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posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by picard_is_actually_a_grey
Yes, all these stories are interesting and to some extent convincing, but that fact remains you just cant fully believe in them until theres some decent evidence. Eyewitnesses are all well and good but i really think its time there was some kind of hard evidence emerging, like some pictures of these greys or a good clear close up of a UFO, or even better a video image of one landing, and greys getting out, clear and up close, something that cant be discounted.

Yup, that's my problem too. It's all well and good to read stories about greys, Nordics, reptilians, etc., but without any real proof, the alien debate is more a body of mythology than anything else.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 01:13 PM
why abductee's don't speak out as they should.
My sharing is not to convince you of anything only to share and tell you what I have experienced.
For myself whenever I was with the one I go to I always seemed to be focused on what I was being shown and told, since this has been an occurance all my life it never occured to me at anytime to try and get proof but to honest you are under some type of control weather slight or more intense.
As you know many people have photograph's but that isn't considered proof since they can be faked. Experiencer's can tell of there happenings but that still isn't proof. I believe even if there was a massive showing all over the entire Earth someone somewhere would say all the government's are using holograph's.
Only I know myself and if this didn't happen to me I probably would feel the same as you I don't know.
In the past month at night when I go to bed and it is quiet I have been trying to focus in the hopes of telepathy coming to me I ask for proof that you all want. Don't hold your breath lol

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 01:33 PM

I believe even if there was a massive showing all over the entire Earth someone somewhere would say all the government's are using holograph's.

Just remember, you don't really see with your eyes. Your brain receives information from the environment which is then processed and interpreted by your brain. In this regard, everything is a hologram. Everything. Keep posting.


posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by observe50
why abductee's don't speak out as they should.
My sharing is not to convince you of anything only to share and tell you what I have experienced.

I understand that, and I do respect people for coming forward and telling their experiences. Heck, my paranormal, psychic and magical experiences are hard for others to believe too, and I'm not out to convince anyone either. But to someone coming to the alien question without any direct experience, and with all the obvious b.s., disinfo, New Age & religious retrofitting, it looks like very much like a body of mythology & folklore. It's always the nutcases that make the genuine thing suspect.

It seems that, as with the paranormal & the occult, alien phenomena is something you can't really understand unless you have direct experience. Which is fine. I'd rather look at the question of alien existence from the outside, thanks, as the way in which most people encounter it has very little appeal. No anal probes for me!

In the past month at night when I go to bed and it is quiet I have been trying to focus in the hopes of telepathy coming to me I ask for proof that you all want. Don't hold your breath lol

Cripes, I think even if a UFO crashed in the middle of NYC and spilled Greys all over the streets, the government would make up some story explaining it away. Makes you wonder exactly what it would take to make full disclosure a reality.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 02:03 PM
I think this incident is interesting most of you have heard of this but I have questions?
The owner's of a farm house said the military, etc. used there phone but none of the phone calls that were made ever came up on there phone bill why?
People said they saw men wearing white protection clothing with a NASA symbol of them carrying a white container in the wooded area. I would think this object was closely watched by different agencies and had the team already near the area when the object landed. The container I would think would be for the occupant from the object.
The problems with occurences like this is people stand back when the military are involved what a shame I believe if this happened today instead of the 60's maybe someone would try in some way to hide somewhere close by and watch and listen.
What do you think you would do if this happened near you in this day and age?

[edit on 17-10-2004 by observe50]

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 03:00 PM
its all so hard to believe. only if you piece together every claim there has ever been you will realize there is a striking similarities to every claim. the aliens manner of conduct, the extreme advanced levels of technology, their ability to block the mind. how could it be that so many people can come up with so many stories all having completely unique but intertwined expierences? if you connect almost every semi-credible account they all have great detail, and fall into the same standard of alien conduct.


posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 03:54 PM
I believe is the entire lands of Earth needs to have massive showings up close and personnel with ships landing and a showing of themselves.
Is there a possibility that this could happen in our lifetime, IN MY OPINION YES it could depending on the circumstances.

IN MY OPINION I can see two scenerios but this is just my opinion:
1.) Total peace on Earth where the different species feel it is safe for them to land and make contact for all to see.

2.) A showing of ships only- in mass all over the lands low and frightning so you won't have any doubt that what you are observing is the real thing.

I think the key words here are: Depending on the circumstances.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I believe is the entire lands of Earth needs to have massive showings up close and personnel with ships landing and a showing of themselves.
Is there a possibility that this could happen in our lifetime, IN MY OPINION YES it could depending on the circumstances.

IN MY OPINION I can see two scenerios but this is just my opinion:
1.) Total peace on Earth where the different species feel it is safe for them to land and make contact for all to see.

2.) A showing of ships only- in mass all over the lands low and frightning so you won't have any doubt that what you are observing is the real thing.

I think the key words here are: Depending on the circumstances.

observe, when you say total peace on Earth are you also referring to the aliens that are on Earth. In this thread there seems to be some differences between aliens races. This all seems a bit curious to me. If the aliens can't get along, how can they expect the humans on this planet to get along?

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 05:00 PM
You ask very good questions. I meant when Peace was declared all over Earth by the human race and believe me I think that would really take a miracle don't you? lol
I don't know if I am taking this right but when you ask if the Alien's can't get along how do they expect humans to get along.
I really don't know exactly how it works but I know Aliens have to confer with others I don't know who these others are I wasn't told. If the circumstances permit the interference rules must be obeyed but who is to say they would be.
I think I jumbled this message all up I know what I mean but I don't think you will, good luck and sorry.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 05:09 PM
War and slaughter will always be inevitable, humans are just the ones able to kill each other, and only they are capable to destroy the nature. Sorry, but we are doomed, the Grey got it wrong...!

