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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: Lordsauron
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

What would they be making the messages public for? They can easily encrypt emails or texts.
Whoever is involved with the website wants to be public to some degree about it. Maybe they want someone to solve the cipher.

I've been thinking about that, and it allows them to have multiple meanings within a message. The FL article serves as a form of disclosure, and also has at least a couple layers of encryption. Each layer having its own meaning. Also a recruitment tool, the ability to shape reader's perceptions, etc. These guys are super smart, to have created this system.

Totally agree with NewNobodySpecial268, I wouldn't post the meet info. But what you've posted so far seems safe.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Here's what I've done to decipher the messages

I use chatgpt. Easy

They have made their keywords the first word of each paragraph. And for some of the messages using a ceasr cipher of 13 or 9 has worked.

Just copy paste the paragraph in chat gpt and ask chat gpt to decipher it using the first word of the paragraph (ex. "Decipher this using şara as the cipher key") sometimes chatgpt will reply with something like "I can't decipher this using şara because şara is not a know cipher" just tell it "şara is the correct cipher" chatgpt will apologize and decipher the text for you..

There is a lot of material on this website so if you find anything interesting post it here and we can all make better progress.

Remember also that anything can have multiple ciphers. So after you have it decipher text for you, you may get something like "it was a nice spring day and I wanted to spend the day outside. The birds were chirping and the sun was strong" you can ask chatgpt to "decipher that text with thirteen" and sometimes it will turn into "I have finished my research and everything went well. Let me know when you can meet to discuss this."

Pretty interesting, there are programs that they undoubtedly use to do this cipher work for them so don't underestimate their ability to do this with ease and efficiency.

Also sometimes the text is in another language so if it looks like that's the case just ask chatgpt to translate.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: Lordsauron

What would they be making the messages public for? They can easily encrypt emails or texts.
Whoever is involved with the website wants to be public to some degree about it. Maybe they want someone to solve the cipher.

True enough.

Making a public announcement themselves is a differnt thing entirely from someone from outside solving the puzzle.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Lordsauron

Gotcha, that makes sense. For all my anti-AI talk, that's good use of ChatGPT.

But it doesn't make sense to me, if FL is behind this new wave of AI, wouldn't they know that this would happen?

Or perhaps they wanted it to happen, so they could strengthen their own encryption? Or as you mentioned, to solve the cipher.
edit on 4/9/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: fireslinger
This website has been around since 2008, they have had encryption programs around the whole time. They have used similar methods the entire time as far as I can tell. It seems to me likely a group of people are using the same encryption program and this could explain why sometimes it needs translated from different languages ie Arabic, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic, because this could be a global collective of people.

Also likely the webpage uses a lot of "misinformation" as camouflage to their relevant "message boards". Some messages may just be pointless or random while some may be pointless and random needing another cipher to unlock a true user message. Of which there surely must be a reason for all of the text on this website over the course of 15 years especially with how frequently the site is used.

For some reason I can't see a company communicating this way but the people on this website likely are technologically sophisticated and highly educated. With it being public and they give you a cipher key as the first word of each paragraph they are letting you know they are giving you clues. That's too easy to guess. My gut says puzzle.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: Lordsauron

My just added comment from above:

Okay, a puzzle to solve I can ethically live with, as opposed to encrypted private messages.

Let's see where this goes, though I may withdraw a tad.

Rabbit holes are like video game dungeons, sometimes a treasure chest contains a monster.

Since FL left the keys laying about, why not.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 09:13 PM
This is another deciphered text coming from the choose a label drop down box on their webpage the "A Aidhat lai Idhfàn V" lable. This was written by Ayndryl in 2012 and deciphered with 13 as the cipher key.

"I discovered my favorite programming language, pythonic and versatile code, is easier than most to learn. But chasing perfection quickly becomes frustrating, often for the most minute details."

