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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

I can't believe this rubbish thread is continuing. Unfortunately it is providing a platform for your jew-hater rants.

Nobody, with the possible exception of Cassius, is interested in your opinion of a few seconds of poor quality recording when your agenda is so obvious. You thought I was an Israeli because I leave a space between the end of a sentence and the question mark for Pete's sake.

If the recorded voice was a hebrew speaker then presumably all the other hi-jackers on all 4 flights were Israeli/Mossad ? Surely even you aren't suggesting it was an Israeli/Arab joint venture ? So please get back to me when you have identified who all these hebrew speakers were.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Hoober, Hoober, Hoober!


Didn't you tell everyone you lived in New Jersey or were from New Jersey and went to UPenn?


In that case you should know accents from your area, at least.

Where's my area?

Maybe you just don't have an ear for language.

Or a vivid imagination like you.

As I said, some people can not tell Moët & Chandon from 7-Up!

And some people are sure that they do even though they haven't got a clue.

You might be one of them.

No, I am one of those people that is smart enough to know that you can't listen to a snippet of a poor quality audio recording and pretend I am some kind of super-duper language snooper.

You don't have to be Jewish to be a Gentile-baiter.
You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.
You don't have to be stupid to be a Zionist.

And the required anti-Jewish rantings.

Just provide any proof at all that the recording is the language you claim it is. You can use hard science, soft science or string theory. You can quote from Nietsche, Dr. Suess or Hebrew for Dummies.

English? Well, the words are all English, so I am therefore claiming the language is English.

Blease, Blease, Blease, Missterrr, just try to defend your claim and tell us what it is about the accent that makes you think it derives from the language you claim it does

Here we go with the accents. Life is not a movie.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Boy couldn't wait to get that little video posted, huh? Any more Anti-Semitic material you'd like to "reference" as defense for your little theory?

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 04:48 PM
Making people who support Israel look immoral and foolish is not anti-Semitic, by the way.

Here is a Rebbe talking about Hebrew.

If you are smart you will be able to tell which language he is speaking in before he says three words. Tens of millions of people around the world will be able to understand at least some of what he is saying even without subtitles because they have studied related languages, as I have.

If you have not clue about this language or why he is saying what he is saying then you should re-read all past posts and try to actually learn something relative to this thread that links the crimes of 9/11 to Israel.

Interesting to see that the learned Rebbe agress with me, isn't it?

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Okay - warning, if you don't want to watch a video in which Jews get the crap beaten out of them then don't watch this.

The witnesses talk about Jewish girls being thrown to the ground and kicked by men. In this case these are innocent Jewish girls not like the criminal bitch Tzipi Livni.

The one man you can hear speaking Hebrew is a dead ringer for the Israeli hijacker on 9/11.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by BRAVO949

Boy couldn't wait to get that little video posted, huh? Any more Anti-Semitic material you'd like to "reference" as defense for your little theory?

Hooper, my dear dupe, I am just spreading the truth and it seems like anti-Semitism to you because you have never been anywhere and know nothing.

Now listen to the the Israeli Jews in this video and listen to the "R" sound. Match it back to the man that you claim I claim is Israeli from the 9/11 recording.

This is a US news network telling us about Israeli Jews and how that see Gentiles. I think it is much more anti-Gentile than anti-Semitic.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Making people who support Israel look immoral and foolish is not anti-Semitic, by the way.

Yeah, that is actually kind of the definition of Anti-Semitic. End of story.

Your so-called "study" of related languages is basically an exercise in bigotry; you consider yourself an expert at being able to pick Jews out of a crowd. There are plenty like you out there. On this matter you are not alone.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by hooper

Please watch this video and listen to the Israeli Hebrew accent.

See if you can match it back to the Israeli 9/11 hijacker.

Not all Israeli Jews are lying bastards. Let's make that clear. Not every Israeli Jew wants to kill every Gentile in the world. I am not arguing that. I am just trying to provide lots of examples of what Israeli Jews talk about, how they argue and what their accents sound like.

It is not my fault that several of the Israeli Jews I have selected as examples of English with a Hebrew acdent to match he Israeli 9/11 hijacker are crimianl bastards.

