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posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
And Vertu, I have to say that much of the same applies to your situation too.

I clearly understand you, but I just really don't want to see a doctor... I hope, you understand me too. The Reptilians are friendly creatures, and their inplant doesn't really bother me. Once they trust me a little more, I will send in some pics of their crafts anc caverns from the inside. Could be cool, yet I've never been down there... I kindly ask them, I am sure they'll show me around.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by observe50
my Doctor has nothing to do with this, I was shown and told about the three implants either by the one I go to or having the experience myself.

You must admit, everything you have said so far is exactly the sort of thing that delusional people say and beleive. Their delusions are very convincing, and they need help dealing with them. I honestly urge you to see one, if for no other reason that to be able to have already addressed that issue. And if you have been seeing a psyhciatrist, but have either stopped or stopped taking the medicine, please, start taking it again. You are having, I don't know what the name for it is, an episode, an attack, a spate, whatever, but the 'problems' are occuring again (this is assuming you've been to one before).

And Vertu, I have to say that much of the same applies to your situation too.

Can either of you gentlemen tell me or the rest of us in this thread if any of this is 'on the mark', if you've been to psychiatrists and the like, and what mental condidtions you've been diagnosed with?

Nygdan, is the implication that I'm delusional as well for asking these gentlemen questions?

[edit on 15-10-2004 by Muckwa]

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 07:20 PM

Just think for a minute that you knew something that nobody else did and if you told anyone, you were labled unstable, insane, delusional. What if by chance that every person that is so call delusional, because they talk of seeing aliens and ufo were, actually telling the truth. I think it's unfair to put such lables on people. So, If I were to tell you that I have spoken to angels and sprites, Would you tell me to go see a MD/PHD. Well, through out history people have claimed to talk with such entities.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 08:42 PM
Nygdan first your response:
I am a 56 year old female I have 3 children and seven grandchildren. I worked in a hospital for ten years I devoted five years of my life there caring for Cancer patients many who died in my arms I have shed many tears with there families for the lose of there loved one. I suffered in my heart knowing I have the knowledge to cure and there is nothing about it I can do at this time I don't think you could even begin to imagine how my heart and soul aches, but this is the way it is. I left my work because of a family situation and I had to take custody of four of my grandchildren I have been raising them for seven years now, they are 12,11,10, and 9.
I am not delusional now for the implants your mentioned. The one in the Sphenoid Sinus. This Sinus is located right smack in the middle of your brain humans Doctor's would probably kill you trying to get at it. There are two ways to get to it and neither is a pretty picture.
As for the Audio/Visual and the tracking device they are smaller then anything any human could imagine they would be extremely hard to locate even with our most sophificated machines however they can be located the problem is I sure wouldn't want a human Doctor mutulating anyone our Doctor's are not knowledgable about this.

Muckwa when I am with the one I go to I usually talk the way I always do many times if I am thinking something he knows and answers the question before I ask it. He speaks by telepathy and I don't seem to have any problem it just seems natural when we are together.
You ask about sightings out West and California why there. In the West there is more open territory it is safer for them even though California is heavily populated people are more open minded out there plus they are close to the waters and can get to safety quickly.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 08:43 PM

I think it's unfair to put such lables on people

I think its unfair to treat a person's mental health as a form of entertainment. Both these men claimed to have implants. What is so wrong with them having the implants looked at by a doctor? Do you think that everyone who says they talk to aliens/angels actually does? Do you think its unreasonable to think that some of them actually do have mental health issues? Neither one has said that they haven't been to a psychiatrist, what if one of them had been, and the doctor had diagnosed them as being delusional? That doctor would have to be wrong, for no particular reason? Even if there were no implants that anyone could find? Even if the patients delusions stopped when given medication?

I do not care if people think I am being mean by suggesting any of this, I am doing what is right. It would be wrong to pretend that there is nothing suspicious about these stories, and to read them and participate and encourage the delusions.

And if I am wrong, and they are -both- talking to allwise aliens (who are both telling them different stories), and they are not having mental health problems, then they will say to themselves 'the suggestions make sense, a rational person would think that' and there is no harm done.

If I were to tell you that I have spoken to angels and sprites, Would you tell me to go see a MD/PHD

Absolutely. If you have spoken to these sort of things, then you should see a psychiatric professional. I suggested a MD to verify the existence of the implants.

is the implication that I'm delusional as well for asking these gentlemen questions?

