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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by spoor

Let's list Jewish / Zionist / Israeli false-flag operations.

King David Hotel
Jewish / Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel in which the bombing killed among others fellow Jews. Can you say the Jews who planned and carried out the crime hated other Jews? Jews dressed like Arabs in order to make the British think that Jews had not carried out the crime.

If that was the only Jewish terrorist attack it would be enough but it is not the only Jewish terrorist attack.

1950–1951 Baghdad Bombings
Zionist Jews in an illegal and immoral act set bombs in Jewish owned buildings including a synagoue in an attempt to blame the action on Iraqis and drive Jews to the filthy state of Israel. Jews were killed by Jewish terrorists in these crimes. Jews took ont he identity of Iraqi Arabs to carry out the crimes in a typical Jewish false-flag operation.

The Lavon Affair 1954 Egypt
Classic, well documented Jewish false-flag operation. Jews set bombs in American and British facilities to make it look like a certain Egyptian group was attacking US / US establishments.

1967 Attack on US Naval ship USS Liberty.
The Israeli miltary attacked an Amercan ship that was not even near the Israeli shore. The USS Liberty was off the coast of Egypt near El Arish around the time that Israel had murdered in cold blood Egyptian prisoners of war. Zionist Jews killed Americans including an American Jew once more proving Jews will kill Jews for Zionism and that Zionism is anti-Semitic.

You question should be why do Jews hate Jews?

There are three Jewish / Zionist false-flag operations. I can list more if you don't mind yet another case of people slamming the criminal state of Israel into the ground.

You are not winning this debate because I have provided evidence to support the claim that the voice is of a native Hebrew speaker and done nothing to prove the voice is not a Hebrew accent.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

I am saying that the voice on the 9/11 recording is that of a native Hebrew speaker not because Jews have committed crime after crime but because all the linguistic evidence supports the claim.

Hebrew is only spoken in one small discusting, criminal country that is soon to be made extinct so it is logical to conclude that since the voice is clearly that of a native Hebrew speaker that the voice on the recording was that of an Israeli.

Do you really think you are kidding anyone? You really think anyone would believe that your opinion is based on some sort of neutral, scientific, professional review of the material? You're done, you showed your hole card, we all know where you are coming from.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Smart people have been saying this for years. This isn't the voice of somebody who speaks native Arabic. This isn't the voice of Mohamed Atta, an Egyptian who learned English in Cairo.

I used to live in a dorm with a student from Cairo. Go to YouTube and search for a video from Zahi Hawass and that's exactly what he sounded like. There is no "P" sound in Arabic, it sounds more like "B". The person speaking doesn't say "Blanes". This is the same as in Japanese where there is no "L" and the closest thing sounds more like an "R".

It's not impossible obviously, but it is very improbable in Atta's case. As mentioned earlier, go to YouTube and search for an Israeli speaking English. This "Atta" clip sounds an awful lot like a native Hebrew speaker saying something in English. Also keep in mind that Arabic is an official language of Israel too and many Israelis also speak Arabic (and can pronounce "P").

I've noticed that has a tremendous pro-Israel bias (gee I wonder why?) and not just the 9/11 conspiracy threads where such discussion is often smeared and dismissed unfairly. I laughed out loud on page one at thedman saying Hebrew is a Semitic language. That is partially true, but modern Hebrew is a restored language revived in the mid 19th century as a result of Jewish nationalism (leading up to the Zionist movement). Although Hebrew words and characters survived and were used in prayer, it was essentially 'lost' until this time and nobody knows how it was really pronounceable or what dialect it was spoken in.

There are an abundance of ridiculous 9/11 conspiracy theories around here. So many people take things out of context or use rhetoric and weasel words to push forward a narrative (often dismissing established facts in the process).

If you want to have a rational discussion, building 7 is the smoking gun as always. Start with that, no need to mention controlled demolition of the towers just yet. Stay far away from no plane nonsense or aliens or HAARP. Never, ever, ever, ever dismiss the Israeli connection. Only an ignorant fool or a Zionist shill would be that unwise.

9/11 was an inside job in the sense that there is a shadow government within our government (Osama Bin Laden himself said this right after 9/11 when he denied having anything to do with it. He also mentioned the Israeli connection and in the past decade so have many foreign political figures). Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith make up a short list of Israel-firster neocons who were in powerful positions within the Bush administration. They were instrumental in going to war with Iraq, all were part of PNAC, and all were involved in the Clean Break report. They all have a pro-Israel political history dating back 30+ years.

The power of AIPAC, the Zionist lobby, is undeniable. When Netanyahu gave his recent speech to Congress, those in attendance were told by AIPAC that video would be analyzed and their body language would be taken into account for future political donations. The Samson Option and nuclear blackmail is another good reason why Israel gets away with everything.

