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Vets try protecting OWS Boston from police beatings

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by sir_slide

Originally posted by nightstalker78
this whole 'ows' crap needs to end. And nowhere in that article did I see anything remotely what your title suggests.Police have a job to do.This is the US.We follow laws. Don't like it,move In the mean time these 'protesters' need to go home and take a shower.And get a job. And stop blaming lifes problems on everyone else.

ETA Where's the proof they'r being 'violently' attacked by police? Too funny.

edit on 22-10-2011 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

Right on cue, blatant ignorance....

Get a job? Take a shower? What world do you live in? It obviously has no resemblance to the one the rest of us are living in.

Yeah that person seems not to bath themselves if they have to mention such things . Usually we attack in other what we ourselves lack or engage in. Real cleanliness is to take a shower 2 a day and after passing stool.

There is more to being clean than most "normal working people engage in " as the person is attempting to make out that they are a normal clean working person ,

To be clean also, dont eat all sorts of disgusting dead flesh. You must also keep in the inside of the body clean .

Im intructing the take a shower guy as they obviously have no idea about cleaniness .

Dont stick the hands in the mouth and then proceed to touch everything with your dirty hand . Dont stick a spoon in your mouth and then proceed to put it back in the cooking pot.
Wash your hands after going to the bathroom MEN .

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:02 AM


posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by OldCorp

First 15 seconds says it all. 'Last warning,now is the time to move or you're going to be subject to arrest' Again,we have laws here. Follow them. Or pay the price. It's really not hard to understand.

Wow the ignorance. Throughout human history there have been laws. Change has only occurred because people were willing to break laws whose only intention was control and suppress dissent.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

This post proves that you have no real idea of what OWS is about.

The corruption in banking and government affect him the same as everyone else

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

That is gonna really piss off our soldiers who are on their way home from Iraq. This is not good at all.

Now, I am no longer concerned. I am officially worried.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
When a police officer yells in a megaphone 3 or 4 times that this is your last warning, to leave the area or you will be arrested....PLEASE don't act surprised when you are arrested.

If you WANT to be arrested to prove a point...PLEASE don't resist...go peacefully.

If you do resist...PLEASE don't act surprised when you are slammed to the ground.

This is basic common sense.


You would have fit in real well with Hitler's regime.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by illuminatislave


You would have fit in real well with Hitler's regime.

Please explain.

Lowering yourself to the "Hitler" argument should make you realize that you are running out of valid reasoning.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by illuminatislave


You would have fit in real well with Hitler's regime.

Please explain.

Lowering yourself to the "Hitler" argument should make you realize that you are running out of valid reasoning.

You sound like someone who would have been in support of the SS with your rhetoric, 'tis all I'm saying.

Please don't resist.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by Evolutionsend

Bull. Go apply at McDonalds. Or any fast food chain.They think they're owed something and they're not. Sure,I'd love to be making $300,000 a year.But I don't. I make due with what I have.And I'm proud because I EARNED it.

I have a problem with that McDonalds suggestion, I for one have applied for work at places like McDonalds, Subway, etc.. when I was hard up for work but guess what, I didn't get hired, at a couple they flat out gave me some BS about being "over qualified"

It's not as simple to just say "apply at McDonalds"

Not sure but I'm pretty certain I'm not the only one who has faced such a problem.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

You know, I remember back in the day, when I was making 600 a week on a bad week, having the same kind of mentality as nightstalker78. I couldn't understand how people were struggling, because I had not been there personally. I came from a pretty poor family in the beginning, but I was just a kid back then.

For years I made great money, me and pops had a thriving business, we didn't even have to advertise, word of mouth was sufficient. We had contractors that built high end houses, and did high end renovations that used us exclusively, because we were the best. Then when the real estate bubble exploded, we went literally from having too much work to handle, to no work in a matter of a few months. Lost it all, the house that was about 3/4 paid off was the worst. That was our investment, something blue collar guys have been relying on for years. Buying an old fixerupper raised ranch, renovating while paying it off, then selling it. That was pop's retirement fund, and my school/business startup fund. Ten years of investment down the drain, although we did undo a lot of the renovating we did. The master bathroom, the kitchen and the media room, we stripped down and took everything with us, and put it into the house we got up here.

