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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Bravo I did not mean to say that your contributions beyond the thread topic are irrelevant for the big picture. Quite the opposite. They might be very relevant and knowing about the Lavon affair, the USS liberty attack and in general about the modus operandi of the mossad cia and mi6 will help to put info about 911 into perspective. All I ask is to comparmentalize discussion. A different thread for a different topic. That goes for the antisemitism screamers as well though, although in their case, therapy is probably more like it.

With that said, compare the audio in the OP with the audio of an hebrew accent provided by bravo on PAGE 2 and this page and the audio of an native arab speaker on PAGE 5 and draw your own conclusions.
edit on 4-7-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

With that said, compare the audio in the OP with the audio of an hebrew accent provided by bravo on PAGE 2 and this page and the audio of an native arab speaker on PAGE 5 and draw your own conclusions.

So, three snippets of audio and we're all ready to draw a conclusion? Don't overwhelm yourself with research now, we wouldn't want you to strain anything.

Silly me, I forgot, you started with the conclusion and now you're just looking for validation.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 11:45 AM
More research!

One of the key points in linking the Zionist 9/11 hijacker voice to Israel and the long list of Zionist international terrorist crimes is the distinct "R" sound in Hebrew.

Read the material in the link and then listen to the original Hebrew voice on the 9/11 recording and notice how it matches the description int he link about the Hebrew "R".

Here is a quote from the page. The person who wrote this is from Israel ot claims to be, at least.

Well, first of all don't concern yourself too much with pronunciation. Since we, the
native speakers of Hebrew, inherited our language from our parents, who weren't native
speakers, our accent has been influenced mainly by Yiddish, which is close to German.
Anyhow, our ears are so used to foreign accents in Hebrew, that we find any foreign
accent to be 100% intelligible.

Now, about the R sound. I think it's the most dominant sound in Hebrew, so just upon
hearing it, Israelis will figure out your nationality, especially if you're an
American. So you might want to tune it down a bit. I would say the Hebrew R is close
to the German R, but much softer, and sometimes swallowed. BTW, The weather guy on
Galgalaz is not a presenter, he is merely a meteorologist.

On the same issue, one thing very noticed when Americans speak Hebrew, is that they
make the long E sound into a long ye sound. For instance, most Americans pronounce the
word "two" as "Shtayem" instead of "Shta-iem". Better watch out for that.

We have lots of evidence to link Israel to the crimes of 9/11 and the Hebrew / Israeli voice on the 9/11 recording is just one example.

The Blame Israel First Crowd.

When something horrible happens in the world many people will want to blame Israel first.

Now, I don't want to discourage anyone from jumping to that conclusion but when we can find evidence to convict Israel of crimes then we should not be shy in telling the whole world and uncover the reality of how evil Israel is.

Israel Is Pure Evil

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Israel Is Pure Evil

Yeah, that should cinch your argument. Of course you must be right.

Now go back to your Mel Gibson fan club meeting.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 11:55 AM

Bravo I did not mean to say that your contributions beyond the thread topic are irrelevant for the big picture. Quite the opposite. They might be very relevant and knowing about the Lavon affair, the USS liberty attack and in general about the modus operandi of the mossad cia and mi6 will help to put info about 911 into perspective. All I ask is to comparmentalize discussion. A different thread for a different topic. That goes for the antisemitism screamers as well though, although in their case, therapy is probably more like it.

With that said, compare the audio in the OP with the audio of an hebrew accent provided by bravo on PAGE 2 and this page and the audio of an native arab speaker on PAGE 5 and draw your own conclusions.
edit on 4-7-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

So what do you think about your buddies statement that Israel is pure evil? Still think I'm off the mark with the charges of Anti-Semitism?

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Bravo I did not mean to say that your contributions beyond the thread topic are irrelevant for the big picture. Quite the opposite. They might be very relevant and knowing about the Lavon affair, the USS liberty attack and in general about the modus operandi of the mossad cia and mi6 will help to put info about 911 into perspective. All I ask is to comparmentalize discussion. A different thread for a different topic. That goes for the antisemitism screamers as well though if you want to discuss your own topic open a thread, although in their case, therapy is probably more like it.

