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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Not a single nation in the world has a right to exist. Texas was a separate republic but no longer exists as an independent nation. Does it have a right to exist as a nation?

Hawaii was an independent republic as well. Does Hawaii have a right to be a country.

Countries come and go and Israel will cease to be a nation mainly because it costs too much to maintain a Jewish colony in a place in which Jews really don't want to live. You being a good example and me being an example of an American sick of paying for a country that is nothing but trouble.

There were five dancing Israelis as reported and they were arrested and detained and as the news report said they celebrated when the towers fell just as Netanyahu said it was good for Israel.

There were other Israelis arrested that day and they were held as well. The news reports say that boxe cutters, Arab clothes and explosives were found and that some of the Israeli men arrested on 9/11 or after were active military or intel from Israel.

In an interview with the so-called 9/11 lead hijacker's girlfriend she said he spoke Hebrew as well as several other languages. She said he had a pilot licenses from several countries before he ever entered the US. If what she is saying is true then the lead hijacker was not the man who studied urban planning in Germany.

It is so much more realistic to describe the 9/11 lead hijacker as an Israeli military officer or former Israeli military officer with an extensive career of military operation than as a quiet, shy, introverted, never had a girlfriend, loner from Egypt.

Most radical Israelis / Jews spend 90% or their time telling us that Arabs can not even tie their shoe laces that is why they wear sandals but when it comes to 9/11 they want us to beleive that 19 rank amateur Arabs pulled off an operation that makes "The Raid on Entebbe" or any other Israeli military operation look like a boy scout camp exercise.

You just can not have it both ways.

Israel can not be full of the smartest, best trained, fearless soldiers in the world supported by the best intel group in the world and be out-done by the gang that could not shoot straight.

Israel's arrogance should cause all of us to see them as the prime suspect and indeed smart people do see Israel as the prime suspect in 9/11.

9/11 fit so perfectly in Israel's plan to dominate the Middle East and suck the US into fighting its wars that even if Israelis had not been arrested that day we should still suspect them.

The more you talk about it the more guilty Israel looks.

Israel has killed Jews to accomplish objectives why would killing Americans Jewish or otherwise be any issue for them.

Israel spies on the US with out end then lies about it so why would killing Americans be beyond them.

Israeli military men shot an American, execution style and killed him dead one year ago so why would killing 3,000 be out of the question.

Israel just uses the US and they don't care if they have to kill every American if it means they stay alive and they actually come right out and say that.

Israel has not line over which it will not cross when it comes to its preservation. Israel will drain the blood out of every American with no more hesitation then a animal sacrifice.

From the Israeli point of view Goy are slaves or sacrifice and that explains exactly why they take our money and send out sons to war to kill the enemy they create.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

I'm going to dissect your post.....

Whether or not a country has a right to exist.....I have a right to exist just as every other decent human being has the right to exist. If you believe your forefathers like George Washington made a mistake, then I suggest you pack your bags and seek greener pastures! No matter how much you might dispise your nation or it's NEVER betray your nation nor your family.

Hawaii is still legally an independant guess is you don't know about it's history or it's legal Constitution separate from the US Constitution. I learned it in school.

The problem of the witnesses in regards o the 5 "dancing" Israelis is the fact that the very same group was seen "elated" in 5 different locations of NYC all at the same time. How can this be possible?

No explosives were ever found on any Israeli on American soil immediately before, during or after 9/11. As for box cutters......I un-intentionally walk around with them in my pockets from time to time....while preparing and packaging goods for export and forget about it until I get home and empty my pockets. Arab clothes? What "Arab" clothes are we talking about? Can you be more specific or is this more rumour?

Your mention of a hijacker's girlfriend? Name her and her boyfriend. Israeli Jews are not the only Middle Easterns who speak do millions of Palestinians! Oh wait.....perhaps a certain Egyptian born Palestinian???? Or was it the other way around? Ring a bell?

No, it's not realistic for an Israeli pilot to obtain several pilot licenses from several other nations because just an Israeli military pilot license is enough to be accepted anywhere in the world. That also goes for military pilot licenses from NZ, Australia, USA, Britain & Canada.....all fully accepted even in countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan etc.