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 09:21 PM
Deciphered message:
"Of programmers," inquired the master, "you thus inquire of zealots, but they have ignored the heart in favor of the brain. Because of that, they are like builders who ignore the foundation and rely on the bricks to hold up the house. They are content to let their minds wander in dry, soulless theoretical air, and only the barest minimum of their work is of practical use to anybody. The only way to write great software is to write it with the human condition in mind. You need to understand the needs and desires and wishes and fears of people, and you need to understand the things that motivate them. You need to be able to make the machine do the work of the human, not the other way around. Only then will you be able to write great software."

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 09:30 PM
Again from the same label written by ayndryl in 2012

A joint rebellion against the government is being planned in secret by rebels who have been gathering weapons and supporters. They are preparing to launch an attack on the government's stronghold. The king must be alerted to this threat to his power. Send a trusted messenger to the palace with this urgent message. If caught, deny any involvement with the rebellion. Good luck, and may the gods be with you.

posted on Apr, 10 2023 @ 12:55 AM
Since Lordsauron is taking the trouble to decypher FL, I may as well see what I pick up. No guarentees of accuracy.

I said earlier: The Shadow Beasts are a trap, and the Dark Millenium the bottom half of an hour glass.

Traps can be intentionally laid for the unwarry; a rabbit snare for instance. Traps can also be unintentional; quick-sand for example.

So in saying; the shadow beasts are a trap, to go there will probably lead to difficulties.

The Dark Millenium being the bottom half of an hour glass needs some explaining.

An hour glass is not a timepiece (clock). The grains of sand must all fall from upper chamber to lower chamber through a gap. An hour glass is a finite series of events.

* The bottom half of the hour glass may be said to be the past. The grains of sand have fallen and come to rest.
* The top half of the hour glass can be said to be the future. The grains of sand are yet to fall.
* The waist of the glass can be said to be the now, the present.

So the dark millenium has happened, yet we do not know how much sand is left to fall. The sand in the upper glass is the furure.

Here we should forget the clock upon the wall that ticks away the seconds, and avoid saying such things as a millenium is exactly 1,000 years. A clock is simply a metronome that counts a rythm.

So let's put two metronomes on a table with our clock. Three tickings do we hear; three different rythms. The clock is just one rythm amongst many. In modern life we syncronise ourselves to the clock, we forget the circadian rythm of the natural world.

We should not forget either, that the fallling of the sand depends on gravity, and gravity is not the same at sea level as it is at 200 miles above the earth.

Such is time.

In another thread, I wrote about egregores and how they grow. Egregores have something in common with the hour glass.

Here we have an egregore in the process of division. The egregore is shifting material into the lower section. When the upper section is clean, the two halves will separate.

Here we have the evolution of western occult philosophy. In the upper section is the Staff of Hermes. In the lower section is the Kabbalistic tree complete with Qilthoth; the realms of husks and rinds. "Husks and rinds" should give a clue to the Qilthoth's nature.

That is an actual place, a world if you will. One can come and go there. One will meet interesting creatures in the lower and understand their nature and how they came into being. The top is not so interesting, a university. One might say that in the lower section is trapped a section of humanity. It is also true that the upper section has trapped humanity too.

One finds creatures that fit the literal discription of "Shadow Beasts" in the lower. That implies the upper section holds "Light Beings". Though that is deceptive simply because of the choice of language that gives a biased perspective that holds with the concept of "looking and moving towards the light". An artificial thing born of philosophical thinking.

Like moths to the flame while others wander in darkness.

Then there is the rest of us who couldn't give a f* about philosophy's creations. One might say that philosophy makes one heck of a mess of things, which makes life difficult for the rest of us.

edit on 10-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typos

One might say that the invention of the clock and the creation of Universal Coordinated Time was neccessary to syncronise as many people as possible to the hourglass. When the last grain of sand has fallen and the two spheres have separated, the dark milleniuum will become the equivalent of one the quilthoth of the Kabalah. The "New Millenium" will be there too as a Sephiroth to the Quilthoth.

