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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
The most important point is that you may be familiar with Hebrew but you have not provided one single liguistic reason for your claim the voice on the 9/11 recording was not an Israeli Jew.

You have not shown any evidence that they were anything but an arab terrorist, there is zero evidence that they were israeli.

but you can not explain why the man is speaking with anything other than a Hebrew accent.

he is not, that is just a silly claim made by you that he is speaking with a hebrew accent.

If this was a court of law or a debate you would lose.

You are the one that would lose, you have zero evidence for your claim.

Your main argument seems to be that Jews can not be scumbag terrorist bastards

Your main argument is as you hate jews, of course they did 9/11!

there are lots of Americans in the military and in the Intel community who know Israel carried out 9/11.

There may be some jew haters there that claim that, but they know Israel had nothing to do with it.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Don't you dare patronise me because based upon Arabic dialects I can pinpoint which Arab nation any Arab hails from with brillant accuracy. Yes I have alot of experience with Arabs....most Jews do, especially those who are Sephardic or Mizrachi.

Are you aware Mohammed Atta was Palestinian born (and no he was'nt born in Egypt's "Nile Delta" at all) and raised in Egypt? He was arrested by the IDF for blowing up a bus in Israel in 1986, imprisoned, and guess who demanded he go free? The one and only Bill Clinton! And how did he thank Bill Clinton? By flying a passenger aircraft in to Tower One of the WTC on 9/11.

Can you prove otherwise?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 04:49 AM
edit on 10-7-2011 by Grimnal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 04:56 AM

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:50 AM

The topic is Jewish / Israeli Terrorism.

reply to post by spoor

Spoor - will you please stick to the topic.

We are talking about Jewish / Israeli Terrorism. Instead of telling the whole world with every host that there are people who don't like Jews why not provide some evidence that the voice on the 9/11 recording in question is not a native Hebrew speaker.

That should be a simple thing to do.

You are hurting Jews, hurting Israel and hurting Zionism by posting here but not making a good argument. Go and read something about linguistics then use it to prove your theory about the accent on the 9/11 recording that several experts say is clearly a Hebrew accent in English.

Here is a video of a young man speaking English with a Hebrew accent. He is a very good example of an Israeli not only in his accent but his attitude. The more Christian Americans who see this video the more will understand that it is very possible in fact likely that the 9/11 hijacker spoke like this man and had the same accent as this man.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by BRAVO949

Don't you dare patronise me because based upon Arabic dialects I can pinpoint which Arab nation any Arab hails from with brillant accuracy. Yes I have alot of experience with Arabs....most Jews do, especially those who are Sephardic or Mizrachi.

Are you aware Mohammed Atta was Palestinian born (and no he was'nt born in Egypt's "Nile Delta" at all) and raised in Egypt? He was arrested by the IDF for blowing up a bus in Israel in 1986, imprisoned, and guess who demanded he go free? The one and only Bill Clinton! And how did he thank Bill Clinton? By flying a passenger aircraft in to Tower One of the WTC on 9/11.

Can you prove otherwise?

Okay - Mirage - you have a chance to admit you are wrong and to admit that you got sucked into a propaganda fraud.

Here is a statement for the Jewish Virtual Library about the mistaken or perhaps Jew propaganda item that even appeared in newspapers because they often spout standard Jew BS, propaganda.

Mirage - the Jewish Virtual Library is written by Jews for Jews about Jews and is about as Jew saturated as anything short of the porn industry can be. So if you want to call them liars, go ahead, call the Jews liars - millions before you have.


“Mohammad Atta, the terrorist that flew into the World Trade Center, blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. At that time Israel arrested, tried, convicted, and jailed Atta, but was persuaded by the United States to release him as part of the Oslo peace accord.”


The Internet is a wonderful innovation, but one of its problematic characteristics is that it allows false rumors to be quickly spread around the world. The story that Atta, reputedly one of the masterminds behind the September 11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S., had been released from an Israeli jail in response to American pressure and then rewarded the U.S. by flying a plane into the World Trade Center is one of these erroneous rumors that took on a life of its own. It is not clear where it originated and the response was slow in coming, but we now know the story apparently stems from confusion over someone with a similar name.