With that said, compare the audio in the OP with the audio of an hebrew accent provided by bravo on PAGE 2 and this page and the audio of an native arab speaker on PAGE 5 and draw your own conclusions.

reply to post by hooper

And yes, I do think your remarks about antisemitism are off the mark. Uneducated people like you would probably go ahead and accuse a palestinian of antisemitism, or an Iranian, or an Egyptian. It amounts to saying the Tutsi did what they did, because they are racist against blacks. Unfortunately some people on the outside look at a country and base their judgment and perception of that country on the actions of a group or entity within that country, it happened to the Germans for a certain period of time post war and it happened to other countries as well. But because many people did not think well of the Germans because of what the Nazis did, does not mean those people are Anti-Caucasian. However such narrow views are regrettable. I tell you the same I told my supposed buddy, if you want to sling charges of antisemitism at somebody who says it wasnt that semite, it was a different semite, or change the topic in general please do so in your own thread.

The OP is about the assertion that the voice doesnt belong to a semite from egypt, but a semite from Israel. I hope this helps you understand how out of place any charges of antisemitism are. So far nobody is making the claim that the voice on the recording does NOT belong to a semite. The question is, which nationality did the semite have and which was his native language. At best you can accuse somebody in that context of being anti-Zionist, which would put him in the company of many many Muslim and Jews, among which quite a number of Rabbis from America and Israel. Say Anti-Zionist if somebody is an anti-zionist. Calling somebody Antisemite which is an loaded therm, that ammounts to saying somebody smypathizes with the Nazis, the final solution and the physical extermination of all jews, are just cheap, dishonest smear tactics, which are very very obvious.
edit on 4-7-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

The OP is about the assertion that the voice doesnt belong to a semite from egypt, but a semite from Israel. I hope this helps you understand how out of place any charges of antisemitism are. So far nobody is making the claim that the voice on the recording does NOT belong to a semite. The question is, which nationality did the semite have and which was his native language. At best you can accuse somebody in that context of being anti-Zionist, which would put him in the company of many many Muslim and Jews, among which quite a number of Rabbis from America and Israel.

And the statement "Israel is Pure Evil" isn't in the least bit Anti-Semitic, huh? Just the old convenient anti-Zionist crap, huh? Told you no one buys that line of crap. Trying to hide your overt hatred of Jews behind a veil of poltical disagreement doesn't fool anyone.

Oh and I am also familiar with the "they're all semites" line as well. Just another dodge to avoid the label that so appropriatelyf fits you and your buddy.

So, do you think that you are qualified to listen to a few snippets of audio and be able to discern something as complex as the speaker's native language and all the other myriad of factors that contributes to a voice?

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Bravo I did not mean to say that your contributions beyond the thread topic are irrelevant for the big picture. Quite the opposite. They might be very relevant and knowing about the Lavon affair, the USS liberty attack and in general about the modus operandi of the mossad cia and mi6 will help to put info about 911 into perspective. All I ask is to comparmentalize discussion. A different thread for a different topic. That goes for the antisemitism screamers as well though if you want to discuss your own topic open a thread, although in their case, therapy is probably more like it.

With that said, compare the audio in the OP with the audio of an hebrew accent provided by bravo on PAGE 2 and this page and the audio of an native arab speaker on PAGE 5 and draw your own conclusions.

reply to post by hooper

And yes, I do think your remarks about antisemitism are off the mark. Uneducated people like you would probably go ahead and accuse a palestinian of antisemitism, or an Iranian, or an Egyptian. It amounts to saying the Tutsi did what they did, because they are racist against blacks. Unfortunately some people on the outside look at a country and base their judgment and perception of that country on the actions of a group or entity within that country, it happened to the Germans for a certain period of time post war and it happened to other countries as well. But because many people did not think well of the Germans because of what the Nazis did, does not mean those people are Anti-Caucasian. However such narrow views are regrettable. I tell you the same I told my supposed buddy, if you want to sling charges of antisemitism at somebody who says it wasnt that semite, it was a different semite, or change the topic in general please do so in your own thread.

