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The 800lb Gorillia, Isreal did 911 -

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Beancounter72
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

So the Holocaust is another taboo subject that we stupid goyim are not allowed to question? Is that what you're saying? Did you know that jewish organizations declared a total war against Germany in the 30's and that the charge that 6 million jews had already been killed were being made publically in mainstream articles written by jews BEFORE the war even started. Funny how they just happened to pick the 'right' number eh?

This is a really sick post ! I assume that what you mean by " jewish organizations declared total war against Germany in the 30's " was in fact the peaceful protests and attempted boycott in response to Nazi ant-semitic violence in 1933. How inconsiderate of those nasty jews to complain about those nice Nazi's.

Please link me to mainstream articles about 6 million jews being killed, before the war.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:29 AM
The "dancing Israelis" Truther created urban myth was debunked thoroughly years ago. Based on early alarms and conflicted information incorrect reporting on the busiest day in US history, hundreds of foreign nationals were rounded up on 9/11 on suspicion, most of them Middle Eastern.

The report of a supposed bomb threat to the George Washington Bridge
resulted in a truck being driven by Israelis stopped and them being detained, It turned out there was no bomb.

The Israelis detained for supposedly celebrating and claiming to record the event is a Truther patchwork of misreporting and false arrest. In fact the Israelis filed a lawsuit against American authorities 3 years later.

This page goes into great detail showing what reall did happen and how it has been mythologized into something completely different:

every single person who pointed a camera at the WTC on 9/11 did so because they wanted to “document the event”. The phrase does not in any sense imply that they knew what was going to happen.
This is also the opinion of Marc Levin, the director of "Protocols of Zion". His clip of the Israelis on the talk show is the one that most commonly appears on YouTube videos as "proof" of foreknowledge, yet here's how he saw it:

“I talked to witnesses who saw the 5 Israelis and the NJ police officer who stopped their van. They were taken into custody, questioned and held for 10 weeks. They were eventually cleared by the FBI of any involvement in 9/11 and deported back to Israeli on immigration violations. On Israeli TV, they claimed they were merely taking pictures of a historic event. I included this sequence in the movie because I wanted to show how a real incident that raised legitimate questions could quickly mutate into so called “evidence” that the Israelis were behind the attack and not Al Qaeda. There were even some claiming the 5 Israelis were controlling the planes by remote control from New Jersey.”


One curious footnote to this story appeared three years later, when four of the Israelis filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice:

“September 14, 2004

Four young Israelis who were arrested by American federal agents on 9/11 have filed a law suit against the Department of Justice in the United States District Court in New York.

The law suit alleges that law enforcement officers and officials of the Bureau of Prisons unlawfully incarcerated them for an extended period of time and violated their civil rights during their more than two month imprisonment in the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in 2001. The four plaintiffs claim that they were held incommunicado without access to attorneys or family, subjected to rough interrogations, physically assaulted, deprived of sleep and subjected to racists taunting by guards.

The law suit seeks millions of dollars in compensation.
The four plaintiffs are represented by Israeli attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Esq. and New York attorney Robert Tolchin, Esq.
The Israelis were working for a New Jersey moving company when their truck was stopped by police near the George Washington Bridge. When it was discovered that they possessed foreign drivers licenses, the nervous officers placed them under arrest as suspects in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. They were handed over to federal agents for weeks of interrogations.

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, conspiracy theorists in the Arab and Islamic world spread reports that Israel was behind the terrorist atrocities. Islamic and neo-Nazi groups pointed to the arrests of the Israelis as "proof" that the Mossad and Israel had perpetrated the attack on the World Trade Center. Hate groups around the world posted hundreds of stories centering on the arrests of the Israelis and their alleged role in the 9/11 attacks. The fact that the four were eventually cleared of all suspicions and released did not put the libels to rest and stories about the Israelis are still regularly appearing on the internet.

American human rights groups have charged that the Bureau of Prisons violated the civil liberties of those detained by the United States following 9/11. Following an internal investigation the Department of Justice released a report in June 2003 which, in part, found:

"the evidence indicates a pattern of physical and verbal abuse by some correctional officers at the MDC against some September 11 detainees, particularly during the first months after the attack."
According to the plaintiffs' Israeli counsel Nitsana Darshan-Leitner: "The infamous arrest of these young Israelis on 9/11 has been used by anti-Semites worldwide as `proof' of Israel's involvement in the World Trade Center attack. Our clients are seeking compensation for the harm they suffered in the MDC by prison officials. In addition, the law suit will serve as an important public forum to debunk the lie that Israel or the Mossad was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It will show that there was no Jewish conspiracy as the Arab world continues to claim and put an end to this racist blood libel."

