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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:08 AM

Scumbag Zionist Liars

Israel has not only killed many American Christians it has spied on us and lied about it over and over again.

Watch this video that links Israel to 9/11 yet one more time.

Here is a photo of the Egyptian Mohamed Mohamed Elamir Atta. Notice his visa was issued from US office in Berlin. It was for 5 years. That is probably because he was seeking to take his Phd. in the US not attend flight school.

Press reports and even FBI documentation talk about the Florida M. Atta having to extend his torurist visa. Why? Isn't it clear that the visa expires in 2005?

There were at least two if not three M. Atta characters.

One spoke Hebrew and was probably a scumbag Zionist criminal who is probably on the 9/11 recording. The other was an innocent, shy architect who never had a girlfriend let alone a stripper girlfriend.

Israel has done nothing but lie to the US and they are certainly capable of pulling off a huge fales-flag operation to con the US into going to war with Islam.

The voice is Hebrew and no one has even come close to arguing against that point.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Zionism By Way of Deception We Shall Do War

So your theory is that Israel sent M. Atta to the US, had him trained at US military bases and civilian flight schools so he could crash planes into buildings, kill American Christians and plune the US into war with Islam?

This is your explanation for the fact that he could speak Hebrew according to several reports?

You claim you can spot any Arab accent in English and tell us from which country the persons originates, right?

Well, didn't you once say his was Egyptian and then say he was from the illegally occupied West Bank and now you are saying he is from Jordan?

So which one is it?

You have painted yourself into a corner, just like Hooper did.

You claim one thing then claim another where both can not be true.

If the M. Atta you talk about was in the US instead of in prison in Israel the Israeli scumbag Mossad would be tracking him if not have already killed him.

That means at the very least you are saying Israel knew the 9/11 attacks were going to happen and allowed them to happen to plunge the US into a war with Islam.

I will be interested in how you use Talmudic argument to get out of this one.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Yes I do have a right to exist and so does Israel.

To say Israel does'nt have a right to exist is like a big slap in the face for the ANZACs who fought in WW1 to clear the way for the re-establishment of the new nation. You know how many ANZACs are buried in Israel?

Not every American wants their country to go to war with every nation of the world, neither do I. A whole lot of Americans may see Israel as the enemy but a majority don't and the US Govt and Military most certainly does'nt see it that way.

The issues with Iran is too much for you to even grasp. I knew you would accuse Israel of Iranian extremists taking American hostages at the US embassy in Tehran in 1979. Oh, so now it's Israel's fault you invaded Iraq? Is it Israel's fault you also invaded Libya too? Soon, you are going to accuse Israel because you over extended yourself on your credit card and debt!!!!

Have no idea of Atta no: 3; I produced you one photo on the assumption you would produce the other. Now there are three of them, can you produce photos of the the other two?

The Israelis have never killed nor murdered any American Christians; I'm still waiting for the proof of your accusations.

The claim of the voice on the 9/11 recording is YOUR claim....again, you are yet to bring to the table any proof or evidence.

No you are not a right wing lunatic American, you're just a lunatic anti-semitic American whose hatred towards us runs through the very core of your being. Perhaps a stint in the military and a tour to Afghanistan might shake you to the core, turn you in to a real man...or a coward. I think the latter because I don't think you have what it takes to have real guts.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Topic says....

“Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?”

You says..

“The issues with Iran is too much for you to even grasp. I knew you would accuse Israel of Iranian extremists taking American hostages at the US embassy in Tehran in 1979.”

What the hell this has anything to do with the Iran..??

You sir.. “what ever” you are have no knowledge what so ever. Just an another agent provocateur.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by amkia


someone wake me up when some real proof rolls by this thread

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Well - Mirage - we are making progress, at least.

You admit that ANZAC soldiers died because Zionists started WWI.

The slap in the face is that as single ANZAC soldier had to die for the filthy lie that is Zionism.

Zionist were and still are lying, cheatling, murdering bastards.

Yet more proof of the fact that the voice on the 9/11 recording was an Israeli.

Listen to the voice of the news man and compare it to the voice of the Israeli hijacker on the 9/11 recording.

Zionist Jews killing Orthodox Jews

Zionists hate everyone who is not a Zionist and if it make Christians feel any better they hate non-Zionist Jews and want to kill them.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by amkia

Amkia - mirage is a Feminist, Zionist, Jew from Australia who looks younger than she is - that is what she claims anyway.

She also claims that Zionists have never killed American Christians and refuses to admit that the voice on the 9/11 recording is an Israeli Jew while she condemns anyone who mentions past Israeli terrorist attacks as anit-Semtic.

If you have a chance go back and read my first few posts and posts of other people who actually provide imguistic evidence to "prove" that the man on the recording was a native Hebrew speaker.


edit on 11-7-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Here is another example of several different people speaking Hebrew.

Please watch this video and compare the stress pattern in Hebrew to the stress pattern you here on the 9/11 recording of the native Hebrew speaker (Israeli) who took part in the crimes of 9/11.

Please also read the English transciption and ask yourself it this man could also have been involved in planning the crimes of 9/11.

Notice that the prime minister of Israel says one thing in public in English and another thing in Hebrew. He has no intention of promoting anything other than more land theft.

If you understand Hebrew and want to provide an alternative translation please feel free to do so.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:07 PM
You are getting too hung up on zionism and Israel. Example. The Oktober revolution or red revolution was for a long time believed to be an internal affair. Turns out money and actors from a large range of nations were involved.