In 1990, the United States extradited a Palestinian named Mahmoud Abed Atta to stand trial for an April 1986 machine-gun attack on an Israeli bus in Samaria that killed the driver. Abed Atta was linked with the Abu Nidal terrorist group and fled to Venezuela after the murder, but he was deported to the United States. He also held US citizenship and fought a three-year court battle to avoid extradition. He lost and was deported to Israel on November 2, 1990. Abed Atta was eventually freed after the Supreme Court ruled there were faults in the extradition process. His whereabouts today are unknown.

The terrorist suspected of the September 11 attack, Muhammad Atta, was an Egyptian and no relation to Abed Atta.

I have to add in here that the man on Flight 11 was actually an Israeli Jew because the voice on the recording was so obviously a native speaker and you have added nothing to this thread to prove otherwise.

Why don't you stick with linguistics since you are an expert at language yet you have not provided one bit of linguistic evidence to prove that the man on the 9/11 recording is anything other than a common scumbag Zionist bastard Israeli terrorist like thousands before him.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

The topic is Jewish / Israeli Terrorism.

No it isn't.

The topic is whether or not a voice on a video can be identified as being Israeli Hebrew. So far there's no evidence that it is.

If you want to start a topic on Jewish / Israeli Terrorism, feel free to do so.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Mahmoud Abed Atta and Muhammed Atta are one of the same.....HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Of course his whereabouts are unknown.....because he got fried in 9/11.

Perhaps the Jewish Virtual Library made a mistake in regards to Atta because he was released quietly from an Israeli prison because of a deal cut with Bill Clinton ? So who are they protecting? The Israelis for releasing Atta or Bill Clinton? Or both? I recall at the time there was an almighty big stink over Atta's release!

Now since you believe everything on that website then you need to read this:

QUOTE: The conspiracy theory is also being circulated by American Muslim leaders. Imam Mohammed Asi of the Islamic Center of Washington said Israeli officials decided to launch the attack after the United States refused their request to put down the Palestinian intifada. "If we're not going to be secure, neither are you," was the Israelis' thinking following the U.S. response, according to Asi.40

No U.S. authority has suggested, nor has any evidence been produced, to suggest any Israeli or Jew had any role in the terrorist attacks. These conspiracy theories are complete nonsense and reflect the degree to which many people in the Arab world are prepared to accept anti-Semitic fabrications and the mythology of Jewish power. They may also reflect a refusal to believe that Muslims could be responsible for the atrocities and the hope that they could be blamed on the Jews. UNQUOTE

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:30 PM
Here's some more on Mohammed Atta:

QUOTE: 7. Atta’s email list included names of people who worked for defense contractors. One, for instance, worked for Canadian firm Virtual Prototypes, which helped develop the avionics for F-15, F-22 and B-2
9. Atta was fluent in at least Arabic, English, German, French and Hebrew.
10. One day when Atta was rummaging through his flight bag, Keller got a look inside. Her words:
“The thing the FBI was most interested in was his pilot bag. They asked about it a lot. He kept it locked, and they wanted to know whether I had ever seen anything in it. I told them yes. One day he opened it briefly, and there were a lot of papers in it, and there was a blue log book in a different language. Mohamed was fluent in almost any language you can think of. He had a kind of Daytimer in there, too. And a folder with all these different ID’s in it. And that’s when I saw one – because it fell out – a little blue and white thing the size of a driver’s license. It had his picture on it, and it looked like a mug shot, or a prison shot. And it didn’t look like him, and I asked him, ‘Who is this?’
“And he said, ‘that’s me.’ He told me it had been taken back when he was in some kind of militia-type deal, like a military-type deal, he said. He compared it to our military only they teach you different tactics. He didn’t elaborate.
“He didn’t say where it was from, either. But the writing looked like a cross between Hebrew and Arabic, those frilly little lines. He told me he spoke Hebrew. I said bull#. So he started speaking it, and I guess he did. UNQUOTE

Now where on earth could Mohamed Atta pick up fluent Hebrew from? Not from Egypt and most certainly not from Germany, the USA or South America.......the mind boggles!!! I know.....from the WEST BANK !!!!