As mentioned earlier, Israel has a history of terrorism and honoring their terrorists. Look up Lehi and Irgun. They tried to kill Churchill even! Mossad has a history of false flags and this is eluded to in their former motto (by way of deception we shall make war). Everybody knows about the Dancing Israelis. Start with them and then research all the other moving vans full of explosives (or traces of them) around military bases or DEA locations. Read about the Art Students, Mall Kiosks, Movers, and Locksmiths. Everybody also (hopefully) knows about the USS Liberty.

If you're not convinced you are either a Zionist or a rapturous Evangelical fundie. Or maybe you're so emotionally invested in some other kooky theory that your brain just won't accept something a little more believable (and full of factual evidence reported in the MSM, as circumstantial as it may be you can't just dismiss it). In that case, come back in a few years after growing up a little.

Want more proof? Google Josie Hadas. Or it might be Josie Hadad (or Guzie Hadad/Hadas). Who is that? A Mossad agent who hired an Arab to rent a moving van. The van was stolen, the Arab reported it stolen twice. Then the van was used to attempt blowing up the WTC back in 1993. Despite his clean record and lack of evidence, he was convicted of it. Josie vanished from history despite bomb-making materials found in her Jersey City apt (which was previously linked Mossad squatters)

Israel is no friend of the United States. If anybody wants to continue to believe that we are best buds because they're a 'democracy' or believe attacking Israel is an attack on God, you have a mental condition.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by vault13er

I used to live in a dorm with a student from Cairo. Go to YouTube and search for a video from Zahi Hawass and that's exactly what he sounded like. There is no "P" sound in Arabic, it sounds more like "B". The person speaking doesn't say "Blanes". This is the same as in Japanese where there is no "L" and the closest thing sounds more like an "R".

Except that Atta spoke Modern Egyptian Arabic with definite pronunciation of P when using loanwords, such as plane. "Plane" is not an Arabic word. Sorry, thats just the way it is.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:42 AM
This guy is quite good at pronuncing the P sound:

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by vault13er

I've noticed that has a tremendous pro-Israel bias (gee I wonder why?)

Just out of curiosity - why?

Also, I firmly believe that you probably think the whole world has tremendous "pro-Israel" bias, don't you?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 01:22 PM
I think its a good idea to compartmentalize discussion. Open a new thread for a different topic. Everybody else, Look up the Audio in the OP post and compare it to audio of Israeli and Arab accents provided by BRAVO on PAGE 2 and PAGE 5.
edit on 29-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
I think its a good idea to compartmentalize discussion. Open a new thread for a different topic. Everybody else, Look up the Audio in the OP post and compare it to audio of Israeli and Arab accents provided by BRAVO on PAGE 2 and PAGE 5.
edit on 29-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

And please don't miss BRAVO949's rants about Zionist terrorism and crimes of Jews! They really are a "must read"!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by hooper

Hooper - you are hooped on this one.

Just give up!

Hebrew has a "P" sound and that is one of the reasons but just one reason "smart people" know that the voice on the 9/11 recording is that of a native Hebrew speaker.

Remember the link showing the diagram that Hebrew vowels do not overlp with Arabic vowels?

That is why "smart people" know that the Israeli (probably from Haifa) military officer (former or active duty) on the 9/11 spoke English with a Hebrew accent.

The stress pattern in Hebrew is totally different than the Arabic stress patter. Hooper, you can't hear that because you don't know enough about languages. "Smart people" do.

You have no linguistic argument. All the linguistic proof has supported the "Hebrew" Isreali 9/11 connection.

Your argument seems to revolve around the "Jews have never murdered Christians" so this can not be true. Well we know that Jews have murdered Christians and we know that have stolen and forged passports to commit acts of international terrorism.

Everyone reading this thread should conclude that if Hooper can not admit that Jews have killed Christians in the past including killing American Christians and that Hooper can not admit that Jews have committed international acts of terrorism using forged identities including passports then we simply can not take him seriously when he claims the voice on the 9/11 recording is not a native Hebrew speaker.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by hooper

Originally posted by Cassius666
I think its a good idea to compartmentalize discussion. Open a new thread for a different topic. Everybody else, Look up the Audio in the OP post and compare it to audio of Israeli and Arab accents provided by BRAVO on PAGE 2 and PAGE 5.
edit on 29-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

And please don't miss BRAVO949's rants about Zionist terrorism and crimes of Jews! They really are a "must read"!

Thanks for the support Hooper.

I know some of the stars I have are from you.

Thanks for mentioning Jewish Terrorism.

As the "smart" poster said, the Mossad motto is "By way of deception - we shall do war."

That is a pure fact so when Jews / Israelis / Zionists take on the identity of Arabs to kill Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Christians we should hardly be surprised.

Americans need to know that some Zionists hate Christians and want to slaughter them.