There is good reason to believe Israel was involved. Knowing the past of Israel shows what they are capable of. Were they the only ones or even those who instigated 911 has to be determined with additional information.

This thread is about the voice in the OP. Compare it to Audio of Arab and hebrew speakers on PAGE 2 and PAGE 5, to see if it is the accent of an hebrew speaker or not.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:34 AM
As mentioned, I have searched all over to try to find a Hebrew "voice" text to speech generator but can not.

Only a few million people speak Hebrew. It is not a very important language and has no future, so few people outside of the porn industry and the illegal human organ trading business are motivated to learn it.

If anyone can find one please let us know. A Hebrew voice for a speech generator, not a Jewish illegal human organ trading business - those things are a shekle a dozen.

Here is an Arabic text to speech generator though. So give it a try. Enter these words that the Hebrew man in the 9/11 recording said and notice that stress pattern and accents do not match.

Nobody move please. We are going back to the airport. Dont try to make any stupid moves.

Sorry for the off-topic ragging on Zionism. You are right, Zionist torture, rape and murder are not part of this debate.
edit on 15-7-2011 by BRAVO949 because: Removed anti-Semtic comments.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 08:24 AM
Nice find with the speech generator. Of course it would be better to have an hebrew version of it too, to see if that one matches.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

"No historical evidence"? And this comes from WND, an Israel friendly site.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by randalljm

Good contribution!

Interesting that the site you referenced freely speculates on what might of happened on Flight 11 but if we offer linguistic proof that the voice on the recording was Hebrew and speculate that the Israel may have pulled off yet another attack on Americans like the attack on the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair we come under assualt.

If the Hebrew voice on the recording was the only bit of evidence linking Israel to 9/11 it would still be worth investigating but it is just one of hundreds of links that shout "warning, Zionist terrorism strikes again."

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
but if we offer linguistic proof that the voice on the recording was Hebrew and speculate that the Israel

You have offered zero proof that the voice was hebrew

If the Hebrew voice on the recording was the only bit of evidence linking Israel to 9/11

What hebrew voice? this thread is just a opportunity for you and others to have a "I hate jews rant", not based on any evidence at all.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by spoor

Spoor, this thread contains two main types of posts.

One, evidence indicating that the voice is a Hebrew accent.

Two, posts like yours where you say the voice is not Hebrew then scream about other posters hating a group of people instead of finding a Hebrew text to speech engine to prove your point or demonstrate with linguistic evidence that your claim is valid.

You are just making Israel look bad and providing a forum for others to list acts of Israeli terrorism and supply more links between Israel and the bloody acts of 9/11.

My guess is that you want Israel to be wiped off the face of the map.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
One, evidence indicating that the voice is a Hebrew accent.

Wrong, you have posted no evidence at all, just a hate filled anti Jewish rant

My guess is that you want Israel to be wiped off the face of the map.

That is what you obviously want, with your made up claims and anti Jewish hate filled rants here!

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by spoor

You could argue that the linguistic evidence I have provided so far has not convinced you that the recording is of a native Hebrew speaker but you can not say that I have not discussed the linguistic aspects of the recording.

I don't remember a single post that you have contributed that touched on linguistics at all.

You seem to think that justifying Zionist terrorism is a virtue onto itself.

You also seem to ignore the fact that a person's feelings towards Jews, Apartheid, Zionism and Israel have nothing to do with whether the man on the recording was an Israeli terrorist.

Why don't you just read up on linguistics a bit and try to prove your point that the voice is not a native Hebrew speaker carrying out an operation to murder Christians in cold-blood and lead the US into a series of horrible wars against the people of the world willing to stand up to the evil that is Zionism?

If you love Israel then prove the man on the recording was not a native Hebrew speaker.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
You could argue that the linguistic evidence I have provided so far has not convinced you that the recording is of a native Hebrew speaker

You have not posted any evidence, just your racist anti Jewish claims, not based in any fact.

You also seem to ignore the fact that a person's feelings towards Jews, Apartheid, Zionism and Israel have nothing to do with whether the man on the recording was an Israeli terrorist.

Actually, it has everything to do with it, as your obvious hatred for Jews has blinded you to everything else, you see a Jewish conspiracy in everything

Why don't you just read up on linguistics a bit and try to prove your point that the voice is not a native Hebrew speaker

How about you posting something to prove that it is? (hopefully something without a hate filled racist rant against Jews)

then prove the man on the recording was not a native Hebrew speaker.

how about you proving that they were? You are unable to do that!
edit on 3-8-2011 by spoor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 08:12 PM
Speech pattern recocgnition is not an exact science, unless we are talking identifying the speech pattern of any one person.

On PAGE 2 and PAGE 5 are examples of native hebrew and arabic speakers. Compare it to the OP and draw your own conclusions.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by spoor

Spoor - why do you insist on damaging Israel's reputation?

At first I thought you were trying to defend Israel but now I think you are guilty of the very thing you accuse me of.

Instead of proving me wrong and proving the voice is not Hebrew you just "bait" me and force me to provide more evidence incriminating Israel.

Do you not like Jews?

Is that your problem?

I was just talking to my Israeli neighbor earlier this evening. Why would I talk to her if I had any ill feelings toward her cultural group?

One reason I know the voice on the recording is a Hebrew accent is because I talk to my Israeli neighbor.

Maybe you don't know any Jews or any Israelis so are not familiar with the Hebrew accent.

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