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posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 10:36 AM
that is kinda creepy observer, why do u supose he died?

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by observe50

I have never seen them eat but they do something with Chlolophyll and it is excreted out through there body.

how in the world would you know they are pooping out chlorophyll?

For der kapitan, the bacteria that are involved in digesting lactose are interesting. They only live in the gut, and they aren't airborne. Only populations of people that have a long history of pastoralism (herding and such) tend to have them. In modern times this is a little different. Heck, now oyu can buy jars of pills with them in them.

the ones I go to are in our DEEPEST water's.

How do you get there? How do you breath there? Is this in a controlled environment? Or are they moving around in the water?

Have you had a doctor look at the several implants you say you have?

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 01:06 PM
The gut bacteria is an interesting point. I over looked that they only appear in the gut. I don't suppose the Greys have done any dairy farming?

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 01:24 PM
how the man died but I wish I loooked to see what the man looked like.
They don't poop out Chlorophyll they excrete it out of there body.
All in all I don't know how the ships work just that there never seems to be a problem when I am on one.
Once when coming up from the waters we stopped I was looking out and way above what looked like a submarine was passing by way up above from right to left that was when I was told:
We are safe and secure there is no equipment made on Earth that can reach us as you can see we are in your water's the deepest of your water's.
These ships can travel underwater and come in and out where ever they choose it is pretty amazing then they can go into space just amazing.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 01:47 PM
The Reptilians told me, that people have capability to destroy the alien crafts, with their assistance the war between the hostile Greys and humans can start. There will be big disaster at the humans' side, as well as the Greys will vanish leaving us alone, undisturbed. The war will start when humans will realize how cruel liars the Greys are...

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 01:50 PM
Wait a minnit.....Aren't thre Reptoids supposed to be the bad guys too??

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
Wait a minnit.....Aren't thre Reptoids supposed to be the bad guys too??

No...! The Reptilians are supposed to be the good guys, they are the creatures of the Earth, not a distant planet. The Greys and the remaining thirteen species are aliens, some which are definately hostile. The Greys are cooperating with humans, they give partial technology to us... as for the price, they ask for raw materials and for abductees to experiment with.

The Reptilians don't cooperate with the Gov't, they are said to be hostile only because they are cold blooded reptiles, and could be associated with crocodiles or other well armoured man-eaters, or killing machines.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by observe50
how the man died but I wish I loooked to see what the man looked like.
They don't poop out Chlorophyll they excrete it out of there body.

So they sweat out the molecule chlorophyll instead of poop it out. Check.

So, what about havinga doctor look at the implants?

they are the creatures of the Earth

How long are they supposed to have been hear? Why don't they make themselves public? If by 'of the earth' you mean they evolved here, why aren't there any fossils of them or other remains?

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

they are the creatures of the Earth

How long are they supposed to have been hear? Why don't they make themselves public? If by 'of the earth' you mean they evolved here, why aren't there any fossils of them or other remains?

There are fossils already found, but the authorities confiscated them. Still, there are bones of them in several other skeletons of other animals, but it is because the scientists had it wrong... and they know about that problem, but it is embarrassing for them.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:47 PM
I have to admit, at this point, my B.S. alarm is going off.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by MacKiller
Ummm.. circles don't have width and length...

I just had to quote this observation because its ultimately BRILLIANT!

I am of the 'MORE INFO NEEDED' crowd...................................................say what?
hu hu? please explain??

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess

Originally posted by MacKiller
Ummm.. circles don't have width and length...

I just had to quote this observation because its ultimately BRILLIANT!

I am of the 'MORE INFO NEEDED' crowd...................................................say what?
hu hu? please explain??

Circles don't have width and length. They have a diameter, which acts like the width and the length. The radius (half the diameter) is always the same, so in turn, the diameter is the same. So technically they do, but it is not called width or length.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 05:01 PM
true but I explained the reason I used the terms I did which were I thought there are many younger folks here and they might understand width and length a little easier, measure it out and draw a circle around kind of thing but I must admit kids now a days are extremely smart.
I have never seen Reptoids only heard about them.
What you have to understand or at least consider is the fact that there are good and bad beings as whole groups or sometimes as groups within groups humans are no different. It seems that since the beginning of time good and evil as always fought so this is nothing new.Good beings won't land because we are to hostile in there eye's they await peace on Earth before landing.
As for the Grey's they are really no different then humans we do studies with animals they do studies with humans. We consider animals stupid and they consider us stupid. If they wanted to come here and take Earth as there's they could do so right this very moment and not have a problem but they haven't have they.
One more thing I would like to say is I don't fear total nuclear war they won't allow it we would destroy there studies Earth is there laboratory as I have said. They can very easily shut down every single silo on Earth at the same time is they choose too.
There are many different species our problem is we don't really know who are the good or which are the bad so everyone has to be careful.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 09:37 PM

They can very easily shut down every single silo on Earth at the same time is they choose too.

i would agree with this, they talk about this in the disclosour project.
they can stop a ICBM in mid-flight which is also just amazing. pencil thin beams of light can shut down computer equipment if shot through your window from the outside, perhaps even miles away. they study us like we study termite hills, they are waiting for us to evolve just a little bit more, so they can say "howdy
welcome to the cosmic plain" i am sure they are greatly saddened when are leaders make such an effort to harbor war, and see all we are capable of accomplishing is killing, argueing, and maiming each other. while those who dont sit around, and waste away their lives on triffle matters such as soap operas. i feel an aura of dissapointment, but we are working on it right guys?