I get the feeling Steiner's eighth sphere is probably illustrated here.

One must keep in mind that in order to create the new civilisation (system), the old one gets destroyed. So the creators of the civilisation in the fashion described above know full well what will happen to the hapless folk caught up in the times of decay and separation.

(Evil grin) if only one could simply reach up and grab the system creators by the ankles and drag them down to join us here.

edit on 10-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled again

posted on Apr, 10 2023 @ 01:09 AM
edit on 10-4-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268
You're making some really interesting points here.

I think we should proceed with caution.

posted on Apr, 10 2023 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Lordsauron

Proceeding with caution is always a good idea. In video gaming, once one finds a dungeon and opens the door, there are treasures to be found. Also monsters and traps.

We also don't know exactly who is behind the forgotten languages website. And more importantly, we do not know their agenda.


Steiner's "eighth sphere" I should enlarge on. The concept frightens people. It isn't everything though. Civilisation's go through them over and over.

In another thread, an ATS member mentioned something interesting in passing:

Heck, even Herodotus was tsk tsk'ed by the Egyptian Queen and told, “yours is such a young culture. You only remember three great cataclysms while we remember (6?? 7??? Idk, not the point).

Might they have been talking about the same process?

So a Western thing Steiner talks about. Yet one can find Egypt's black sphere below Ghiza. A civilisation's way of reincarnation I guess. They always want to save something of themselves whilst sweeping their mistakes under the rug.

The eighth sphere I visit on occasion is where Lovecraft probably got his inspiration. Chluthlus (pleural) hang in the sky. The rest is the darker western occult stuff, including people in KKK cloaks.

Interestingly, the tarots appeared out of the black mist. I think I got the 'world' and 'devil' upright of the Rider deck. What that place is all about.

The people there are mostly 'alters' now in the psychological sense. Trauma and schizophrenia, DID, it is all there.

Which brings us to the greys. Some uncommon knowledge, and not a secret:

What is behind the grey's avatars are some other eighth sphere's alters. They are from here, a past civilisation that collapsed probably not so long ago.

edit on 10-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Apr, 11 2023 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

feels like again from warhammer 40k the chaos gods born from all the negative energy and emotions from the living realm.
the blood god Khorne god of war and thirsts for blood and lives of fury. Tzeentch the architect of fate , nurgle the god of decay and pestilence and slaneesh the dark god of indulgence pleasure and excess no matter how immoral or perverse
and most recently vashtorr the arkifane , lesser god who feeds of negative energy from technology

sounds about right

posted on Apr, 11 2023 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

as with the black sphere beneath giza the reincarnation is that the negative aspect of the foundation?
as the pyramid itself is the positive side giving humanity a marker for mathematics embedded in stone in the pyramids design and dimensions, as above so below
like are they a duality of mankind , that with all the positive there is the negative to bring it to a balance
and our species is at constant war with itself to bring a balance

both physically and spiritually

edit on 11-4-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2023 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I just know below the Ghiza plateau is a place of horrors. Treasure and knowledge too. But every piece of gold, every schrol is poisoned with a curse like a black slug.

The only sensible thing to do is walk right past the treasure without so much as a single souvenir. If one survives the snakes that is.

One soon learns that knowledge, unless needed, is best left alone.

Best to destroy it outright without even knowing what it is. Because it is there in that place is reason enough.

Personally I have no reason to consider a need for 'light and darkness' to be in balance.

Tis not a duality, light and darkness. The light creates the shadow simply by being light.

The question here is what is "light".

Ol' Cthulhu is an odd being to behold. Surprisingly like Lovecraft's description. He hangs half in the sky, and part beyond it. Like in "Hellboy".

The creature had only the misery of that world as the material for his form. Those who look at him give the misery form, and probably his nature. Cthulhu didn't always look like that. Lovecraft's fans gave him that form.