If people watch these videos and come to the conclusion that the Israeli government and at least a certain percentage of the Israel population would kill 3,000 Americans and be quite happy in doing so then that is up to them.

I am not trying to make Israeli and Zionism look evil. I am just providing examples of English spoken by Israeli Jews so people can match their accents back to the Israeli criminal who took part in 9/11.

As you will notice no one has provided any proof to the contrary but only complain about how bad this makes Israel look in the eyes of honest people around the world.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
See if you can match it back to the Israeli 9/11 hijacker.

What "Israeli 9/11 hijacker" are you on about?

Your hatred for jews has made you see them involved in everything that happens everywhere, with nothing to back your claims up

I am not trying to make Israeli and Zionism look evil.

Yes you are actually, but failing. All you are doing is showing your hatred for jews to everyone here.

Israeli criminal who took part in 9/11.

What are you on about now? No Israeli's took part in 9/11

how bad this makes Israel look in the eyes of honest people around the world.

Actually your hatred for jews has blinded you to how silly you look making your anti jewish claims here!

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by spoor

I think I am pretty much done here, not going to give this person any more excuses to spew his / her hate filled diatribes.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by BRAVO949

You may not be a native speaker of English and may not know that the idiomatic expressions "student of history", "student of linguistics" means a person with an interest in history or linguistics who has spent some time and energy studying the subjects.

Well, I was a "stundent of linguistics" at the University of Pennsylvania.

Here is the post in which Hooper claimed he was a student at UPenn.

When I repeated that fact and stated that he should be able to tell a South Philly accent from a Bronx accent or whatever he went into a Talmudic tail spin.

However if you look at the exact quote he claims he was actually a "stundent of linguistics" - what? A stunned what?

I guess, technically speaking Hooper did not claim he attended UPenn. No wonder he still has not come up with a single bit of linguistic evidence.

Why don't you comment about "R" sound we heare of the 9/11 recording?

Find an example of another person speaking the wayt Israeli hijacker did on 9/11 - Mr. UPenn.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:06 AM


posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Oh for God's sake, give it up already!

There were NO Israeli Jewish terrorists aboard any flight on 9/11 or any other time in aviation history.

You are an obsessive compulsive who goes off the deep end when proven wrong; you must be envious of those who are far more intelligent than yourself. This, you have displayed well on this thread; but that's all you have displayed.

Your fantasies of Israeli Jewish terrorists aboard any of those flights on 9/11 is just that, bogus fantasies. And you don't deserve any more attention; abandonment of this thread by some of us with alot more knowledge than you best fits your irrational thinking processes.

You called another ATS member a liar simply because he knows you are twisted in your views. By abandoning you, I'm sure, will exacerbate you even more. So are you going to call me a liar too? Is that the best you can come up with? Not a very good social interaction!

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by BRAVO949

You may not be a native speaker of English and may not know that the idiomatic expressions "student of history", "student of linguistics" means a person with an interest in history or linguistics who has spent some time and energy studying the subjects.

Well, I was a "stundent of linguistics" at the University of Pennsylvania.

Here is the post in which Hooper claimed he was a student at UPenn.

When I repeated that fact and stated that he should be able to tell a South Philly accent from a Bronx accent or whatever he went into a Talmudic tail spin.

However if you look at the exact quote he claims he was actually a "stundent of linguistics" - what? A stunned what?

I guess, technically speaking Hooper did not claim he attended UPenn. No wonder he still has not come up with a single bit of linguistic evidence.

Why don't you comment about "R" sound we heare of the 9/11 recording?

Find an example of another person speaking the wayt Israeli hijacker did on 9/11 - Mr. UPenn.

Its the internet. Some people like to pretend. I am amazed myself how not only hooper found time to get a phd in chemistry linguistics, engineering architecture AND time to train to benchpress 300 lbs
. While I agree that for the big picture it is important to know about the Lavon affair, the attack on the USS liberty and the modus operandi of Mossad, but also the CIA and MI6, this post should be about the voice on the recording. Was an native Hebrew speaker on the plane, is the recording even from the allged flight? What role did Israel, Mossad, have in it, if any. Those are all interesting topics, but for a different thread.