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

The topic is Jewish / Israeli Terrorism.

Mirage - the topic is Jewish / Israeli terrorism and your job is to prove linguistically that the voice on the 9/11 recording is not a Jewish / Israel scumbag bastard terrorist.

The Atta guy you are talking about was 33 in 1986, you can correct me it that is wrong.

That means he was 48 in 2001.

A little old to match the photos of him, don't you think?

A little old to have the stripper girlfriend in Florida who says he spoke Hebrew.

A little old to also be the architect from Germany, don't you think?

What you are saying is that the passport was forged.

What you are saying that the ring leader was using a false identity.

What you are saying now is that the official story of the Flight 11 ring leader being from Egypt by way of Germany is a lie.

You are saying the Jews at the Jewish Virtual Library are liars and the Jews who made up the 9/11 official story are liars, too.

You are starting to sound like an anti-Semitic Truther, here, you know?

Better watch it, the other Hasbarats will be down your throat.

Will you please throw in just a bit of linguistic proof to back your claim?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
Here's some more on Mohammed Atta:

QUOTE: 7. Atta’s email list included names of people who worked for defense contractors. One, for instance, worked for Canadian firm Virtual Prototypes, which helped develop the avionics for F-15, F-22 and B-2
9. Atta was fluent in at least Arabic, English, German, French and Hebrew.
10. One day when Atta was rummaging through his flight bag, Keller got a look inside. Her words:
“The thing the FBI was most interested in was his pilot bag. They asked about it a lot. He kept it locked, and they wanted to know whether I had ever seen anything in it. I told them yes. One day he opened it briefly, and there were a lot of papers in it, and there was a blue log book in a different language. Mohamed was fluent in almost any language you can think of. He had a kind of Daytimer in there, too. And a folder with all these different ID’s in it. And that’s when I saw one – because it fell out – a little blue and white thing the size of a driver’s license. It had his picture on it, and it looked like a mug shot, or a prison shot. And it didn’t look like him, and I asked him, ‘Who is this?’
“And he said, ‘that’s me.’ He told me it had been taken back when he was in some kind of militia-type deal, like a military-type deal, he said. He compared it to our military only they teach you different tactics. He didn’t elaborate.
“He didn’t say where it was from, either. But the writing looked like a cross between Hebrew and Arabic, those frilly little lines. He told me he spoke Hebrew. I said bull#. So he started speaking it, and I guess he did. UNQUOTE

Now where on earth could Mohamed Atta pick up fluent Hebrew from? Not from Egypt and most certainly not from Germany, the USA or South America.......the mind boggles!!! I know.....from the WEST BANK !!!!

Mirage - you are starting to use my arguments!

Keep it up and I will have to drop out of this debate and just allow you to run it.

I have been saying for weeks that the hijacker was not from Germany and not Egyptian. He could speak Hebrew and he had a pilots license before he came to the States. He was a trained military man.

He lived in Florida (sounds Jewish).

His friends lived in New Jersey (sounds Jewish).

He loved pork chops (sounds Jewish).

He loved strip clubs (sounds Jewish).

He loved getting drunk (sounds Jewish).

He loved coc aine (sounds Jewish).

He dated a stripper (sounds Jewish).

He went on a cruise with Jack Abramoff's cruise company (sounds Jewish).

Mirage - you are starting to agree with me.

Some men like angry, Jewish, Zioninst, Feminists from Australia - so I made up a J-Date profile for you and once you get out of prison there might be a nice Jewish accountant in Weehawken waiting for you.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
Spoor - will you please stick to the topic.

We are talking about Jewish / Israeli Terrorism.

No we are not - the topic is a silly claim that it was a Israeli that hijacked a plane, that is just a lie bought on by your hatred for jews.

[quote[] why not provide some evidence that the voice on the 9/11 recording in question is not a native Hebrew speaker.

You made that claim, it is up to youto back that claim up - which you are unable to do, as it sounds nothing like one.

that the 9/11 hijacker spoke like this man and had the same accent as this man.

Nothing like it, you hate jews so much it has distorted your thinking and hearing. You have been unable to offer any evidence at all for your silly claim.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Ummmmmm no! Photos of me in my early 30's compared to my age today......still look the same just slightly older but that could mean because I take care of myself.