The OP is about the assertion that the voice doesnt belong to a semite from egypt, but a semite from Israel. I hope this helps you understand how out of place any charges of antisemitism are. So far nobody is making the claim that the voice on the recording does NOT belong to a semite. The question is, which nationality did the semite have and which was his native language. At best you can accuse somebody in that context of being anti-Zionist, which would put him in the company of many many Muslim and Jews, among which quite a number of Rabbis from America and Israel. Say Anti-Zionist if somebody is an anti-zionist. Calling somebody Antisemite which is an loaded therm, that ammounts to saying somebody smypathizes with the Nazis, the final solution and the physical extermination of all jews, are just cheap, dishonest smear tactics, which are very very obvious.

"Israel is pure evil." No that is not antisemitic. I gave a lentghy explanation on why. Is it antisemitic if an Palestinian says that about Israel, an egpytian or a different semite? It is anti-Israeli. Maybe Anti-Zionist. I am not sure about the difference or if there is a difference. Again while basing your view of a country and their citizens on a few events is a narrow minded approach, that is regrettable, it is not antisemitism and neither the content of this topic. He is free to think "Israel is pure evil" based on what he learned about that country from the history channel, just like an Israeli or American is free to think Germany is pure evil, based on what he learned from the history channel. That does not make anybody antisemitic or anti-Caucasian.

Your intentional missuse of loaded therms is like I said before, very obvious and very dishonest.
edit on 4-7-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 04:05 PM
My main objective is to prove or at least provide plenty of proof that the voice on the 9/11 recordomg is of a native Hebrew speaker but I have made the claim that Israel is pure evil more than once and have defamed Israel in almost every post.

The reason readers have to see the evidence that the voice on the 9/11 recording is that of a native Hebrew speaker along with evidence that Israel is pure evil is that instead of arguing with linguistic evidence those who dispute the claim that the speaker was an Israel state that Israel could not possibly have done such an evil thing as slaughter nearly 3,000 Christian Americans.

Yes they are capbably of slaughtering Christians and yes they have in the past.

Do Christian Americans honestly believe that Israeli Jews and the American Jews who support Israel who take deep pleasure in raping, torturing and murdering innocent Christian and Muslim Arabs would give even a second thought before raping, torturing and murdering Christian Americans?


When you see the famous photo from 2006 of the young Jewish Israeli girl writing a message of hate on an artillery shell about to be fired into Lebanon to kill innocent Arab children you might conclude that Israel is pure evil.

When you see the YouTube video of Jewish Israeli soldiers using large stones on a captured Palestinian man in an attempt to break his shoulder blades, elbows and skull you might conclude that Israel is pure evil.

When you read the quotes by Ariel Sharon in which he calls for the "burning" of Palestinian children then you watch the videos of the Israeli military firing white phosphorus on innocent Palestinian children you might conclude that Israel is pure evil.


The proof that the voice on the 9/11 recording was that of a native Hebrew speaker has never been challenged here with any counter proof and the evidence proving that Israel is pure evil has likewise never been disproven.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:06 AM
As a half Palestinian myself I can say you are unequivocally wrong.

In fact an inside joke is saying FOB Arabs. Fresh off the Blane

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by BRAVO949

You may or may not like the fact that the voice indicates a Hebrew accent but it clearly does and no honest linguist or person familiar with Arabic and Hebrew would ever say this recording was anything other than a Hebrew speaker speaking English.

How exactly is it clear that it is a Hebrew accent? Since you are surely a honest linguist - what tips can you suggest pinpointing to your clear conclusion? Just curious.
As for Arabs cannot saying "p" - i hope you are joking. As honest learned person, you should acknowledge that Arabs ,just as other people, can learn foreign languages. With ultra-super-duper hard letter "p" or without.
Since other very accurate scientific facts supporting Hebrew accent send us to Youtube, i suggest to you the same. Thousands of native Arab speakers have no problem with p. Nobody says Balestinian autonomy. Or Balestinians.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Aspartame is pure evil!

How does that sound?

Can we agree on that?

These point have nothing to do with language or the voice on the 9/11 recording.

However, they support the Hebrew accent theory.

1. Amanda Keller, the purported girlfriend of the person of interest says "he" could speak Hebrew.

2. The Dutch owner of the flight school said he could not speak German or at least he did not.

3. Days before 9/11 the person of interest and two other hijackers were in a bar in Florida.

The owners of the bar are on record describing the three and discussing what the three are talking about.

Interestingly the three are arguing about money and "the family" according to the testimony but wait a minute. They were speaking in English because the owners of the bar repeat what they were saying.

