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posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 08:57 PM
I think he was talking about making a "UFO runway". A safe landingspot saying "LAND HERE". That's what I thought, at least

That's what I got out of it. When I get my own place, and have a healthy sized yard, I will do just that. Good Idea; im crazy enough to do it.

Ummm.. circles don't have width and length...


Calvin rocks.

I don't know why 100' but 100' and being white is easy to see from above and I am not even going to begin to explain you wouldn't believe anyhow.

I read somewhere that greenish-yellow is the most visible color to the human eye.

You don't need to explain it to me. I only believe myself anyways

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 10:00 PM
The reason for white is the meaning of safety to them.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by observe50
The reason for white is the meaning of safety to them.

Haha. Of course white is the color of safety to them. It's the color of surrender to us!

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 07:28 AM
I never did think of that maybe you are right but for some reason that wasn't the impression I got.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Chieftian Chaos
Are you talking about crop circles? Cuz I really don't think anyone with any small type of a life would make huge pretty drawings in corn fields over night just for kicks.

Why not? It's art. People "with lives" sculpt, paint, tattoo, and make crop circles all the time.


posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 08:13 AM

Are you talking about crop circles? Cuz I really don't think anyone with any small type of a life would make huge pretty drawings in corn fields over night just for kicks.

Not just for kicks...for tourists.
'Would you like a cup of tea and a scone to go with your Croppy Tee-Shirt?'

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 08:35 AM

I read somewhere that greenish-yellow is the most visible color to the human eye.

I read once that Pink is the best color for visual daylight stealth, but it's hard to get pilots that want to fly in a pink aircraft, hehe....

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 09:08 AM
what if i made a 100' RED circle? Does that mean attack here? How about a brown one? Anal probes here?

What if it was a white 100" circle with a picture of a dead alien in the middle? Does that mean it's safe for dead aliens to land here?

Sorry, just being a smart a*se. Please provide an explanation for why this circle has to be 100' and white...apart from the "it's easy to see" reason..

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 09:26 AM
Your thoughts are interesting ones can you see people going out and making different colored circles and some with those symbol's in them lol
The only thing I can tell you is as I have said before I have been an experiencer with beings and this is one of the things I have been shown and told about. Why 100' that is what I was told white because this is what I was shown. I am only trying to share with you things that they shown and told me over the many decades I have experiences with them.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 09:33 AM
By all means, please share these experiences with us... If they span decades, surely there is quite a story to spill it!

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 10:52 AM
I know of only three implants that the Grey's use there could be more for all I know but the ones that follow are what I know of.
First I would like to say the one implant that has been talked about is the tracking device which they say is in the nose, this is incorrect.
The implant in the nose is located in the Sphenoid Sinus which is located in the middle of the brain this is a breathing apparatus that they activate when you are taken where you can not breathe the air.
The audio/visual and the tracking device I will write and tell you of my experience.
First the audio/visual: I am on one of the ships I am in a small room I am sitting in a chair that looks ALMOST like a dentist chair but not quite. There are two beings behind me I am moving around in the chair saying don't hurt me please just don't hurt me the one being on the right side behind me communicates the words she is giving us a hard time then I hear the voice which sounds like the one I usually go to communicate she is one of the better ones. When I heard his voice I calmed down knowing he wouldn't let them hurt me why I thought this I don't know. Now I see something coming down from the ceiling it has a light on the end of it when it gets down far enough I see an arm reach up to take hold of it. I notice the arm is not that of a Grey but I am starting to feel hazy and I start up again saying no, no no, please don't hurt me the being communicated to me to stay very still he wanted to do this right I wanted him to do it right to so I sat very still. He put this piece of equipment into my right ear and I remember feeling relieved it only felt like a q-tip when it was taken out it went back up to the ceiling. Now the brilliant white light shines down from the ceiling on me I raise my arms up to it, it felt warm and good when the light went out I was very hazy the two beings helped me out of the chair. (I couldn't see there faces I was looking down like in a drugged hazy state but from what I could see they seemed to be wrinkled and a beige/brownish color) One of the beings gently took my right arm and rotated the shoulder a few times then he did the same with my my left arm and shoulder, I thought to myself why are they rotating my shoulder when the put something in my ear. After that they turned me and I could see another area this area was also smallish but was well lit now I could see three metal tables with three what looked like ordinary leather straps on each one for the ankle area one for the abdomen area and one for the shoulder area now I started to act up again knowing that if you have to be strapped down whatever they are going to do is going to hurt again I started please don't hurt me just don't hurt me. They helped me to the first table and turned me then began to help me up when the voice that sounded like the one I go to said NO she doesn't go there she goes back now. The two beings backed away from me and that all I remember. After this device was put in I realized when they wanted to program me with information they used this. The experience of being programmed with the symbols and the cure for Viruses came through this device but that's another experience.
The tracking device experience: I am in a room on the ship the one I go to is to the right of me (he is a tall Grey by the way) we are standing there all I can see is a table on the other side of the room with what looks like a regular microscope on it he motions for me to go to the table then to look in what I see is black and square he communicates this is the tracking device we had to greatly magnify just for you to see he did communicate the magnification number. (I remember it was a large number but I forget what the number was) He communicated that it is smaller then anything any human could ever imagine. Now he motions me to follow and we went through a doorway this room was very small we turn just as we enter there is a half wall the rest was glass like I am now looking into a large room I see what looks like two x-rays hanging on a wall back there. A human male walks in from the left with a long pointer stick in his hand and walks to the first x-ray type picture (the man was wearing black pants black shoes a long white lab jacket to his knee's he was tall with black hair and a little grey on the side my first thought was he was Italian) anyhow the one I am with communicates this is where the tracking device is located he communicated that we would have to use our most sophificated eqipment to locate it and we would have to look long and hard and we still wouldn't be sure but it can be located. The tracking device is in the back of the head in the middle of the lower left lobe.
Sorry about the long post