Everyone else, look up the voice in the Opening post and compare it to accents of native hebrew speakers on PAGE 2, native arab speakers on PAGE 5, or look up your own and base your discussions on that.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

For God's sake.....whenever Israel is mentioned you just always bring up the USS Liberty incident but you can't explain the HMAS Hobart incident.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Cassius666

For God's sake.....whenever Israel is mentioned you just always bring up the USS Liberty incident but you can't explain the HMAS Hobart incident.

The topic is Jewish / Israeli Terrorism.

Mirage - you and the other apologists for Zionist inspired rape, torture and murder have had a perfect opportunity to present lingusitic evidence to support your claim that the voice on the 9/11 recording is not an Israeli terrorist but instead of doing that you insult people, call them names and make it seem like citing historical facts that prove that Israel is a criminal enterprise is less than fully justified.

If radical Zionist bastards attacked the HMAS Hobart and killed Australian service members then it would be related to this thread.

What I have done consistantly is provide example after example of Israeli Jews speaking English with Hewbrew accents which to varying degree, some perfectly, others less perfectly matching the radical Zionist Israel terrorist hijacker we hear on the 9/11 recording.

The ADL was set up to cover up the rape and murder of an innocent Christian child by an immoral Jew. That is just a fact. The American Christians at the time were just seeking justice and were not claiming that all Jews were immoral rapist.

That is what we are trying to do today. Not all Jews are criminals. Not all Jews are terrorists but you seem to be claiming that it was impossible that a native Hebrew speaking radical Zionist Jew terrorist could have been involved in an attack that slaughtered innocent American Christians.

I am not asking you to say you are sorry for all the Jewish attacks on Gentiles in the past. I am not trying to make you feel guilty for being a Jew but if you don't believe that the voice on the 9/11 recording is an Israeli terrorist then find video or audio example of a man speaking with an accent other than Hebrew to prove your point.

edit on 7-7-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by BRAVO949

Oh for God's sake, give it up already!

There were NO Israeli Jewish terrorists aboard any flight on 9/11 or any other time in aviation history.

You are an obsessive compulsive who goes off the deep end when proven wrong; you must be envious of those who are far more intelligent than yourself. This, you have displayed well on this thread; but that's all you have displayed.

Your fantasies of Israeli Jewish terrorists aboard any of those flights on 9/11 is just that, bogus fantasies. And you don't deserve any more attention; abandonment of this thread by some of us with alot more knowledge than you best fits your irrational thinking processes.

You called another ATS member a liar simply because he knows you are twisted in your views. By abandoning you, I'm sure, will exacerbate you even more. So are you going to call me a liar too? Is that the best you can come up with? Not a very good social interaction!

No - I will not call you a liar because as far as I can see you have not lied about anything.

I don't think your position on the Hebrew accent is correct but I don't think you are lying. I think you honestly believe that the voice on the 9/11 recording is not a Hebrew accent.

I think you feel that way mainly because you don't want to even consider that Israel could not carry out such a horrible act of killing almost 3,000 American Christians.

Ideally, instead of talking about almost everything else you would talk about the actual recording and charcteristics of the voice.

If the voice is so obvioulsy not Hebrew then you should be able to explain why very easily.

Hooper said in one post that he went to attend the U of Pennsylvania and was born in New Jersey then later said I was making that up.

It is hard to say someone is 100% wrong in general but when member contradicts themselves it becomes frightfully easy.

Rather than give up why not provide some proof for your claim for once.
edit on 7-7-2011 by BRAVO949 because: spelling

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

The topic is Jewish / Israeli Terrorism.

No it is not actually, the topic is a silly claim that it was jews that hijacked a plane on 911

It has nothing at all to do with Jews, or Israeli terrorism. Just some people pushingb their hatred for jews

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

You think you know more about the Israeli accent better than me or any other native born Israeli ? I think not.

How different was it when the Israeli airforce fired upon the USS Liberty v the American airforce firing on the HMAS Hobart? Except the HMAS Hobart was not on a secretive mission; they were there to support the US Military and there was absolutely NO confusion as to who the HMAS Hobart were. That too was never thoroughly investigated nor were my country compensated for American stupitity. Israel did compensate the USA.