No, Israel's special forces are not the only finest in the are SAS (soldiers specially hand picked from mainly Britain, NZ, Canada, Australia & Scotland). Then there's the French Legion, they too have specially handpicked well desciplined well trained soldiers.....and not all are French.

Of course Israel has it's does every other nation of the world. Except...Britain, Russia and Israel are better at it. They all lie, thats a vital part of their work. So?

What American did the Israelis systematically and intentionally murder in cold blood? Name him!

Your allege Israelis just use Americans and they (Israelis) said they don't care if they have to kill every American? Who said that? Give me the source to back up such a rediculous allegation!

Israel will drain the bllod out of every American like a sacrifice of an animal? Yours words, be prepared to own it!

From an Israeli point of view (not yours?) Goy are slaves? Based upon? You are not Israeli, therefore you can't have an Israeli point of view!

Israelis take YOUR money? How much did YOUR money go towards Egypt, the Palestinians, Pakistan, etc etc? What did those countries other than Israel give you back? Cheap oil? And Israel did'nt you give some of the best military technology in your amour? We won't go in to cutting edge medical and other advances Israel has on offer now shall we......

Israel will never cease to be a nation; she is here to say PERIOD. Sorry pal, I know you don't like her but there's nothing you can say nor do about it!

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:06 PM
What an interesting discussion.

Who is still interested about the thread topic, can look up the audio in the op, the audio provided by BRAVO of an hebrew accent on PAGE 2 and that of an arab accent on PAGE 5

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

The audio is NOT an Israeli Jewish accent !!!

Sorry pal.....but thats coming from someone who knows

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
What an interesting discussion.

Who is still interested about the thread topic, can look up the audio in the op, the audio provided by BRAVO of an hebrew accent on PAGE 2 and that of an arab accent on PAGE 5

and see that it does not match the hebrew accent - so your attempt to once again blaim the jews has failed!

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
What an interesting discussion.

Who is still interested about the thread topic, can look up the audio in the op, the audio provided by BRAVO of an hebrew accent on PAGE 2 and that of an arab accent on PAGE 5

Cassius, I have supplied loads of evidence as you know.

The Hasbara have yet to add any linguistic facts, proof, evidence to prove that the accent is not Hebrew.

The latest sub-thread centers on whether Israel is capable of an international terrorist attack on Americans in which Americans are sacrificed like goats to advance the cause of Zionism.

I argue, yes indeed, not only is Israel capable of killing Americans it has done so.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Cassius666

The audio is NOT an Israeli Jewish accent !!!

Sorry pal.....but thats coming from someone who knows

Dear Dame Edna,

The Israelis murdered 34 Americans in cold-blood in June of 1967. I think one of them was a Jewish American. He may have been an expert in Hebrew in fact.

If Israel had no murdered him to advance the cause of Zionist expansion he might be available today to decide if the 9/11 recording betrays the voice of an Israeli.

I spent hundreds of hours around Israelis and I know an Israeli accent as well as you do for these purposes. If you can tell me that the so-called lead hijacker was from Haifa not Tel Aviv by his accent then I will admit you know more about Israeli accents.

Here is prrof that Israel does not care about the US and would drain the blood out of every American.

The scumbag bastard we will call Jonathan Pollard from now on spied for Israel and gave them information that was so vital to the defense of the US that experts say if there had been a war with the Soviets that information would have meant a victory for the USSR and the possible "wiping off the face of the earth" of the USA.

Someone else can look up the details but I seem it had to do with the location of all US nuclear submarines at all times for several years.

This information was of no value to Israel but was of value to the USSR.

Israel traded this information for the "release" of Jews from the Soviet Union to be used by Israel as human fence posts in stolen Palestinian lands (it is all stolen land).

That is not the end of the story though.

Israel lied, lied, lied about all the details. Israel is good a lying. If there was a World Cup of lying - Israel would host it and win every four years.