The topic is NOT about Jewish/Israeli the's about who was inside flight 11 !!!

No Jew or Israeli will be at my throat on any ATS threads.....Why?........Because they know as well as I do that NO Israeli Jew was ever involved in passenger hijacking in the history of aviation. .

Arab terrorists and criminals use forged passports all the think only intelligence agents do? Gee, you don't know much do you!

I don't need to back my claims......because it was YOU that made the allegation that Israeli Jews hijacked American passenger aircrafts and you still have not proved it nor will you ever because it is simply not true and just down right rediculous.

Now we have already established Mohammed Atta spoke fluent Hebrew and we have also established Mahmoud Abed Atta spoke fluent Hebrew yet you allege Mohammed Atta was Egyptian and we know Mahmoud Abed Atta was Palestinian. All Palestinians speak fluent Hebrew. Yet the two men, you allege, are not one of the same. Coincidence? Hardly, and bloody highly unlikely. I think I'm right.

Tell me.....where did Mohammed Atta learn fluent Hebrew?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

So Mirage - not going to bite on the "JDate / getting out of prison" bait, then?

You did reveal more about yourself so I will go back to JDate and add, "young looking 40ish" to the profile.

Okay - back to the business of defaming Israel and Zionism.

There was a man named Mahmoud Atta from Palestine and a Mahammed El Amir from Egypt. Yes you are right about that.

The man in Florida who used coc aine, dated the stripper, ate pork chops and spoke Hebrew as his native language was not in the least bit Arab. He was a Yahudi, a member of the Tribe, one of God's Chosen People probably a Mizrachi Jew, I guess in that way he might have been an Arab but he was a Jewish Arab not a Muslim or Christian Arab. He was working for the small satan - Israel.

My theory is that he may not have known he was going to die in fact he may not have. He may have been killed in Florida before Spetember 11, 2001. He might have been just a stooge, a dupe involved in drug running who was a convenient patsy upon which the crimes of 9/11 could be blamed.

He was not the guy from Egypt / Germany though.

The pictures don't match and the personality do not match.

The guy in Germany was a loner and expert at drafting and praying. No one would select him or allow him to take part in a black op.

The guy in Florida was your typical arrogant, loud-mouthed Israeli scumbag and since you know Israelis you have met this sort of bastard that even Israelis don't like. I have certainly met a few of them in my life.

Of course Israel is going to steal passports and make up an identity for the hijackers and this was just one of them. Some people say Jews are smart and this follows the pattern of devious tricks that they pull. I have to admit it has worked on most people especially in the US.

I have to add here though that the voice is Hebrew and that is the point of this discussion. You still have not given us a reason with regard to the actual voice to indicate in anyway that the hijacker is not an Israeli.

Dov Zakheim + Philip Zelikow + Larry Silverstein = Jewish

Hijackers + Hebrew Accent = Jewish

There, simple math proves my point.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Ummmmmm no! Photos of me in my early 30's compared to my age today......still look the same just slightly older but that could mean because I take care of myself.

Based on your posts, high blood pressure may be a concern for you. Have it checked. Bacon is full of salt - stop eating it. No pork chops either.

A quiet evening reading a text book on linguistics might help as well.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Again you're wrong.

Firstly, there is no such thing as Jewish Arabs.

Mizrachi Jews are either from Iraq or Persia.

Persians are not Arabs.

Sephardic Jews are from Arab nations of the Middle East, North Africa or Spain.

Mahmoud Abed Atta is Palestinian alright, not necessarily born in Israel but could be Jordanian where 80% of Jordanians are in fact Palestinian by origin however almost all Jordanians don't speak Hebrew. So that takes me to Gaza or the West Bank. All Palestinians speak fluent Hebrew.

Mohammed Atta, you allege, is Egyptian born. He too spoke fluent where on earth could he have learnt to do that? In Egypt? In Germany? In South America?

So let's exchange photos shall we?

Here's Mohammed Atta:

Now you show me a photo of this Mahmoud Abed Atta..........

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Mirage - we are talking about what looks to be three different people.

