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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Oct, 11 2024 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: sapien1982

Good way to put it. Bacteria do run the show in this seemingly organic life.

It comes down to balancing harmful bacteria with beneficial bacteria.

And the problem down here on Gaia, is too much harmful bacteria, which leads to a parasitic ruling class.

Perhaps Gaia feels that there's no way to weed out the parasites, so she's taking us all down, and starting with a clean slate.

posted on Oct, 12 2024 @ 08:08 AM
Of interest to FL aficionados.

Potential breakthrough as scientists claim two people communicated in their DREAMS in world first

In an experiment that sounds like a scene out of the movie 'Inception,' REMspace - a California-based startup that designs technology to enhance sleep and lucid dreaming - reportedly exchanged a message between two people who were asleep.

The company used 'specially designed equipment' which included a 'server,' an 'apparatus,' 'Wifi' and 'sensors,' but did not specify the exact technology they used.

No details included that might even point us toward the relevant science. There's an associated article about one of the devices the company makes, but it's pretty vague too. This fellow did neurosurgery on himself to implant a chip. He didn't pay somebody to do it, but literally opened his own skull to implant a chip. Keep this in mind.

I've read a fair bit of what I could get my hands on for information about various methods to help induce altered states. I believe lucid dreams are just a very specific niche of altered state. I believe that all the techniques using whichever combination of sound, magnetic waves, or electric impulses, are just facilitators or amplifiers. It's entirely possible to learn to achieve these states without the additional equipment or using ethnobotanical concoctions. It may not be common for people to achieve consistent results at the same rate as those using these techniques, but the tech isn't the magic. You are.

I would argue that some of the methods used by these devices, and likely in the protocols hinted at in XViS experiments, are just highly efficient and tech based "ritual". What I mean is that whatever changes they induce in the brainwaves that smoothes the transition to an altered state, they're simply causing the same kind of changes that various other less technical rituals did in other systems.

Today we have sonic lucid dream headbands (or XViS if you're a glowie) and the dream molecule that ATS censors, 40 years ago they had The Gateway Experience and lysergic acid blotter, and 1000 years before that they had elders in a circle doing rhythmic chant around an initiate that consumed some regionally available deliriant plants.

Unfortunately, your lucid dream metaverse will be coming with ad breaks.

'This opens the door to countless commercial applications, reshaping how we think about communication and interaction in the dream world.'

Lucid dreaming is entirely possible to learn. Much of it is just conditioning yourself during your time awake until you have a subconscious reflex to do basic reality checks. This is able to trigger spontaneous lucidity during dream states. Another technique used in conjunction with that is to wake up early and return to sleep for an hour or so after a brief session (just a few minutes) focusing on having a lucid dream.

Some of the articles found on FL, like those dealing with encounters with angelic or demonic entities, are likely to have occured to people that were routinely waking in the middle of the night. It was common in times in which these witch trial stories and lost manuscripts were written. A brief period awake, even some light refreshment, was very common in my understanding. They also probably suffered from chronic sleep deprivation, if not in amount of time sleeping then just in quality of sleep. Sleep deprivation is also a common technique for triggering altered states. It's often a factor in sleep paralysis and other more rare hypnogogic disturbances.

I think the evidence points toward there being underlying physiological (neurological) factors that make some people prone to slip into these states more easily, but the environmental factors like sounds and energetic waves also come into play with psychological/spiritual factors like belief and dogma. I believe that the vast majority of people have the capacity to explore this, if not the same ease as those most predisposed. The flip side of this would be people that have difficulty not slipping into altered states when they're trying to function in day to day life.

More difficult is wake-induced lucid dreaming, which is a bit like some meditation practices. It is a more practical method for those that want frequent and relatively dependable experiences, but it requires more initial effort and more effort to keep sharp.

It's one of the few topics covered often in FL articles that pretty much anyone can explore for themselves. Lucid dreaming is really just the first and most accessible step to a lot more really interesting phenomena involving consciousness. I very much encourage people to not take my word for it and try it for themselves. It's much more rewarding than reading what others tell you about it and has a much higher success rate than waiting for the experiences to come to you.

The world will still be a mess tomorrow, but it can be a mess in which you carve out 15 minutes for expanding your mind.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Geez ksihkahe, you should know better than to mention hard work here on ATS.

You scared everyone away.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

thats what I am kind of getting at , an macro organism that is host to billions of bacteria needs them to survive

what if we are just an extension of Gaia and we are its expression of life

so i dont think the planet would wipe us out since it gave birth to us
we are more like a petulant teenager who hasnt left the nest yet
or hasnt done its chores we are in the angry rebellious teenager stage probably
or maybe im getting ahead of myself we are maybe in the terrible two's

in any case we will probably get a spanking or sent to bed without supper
or sent off to boarding school or all of the above , we need a good humbling perhaps

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

The guy is a nutcase. He Jeffrey Dahmer into his own head.
Besides, the result was not definite.

An implant into your head is a big nope.

Perhaps Giselians are indirect cousins of him. They already communicate through dreams.

One easy way to induce lucid dream without drilling into your own skull is by simply meditating. Just sit in meditative stance into your room and focus yourself into a meditative state while floating in space.
Doing so, let yourself sink in and fall into REM sleep.