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
The Reptilians told me, that people have capability to destroy the alien crafts, with their assistance the war between the hostile Greys and humans can start. There will be big disaster at the humans' side, as well as the Greys will vanish leaving us alone, undisturbed. The war will start when humans will realize how cruel liars the Greys are...

According to Vertu, it does sound like there are some issues between the Greys and Reptilians. Sounds like war is inevitable no matter what. Whether or not humans can declare peace, still sounds like a battle is in the future.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 05:27 PM
this is so confusing....

and observe, you were not abducted so don't lie.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by observe50

I am on one of the ships I am in a room with approximately a dozen or so beings the room is dimmly lit I am being asked by the Elders if I want to come to Earth and help when the time comes I agree I would do this as long as it was for the good I understood my soul would be put into a human body and I would live a human life. I was told my memory would be taken of the life I lived there and that when I needed to know things they would come to me and and slowly remind me and to teach me what I needed to know. He said the human brain can only hold so much information at one time so things had to be done slowly and over a long period of time.

I don't believe observe indicated she was abducted. Sounds like she is trying to explain it as a soul transfer. I understood it to be that she existed and then placed in a human body.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Muckwa
I don't believe observe indicated she was abducted. Sounds like she is trying to explain it as a soul transfer. I understood it to be that she existed and then placed in a human body.

Observe is my opponent in a genuine soul-hunting here on ATS. It is a cold war between him and me, and its outcome: who will be baited first? I like this game...
The real question goes like this: Was he really abducted by the Greys? Or am I inplanted by the Reptilians?
Well, guess we need to vote...:-)
Anyway, there is an issue on the Insectoids, which noone has come forward with yet, but I am really interested in those species.
Knowing that our creators, the "Men In Black" left us on our own, we have to find our way without 'Gods'...

Actually, if something seems definately real, there must be some sort of reality behind that...!!!

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 06:01 PM
Vertu, sorry if I gave you the impression that I was baiting you. You both have very interesting comments, but are polar opposites. I just have lots of questions on these very topics about aliens.

Just trying to make some sense of it.

Thanks for sharing your comments.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 06:05 PM
so I am going to try better this time.When I say total peace on Earth I was just referring to humans.
You wrote that in the thread there seems to be some differences between alien races. I was told these words about the different species: We are parallel there are short ones, tall ones, fat ones, thin ones, good ones, bad ones and all different colored ones.
You ask if aliens can't get along how can they expect humans on this planet to get along.
I know I'm not going to explain this right but I will try to give it a shot.
There is an interference rule that beings are not to help us elvove but like anything else it depends on how you take the word interference. Example if you ask abductee's they will say well, they sure are interfereing into my life and they would be absolutely right. But to the Grey's they consider the Earth there's so to them how do you interfere with what you consider yours, do you kind of understand what I am trying to say?
I would say that many species get along okay with one another as long as they don't interfere with what the other is doing. If there is interfereing with them I was told by the one I go to that they will do battle with them but they try to take all battles out over the waters they don't want ships crashing on our land but I think we all know there has been a few.
I am going out on a limb here writing this but what the heck, there has been times when battle was done over our land when a ship is damaged and in our atmosphere they let it fall low below detection and try to get the ship to the closest body of water that can accept the ship. Many people report fireballs some could be meteorites as Scientist chalk it off to but also some of those fireballs could very well be a damaged ship.
To this day I still think why me I am a nobody this has been hard on me too I have had to OBSERVE here and there so to say it's like being between a rock and a hard place if that's the right phrase.
Vertu you write we are doomed could you please explain your reasoning to us?

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Muckwa
Vertu, sorry if I gave you the impression that I was baiting you. You both have very interesting comments, but are polar opposites. I just have lots of questions on these very topics about aliens.

Just trying to make some sense of it.

Thanks for sharing your comments.

No problem, it's me trying to bait Observe50, but my fantasy is less advanced, and I don't really like those Greys...

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 06:19 PM
Anyway, everybody check out this topic!! Extremely unique, and popular. I believe, ppl who had encounter with insectoids and post-plasma aliens , should definately write here, because I am really interested in their comments...!!

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 06:30 PM
Omega1 I never did say I was abducted actually I don't like the word but it does describe what is happening to people.
Muckwa was right about the soul transfer I actually would say I am an experiencer and observer here and there.
You do have your rights to express your feelings and beliefs and I will tell you this I don't appreciate being called a liar. I have a total of seven grandchildren I have custody and I am raising four of them. Our children and our grandchildren are our future the ones I am raising are 9,10,11,12 I tell them certain things that I think they can handle and understand.
Vertu this may be a game to you but it is not to me this is a very serious subject. I would be very happy if the things I share were not so.

[edit on 17-10-2004 by observe50]

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by observe50

Vertu this may be a game to you but it is not to me this is a very serious subject. I would be very happy if the things I share were not so.

[edit on 17-10-2004 by observe50]

I understand you, and I must apologize for being rude to you. But you must know, that I can't act that seriously because I don't have any reason for that. Knowing that I have genuine contact with the Reptilians, I find it extremely serious, still, they are the ones often playing with me, or with my mind.

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