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posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 08:36 PM
Thank you for your apology.
What is hard about this subject is the fact that there are different species and humans having different experiences with these beings they go to, this is why we must all share what we observe, what happens with us and so on.
I have trouble with a word that some people use the word is credible.
How can someone say (example) Dr. so and so PHD is credible because he wrote such and such. To me is Dr. so and so talking from experiences he has had or talking about experiences other's have had. What makes him credible?
I love it when I hear the report came from a credible source then they say police officer or Lawyer for example. Now don't get me wrong I have respect for these professions but there are also many in these fields that are crooked as can be.
Since I am nobody even though I have had experiences for a good fifty years I guess I am not considered credible.
Sometimes I feel the same way when I read someone writing about UFO sightings and seeing the words the person sounded sincere.
I agree with all of you until there is absolute proof like ships made of materials not found on Earth or beings that appear for all to see all we can do is talk and share of things that have happened to us.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Vertu

E.G.: if an alien is among humans, you won't see him/her, instead you will see another human. But the camera shows the alien. Same with their craft: you either see a plane or a bird, or nothing, but the camera will show the UFO. It's that easy.

and then

Originally posted by picard_is_actually_a_grey

but that fact remains you just cant fully believe in them until theres some decent evidence.

Vertu statement can be backed up with the video footage taken earlier this year by the Mexican Airforce, where UFO's were invisible to the human eye but picked by the infared camera located on the plane.

Just because we personally have not experienced similar encounters with Grey's/Reptilians/Aliens doesn't prove it never happened or is a fiction of the imagination.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by Psychoses
Vertu statement can be backed up with the video footage taken earlier this year by the Mexican Airforce, where UFO's were invisible to the human eye but picked by the infared camera located on the plane.

Just because we personally have not experienced similar encounters with Grey's/Reptilians/Aliens doesn't prove it never happened or is a fiction of the imagination.

Now here goes the problem: The Reptilians bumped into a real trouble, regarding the tampering of my awareness..! As I wrote before, there is an inplant being attached to my brain, which is carrying out different experiments on me at times. It is fine that I wasn't aware of them until they made me clear that they are watching me, but since then, I can feel that thing working, and I can realize what behaviours are due to the manipulation, and what are done by me. At all times I was extremely sure, that my awareness is only controlled by me, not by the aliens. Strange, because the weak human mind is supposed to be controlled in all means, this shouldn't be any problem to the crocodiloids.

I am still waiting for a new software in this inplant, which may allow them access to my awareness. :-) By the way... these creatures know how to handle the Windows far better than Bill Gates.. interesting, but this is fact...!!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:09 AM
experiencers (abductee's) sharing what has happened to them.
Maybe pieces could be put together about the different species and we could get a better look at what is going on. We are the ones living these experiences so I think we must all work together. To me it doesn't matter how far fethched some experiences sound. What is important is the seriousness of what is occuring.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:04 AM

Now here goes the problem: The Reptilians bumped into a real trouble, regarding the tampering of my awareness..! As I wrote before, there is an inplant being attached to my brain, which is carrying out different experiments on me at times. It is fine that I wasn't aware of them until they made me clear that they are watching me, but since then, I can feel that thing working, and I can realize what behaviours are due to the manipulation, and what are done by me.

Vertu, observe indicated that she communicated through telepathy with the 'one she goes to.' How do you communicate with the Reptilians? How would you willingly allow them to 'update' your implant? It would bug the h$ll out of me. Can't you go into hiding to stop them from messing with you?

[edit on 18-10-2004 by Muckwa]

Sorry, I screwed up the quote thing......

[edit on 18-10-2004 by Muckwa]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Muckwa
Vertu, observe indicated that she communicated through telepathy with the 'one she goes to.' How do you communicate with the Reptilians? How would you willingly allow them to 'update' your implant? It would bug the h$ll out of me. Can't you go into hiding to stop them from messing with you?
Sorry, I screwed up the quote thing......

[edit on 18-10-2004 by Muckwa]

Updating the inplant... I meant it only as a joke. I don't believe, that the Reptilians need to refresh the software on it, it shouldn't be like a personal computer.