Thank you for helping expose that.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by hooper

Talking about actions carried out by mossad and scandals involving mossad, such as the lavon affair, the attack on the uss liberty, does not constitute antisemitism. However it is not the topic of the thread.

Who takes an interest in the thread topic can look up the OP the audio provided by BRAVO on Page 2 and 5 and draw his own conculsions.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:46 PM
Ever trying to kill two Zionist birds with one stone from the sling of David (You know that the modern Palestinians are the true Jews of the Biblical era, right?) here is a delightful example of a native Hebrew speaker speaking English and demonstrating that unique Hebrew "R" that the "smart" poster above mentioned.

Listen to the way the nice Israeli man pronounces the "R" sound then listen to the original recording. Notice the two accents match perfectly.

Please totally ignore the content of the actual video and what the narator and Israel man are saying it has nothing to do with the thread, 9/11, terrorism or anything else that might be the key to knowing what and who the real problem children are.

Special note to Hooper - don't watch this video at all. It is from the History Channel and you know how they glorify Hitler on that network and smack down Israel every chance they get.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

So tell me, where is all this hatred coming from? Did you develop your Anti-Semitism on your own or was it something you grew up with?

If you are so confident about your hypothesis then why not get a professional opinion?

There's a Eugene Buckley at the Univeristy of Pennsylvania, Linguistics Department, Associate Professor and Graduate Chair. Speacilizes in Ethio-Semitic languages, you can find his email address at the school through Google. I won't do it because I don't want to embarrass myself, but you are more than welcome.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by BRAVO949

So tell me, where is all this hatred coming from? Did you develop your Anti-Semitism on your own or was it something you grew up with?

If you are so confident about your hypothesis then why not get a professional opinion?

There's a Eugene Buckley at the Univeristy of Pennsylvania, Linguistics Department, Associate Professor and Graduate Chair. Speacilizes in Ethio-Semitic languages, you can find his email address at the school through Google. I won't do it because I don't want to embarrass myself, but you are more than welcome.

You seem to be quite happy to embarrass yourself in every post why not write to the professor and prove yourself wrong once and for all?

As I mentioned Hooper, I know the voice on the 9/11 recording is the voice of a native Hebrew speaker because I have spent hundreds of hours listening to native Hebrew speakers speaking English as well as hundreds of hours listening to native Arab speakers speak English.

Again, as I mentioned in a previous post, those who read this thread should not conclude that the so-called lead hijacker is an Israeli and therefore Israel pulled off yet another false-flag terrorist attack slaughtering Christians just because I have an extensive experience with Hebrew and Arabic speakers. However, it seems to me that you have no experience at all with either language because you have not made a single comment on the actual voice, accent or stress pattern we can hear in the recording.

Rather than focus on the distinct "R" sound that we can hear in the 9/11 recording and admit that it matches exactly the "R" we hear in the video about the fact that Israel was world famous for acts of bloody, brutal acts of terrorism during the middle of the 20th century you want to call deflect the conversation by claiming that Jews have never lied, stolen, cheated, spied on and indeed murdered in cold blood innocent American Christians.

When I include a video as an example of a native Hebrew speaker speaking English to demonstrate that the voice matched the recording of the Israeli man on the 9/11 recording and at the same time remind people around the world that Zionism is a criminal enterprise that is not anti-Semtic.

The video in which everyone can hear and compare the accents of native Hebrew speakers and a native Arabic speaker talking about the failure of Israeli tanks and the failure of Israeli military strategy which led to many Zionist criminals being cooked to death and cremated in their tanks in an act of devine retribution is not anti-Semitic. The video is probably the best example of both accents posted so far. You probably did not watch it and listen to it because you don't want to admit to Israeli failure.

To answer your question, at one time I was sucked into the standard Jewish / Zionist propaganda vortex just like you are now. Interestingly, it was when I met Israelis that I started to learn the truth about the disgusting history of Zionism and heard just how racist Israelis are. My Israeli friends were not fake Khazar "Jews" but Arab Jews and they told me many stories about how they were abused by the fake Khazar "Jews".

If you ever have the chance to talk to an Iraqi Jew as I did and learn how the bastard Zionists lied and cheated them I don't think you can ever see Israel as anything other than pure evil.

Just to remind everyone, though, I am not saying the voice on the 9/11 recording belongs to an Israeli because Israel is pure evil and carried out many false-flag attacks. I am saying the voice is Hebrew because or linguistic facts and that it matches the Hebrew accents I have provided in several videos.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

I have spent hundreds of hours listening to native Hebrew speakers speaking English as well as hundreds of hours listening to native Arab speakers speak English.

Really? Hundreds of hours? Why? And if you are so invested in this fantasy why not take a little time and ask for a professional opinion? What are you afraid you are going to hear?