The HMAS Hobart may not be the topic of this conversation but you can't have it both ways. Sh*t happens in war and when mistakes happen, it's going to cost lives.

So when you go finger pointing, it's not ok when Israel makes a mistake during it's fight for survival when the USS Liberty had no reason to be there in the first place.....but it's ok for the USA to bomb one of it's closest allies, Australia, when our men volunteered to support your nation in a war that should never had happened based upon a false flag attack by the USA that got the Vietnam war machine rolling in the first place.

The USA makes more mistakes during war than any other allied country that go in blindly supporting you. You think the ANZACs and the British military don't see how you fight wars? You need us because we are better trained and far more desciplined; we've been at it longer than your country. Of false flag attacks.....the USA are masters at own that, not the Israelis!

Israel is one of our best allies and YOURS. They work closely side by side with the Americans offering the kind of support not appreciated among civilians. You could not possibly understand nor grasp how vital Israel is to the US Military and Intelligence because of your blind hatred for Israel and Jews in general.

This is not about whether I may be a Zionist or not......this is about supporting our close allies. They may not be perfect and I may not agree with every decision Israel makes but the decision making of the White House & Pentagon of the past few years are mind boggling and I don't know for the life of me why Australia has to be there for you everytime you say jump but we do because you are our brothers just as the Israelis are my brothers.

On 9/11, 3000 victims were not all Christian....for your knowledge there were many Jews amongst the deceased which you failed to mention because it does'nt fit your blind hatred of them.

You have not proven anything here on this thread other than the fact that you are clearly anti-semitic. The only involvement Israel ever had before 9/11 was WARN the White House of an impending terrorist attack....on numerous occations leading right up to the day but it fell on deaf ears! Israel does'nt have the answers you seek but the Govt you elected does.

No Israeli Jews have ever EVER hijacked a plane in the history of aviation...but Palestinians sure have!!! You know who Atta was? Where he was born? Where he grew up? There's your "accent" for ya !!!!!

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

The topic is Jewish / Israeli Terrorism.

Mirage, you are acting as if I have the power to "Bitch-slap Israeli off the face of the map."

You said.

You think you know more about the Israeli accent better than me or any other native born Israeli ? I think not.

In fact I am as familiar with native Hebrew speakers speaking English as anyone and familiar enough to know that that the voice on the 9/11 recording is a native Hebrew speaker and have explained why - exactly. From what you have told us about yourself it certainly does not sound like you have an experience with native Arabic speakers. I do have loads of experience with both native Arabic and native Israeli speakers. On top of that I have studied inguistics and several languages including Arabic.

The most important point is that you may be familiar with Hebrew but you have not provided one single liguistic reason for your claim the voice on the 9/11 recording was not an Israeli Jew.

You might be right. You might know Hebrew better than I do but so what? You can say that until you are "blue" in the face but you can not explain why the man is speaking with anything other than a Hebrew accent.

If this was a court of law or a debate you would lose.

Your main argument seems to be that Jews can not be scumbag terrorist bastards so the man on the recording can not have a Hebrew accent.

You are like the mother of the murderer who claims her son is innocent because he is a "good boy."

Not every Jew in the world is a blood thirsty murderer and I have never claimed they were. There are many honest, law-abiding moral Jews but we have documented evidence of hundreds of 100% criminal bastard Jews as well - so don't say they don't exist.

Israel exists today because of the actions of criminal bastard Jews who carried out acts of terrorism against, the Christian British, Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs and Jewish Arabs.

You seem to want prevent Americans from learning about Zionism's terror filled past.

Israel did not make a mistake in trying to slaughter Americans on the USS Liberty. The USS Liberty was not on a secret mission. The US could have wiped Israel off the face of the map that day in 1967 and if the admirals would have known how many Americans would die fighting for Israel in the forty years after that they probably would have ignored the Jew-controlled Johnson Administration and nuked the hell-hole.

Mirage - there are lots of Americans in the military and in the Intel community who know Israel carried out 9/11. Israel keeps pushing and pushing and one day it is going to get smacked so hard it will not know what hit it.

Former Director of Studies US Army War College - Alan Sabrosky PhD (I think he knows more than you and he is Jewish!)

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