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posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by sturod84
how do you know its not the reptilians who are lying? mabye they are just jealous, since the greys seem a tad more popular among us earthlings. either way, ask those greys to help us clean all of the mess we have here in california. it is filfthy, there is so much polution everywhere!

Because the Reptilians are not in contact with the human community, that's why they can't lie to them. Only the Greys are in contact, and many people died already due to the secret UFO project, because they were following the Greys' liar rules on testing UFOs. The Reptilians keep silence, they don't mislead the humans, as all friendly creatures don't do that here.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:16 PM
Vertu and observe, I have read many posts at this site. Both of you reference the aliens abduct people, Greys for the souls, and Reptilians for experiments. What do either of you know of the underground base in Dulce, NM? I have read that an alien - human battle took place. It was my understanding that the battle took place with the Reptilian's. It has also been noted that the Reptilians abducted people for food.

Looking forward to your comments!

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
Because the Reptilians are not in contact with the human community, that's why they can't lie to them. Only the Greys are in contact, and many people died already due to the secret UFO project, because they were following the Greys' liar rules on testing UFOs. The Reptilians keep silence, they don't mislead the humans, as all friendly creatures don't do that here.


posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:30 PM
The Deep Dark Secret at Dulce

Dulce is a sleepy little town in northern New Mexico of about 900 population located above 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is only one major motel and a few stores. It's not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. But, according to a few outsiders, Dulce harbors a deep, dark secret. The secret is harbored deep below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. The secret is said to be a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals.
Some investigators attribute the mutilations to aliens from UFOs. UFOs have been seen frequently around Dulce. Sightings of strange lights and other aerial phenomena have been reported in many areas where the cows have been found at the time of the reported mutilation.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
The Reptilians told me, that the Greys are the worst ones among all fifteen alien species present on Earth. They are the only ones cooperating with humans (the US Gov't), and their aim is to keep lieing to the Gov't about the technology and in exchange they recieve food supplies, raw materials and abductees to kill... all this in a systemized manner so that the human community knows nothing about it... it is top secret.

Sorry to say, but the Greys are the worst ones, they are notorious liars..!!

Did the Reptilians say anything to you about Dulce?

Are you still in contact with them?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 03:37 PM
Nygdan my Doctor has nothing to do with this, I was shown and told about the three implants either by the one I go to or having the experience myself. Also there are more then 15 different type of species.

Mackwa 2 things first I know nothing about Dulce only what I have read just like everyone else I do know there are bad beings I don't know which species but I think they could do these kind of things this is why I say you must be careful when you see a ship you don't know if it is a better or worst one OBSERVE from a safe distance.
Second the Grey's don't steal souls as usual I didn't explain myself correctly and I don't know if I will explain this correctly either. To be totally honest I didn't want to write about this part because it is so far fetched and don't think anyone we believe it. It has to do with let's say soul transfer.
In one of my post I stated when I was little I was told I would heal people one day when I asked why I was told they knew my soul was innocent and pure and I would always want to do what was right.
Let me explain my way and I hope you understand.
I am on one of the ships I am in a room with approximately a dozen or so beings the room is dimmly lit I am being asked by the Elders if I want to come to Earth and help when the time comes I agree I would do this as long as it was for the good I understood my soul would be put into a human body and I would live a human life. I was told my memory would be taken of the life I lived there and that when I needed to know things they would come to me and and slowly remind me and to teach me what I needed to know. He said the human brain can only hold so much information at one time so things had to be done slowly and over a long period of time.
As hard as it may seem for anyone that reads this all I can say is I am here for the good when the times comes. I do understand the ones I go to all I can say is they do things the way they do and we do the things the way we do. all is not good and all is not bad.
Wish you didn't ask that question but maybe it's time you got the answer.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by observe50
...the one I go to....

What do you mean when you say that?

Thanks. This has been a very intersting topic so far.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Muckwa
Did the Reptilians say anything to you about Dulce?

Are you still in contact with them?

Yes, the Reptilians told me that Dulce is the cavern of the Greys, they are in contact with humans and mutiliations are done in an organized manner. Any sighting observed by human eyes, is only a camouflage image of the Greys and their craft, the Greys and their cooperatives are into it , to prove that the Reptilians are hostile killing machines.

Only actual video recordings or photos taken there prove the reality, no human observation is credible...!

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 04:41 PM
When I say the one I go to I mean he is a very tall Grey approximately 7' in height he is what we would call a teacher.
Most people think there are two types of Grey's tall and short but there are actually three the shorties as I call them the tall ones but there are also the very tall ones I don't believe to many people go to these ones.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 04:50 PM
What you say could be true when you speak of Grey's you must remember there are groups within groups. The one I go to is Greyish/white there are others that are greyish with a different color within them.
I can only talk about the ones I know but remember there are groups within groups. There are people here on Earth that aren't all that great either and do things that are not excepted by main stream humans.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by observe50
What you say could be true when you speak of Grey's you must remember there are groups within groups. The one I go to is Greyish/white there are others that are greyish with a different color within them.
I can only talk about the ones I know but remember there are groups within groups. There are people here on Earth that aren't all that great either and do things that are not excepted by main stream humans.