Going from living good for over 12 years, to not being able to afford to eat 3 meals a day anymore is an eye opining experience, I tell you that much. As much as it sucked, being still pretty young, I value that experience. It taught me the real meaning of money management, and taught me to never again mess with any loans.

Up here, I live in a small town, not much work at all. I applied for the few openings that have popped up, and got the overqualified excuse. I could drive to the nearest city for work, but after gas, I would be making like 20 bucks a day, and driving 3 hours a day if there is no traffic. Not worth it, hopefully my internet business pans out in the end, or my flooring business picks up. If not, I have no idea what is going to happen.

It is messed up everywhere, even in canada. Here the government helps keep jobs at rock bottom wages as well. With the local factory, they fly in migrants from jamaica and haiti during the busy summer, pay their rent while they are here, and half of their food bills, it's insane. All so the factory can keep paying people 8 an hour, instead of keeping up with the times... And it's our damn tax money paying for them to do it!
edit on Sat, 22 Oct 2011 09:37:46 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by illuminatislave

You sound like someone who would have been in support of the SS with your rhetoric, 'tis all I'm saying.

Please don't resist.

Please expand on what my "rhetoric" is.

Using common sense isn't really a usual trait people accuse of being Nazi like.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by OldCorp

First 15 seconds says it all. 'Last warning,now is the time to move or you're going to be subject to arrest' Again,we have laws here. Follow them. Or pay the price. It's really not hard to understand.

How about refraining from posting if YOU don't understand the 'laws.'

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

Yes it is going to come to a head, but when? How much longer will the american people accept being shat on? Remember the jewish revolts in 70 and 135 A.D., when they rose up against the Roman Empire? Its about to happen again because most people have forgotten that piece of history and you know that old saying "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it". Make no mistake the U.S. is the 4th Empire. Our nation has been modeled on the Roman's 100% right down to the expansionalism and constant wars. The one key component that were still waiting on is our Caesar (what you and i call the anti-christ).

Alot of other people don't see it but, if you dig into the ancient civilizations history books and compare every aspect from the Roman Empire to the U.S. Empire, it's like looking in a mirror. OWS is in big trouble because they do not know the monster they are dealing with. When the Romans put down rebellion they left no survivors except those they hauled off in chains (handcuffs) to be used as an example so that others see the price of rebellion.

I remember that when the Romans paying "tribute" to other peoples to keep them from attacking it once it began its decline, seems almost exactly what were doing with the billions we give foreign countries to placate them. I wonder who the new Caesar Nero will be bearing the numbers of 666 written in his name? Who will be the tyrant laughing in his palace and playing his fiddle while america burns?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:19 PM

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by sir_slide

No. I'm all for standing up for what you believe in. I really am. But don't direct that # at me...when most of you (not you personally) don't work or pay taxes. Then want to sit around and bitch about it.

I'm a business owner, pay taxes, served in the military, reasonably affluent, and most of the people I see at the OWS rallys are pretty much in my demographic; yet you try and marginalize those folks by calling them dirty hippies. Why is that? That would be like me calling you a loser because you don't make as much money as I do.

Has your Rush ideology got in the way of your common sense.

Bull. If what you say is true,you'd have no reason to protest.

in other words - you have a 'I got mine - to hell with the rest of you' position?

remember Bernie Ebbers? WorldCom? Do you have any idea how many people lost everything in that now nearly forgotten scandal - and because why?

I have family members that did almost lose everything and are still struggling today - because of the greed, corruption and dishonesty of a handful of individuals. People who simply do not care about the fallout that results from their wants and 'needs'

they are hard working people that you would no doubt look down on now - because they have nothing and have the gall to call others on their crap

we're either in this together or everyone is in it for themselves

where do you stand?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

Do you suppose the cops would be so quick to bust heads if the veterans were in their dress uniforms? That would make great video...