At first Israel lied and said they had nothing to do with it. Then they lied and said he acted without supervision. Then they finally told half the truth and admitted he did have an Israeli supervisor.

The Christian Science Monitor said at least one trillion US dollars have been transfered to Israel since 1948. Some say it is three times that amount.

All the money given to Egypt is really in support of Israel and everyone knows that. Egypt did not attack the USS Liberty and kill 34 Americans. Egyptian Americans did not con the US into war with Iraq.

Israel is a terrorist nation and the US made a huge mistake in allowing it to come into existence.

We should have listened to General George C. Marshall he warned us before 1948 that Isreal would be a mistake and he was so right.

Fred Smith - right about General George C. Marshall - right about Israel - wrong about Israeli ass-kissing John McCain.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Here is prrof that Israel does not care about the US and would drain the blood out of every American.

You might want to check the mirror - your Anti-Semitism is showing again. Israelis draining the blood out of Americans - priceless. A little of the old "blood libel" huh?

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by hooper

Hooper - you are three decades behind the time.

The old charge of A-S does not work anymore.

The world knows who that bad guys are.

The world knows who is killing children.

The world knows who is trading in human body parts.

You insist on drawing attention to your tribe's past crimes because you a locked into the old paradigm in which that worked. It does not work anymore. We can read the real history written by Jewish scholars like Ariel Toaff and Ilan Pappe.

PS - ready to actually provide any linguistic proof to counter the claim that the voice is Israeli, yet?

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

Originally posted by Cassius666
What an interesting discussion.

Who is still interested about the thread topic, can look up the audio in the op, the audio provided by BRAVO of an hebrew accent on PAGE 2 and that of an arab accent on PAGE 5

Cassius, I have supplied loads of evidence as you know.

The Hasbara have yet to add any linguistic facts, proof, evidence to prove that the accent is not Hebrew.

The latest sub-thread centers on whether Israel is capable of an international terrorist attack on Americans in which Americans are sacrificed like goats to advance the cause of Zionism.

I argue, yes indeed, not only is Israel capable of killing Americans it has done so.

Well it isnt just Israel that commits acts that are less than ethical. See the us studies on radiation yields of nuclear weapons using their own soldiers for example. But who did what and who is in control is a topic for another thread.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Hooper - you are three decades behind the time.

And you are about eight.

The old charge of A-S does not work anymore.

Draining the blood of Americans? Really. Nobody is fooled.

The world knows who that bad guys are.

Look in the mirror.

The world knows who is killing children.

Blood of Christian children? Want to tells all about the Protocols?

The world knows who is trading in human body parts.

Really? Want to tell us who the only people in the world dealing in human body parts?

You insist on drawing attention to your tribe's past crimes because you a locked into the old paradigm in which that worked. It does not work anymore. We can read the real history written by Jewish scholars like Ariel Toaff and Ilan Pappe.

You forgot the "Turner Diaries"!

PS - ready to actually provide any linguistic proof to counter the claim that the voice is Israeli, yet?

What claim? Oh you mean the rantings of a few Anti-Semites that think all the world's evils have been perpetrated by the people of Israel? Sorry, that's not a real claim. Soon as you have a real claim other than "I said so" and "it sounds just like this youtube video" than we can talk.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by hooper

The voice on the 9/11 recording is Israeli

This thread is really about anti-Gentile-ism.

We can not be bullied any more.

No more hiding the crimes of Israel, Hooper.

Israel murders men, women and children and is the international center of human trafficking.

Just enter "human trafficking israel" into your web search engine.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by hooper

By not addressing the main issue of the thread and make false claims about the intention of others you are just further indicting Israel in the crime of 9/11.

If you really want to help Israel instead of trying to advance your agenda why not provide some linguistic facts.

Mentioning "Billy Joel" as much as he is a great Jewish entertainer is not proof of anything.

Linguistics, Hooper, linguistics. Defend the criminal state of Israel by way of linguistic evidence.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Mirage - here is evidence that Israel murdered an American last summer.

One or more Israeli military men executed an American by shooting him in the head several times.