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 12:04 PM
Sturod84 asked to describe the ship first as you probably know there are different type ships. I did describe one type ship in another thread that ship was a gathering ship human and plant. The rooms are on the inside with a walkway around them with doors that shut off certain areas. The color of this ship is dark greenish/black it is circular.
What you call a mother ship one I was on carried many different species of beings the male were living in one area and the females in another area. There is a hugh central area were all can meet and socialize. Some walkways were straight and others curved I walked around where ever I saw an empty walkway I followed it I came to this one door and opened it and stepped in. To the right there was a being somewhat human in appearance he was short and thin and wearing tan loose fitting attire he was sitting behind what I took as a computer but not like ours. He was a little shocked to see me there but communicated to me to come over to him I did. The next thing I know a door opens on the other side of this room and two big somewhat looking men came in and came toward us. The one I was standing with went to them then the three walked back toward me there were other seats in the room and the three sat down. The one I first encountered motioned for me to sit in the chair he was in when I entered. I looked at this monitor and he communicated to the others not to worry I couldn't figure out how to work it. As I looked there was no keyboard or mouse or anything with wires I sat back and just took it in. The only thing I saw was this funny looking thing kind of looked like a rubber fat short sausage with bumps on it I picked it up and looked at it. It was a hard rubber type material. I pushed in on one of the bumps and a screen came up it hard a bunch of numbers moving quickly the three sat up. I then hit another larger bump on this thing then all of a sudden one after another maps of like solar systems started flipping by on the screen at that time the three got up quickly and came to me and that's all I remember.
The Pod I experienced is egg shaped if you take and egg and lay it on its side it would open all the way across the middle the top part of couse goes up. It is a one seater it can be flown occupied on unoccupied. The material it is made of is shiny black glass type material very hard to see in but easy to see out. When inside you are somewhat laying but your back is up at about a 45 degree angle. When the Pod goes up there is a loud high pitched hissing kind of sound. When up this Pod stopped and as I looked forward I could see a ship far ahead passing from right to left kind of like our flight patterns I thought. I believe they work in grids also at times.
Gazrok wrote 99.9% of all hoaxers use the line you wouldn't believe etc. so I guess I have no choice to tell you. When I wrote that it was in reference to the white circle how I know I was in one of three ships One was to make a landing for what I don't know there were two long buildings several stories high with a white circle in a certain position I attempted to draw it sorry it didn't work.
When the ship was about to land I was told the white circle means it is safe to land here.

[edit on 12-10-2004 by observe50]

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Ummm.. circles don't have width and length...

Perhaps alien circles have width and length, maybe corners too.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 01:44 PM
personally if aliens are so advanced i'd think they would use metric measurements :-P

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 03:13 PM
Remember they (the Grey's) consider us a stupid species

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Ummm.. circles don't have width and length...

Perhaps alien circles have width and length, maybe corners too.

Hmm...what if alien circles are actually human squares...*brain implodes*

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 08:33 PM
I described it that way because I thought there may be young ones here and I tried to make it easy. I thought if I wrote 100' by 100' circle it would be understood was I wrong. lol
So lets just say a very large white circle okay be gentle with me I'm getting old lol

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 09:21 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience...

The experience of being programmed with the symbols and the cure for Viruses came through this device but that's another experience

Have you done anything with this cure knowledge?

If you decide to take it to a drug company, let me know via U2U, as I could use the dough from a couple shares of stock, hehe....

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Ummm.. circles don't have width and length...

Perhaps alien circles have width and length, maybe corners too.

Hmm...what if alien circles are actually human squares...*brain implodes*

"What if C.A.T. really spelled DOG"!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Brain implodes then explodes in a thermocortical reaction

P.S. You get a no prize if you can Identify the movie my quote came from.

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 09:40 AM
I know how it is to be broke believe me.
Unfortunately I can't access the information until they allow it. I thought about going to be hypnotized to see if I could access it but I know that isn't going to happen they won't allow it.
I worked in a hospital for 10 years five of those years working and caring for Cancer patients it was very hard for me knowing I couldn't do anything to help them and to be honest this really ...... me off. Why give the information and not allow me to use to help people I am tired of the phrases they use like when it is time you will know and whatever is to be will be. You would have to have had my experiences to understand them and how they work.
Change of subject: Watch the skies activity is picking up especially on the west coast more so in California.

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