So why would three men who are supposed to share a common language as their mother tongue and who are involved in one of the most successful secret black operations in history speak to each other loudly in English in a bar days before the attack?

If one of the men didn't speak the native language of the other two but spoke Hebrew instead then maybe they would all speak English. Maybe if they all spoke Hebrew but did not want anyone to know that they would speak in English.

Or, maybe they were just scumbag drug dealers and they were all killed and their Identites were used for another purpose.
edit on 5-7-2011 by BRAVO949 because: removed all anti-Semtic jabs

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by plopunisher

Have you listened to the original recording?

It is so obviously a Hebrew accent.

Even within two words you know it is not an Arabic accent, right?

When I first heard the recording I almost died. I could not have been more shocked but anyone who has been around native Arab speakers speaking English know in an instant it is not an Arabic accent and if a person has been around Israelis you know it is a Hebrew accent.

Hebrew has a very distinct stress pattern within words as well as for words withing a single statement. Anyone with the degree of accent that this "Israeli man" we hear on the 9/11 recording has, applies the usual stress to English as he would in Hebrew. That is exactly what we hear in the 9/11 recording.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
Have you listened to the original recording?

It is so obviously a Hebrew accent.

You have not listened to it, as it is obviously NOT Hebrew

Just an excuse for an anti Jew rant

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by BRAVO949
Have you listened to the original recording?

It is so obviously a Hebrew accent.

You have not listened to it, as it is obviously NOT Hebrew

Just an excuse for an anti Jew rant

You are right! It is Hebrew!

The man on the 9/11 recording had a Hebrew accent. Anyone who thinks that the voice did not belong to an Israeli is more than welcome to provide evidence to support the claim that the man on the 9/11 recording was not an Israeli operative.

In fact it sounds like the 9/11 hijacker was raised in Haifa.

If you think he was from the illegally occupied West Bank or somewhere else you can make that claim but please back up your claim.

Just using the word "NOT" in a statement is not really adding to the discussion.

Go out an find a recording of a man speaking the language you feel matches the 9/11 recording (of the Israeli man) and provide us with the link.

By the way, I have never called for "wiping bagels off the face of the menu" so I don't think you can say I am using this forum as a platform for an anti-Jewish rant.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

....welcome to provide evidence to support the claim that the man on the 9/11 recording was not an Israeli operative.

Again with demanding that other people prove a negative.

Just using the word "NOT" in a statement is not really adding to the discussion.

Right back at ya.

By the way, I have never called for "wiping bagels off the face of the menu" so I don't think you can say I am using this forum as a platform for an anti-Jewish rant.

Where did you pick up that cute little phrase? And no, posting "Israel is pure evil" in large bold face letters could never, never, be considered an anti-Jewish rant, who would ever think that?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by hooper

Hooper! I think you are Gentile-baiting.

Your job is to prove a positive.

Provide evidence that the accent on the 9/11 recording is anything other than a native Hebrew speaker.

We are not asking you to prove the accent is not Hebrew we are asking you to prove it is whatever you think it is.

The man spoke with a distinct accent. Can we agree on that simple fact?

If he had a French accent we could agree on that too, counldn't we?

The accent was not French, not Italian, not Hindi, not Chinese, not Russian - we can agree on that too, can't we?

Accents are measurable. Accents are definable. We can compare one accent to another. We can differentiate between one accent and another.

Since you live in New Jersey you can probably tell if someone is from Pennsylvania, New York City, Upstate or from New Jersey for example. Most people in those areas hear those accents all the time so they can recognise them in an instant.

I doubt if you would "allow" anyone from Arizona who had never been to the Tri-States area tell you that you could not tell a Bronx accent from a South-Philly accent, right?

Well, I know Hebrew and Arabic accents as well as you know accents in your area but that is not why anyone should take my word for it. They should listen to the samples I provided and read the linguistic material an make their decision based on facts.

Jews existed before Israel was yanked from the Palestinians and Jews will exist after Israel has disappeared from the pages of time to quote my spiritual uncle.

Jews are not, I repeat 'NOT' pure evil but Israel is pure evil.

Hooper, you have a right to exist and so does every other person on the planet including the most blood-thirsty Zionists (in prison in the case of the convicted criminal Zionsts) but Israel does not have a right to exist and Israel is pure evil.