UN Report

Six of the people who died when Israeli forces intercepted a flotilla of six ships with humanitarian aid to Gaza in May this year were summarily executed according to a fact finding mission on the incident. The Chairman of the mission reported to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday. UN Radio's Geraldine Adams reports.

Israel is a criminal state - proven fact.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

The voice on the 9/11 recording is Israeli

No wait, you can tell what his passport says by the recording? I thought you said he was a native Hebrew speaker? Now you know for a fact that he is an Israeli? From a voice recording? How do you know he wasn't say, a German raised in Italy by Hebrew speakers?

This thread is really about anti-Gentile-ism.

And yet you keep trying to steer it to Anti-Semitism. Shame on you!

We can not be bullied any more.

Uh, who's we? What group are you now assuming to represent?

No more hiding the crimes of Israel, Hooper.

Ah, the crimes of Israel. All so well hidden until you came along and now drat! foiled again by the brave resistance fighters!

Israel murders men, women and children and is the international center of human trafficking.

So what do you propose? Do you, per chance, have a solution?

Just enter "human trafficking israel" into your web search engine.

I did and learned that there's human trafficking going on in Israel. Among many other places. International problem even in the US.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

When you make allegations up, I'm going to expect you to answer ALL my questions with facts ie: proof and evidence including your sources if you expect to be noted as a reliable ATS member.....

You allege Israel murdered 34 Americans including one American Jew in June of 1967; can you be more specific or shall I assume you are dragging up the USS Liberty incident again? What's your response on the HMAS Hobart?

You THINK one of the deceased was an American Jew (but you can't provide a name because you don't have one) and he MAY have been an expert in Hebrew? Then you go on to say that this particular American Jew, had he survived, would be able to decide the 9/11 recordings that you speculate was the voice of an Israeli? Do you know how stupid you sound right now? This deceased American Jew is the only person in the whole wide world who can decifer an Israeli accent? Is this April Fool's Day?

Absolutely amazing you can put an Israeli accent right down to a neighbourhood of Israel - Haifa. Wow, clever boy........NOT !!! I'm well aware of the recording you speak aint an Israeli accent my friend, not even remotely close!

You allege you spent hundreds of hours living and working among Israelis? No you did'nt! Are you Gem Man? I believe you have snug back in to ATS under a new avatar and you have been sprung my friend!

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:47 AM
As everyone can see the Hasbarats are blabbing on about all sorts of things to obscure reality.

In this case the voice on the 9/11 recording in question is that of a native Hebrew speaker. We can say he is an Israeli because, by the grace of God, there is only one (temporary) nation on earth where Hebrew is spoken. No doubt hell is full of Hebrew speakers but lets keep the disussion limited to the surface of the earth and the atmosphere where Israeli hijacked planes fly.

Here is another good recording of a man born and raised in Israel. He has lived outside of Israel for years and speaks English very well but he still has a Hebrew / Israeli accents.

Listen to the way he says the letter "R" in particular. Listen to the sound of the letter "R" when it is before another consonant.

You will notice that even though his Hebrew accent is not as strong as the 9/11 hijacker that the way the professor says "important" is very similar to the way the Israeli terrorist on the 9/11 recording says "airport."

Here is another video with the same professor, a great great Jew by the way, a mensch as we say.

This time he is discussing the Jewish ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians with another well-educated Israeli professor who does not agree with the facts of Israeli history. The second professor has a much stronger Hebrew accent and sounds much more like the Israeli (I would say military man) who was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

My aim all along has been to convince others that the voice on the 9/11 recording can be proven linguistically to be that of a native Hebrew speaker. The first video is long but if you listen to all of it you will start to get a feel for the Hebrew accent in English. A Hebrew accent in English is nothing at all like an Arabic accent. A linguist or even someone who has been around both Israelis and Arabs speaking English can tell one from another in seconds.

If the Hebrew accent on the 9/11 recording was the only speck of evidence that we had to link Israel to 9/11 then it would be an oddity. An oddity worth investigating, mind you. However, there are lots of other well documented facts that link Israel to 9/11 and there is the long history of Israeli false-flag terrorist operations that force us to include Israel as a suspect. To this end please also listen to the content of the audio provided here because it provides a background to the sort of criminalty that has defined Zionism for over 100 years.