When one looks very close, one sees he is emergent from beyond the boundary of that world. 0ne can see that he has tried to extend himself back out of that sphere. He does not want to be there.

What lays within Cthulhu's heart? one might ask.

It wasn't really what I expected, though I was not surprised.

Inside Cthulhu's heart is a simple desire. A desire to exist, nothing more. That is the desire that brought him to that world.

I wonder, in a kinder world, if it were kindness instead of misery as material for his form, he may very well have been a very different Being.

For me at least that is the sadness of meeting Cthulhu.

posted on Apr, 11 2023 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

so from what I gather from Steiner's description of the 8th sphere and lucifer and arihman trying to get our minds
from the material realm that love is the yaweh /jesus part that prevents this with the moon acting as the super material

so do these beings down there like Cthulhu , just need some love ?
as in the saying that love conquers all

i could love Cthulhu as long as he didnt eat me

posted on Apr, 11 2023 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I don't know what to do with them, I've thought about it. Love won't do squat, I am sure.

From what I've seen the people there are alters born of trauma. I guess they are eventually detached from the original in some way.

Like the dead kids tortured and murdered by the church for the crime of having familiars for friends. My suspicion is, the ones I've collected over the years are alters. "Abominations" they are called. To me they are just kids.

One must keep in kind that Stiener had his Master. I think Steiner prepared a middle path in creating the Waldorf schooling, Eurythmics, biodynamic farming and anthropological medicine.

Those things Steiner created are in tune with Nature's rhythms and human rhythms, rather than clocks

He did speak of a "Christ consciousness" in the future. I know nothing of it. Not much about the eighth sphere either, not from reading anyway.

Dark journalist was right into Steiner and the Arihman influence. Honestly I think Arihman is the temptor into self destruction for aspiring evil doers. I reckon if it were not for him, real evil would take over completely. So in a way, the eighth sphere, and probably FL's great filter are maybe blessings in disguise.

It would be better not to give Arihman any work to do in the first place.

Personally I don't think love conquers anything. A lion will eat you anyway even if you tell it you love them.

Bring one up from a young age with kindness and it will show you kindness in return.

Acts of kindness works better than love every time. The receiver remembers the one who helped them. It works for me.

Even better is to unpack the problem and sort it out for them.

edit on 11-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typos

posted on Apr, 11 2023 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

so it would be acts of compassion then
i mean doesnt love and kindness fall into that category
being nice to all living /non living things

regardless of which sphere they reside in

those in the 8th sphere seem to have been put there as they failed to evolve on the correct path
during their evolution through the spheres
so have to dwell their until they are born again as far as I understand from reading steiner today

For individuals who, out of free will, put themselves in the service of their egotism and devote their life to do conscious harm (as in black magic), the state of 'avitchi' (or avichi, see below) describes the state whereby these languish eternally as a 'place of no return', because their lower I or threefold soul has lost the connection with the higher or true spiritual I.

The soul is banished into lower more animalistic levels and the personality eventually annihilated. (See explanations by Blavatsky below, and also Schemas FMC00.128 and FMC00.289 on Human 'I' that illustrate how Man's higher triad has its roots of essence in the higher worlds of budhi and nirvana planes, where there is and can be no evil. Hence the spiritual disconnects and closes down from such connections, and the soul below gets caught in a dead-end street.) The future of all beings in the eight sphere is that they are cast back to a lower level and are unable to participate in the evolution.

They can only be taken up into the regular evolution again after a whole round of evolution (or one cosmic breath of Brahma), when the First Logos 'recycles' the eight sphere along with cosmic dust byproducts of evolution. In this case they return banished as manifesting as the lowermost entity.

So i can only assume the beings that inhabit the 8th sphere are those who practiced black magic from the races that came before and they have been placed there until such time they can be born again
8th sphere

posted on Apr, 11 2023 @ 07:01 AM
So I think Cthulhu must be a lumerian black magician of sorts
i mean if he has been down there that long then he must be from that or the atlantean epoch

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