No, but I'd say you are very credulous if you beleive everything they say without any proof. Infact, I'd say anyone is very credulous if they beleive everything anyone says without some sort of proof. At the least they could both go to an MD to verify the existence of the implants.

I just really don't want to see a doctor

Why? Have you seen MD or psychs before?

their inplant doesn't really bother me.

I wasn't suggesting going to have it removed. You must question if everything that is happening to you, and observer too, is real, its certainly spectacular stuff. So what is the harm in having at least the existence of the implants verified? Don't you owe it to your story and yourself to do this?

Once they trust me a little more, I will send in some pics of their crafts anc caverns from the inside

Have you taken pictures yet, or are you going to ask? They trust you enough to put these implants in, and bring you to their places, and tell everyone here about it, but not take photos? What difference could photos make? And if people here don't beleive your story, then why would that be, because they think you are delusional right? So if the aliens don't trust you, but let you tell everyone here what's going on, then they must understand that people will think you are delusional, so its not a risk for them right? So if the aliens think it would be reasonable for people to think you are having halucinations or whatever, then isn't it reasonable for you and other people to think so too? If your story is true, doesn't it warrant seeing a psychologist about, for just that reason?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I am not delusional now for the implants your mentioned. The one in the Sphenoid Sinus. This Sinus is located right smack in the middle of your brain

No its not. Its located behind the nose, inside the head, but not in the middle of the brain.

A cat scan would reveal the sinus implant. A microscope would be able to see any implant.

I find it interesting that you brought up the work with people with cancer, the whole 'having the cure, not being able to use it' or at least knowing that there is a cure. I am not a psychologist, so I will not try to speculate as to why you brought that up now and what relation it has to these aliens with all this medical knowldege and cures. What does your family think about all this? Again, have you seen anyone about this sort of stuff before?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 09:28 PM
Again I will explain myself the Audio/Visual and Tracking device are the ones that are smaller then anything we have every seen. I did not say that about the Sphenoid Sinus. The one in the Sphenoid can be detected by a cat scan and it can show as somewhat large because it gets a hard membrane around it if that is the right word.
Let me rephrase when I said it is right smack in the middle of the brain it is near the middle of the skull deep in the head.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I go only by what I have been shown and told and experienced through out my 56 years of life...

Originally posted by observe50
When I was in my late twenties I was watching TV I had the Descovery channel on and was listening mostly while ironing clothe's,yuk.

Discovery Channel Corporate Homepage

June 17, 1985
Discovery Channel launches with 156,000 subscribers in the United States, the first program to air is Iceberg Alley.

Assuming you were 29 at the time, that would have been 27 years ago, or sometime on or before 1977. Does your implant allow you to watch TV programs from almost a decade into the future? I want that cable service!

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
Didn't a town in Wisconsin hit the news by building a "visitor center" and landing area for EBE craft? They had a big area, landing pad, the works. Talk about planning ahead! I wonder if the aliens like cheese? I wouldn't trust anyone who wouldn't like cheese. Yeah, cheese.

Man, cheese rules... serious..

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 04:28 AM
Hey guys, this topic is becoming far serious, than ever before!! Unfortunately the Reptilians don't really tell me anything about what they want from me, but I like when they are buggering strangers near me through telepathy. Anyway, I am in emotional contact with them, and they are actually experimenting on my behaviour. I still could go to a doc anytime I wanted to, but I don't feel it right, an alien contact is valuable at my point of view. So, for the time being, the Reptilian inplant will remain in my head.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 12:13 PM
Thank you for pointing that out. I do remember it was the Discovery Channel and I was ironing I thought I was in my upper twenties it is hard for me to imagine I was in the mid or upper thirties but it seems I must have been. I stand corrected and apologize for the age mistake.
However I do want you to know that the experiences I write about are true
and what I have experienced thoughout my life.
I wish and I have tried many times to just forget about all of this but the more I try to forget the more it won't let me go why?
There are two things that still bug me to this day one is being shown the Arc in St. Louis years before it was built, why? and being told to remember Casper, Wyoming. Why Casper Wyoming I never knew there was a Casper Wyoming but it seemed as time went by without thought of that area something always came up to remind me I was to remember. Till this day I have no idea what it means and to be honest I don't burn many brain cells trying to figure it out just doesn't make sense to me. Actually I haven't thought about this area lately and as I sit here it just for some reason came to me to write about it. Does anyone here know of anything about Casper?

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by observe50
Thank you for pointing that out.