The Reptilians are only one species, there aren't groups, only the kids are hsort, the adults who reached the Age of Enlightment... are as tall as humans. To the Reptilians... the Greys are hostile enemies and the Greys are weak minded.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 05:55 PM
I go only by what I have been shown and told and experienced through out my 56 years of life and try to share, it is up to each indivdual to think about it and to make there own choice in what they believe.

Change of subject: Nasza Lines and symbols in Peru.
For decades these have been studied in Peru. There have been all kind of theories I am sure you have heard them all. As for the lines one man studying them said it seems to go with the way water is underground excellent. With the symbols there have also been many theories but let me tell you this:
When I was in my late twenties I was watching TV I had the Descovery channel on and was listening mostly while ironing clothe's,yuk. I heard after commerical we will be talking about the unusual lines and pictures on the mountain in Peru and how and why they might be there. Needless to say I stopped ironing and sat down to watch I had never seen this before but I do remember something being said to me one time about Peru on an experience. When the show came back on I watched when they showed the symbols/picture on the mountain I almost fell off my chair, my thought was I don't believe it they found the directional locator for the different species.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:18 PM
It's interesting... the Reptilians dinn't show me any symbols, I guess they don't need any . This proves, that the Greys are far less advanced than the Reptilians.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:32 PM
But then again it could be the other way around.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by observe50
. Also there are more then 15 different type of species.

I am on one of the ships I am in a room with approximately a dozen or so beings the room is dimmly lit I am being asked by the Elders if I want to come to Earth and help when the time comes I agree I would do this as long as it was for the good I understood my soul would be put into a human body and I would live a human life. I was told my memory would be taken of the life I lived there and that when I needed to know things they would come to me and and slowly remind me and to teach me what I needed to know. He said the human brain can only hold so much information at one time so things had to be done slowly and over a long period of time.

Observe, thanks for all the earnest comments. It is making this thread very interesting. Is it safe to say that you soul is not from this planet? If that is the case, do you know where your soul is from?

Also, is there a way to determine good Greys vs. bad ones? Are the 'shorties' the bad ones?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Vertu

Originally posted by Muckwa
Did the Reptilians say anything to you about Dulce?

Are you still in contact with them?

Yes, the Reptilians told me that Dulce is the cavern of the Greys, they are in contact with humans and mutiliations are done in an organized manner. Any sighting observed by human eyes, is only a camouflage image of the Greys and their craft, the Greys and their cooperatives are into it , to prove that the Reptilians are hostile killing machines.

Only actual video recordings or photos taken there prove the reality, no human observation is credible...!

Are you saying I can't see them with my eyes, but could record them with a camera or video cam? Is there something that they do to the human eye that can't be done to the lens of a camera? Do you know if any recordings exist?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:43 PM
But then again it could be the other way around.

What it all comes down to is we won't know until different species land and make there intention known until then we can only share what has happened to us.
For myself if I just saw ships landing I wouldn't run out to greet them. The only way I would show myself would be if I had communication with them and was secure with the feeling they meant no harm.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Muckwa
Are you saying I can't see them with my eyes, but could record them with a camera or video cam? Is there something that they do to the human eye that can't be done to the lens of a camera? Do you know if any recordings exist?

They do nothing to the human eye. They are tampering with the human mind, so that you only see what they want you to see. E.G.: if an alien is among humans, you won't see him/her, instead you will see another human. But the camera shows the alien. Same with their craft: you either see a plane or a bird, or nothing, but the camera will show the UFO. It's that easy. There are actual recordings all over the Net. Take a search, you'll see them. Greys are cooperating with humans, so whatever you see about them, is considered true.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by observe50
my Doctor has nothing to do with this, I was shown and told about the three implants either by the one I go to or having the experience myself.

Oh, I see. You're just delusional then. Ok, fair enough. A reasonable person would've gone to a doctor to have the multiple implants looked at. Please, if you have stopped taking your medication, start taking it again. I don't mean that as insultingly as it sounds, but you are obviously, unfortunately, delusional. If you haven't seen a psychiatrist(i was talking about a regular MD before) then you -really- need to see one. If the aliens, and of the 15, were sincere, they'd suggest that you see one too, to demonstrate that you don't need help.

You must admit, everything you have said so far is exactly the sort of thing that delusional people say and beleive. Their delusions are very convincing, and they need help dealing with them. I honestly urge you to see one, if for no other reason that to be able to have already addressed that issue. And if you have been seeing a psyhciatrist, but have either stopped or stopped taking the medicine, please, start taking it again. You are having, I don't know what the name for it is, an episode, an attack, a spate, whatever, but the 'problems' are occuring again (this is assuming you've been to one before).

And Vertu, I have to say that much of the same applies to your situation too.

Can either of you gentlemen tell me or the rest of us in this thread if any of this is 'on the mark', if you've been to psychiatrists and the like, and what mental condidtions you've been diagnosed with?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:52 PM
observe, What form of communication would be used, Telepathy?

You also indicated to watch the skies and there would be large concentration of ships on the West coast. Any reason for the West coast (assuming USA), and not other parts of the country or other countries for that matter?

[edit on 15-10-2004 by Muckwa]

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