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 10:17 PM
You know we need to clean up our water, air and soil time is running out which do you think would be worst for you and your family starving or suffocating?

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by observe50
One more thing I would like to say is I don't fear total nuclear war they won't allow it we would destroy there studies Earth is there laboratory as I have said. They can very easily shut down every single silo on Earth at the same time is they choose too.
There are many different species our problem is we don't really know who are the good or which are the bad so everyone has to be careful.

observe, if there are different species, what if the Reptilians decide they want nuclear war? Couldn't they intercept any of the Greys attempts to stop us from blowing each other up? No offense, but you make it sound like the Greys are the 'greater' of all the species. Wouldn't the Greys want to save us from the Reptilians as well?

Oh, and BTW, thank you for sharing your 'observations', I find them very interesting!!

[edit on 14-10-2004 by Muckwa]

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 09:52 AM
I hope I write this correctly so you understand. You probably won't like it and many may disagree but all I can do is share with you what was told to me weather it be right or wrong.
My understanding is as follows:
There are many different species here the ships are in our waters however it is the Grey's that consider the Earth there's. All species weather good or not so good are allowed to do what they want as long as they don't interfere with what the Grey's are doing if they do the Grey's will do battle with them. The one I go to told me that they try to take all battles out over our waters they don't want any ships to be downed on our lands. As I said before they monitor the entire Earth and everything on it.
One thing is if the bad ones did try to destroy many of the different species that are good would help even though they all don't like the Grey's. The reason is Earth is not to be totally destroyed.
Since they are not supposed to interfere with the way we evolve we are allowd our wars but they watch closely they will not allow total destruction.
There is one thing that is interesting he said what you have for weapons are as toys but they can destroy we would confer one time only to interfere and that is if you were about to destroy Earth if you destroy Earth you would destroy our laboratories.
As I said ALL nuclear silo's on Earth can be shut down at the same time.
Most people don't like the Grey's and I can understand there fears believe me but all the Grey's are not bad there is one group that has broken away these are the Dr's, Scientist, Teacher's and the ones that help them called Monitor's. These Grey's collect plants from all over Earth for study they also choose people with souls they know are good and have been in the process of teaching them in certain area's to help when Earth is in need when this time comes these people will know what to do.
I save this for last becuase it isn't nice but they do take people and use them for breading what they are trying to do is create a superior human race (them and us combined look like us have there intelligence) THEY HOPE SINCE THEY ARE APART OF US THAT WE WILL ACCEPT THEM ONE DAY.
The good species have been waiting for peace on Earth they want to land make contact they want to get out of the ships and walk on Earth they think it is beautiful they want to help us with cleaning our air water and soil before it is to late but until peace is declared they stay there distance but they are waiting patiently.
Hopefully with the elections almost here we can change things with our votes they are watching closely.
Keep looking up as I said activity will pick up especially on the West coast in California but there will will also be many more showing in the USA and all over the world.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:15 PM
The Reptilians told me, that the Greys are the worst ones among all fifteen alien species present on Earth. They are the only ones cooperating with humans (the US Gov't), and their aim is to keep lieing to the Gov't about the technology and in exchange they recieve food supplies, raw materials and abductees to kill... all this in a systemized manner so that the human community knows nothing about it... it is top secret.

Sorry to say, but the Greys are the worst ones, they are notorious liars..!!

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:48 PM

Sorry to say, but the Greys are the worst ones, they are notorious liars..!!

how do you know its not the reptilians who are lying? mabye they are just jealous, since the greys seem a tad more popular among us earthlings. either way, ask those greys to help us clean all of the mess we have here in california. it is filfthy, there is so much polution everywhere!

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
There are fossils already found, but the authorities confiscated them.

Then how do you know about them? And what authorities? If these organisms evolved on earth, then there'd be fossils all over the place, and there'd be more waiting to be discovered. What formations were they found in? What geologic ages are they from?

Still, there are bones of them in several other skeletons of other animals

Oh, ok, so which skeletons would those be?

Observe50, did i miss where you explained what happend when your doctor looked at the implants? I haven't been able to read these posts in as much detail as normal.

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