I wonder if the cops stop to think about the fact that citizens are supposed to teach their kids to respect the police? Seems to me that would be a hard thing to do after an experience like some of the citizen protesters have had. You might want to have respect during the day but what you are doing during the night indicates you don't care. Don't be surprised at the results.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Well said...although I understand some of the thoughts around this movement folks need to understand that they can't slowly move to other areas because they will obviously occupy that area in the morning..other people have things that they need to do such as were given a warning now move your butts...or yeah they will come in in riot gear and move you...if they moved no need to have the police put their hands on them..this stuff is getting old...

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Majestic Lumen

Managers at places like that fear anyone that's smart enough to get them fired for the violations of the law that they all make to run those places. It's really very sad.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by OldCorp

You know, I remember back in the day, when I was making 600 a week on a bad week, having the same kind of mentality as nightstalker78. I couldn't understand how people were struggling, because I had not been there personally. I came from a pretty poor family in the beginning, but I was just a kid back then.

I feel you brother. People that haven't been there just don't get it. I have a reputation for being fair in my posts - check out the post to star ratio on the left - and the reason is because I have just about seen it all.

I was raised in privilege. There was a time in my life when I was closer to my nanny than my mother, who was vacationing in Paris or spending her days with the other ladies at the country club. I would go entire Summers without even seeing her. Imagine a 10-year-old that can get anything he wants just by signing for it to be charged to his parent's account and you'll get the idea. Oh the parties my parents would have. Guests would arrive in the entryway of our three story home and be greeted by a fountain in the foyer, with one set of stairs going up and the other going down; Pacino's house in Scarface is a pretty close comparison, I kid you not. I had the best education available too, graduating from high school when I was 15.

Of course book smarts are one thing; common sense is quite another. My older brother was a Marine, and since he was my hero I pestered my parents to help me lie about my age so I could join up and be just like him. I was in boot camp 2 weeks after my 16th birthday.


This scene from Full Metal Jacket is EXTREMELY accurate, and I experienced it first hand. (Warning: Graphic Language.)

Talk about culture shock!
I'd never been spoken to like that in my life. I said to my Senior D.I., "Look, if you want people to do what you want, why don't you just ask nicely?" BIG MISTAKE! I spent the next week on the quarterdeck doing mountain climbers and side straddle hops until I puked every time we weren't training.
Eventually I came to understand that a Marine MUST do what he's told without question and as quickly as possible; his life depends on it.

By the time I graduated, I had come to love Ssgt. Willie like my own father (who had died 2 years before.) When we said goodbye to one another after the ceremony, I could see the tears well in his eyes too. He had taken a child, a civilian puke who thought he world was owed to him on a platinum platter, and turned him into a man - at 16.

OC:Life-Taker & Heartbreaker

From that moment on, I was on my own. Like my brother before me, I turned my back on a life of privilege and made my own way in the world. And along that journey, there have been times when I was so poor that I literally lived on one package of Ramen noodles a day. There have been times when I didn't eat at all so that my children could.

So yeah, I've seen it all. I've been fantastically wealthy, and I've been depressingly poor. I've fought and struggled my entire life to be the kind of man that Ssgt. Willie - and my father - would be proud of. The most important lesson he taught me was instant obedience to commands. While I wasn't as harsh as he was, I taught this to my children as well - and it saved my first-born son's life.

We were walking out of a mall one day when he was four, and as kids are wont to do, he started to run out into traffic. He didn't see the car speeding towards him, but I did. I yelled in my best Marine Corp voice, "COLIN, STOP!" The car passed just two feet in front of him as he stood motionless having obeyed my command.

Well I'm getting WAY off-topic now, so I'll just stop. I'll just say in closing that I understand both sides of this issue from first hand experience - which is why I support the OWS protests.
edit on 10/22/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

I think we have the makings for another Vietnam era of widespread protesting personally. We have all of the makings that we had in the late 60s.

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