There is Mahmoud character who may still be in prison in Israel by some account.

There is the Mohammad or Mohamed El Amir who was born in Egypt and lived in Germany.

Then there is finally the Mohamad Atta or however you want to spell this fake name of a fake person who lived in Florida.

The Florida guy is neither of the first two people.

As I have said so many times the "kid" who lived in Germany did not have the personality to date a stripper let alone rob a 7-Eleven let alone pull off the single most successful black op in the history of mankind.

Okay - I am serious right now - I have teased you a lot and have tried to make you angry but listen to this one point even if you don't listen to anything else I am telling you.

You know all about Yonni Netanyahu, right?

Well, can you honestly tell me that on the Raid on Entebe (as we call it in the US) the Israeli government / military would send an architechture student in place of Yonni Netnayahu?

I think all Zionist are scum, and have said that many times but I never said they were not smart or not capable.

The "Raid on Entebe" was a very successful special operation if it was not totally staged as a certain UK diplomat claimed but regardless it was a kid's game compared to 9/11.

On one hand, you Zionists want to tell us that Muslims / Arabs are unsophisticated in general and you deserve to steal all of their land but on the other you claim that a group of rank amateurs pulled off a mission the likes of which the much vaunted Israeli military has never even come within a shadow of accomplishing.

Just pull back from your usual Zionist mindset and think about that.

One day 150 years from now some former residents of Israel, since it will not exist then, will be bragging about their grandfathers planning and executing the 9/11 attack in which they sucked the stupid Americans into going to war with the whole Muslim world.

There are Jews / Zionists / Israelis who know that Jews carried out 9/11 and unlike you they are bursting with pride because it worked so well. They not only pulled off the biggest false-flag operation in history - they got away without being blamed.

If you were smart, which you are in some ways, Mirage, you would just say "F those guys on ATS, us Zionists won this one and they can sift for clues and blame whoever and I don't care because it all worked."

As it is you are just allowing me to write more and expose more of the Zionist crime of 9/11 so you are doing the exact opposite of what you are really trying to accomplish.

You won! What more do you want? Do you want to continue to argue until you actually lose by helping to prove the Israeli / Jews / Zionists did 9/11?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

OMG, all I asked of you is just to produce a photo of Mahmoud Abed Atta and in return all I got was more blah blah blah with Entebbe thrown in. What the hell does Operation Entebbe/the Israeli rescue of hostages have to do with 9/11 ?

Are you still pissed that President Carter failed miserably in his little operation to free the hostages of the US Embassy in Iran in 1980 and loosing 2 helicopters that slammed in to each other.......when the Israeli special forces probably would had succeeded in such an operation?

You have clearly shown you have lost all crediability on this thread! Your personal and spiteful attacks towards myself, other ATS members, and that of the Jewish nation clearly shows your desperation; you lost the plot the minute you started typing!

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Mirage -

Zionism is a pure lie and has been since day one.

No need to take that personally.

You are a human being first and foremost and of course have a right to exist - Israel doesn't!

I think you are mistaking me for some right-wing, lunatic American. No, not every American wants to go to war with the whole world and a whole lot of us consider Israel to be an enemy of the US. In fact Israel has done more damage to the US than any other country in our history.

If it was not for Zionist scumbags and the existence of Israel "we" would have never had an issue with Iran and would have never had to send helicopters anywhere.

It goes without saying that the war in Iraq is the work of radical Zionist bastards in the US so all the dead and injured American Christians and Muslims can thank Israel and Zionism for that, as well.

Still waiting for linguistic evidence and since you brought up M. Atta number three why don't you supply a photo.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Tell everyone about Zionist / Jewish Terrorism.

There a nearly 20 pages of comments on this thread.

The claim is that the voice on the 9/11 recording is a native Hebrew speaker speaking English with a Hebrew accent.

All of the linguistic evidence provided by several different commenters supports the Hebrew accent claim.

As per usual when Israel is unplicated in any sort of war crime, act of international terrorism, spying on the Unitied States or murdering American Chritians the Zionist cockroaches come out of the cracks and crevices to attack personally the honest moral people trying simply tp warn the world about the pure evil that is Israel.

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