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

you could have not socially engineered a better plan to bring Isreal into being than the script we call WWII. the Arabs and the Europeans would not have allowed the holy land to become Isreal again and full fill the prophecy

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:39 AM
Conclusive proof that 9/11 was an inside job: None

Conclusive proof Israelis did it: None

Time it took from the first 9/11 conspiracy theory until a Truther went on a shooting rampage, to get revenge for what he "learned" on the internet:

8.5 years

Number of Truthers that will in any way feel sorry for goading on a fellow Truther to take direct action:


Number that will in anyway reach out to those their crazy belief has left SHOT:


posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil


And solar panel companies invented the sun.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by seethelight

well admission is admission what more proof u do not see? ok, how about pulling your head out of that oraface long enough to take a look around.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:48 AM
[edit on 5-3-2010 by Beancounter72]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
reply to post by Alfie1

you could have not socially engineered a better plan to bring Isreal into being that the script we call WWII.

The suffering of the jewish people in WWII was certainly a post-war spur to the creation of the state of Israel.

However, none of the participants had that unintended consequence in view. Did Hitler invade Poland, most of western Europe and the Soviet Union hoping that a jewish state would emerge when the mayhem was over ? Did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour and Singapore with that in mind ?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:50 AM
Well this thread stands as fact.

Israel played big part in the 911 attacks as all the evidence shows.

Remember? Israeli spy agencies shadowed the 911 hijackers before the attack. Watched them learn to fly at u.s military and flight schools.

Google all of this rather than listening to 3-5 people who troll here that will try to burry the information. Research this yourself.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by seethelight
Conclusive proof that 9/11 was an inside job: None

Conclusive proof Israelis did it: None

Time it took from the first 9/11 conspiracy theory until a Truther went on a shooting rampage, to get revenge for what he "learned" on the internet:

8.5 years

Number of Truthers that will in any way feel sorry for goading on a fellow Truther to take direct action:


Number that will in anyway reach out to those their crazy belief has left SHOT:


Conclusive proof is not necessary in a court of law.
Many a situation is solved by circumstantial evidence.
How long did it take the world to reaalize this---

The trail of ASSASSINATION and BOMBS can be easily followed back a little further in time.
Recent history documents the attempted, cowardly, terrorist type BOMB attack on the Russian Tsar.
The attacker was Lenin's brother. This is followed up in a few years by the cowardly TERRORIST attack on the Palace and the cold blooded assassination of Tsar Nicoli, his wife and several children.
This was done in a frigid farm field and the bodies were dumped into an open hand dug pit.
This act of shear TERRORISM was accomplish by Lenin and Trotsky and supported by bank and stage coach robberies using BOMBS and TERROR tactics.
All of this can be directly attributed to Karl Marx and his band of merry Dissidents.
The entire concept of Communism practiced by the Bolsheviks has it's roots in Marx.
And all of it's leaders were Bombing or assassin type Terrorists.
Can anyone fill in the gaps from 1941 to the present?
When you do you will see more clearly what and why things at present are what they are.
WW 1, WW 2 .Stalin and the Russian Purge. The concept of Israel, The appointed and not elected Government official in every Christian country on the planet.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
Remember? Israeli spy agencies shadowed the 911 hijackers before the attack. Watched them learn to fly at u.s military and flight schools.

And Israel, we were told, passed intel info to the US intel agencies like another dozen of countries. Weren't they simply doing their spying job ?

It's not enough to accuse Mossad of an active role in 9/11.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:59 AM
Did those "dancing Jews" look like this???


Oy vey!!!

Those crazy Jews!! Karahana!!

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Yissachar1]

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Yissachar1]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
Well this thread stands as fact.

Israel played big part in the 911 attacks as all the evidence shows.

Remember? Israeli spy agencies shadowed the 911 hijackers before the attack. Watched them learn to fly at u.s military and flight schools.

Google all of this rather than listening to 3-5 people who troll here that will try to burry the information. Research this yourself.

Perhaps you could share your evidence showing that "Israel played a big part in the 911 attacks ", thanks.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
Well this thread stands as fact.

Israel played big part in the 911 attacks as all the evidence shows.

Remember? Israeli spy agencies shadowed the 911 hijackers before the attack. Watched them learn to fly at u.s military and flight schools.

Google all of this rather than listening to 3-5 people who troll here that will try to burry the information. Research this yourself.

Googling is research. A joke, right?

If you read actual documented reports, not conspiracy site and Youtubes, you'll find that intelligence agencies as widespread as those in Germany, Britain, Turkey, Russia, even Saudi Arabia, warned the US something big was coming down the pike.

Israel was on top of it more than others, even having one of it's agents tracking hijackers, and in the process one died on the first plane that hit the the WTC.

Russia and Israel later complained the US did not give proper priority to their warnings and intelligence. Among the outstanding questions on 9//11 are the withholding of intelligence between agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA.

Many sources had pieces of the puzzle in the US and elsewhere, on a planned co-ordinated attack. The Bush admin thought they were adequately prepared, and quite possibly thought it would be useful for foreign policy leverage.