It could be the other way around...
I got you Observe50...
how are you?

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 12:43 PM
Of course this is becoming serious. There are some heavy things being purported here to be true. As such I believe that if you are going to say things we are expected to see to as true, then questions or comments about details of the various statements here need to be made. Mean or nice- A legit question IS a legit question.

[edit on 16-10-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 12:59 PM
The Reptilians� are watching us, especially this topic, and they are amazed how far these primitive humanoids can go... At my point of view, the Greys are enemies, and that is fact, even knowing that some humans can't realize that, and call them friends. They are not.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
The Reptilians� are watching us, especially this topic, and they are amazed how far these primitive humanoids can go... At my point of view, the Greys are enemies, and that is fact, even knowing that some humans can't realize that, and call them friends. They are not.

By Greys you mean all forms of Greys right? It's been stated here that the short Greys are our enemies but the tall greys are friendlier.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Chieftian Chaos
By Greys you mean all forms of Greys right? It's been stated here that the short Greys are our enemies but the tall greys are friendlier.

�No..! There are fifteen alien species present on Earth, and there are only one type of Greys, they are the Greys. All are enemies, they cooperate with each other, and they are hostile to humans.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by observe50

Muckwa when I am with the one I go to I usually talk the way I always do many times if I am thinking something he knows and answers the question before I ask it. He speaks by telepathy and I don't seem to have any problem it just seems natural when we are together.
You ask about sightings out West and California why there. In the West there is more open territory it is safer for them even though California is heavily populated people are more open minded out there plus they are close to the waters and can get to safety quickly.

ovbserve, thank you for addressing my questions. Being a 48 year old male raising three kids by myself, I offer you condolences. It's not easy, my hats off to you!!

I wonder why the great lakes are not considered a good location for underwater bases? The lakes are very deep, and most have a Canadian border, you would think there would be an opportunity for the aliens to have bases in the Great Lakes as well. Any thoughts on that?

Thanks for continuing to post!!

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Muckwa

Originally posted by Vertu

Originally posted by Muckwa
Did the Reptilians say anything to you about Dulce?

Are you still in contact with them?

Yes, the Reptilians told me that Dulce is the cavern of the Greys, they are in contact with humans and mutiliations are done in an organized manner. Any sighting observed by human eyes, is only a camouflage image of the Greys and their craft, the Greys and their cooperatives are into it , to prove that the Reptilians are hostile killing machines.

Only actual video recordings or photos taken there prove the reality, no human observation is credible...!

Are you saying I can't see them with my eyes, but could record them with a camera or video cam? Is there something that they do to the human eye that can't be done to the lens of a camera? Do you know if any recordings exist?

im in a business law class right now, the prof is only part time, he is a fulltime lawyer. He tells us, as can any lawyer that in eye whitness is the least credible piece of evidence.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 11:35 AM
Yes, all these stories are interesting and to some extent convincing, but that fact remains you just cant fully believe in them until theres some decent evidence. Eyewitnesses are all well and good but i really think its time there was some kind of hard evidence emerging, like some pictures of these greys or a good clear close up of a UFO, or even better a video image of one landing, and greys getting out, clear and up close, something that cant be discounted.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 11:39 AM
Muckwa you asked about the Great Lakes. To be totally honest from what I was told which is as follows:
We are safe and secure there is no equipment made on Earth that can reach us, as you can see we are in your water's in the Deepest of your water's.
From my experiences and understanding there are very large ships in the deepest of our water which the smaller ones go into when returning from there duties so to say. The ships can go in and out of the water anywhere they want they can travel long distances underwater.
I remember long ago when I first heard about Seti I used to kind of chuckle to myself and think we always look in the wrong direction. If as much time and money was devoted to surveying our water's from above you could watch there activity of entering and exiting our water's. The problem is about 70% of Earth is covered by water. For myself I always wondered why so much was put into where do they come from instead of where they are.
As I was told: You try to hard through Science to prove things you must use logic and common sense the answers are the simplest the ones you always overlook.
You must remember the Grey's consider us a stupid species but we do have intelligence.
Also remember when I speak I only speak about the Grey's that I know of and what I have been shown and told.
So many consider the Grey's all bad but they aren't all bad you just have to understand there existence is different then ours. As I have said we are the way we are they are the way they are.
One thing I like about all of you is if you don't understand you ask me. One thing I have learned you can say something and one person will take it to have one meaning and another person will take it to have another meaning so I try my best to explain I am not the best writer as you can tell.

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