How do I communicate with them? They know everything about me, what I think, what I do, how my mind and body behaves. I communicate with them through telepathy, this means that I only have to think of something, they are aware of that. So far I registered three telepathic messages to me, they used my own voice, but with different speed and speech. I could "feel" that it isn't me saying them through my mind. Other telepathic messages can be also sent... from simple sounds to full length "videos", that is fascinating...!

As I said, I am being examined, so I am not in actual person-to-person contact with them, but I am aware of their activity. I don't have the desire to remove that inplant, but few days ago the crocodiloids really busted up my mind, so I almost took an attempt to destroy the inplant with a 20000V shocking device. But as my mind cleared up, I didn't do it.

Right now, I feel cooperative with them, with the restriction to tamper with my emotions, that's not funny, so I hope they clearly understand me. Anyway, I think that the Reptilians are friendly creatures, and I hope that my relationship can be everlasting.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Muckwa
It would bug the h$ll out of me. Can't you go into hiding to stop them from messing with you?
[edit on 18-10-2004 by Muckwa]

Yep , this is a great question... At the first days, after I was aware of what they are doing, I was extremely paranoid, searching for camouflaged reptiles on the streets, etc... but here comes the advanced "mind washing", which occured twice as I remember, actually these frightening memories disappeared from my mind, into my long term memory, and they are there as if I only experienced them on TV. I assume, they know that my mind just can't handle so much new memories at once. Now it's much better, I don't feel being chased or watched, even though I know that they are watching me.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:56 AM
With the Grey's when you read or talk to people via the net about there experiences you get mixed vibes so to say. Most people of course don't like them then there are other's that are understanding somewhat what is happening to them and are a little more recepted, there are others that down right think they are the worst.
I don't think we should group and say all the Grey's are bad because I really don't think they are all bad. Turn the tables around with what is going on right here on Earth with all the wars and people just killing one another what if other species of life say all humans are bad. Well, we know all humans aren't bad. Can you kind of understand what I am trying to say?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 11:07 AM
In the community of reptiles, all reptiles must be good to humans, there are strict restrictions of what to do, and what not to do. If a reptilian is doing something forbidden, then he/she must face the consequences. E.G: Reptilians can feely access the Net, and write anything they want on the ATS, but they must not let people know, that they are reptiles. It is forbidden...!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 11:39 AM
Holee-Cow are we off-topic, I had to go back and see what this thread was about! Landing sites, building landing sites. Whew!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 11:45 AM

quote: Originally posted by Muckwa
Vertu, observe indicated that she communicated through telepathy with the 'one she goes to.' How do you communicate with the Reptilians? How would you willingly allow them to 'update' your implant? It would bug the h$ll out of me. Can't you go into hiding to stop them from messing with you?
Sorry, I screwed up the quote thing......

[edit on 18-10-2004 by Muckwa]

Updating the inplant... I meant it only as a joke. I don't believe, that the Reptilians need to refresh the software on it, it shouldn't be like a personal computer.

How do I communicate with them? They know everything about me, what I think, what I do, how my mind and body behaves. I communicate with them through telepathy, this means that I only have to think of something, they are aware of that. So far I registered three telepathic messages to me, they used my own voice, but with different speed and speech. I could "feel" that it isn't me saying them through my mind. Other telepathic messages can be also sent... from simple sounds to full length "videos", that is fascinating...!

As I said, I am being examined, so I am not in actual person-to-person contact with them, but I am aware of their activity. I don't have the desire to remove that inplant, but few days ago the crocodiloids really busted up my mind, so I almost took an attempt to destroy the inplant with a 20000V shocking device. But as my mind cleared up, I didn't do it.

Right now, I feel cooperative with them, with the restriction to tamper with my emotions, that's not funny, so I hope they clearly understand me. Anyway, I think that the Reptilians are friendly creatures, and I hope that my relationship can be everlasting.

Are you guys serious?

This has got to be a joke, right?

Do you really think you have a chip inside your brain.. etc etc?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:32 PM
Der Kapitan- Yes you are right we did get off topic about the white circle. I started the thread and we just have expanded it to other areas to keep things confined I believe. I assume this is allowed.
Marxjaxon- I can only speak for myself first I am female second I have had experiences with Grey beings for fifty years third there are three implants I know the Grey's use one of the implants is in the back of the head in the middle of the lower left lobe this is the trackig device.
Hope no one minds me repeating this.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by markjaxson
Are you guys serious?

