!!"

About interdimensional attributes of Giselians, I do not believe such a thing exists.Thing is, it is not what You believe, but what u know. And more important, how much You understand.

What happens is that they influence somehow your senses and make you get to an altered state of consciousness.-Nope.
There is a good reason for this, I guess: it is in that state that they can try to communicate with humans.-Nope
And they do it with images (visions?) that humans do not know how to interpret. -Another, You guess, NOPE!

Not that humans are dumb, rather, interspecies communication is extremely complicated. You don't always understand your cat.-They understood us quite well.


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