Thank you for being concerned about human rights and justice.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
In this case the voice on the 9/11 recording in question is that of a native Hebrew speaker

No it is not - why claim it is, when the evidence shows that it is not?

We can say he is an Israeli

No, why keep telling that lie?

there is only one (temporary) nation on earth where Hebrew is spoken

Nothing temporary about Israel, although it is surrounded by terrorists who have vowed to destroy it

where Israeli hijacked planes fly.

Now you are on about fairyland, as Israel has not hijacked planes - that is what arab terrorists do, as you know but ignore as it does not fit you agenda of hatred against the jews!

You will notice that even though his Hebrew accent is not as strong as the 9/11 hijacker

the 9/11 hijacker did not have a hebrew accent, so why claim that they did?

the Israeli terrorist on the 9/11 recording

There was no Israeli terrorist on 9/11....

like the Israeli (I would say military man) who was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

why keep sprouting that lie?

My aim all along has been to convince others that the voice on the 9/11 recording can be proven linguistically to be that of a native Hebrew speaker

Well, you have failed miserably there, all you have proven is your hatred for the jews!

If the Hebrew accent on the 9/11 recording

that old already debunked lie again - why keep lying?

Thank you for being concerned about human rights and justice.

Thank you for showing everyone your hatred for the jews!

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

In this case the voice on the 9/11 recording in question is that of a native Hebrew speaker. We can say he is an Israeli because, by the grace of God, there is only one (temporary) nation on earth where Hebrew is spoken. No doubt hell is full of Hebrew speakers but lets keep the disussion limited to the surface of the earth and the atmosphere where Israeli hijacked planes fly.

Really? And you want people to take you seriously and you continue to deny you are an Anti-Semite?

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
As everyone can see the Hasbarats are blabbing on about all sorts of things to obscure reality.

In this case the voice on the 9/11 recording in question is that of a native Hebrew speaker. We can say he is an Israeli because, by the grace of God, there is only one (temporary) nation on earth where Hebrew is spoken. No doubt hell is full of Hebrew speakers but lets keep the disussion limited to the surface of the earth and the atmosphere where Israeli hijacked planes fly.

Here is another good recording of a man born and raised in Israel. He has lived outside of Israel for years and speaks English very well but he still has a Hebrew / Israeli accents.

Listen to the way he says the letter "R" in particular. Listen to the sound of the letter "R" when it is before another consonant.

You will notice that even though his Hebrew accent is not as strong as the 9/11 hijacker that the way the professor says "important" is very similar to the way the Israeli terrorist on the 9/11 recording says "airport."

Here is another video with the same professor, a great great Jew by the way, a mensch as we say.

This time he is discussing the Jewish ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians with another well-educated Israeli professor who does not agree with the facts of Israeli history. The second professor has a much stronger Hebrew accent and sounds much more like the Israeli (I would say military man) who was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

My aim all along has been to convince others that the voice on the 9/11 recording can be proven linguistically to be that of a native Hebrew speaker. The first video is long but if you listen to all of it you will start to get a feel for the Hebrew accent in English. A Hebrew accent in English is nothing at all like an Arabic accent. A linguist or even someone who has been around both Israelis and Arabs speaking English can tell one from another in seconds.

If the Hebrew accent on the 9/11 recording was the only speck of evidence that we had to link Israel to 9/11 then it would be an oddity. An oddity worth investigating, mind you. However, there are lots of other well documented facts that link Israel to 9/11 and there is the long history of Israeli false-flag terrorist operations that force us to include Israel as a suspect. To this end please also listen to the content of the audio provided here because it provides a background to the sort of criminalty that has defined Zionism for over 100 years.

Thank you for being concerned about human rights and justice.

Well at least you have audio here
. Ill have to parse both in a post, ill do that later. Please try to keep it on the topic and less on the politics around it, that goes for both sides of the camp, the antisemite screamers and the "opponents" .

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