This has got to be a joke, right?

Do you really think you have a chip inside your brain.. etc etc?

Personally, I am serious. I have an inplant in my head, if it is in the form of a chip, crystal, etc... I don't know. I hope, one day the Reptilians will kindly tell me, what the heck is it. All I can tell, is that it's doing fascinating things to my mind, and it can use my mind to scan/tamper with others' minds near me.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by observe50
experiencers (abductee's) sharing what has happened to them.
Maybe pieces could be put together about the different species and we could get a better look at what is going on. We are the ones living these experiences so I think we must all work together. To me it doesn't matter how far fethched some experiences sound. What is important is the seriousness of what is occuring.

Unfortunately I can't really support with actual experiences, because things done to me only when I am asleep. Interesting question still, what could have happened to me, that I don't see? There is one possibility:
I am living in a 10storey building, right on its top floor, above it is a flat roof. Excellent hiding place for a UFO all night if they are into doing something. Furthermore, the owner (who I am renitng this rathole from) shut down a room and filled with a bunch of rubbish... that's also an excellent hiding place for any instrument monitoring me and my inplant. I do have a webcamera pointing to me (and my bed), but I have to turn off my PC because I don't like its noise and its lights.

So what's the deal, the Reptilians are way ahead of me, with their extremely high intelligence and technology. I still have my question for them: What the heck is so interesting in my mind? How the hell is it so interesting to monitor such a pity poor everyday worker like me? Perhaps, the Reptilians will soon wake up, and they will inplant G. Bush rather than me, I guess he's a lot more interesting than me..!!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:08 PM
Since the Audio/Visual implant I haven't gone to the one I go to as much it seems easier to use the device. Anywho as I said before it never occured to me to get proof so I decided this afternoon I had a couple hours free I would go up and lay down and try telepathy. After I laid down I thought hey ya never know so I got up and got my glasses and put them on and grabbed an instant camera I laid down again I decided to tuck the camera in my bra I wasn't happy when I realized I had room for two more or a mini cam lol instead I took my glasses off and tucked them in there. I started laughing at myself I almost pi&&ed myself I had to get up and go to the potty then gave up on the whole idea.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:20 PM
Telepathy works..!!

It's amazing, but it really works. There is no need for meditation or any hardtry, it is extremely easy with the assistance of the Reptilians. As I wrote before, there is no problem with sending messages to them, or recieving any. In real, they are trying my capabilities real hard, but I seem to pass their tests with no problem.

Regarding telepathy among others: it's under full control on their side, it works only whenever they want to, and they do whatever they want to do. I only see its outcome as an outsider, but it's my brain extended with new features, on which the Crocodilians do their experiments.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:32 PM
Telepathy doesn't come easy for me many times when I know it is starting to work I get excited and lose it.
With me it seems whatever happens just happens I have no control over it. I must be the old model and you must be the newer version I don't know.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by observe50
Telepathy doesn't come easy for me many times when I know it is starting to work I get excited and lose it.
With me it seems whatever happens just happens I have no control over it. I must be the old model and you must be the newer version I don't know.

I don't think so. The Crocodilians made me do it at least four times, with an old lady, an old man, a young lady, nad a young man. They did it when I was on the streets, and I am not sure what they sent them, but they got really excited. As for me, I just couldn't resist laughing, it was that funny. Just imagine that someone is digging in your mind, and you get "replies"... and you don't know, what the hell was that...

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by observe50
But to the Grey's they consider the Earth there's so to them how do you interfere with what you consider yours, do you kind of understand what I am trying to say?

observe, thanks - I'm getting the picture. The Greys sound much like a group of early Americans that believed this land was theirs and they did what they wanted to the Fauna, Flora and Native Americans........

To me, the outcome sounds bad for us.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Muckwa
[observe, thanks - I'm getting the picture. The Greys sound much like a group of early Americans that believed this land was theirs and they did what they wanted to the Fauna, Flora and Native Americans........

To me, the outcome sounds bad for us.

That's wrong. The Greys are cooperating with the US Gov't, but they are hostile to the humans... pity that the stupid government officials can't see that, they think they made a good deal with them...!!

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