Israel only exists because the Jews and non-Jews who support the concept of Zionism have been conned by a series of incredible lies.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Hooper! I think you are Gentile-baiting.

Why would you think that? Do you think I am Jewish? Not suprising, you probably assume anyone who does not agree with your ill-informed opinions is Jewish. As well as anyone who does not agree with you in general, and probably anyone who looks at you funny. Part of the territory I guess.

Your job is to prove a positive.
Provide evidence that the accent on the 9/11 recording is anything other than a native Hebrew speaker.

Saying "anything other than" is another way of saying "not" and therefore we are back to you demanding someone else prove a negative. Don't believe me? Substitute the word "not" in the above sentence where its says "anything other than" and see if it has the same meaning.

We are not asking you to prove the accent is not Hebrew we are asking you to prove it is whatever you think it is.


The man spoke with a distinct accent. Can we agree on that simple fact?

No, because you lack the basic understandings of linguistics to understand why the basis of that question is not correct.

If he had a French accent we could agree on that too, counldn't we?
The accent was not French, not Italian, not Hindi, not Chinese, not Russian - we can agree on that too, can't we?

If your understanding of "accents" is based on watching youtube videos and movies. But thats not real life.

Accents are measurable. Accents are definable. We can compare one accent to another. We can differentiate between one accent and another.

No, they are not measurable or defineable. That's why linguistics is considered a "soft science".

Since you live in New Jersey....

Uh, who said where I live? I don't make any assumptions about your personal information, please respect my privacy.

you can probably tell if someone is from Pennsylvania, New York City, Upstate or from New Jersey for example. Most people in those areas hear those accents all the time so they can recognise them in an instant.

Only people like you that want to make quick pre-judgements about people would be ignorant enough to try crap like that.

I doubt if you would "allow" anyone from Arizona who had never been to the Tri-States area tell you that you could not tell a Bronx accent from a South-Philly accent, right?

Again, you're stuck in the movies.

Well, I know Hebrew and Arabic accents as well as you know accents in your area but that is not why anyone should take my word for it. They should listen to the samples I provided and read the linguistic material an make their decision based on facts.

Actually, you do "know" a lot of things I bet. And there is going to be no dissuading you from your self-assured knowledge no matter how regretably wrong or how baseless and ignorant it may be.

And here we go with the Anti-Semtic rant:

Jews existed before Israel was yanked from the Palestinians and Jews will exist after Israel has disappeared from the pages of time to quote my spiritual uncle.
Jews are not, I repeat 'NOT' pure evil but Israel is pure evil.
Hooper, you have a right to exist and so does every other person on the planet including the most blood-thirsty Zionists (in prison in the case of the convicted criminal Zionsts) but Israel does not have a right to exist and Israel is pure evil.
Israel only exists because the Jews and non-Jews who support the concept of Zionism have been conned by a series of incredible lies.

And scene.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by hooper

Hoober, Hoober, Hoober!

Didn't you tell everyone you lived in New Jersey or were from New Jersey and went to UPenn?

In that case you should know accents from your area, at least.

Maybe you just don't have an ear for language.

As I said, some people can not tell Moët & Chandon from 7-Up!

You might be one of them.

You don't have to be Jewish to be a Gentile-baiter.

You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.

You don't have to be stupid to be a Zionist.

Just provide any proof at all that the recording is the language you claim it is. You can use hard science, soft science or string theory. You can quote from Nietsche, Dr. Suess or Hebrew for Dummies.

Blease, Blease, Blease, Missterrr, just try to defend your claim and tell us what it is about the accent that makes you think it derives from the language you claim it does.
edit on 5-7-2011 by BRAVO949 because: Removed name-calling and swearing.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:34 PM

There are several examples of Israeli Jews speaking English with Hebrew accents.

Mark Regev was not born in Israel and does not have a Hebrew accent but is a consummate liar and that is a documented fact.

When you listen to the Israelis in this video pay attention to the infamous Hebrew "R" sound. Also notice the way they say words ending in "ing".

Tzipi Livni (her rank in the military was first class bitch) has an accent more like the Israeli hijacker in the 9/11 recording than anyone else you will hear in this video.

If you consider the content of this video and then ask yourself, "Would Israel kill 3,000 Americans?" the answer is an obvious, damn rights they would.

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