Investigative reporters and writers have been tackling this for half a decade. How much was negligence and bad decision making? Is there legal culpability?

But to say some website patching together factoids has the answer to these questions is ridiculous.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by mmiichael

Mmiichael you can’t argue with a truther or a birther they swear they are right, and no matter what you show them to prove there wrong they flip it an attack you... Something isn’t right with them....

One poster on here stated that Only Israel could have duel US/Israel Citizenship and it was illegal for anyone else to hold duel citizenship. Even though I pointed out three Government websites that disputed that and proved them wrong. They turned it on me and attacked something else...

I have seen you refute there evidence with viable sources only to have it flipped on you... Anyone who uses YouTube and presents it as gospel is disturbed... I remember watching the first Loose Change video, ( I do agree there are some things that don’t make sense in the 9-11 commission report) But some of the things this dude was saying was so far out there the logistics alone would have turned everyone suspicious.

Truther's grasp for draws and try to weave them into truth, not even a Doctor of Psychology could help them, their minds are made up and nothing you show them will prove otherwise.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Yissachar1

They could look like that but not likely. I have seen folks looking like that in NYC.
The explosion in the background is a little suspicious though.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet

Truther's grasp for draws and try to weave them into truth, not even a Doctor of Psychology could help them, their minds are made up and nothing you show them will prove otherwise.

It's because you can't unlearn something.

I was happy thinking 911 was as it was told, till I looked into it a few years ago.

Condasending (sp) talk won't change any minds.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
Did those "dancing Jews" look like this???


Oy vey!!!

Those crazy Jews!! Karahana!!

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Yissachar1]

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Yissachar1]

Have you seen the photos of the hotel assassins from the Saudi.
Now those could be the very same guys arrested in NYC and released back to Israel along with the moving company from NJ that vaporized too.
The one's with the bomb in the truck.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

Okay. You asked for this. check out the several posts by D377MC on this page of the following thread.
He goes into considerable, documented detail about public allegations of millions of Jewish deaths at the hands of the Nazis before and during WW2.

Then go to this site to see the declaration of war against Germany. Yes I know you're going to say it was only an economic boycott but they specifically used the phrase 'war on Germany'.
An economic boycott was considered a serious blow to the economy of Germany and was meant to bring those nasty Nazis and all Germans to their knees for daring to blame jewish international bankers for WW1. Keep in mind this was in 1933. So before you poopoo the notion of publically stated lies about millions of jews being killed by the Nazis before the war, consider that Germany had to import a lot of food and basics such as fuel and raw materials to keep their struggling economy going. If jewish organizations were prepared to try to starve Germany into submission, why is spreading propaganda about untrue atrocities not a credible idea? That's my point. The fact that some jews died in nazi concencentration camps suddenly gave credibility to these unproven allegations of millions of jewish deaths.

So as good little goyim cattle, we non-jews are not allowed to question the holocaust. Why is it okay for Mossad agents to go into any country, violate the laws of that country, kill it's citizens and say, well we have the right to defend ourselves any way we want? Doesn't that smack of a superior attitude? We jews are morally superior to you goyim so your laws don't apply to US! Don't like that... well then you must be anti-semitic.

You know what zionists call non-jewish supporters of Israel? Useful idiots.
'nuff said.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Beancounter72]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
you can’t argue with a truther or a birther they swear they are right, and no matter what you show them to prove there wrong they flip it an attack you... Something isn’t right with them....

One poster on here stated that Only Israel could have duel US/Israel Citizenship and it was illegal for anyone else to hold duel citizenship. Even though I pointed out three Government websites that disputed that and proved them wrong. They turned it on me and attacked something else...

I have seen you refute there evidence with viable sources only to have it flipped on you... Anyone who uses YouTube and presents it as gospel is disturbed... I remember watching the first Loose Change video, ( I do agree there are some things that don’t make sense in the 9-11 commission report) But some of the things this dude was saying was so far out there the logistics alone would have turned everyone suspicious.

Truther's grasp for draws and try to weave them into truth, not even a Doctor of Psychology could help them, their minds are made up and nothing you show them will prove otherwise.

In this particular neighbourhood it's mob rule as opposed to accepted legal procedures of supplying tangible and credible evidence.

Truthers just change the rules of the game to suit their needs. One manufactured piece of unfounded speculation Youtube beats documentation and testimony.

I imagine most Truthers are dismissed or even laughed at in the outside world. Here they find a community of like-minded sharing their wonky assessments and delusions. There are even people willing to address their claims seriously who try to inform them of the REAL FACTS contradicting the pseudo-information they have been swallowing for years.

But in the end there is little enlightenment for the willfully ignorant and enraptured. Like religious fundamentalists they will believe what conforms to their warped views and dismiss what conflicts. They will also lash out when their views are questioned.

So thousands will believe Jews did 9/11, the US is hiding alien technologies, some mysterious unidentified NWO controls everything, and on and on.

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