Mostly likely this will trigger sleep paralysis since your mind is awake but your body asleep. If you successfully trained yourself into meditation, you will most likely communicate with Giselians and they will teach how to tame reality because all is after all one.

Unless you'd like to drill into you own heads then be my guest.

edit on 17-10-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: boozo

I'll pass on the electric drill thanks boozo.

Lucid dreaming I did once and when I tried to open the bedroom door, that is where it ended. One can dream while awake. That will do me.

As with all these things, even plant based tripping, one probably should have a target. Otherwise, it is just sightseeing.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: sapien1982

I often contemplate what NewNobodySpecial said in different ways...

That if we don't respect Nature and attempt to control her for too long, the fae who act as the benevolent force behind her will leave us to our own demise.

Looks like that's exactly what's happening, as we're barreling towards the end of the Kali Yuga cycle.

As Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats so elegantly and humorously put it... cosmic rock bottom.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

I think the fae have been misunderstood in many ways. FL undoubtably knows a lot about them, maybe even a code word to identify them. Why not? I will wager that the fae have developed their consciousness to degrees we would hardly recognise.

That if we don't respect Nature and attempt to control her for too long, the fae who act as the benevolent force behind her will leave us to our own demise.

Here is an example of benevolent fae.

The Butterfly people of Joplin, where winged Beings protected children when an F5 tornado flattened a town. The event has even been made into a movie.

May 22, 2011 is a date that most people around the town of Joplin, Missouri remember very well. It was on that day that a F5 tornado destroyed 900 homes, killed 161 people and left a landscape behind that resembled a foreign landscape on a barren planet. . . .

. . . The stories were told mainly by small children to parents in hospital waiting rooms, standing in lines for water or donated food, and to Red Cross counselors. Multiple children of varied ethnicities and socioeconomic status told eerily similar stories of seeing beautiful humanoid creatures with wings hovering over certain children and parents in that storm in a protective manner. They were described as colorful and “pretty,” so children called them “butterfly people.”

Source: The Daily Herald.

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

That's the least expected outcome.
The most expected outcome is we annihilating ourselves destroying Earth atmosphere in the process therefore killing all life.

It's Destiny. Others are simply bozo in the sidelines.

posted on Oct, 19 2024 @ 10:04 PM
I know FL has a bleak view of the future.

However, What happened at Joplin USA with the "Butterfly people" saving kids along with parents, suggests that they have plans for saving at least a few. They did it at Joplin, they can do it anywhere.

If the Butterfly people, fairy folk, fae or whatever save a few, then they can start over.

So FL's "great filter" may simply be an opportunity for the fairy folk to begin again with a few of their precious things.

The future seems to me to have a science and religion free silver lining.

posted on Oct, 20 2024 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

Bookmarked that documentary, looks interesting. You can only rent it, so have to put some time aside.

a reply to: boozo

Many things can be true at the same time.

Seen: anthropogenic damage to the environment

Unseen (by most brainwashed people): geoengineering

Unseen (except for those really in tune): the fae leaving

posted on Oct, 20 2024 @ 12:50 PM
Direne, circling back to this one. I know that the transnational ruling class has many twisted reasons for the things they do.

Given the date of this one, is one of the reasons for what happened in 2020 related to modeling an interaction with ETIs?

posted on Oct, 22 2024 @ 06:58 PM
Forgottenlanguages' last post is quite apocalyptic.

The end of the technocene Is there a post-Technocene future?

Just a coincidence, I am sure. But who could blame me for wondering if I hit a nerve with my post below.

originally posted by: NullusSpecialis

I know FL has a bleak view of the future.

However, What happened at Joplin USA with the "Butterfly people" saving kids along with parents, suggests that they have plans for saving at least a few. They did it at Joplin, they can do it anywhere.

If the Butterfly people, fairy folk, fae or whatever save a few, then they can start over.

So FL's "great filter" may simply be an opportunity for the fairy folk to begin again with a few of their precious things.

The future seems to me to have a science and religion free silver lining

. . . and posted on FL:

"Only a global drought caused by ocean warming and acidification should really worry you. Only the extinction of phytoplankton should really be your nightmare, and yet it is not the final act. We always use a massive asteroid impact as the final event in our simulations. It's cheap because there are plenty of them, you know.”

Source, both image (screenshot) and text: Forgotten

I wonder, sour grapes FL?

edit on 22-10-2024 by NullusSpecialis because: neatness in the bolding

posted on Oct, 23 2024 @ 08:25 PM
They have the philosophy and message how we are unbecoming human. At the same time they never ever listen to what makes us human. Alas, a conundrum.

They must believe in the bearers of life "albeit the dunces". Thus, to them it is perfectly right to just accept the "No complaints" and "Death Sentence" card.

Pretty smart and retarded at the same time ngl.
They just took the "give life and sacrifice" at face value.

Which was an old age mimicry over millennias in the "Playbook of Life".

Never gets old. . .

Why do we even still have "Retarded Old People" ruling our lives.

The lesson of it is "It solves no problem" at all.

But since imagine you are a time travelling moron and you see these kids grow up to be a total # ups too you realized you died a "totaled moron".

Two Extremities.
One trying to break the cycle of life.
Two nurturing dunces in life.

One believes in Artificial more perfect intelligence learning machine
Two believes in imperfect, imbalance, produce of life.

Three you're out.

edit on 23-10-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

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