Israel pulled off yet another false-flag terrorist attack slaughtering Christians

by claiming that Jews have never lied, stolen, cheated, spied on and indeed murdered in cold blood innocent American Christians.

remind people around the world that Zionism is a criminal enterprise that is not anti-Semtic.

Zionist criminals being cooked to death and cremated in their tanks in an act of devine retribution is not anti-Semitic.

the disgusting history of Zionism and heard just how racist Israelis are.

the bastard Zionists lied and cheated them I don't think you can ever see Israel as anything other than pure evil.

because Israel is pure evil and carried out many false-flag attacks.

And you really don't think you have a problem? Pure evil? I've seen this Zionism vs. Jews tactic before. Its pretty neat. You try and protect yourself against charges of Anti-Semitism by hiding behind the old "I don't hate Jews, I hate Zionist" rhetoric. Of course, by not naming all the so-called Zionist specifically the reader is forced to then consider any Jew a potential evil Zionist, thereby conveniently incriminating all Jews without actually saying so.

By the way, I simply suggested one potential adviser, you are free to pick and choose your own experts (and you don't count). Take you about ten minutes. Not afraid of what you might hear, huh?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
Ever trying to kill two Zionist birds with one stone from the sling of David (You know that the modern Palestinians are the true Jews of the Biblical era, right?) here is a delightful example of a native Hebrew speaker speaking English and demonstrating that unique Hebrew "R" that the "smart" poster above mentioned.

Listen to the way the nice Israeli man pronounces the "R" sound then listen to the original recording. Notice the two accents match perfectly.

Please totally ignore the content of the actual video and what the narator and Israel man are saying it has nothing to do with the thread, 9/11, terrorism or anything else that might be the key to knowing what and who the real problem children are.

Special note to Hooper - don't watch this video at all. It is from the History Channel and you know how they glorify Hitler on that network and smack down Israel every chance they get.

Bravo I did not mean to say that your contributions beyond the thread topic are irrelevant for the big picture. Quite the opposite. They might be very relevant and knowing about the Lavon affair, the USS liberty attack and in general about the modus operandi of the mossad cia and mi6 will help to put info about 911 into perspective. All I ask is to comparmentalize discussion. A different thread for a different topic. That goes for the antisemitism screamers as well though, although in their case, therapy is probably more like it.

With that said, compare the audio in the OP with the audio of an hebrew accent provided by bravo on PAGE 2 and this page and the audio of an native arab speaker on PAGE 5.
edit on 3-7-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:01 PM
"We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay. We are returning to the airport. Nobody move. Everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you will injure yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet."

I have been searching all over the net to find an on-line 'text to speech' page that included a Hebrew voice to test out these words.

If anyone can find one please let us know.

Pay attention to the stress pattern, the distinct Hebrew "R" sound, and the hard Hebrew "S" sound.

Feel free to enter the words into a 'text to speech' generator using and Arabic voice. You will notice that it does not match at all.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

New Scientific Method:

1) Organize a theory that supports your personal prejudices, bigotry and irrational hatred.
2) Look only for facts that support that theory.
3) Claim proof based on steps 1 & 2.
4) Demand that anyone that challenges the method and conclusions prove its NOT true.
5) Repeat, repeat, repeat.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
Ever trying to kill two Zionist birds with one stone from the sling of David (You know that the modern Palestinians are the true Jews of the Biblical era, right?) here is a delightful example of a native Hebrew speaker speaking English and demonstrating that unique Hebrew "R" that the "smart" poster above mentioned.

Listen to the way the nice Israeli man pronounces the "R" sound then listen to the original recording. Notice the two accents match perfectly.

Please totally ignore the content of the actual video and what the narator and Israel man are saying it has nothing to do with the thread, 9/11, terrorism or anything else that might be the key to knowing what and who the real problem children are.

Special note to Hooper - don't watch this video at all. It is from the History Channel and you know how they glorify Hitler on that network and smack down Israel every chance they get.

Bravo I did not mean to say that your contributions beyond the thread topic are irrelevant for the big picture. Quite the opposite. They might be very relevant and knowing about the Lavon affair, the USS liberty attack and in general about the modus operandi of the mossad cia and mi6 will help to put info about 911 into perspective. All I ask is to comparmentalize discussion. A different thread for a different topic. That goes for the antisemitism screamers as well though, although in their case, therapy is probably more like it.

With that said, compare the audio in the OP with the audio of an hebrew accent provided by bravo on PAGE 2 and this page and the audio of an native arab speaker on PAGE 5.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

With that said, compare the audio in the OP with the audio of an hebrew accent provided by bravo on PAGE 2 and this page and the audio of an native arab speaker on PAGE 5.

Yep, thats all you need to do. Just listen.

Then you can go to the hospital and start diagnosing x-rays and MRI results too, because apparently that shouldn't take any special training, education or experience either.

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