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The 800lb Gorillia, Isreal did 911 -

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by andy1972

Bin Laden did not directly plan 9-11, KSM did, and admitted, I think OBL knew about it but he had no say in the preparations for it.... Look how departmentalize these terrorist organizations are they have cells on top of cells.....

Some of you people would make horrible tactical commanders.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
I think it's pretty obvious that the Israeli intelligence agency played a role in 9/11. Whether it was planning, or funding, I wouldn't be surprised at all. Their motives are obviously clear to most of us, but could it run deeper then "getting the US involved in wars in the Middle East?" I think it's possible. I don't know enough about Israeli politics then/now to make a hypothesis though.

How is it obvious, no of you "truthers" have ever EVVVVEEEERRRRR provided any smoking gun in 9 years that it it was an inside job or Israel Intelligence did it... There is actual proof that some Saudi Princes helped Finance this and they are now "missing" after being seen dragged from there homes by the Saudi Secret Police....

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:49 AM
we also have an admission of guilt - are you guys aware of the 5 dancing Isreali's... Young Mossad are not as experienced as the older ones...

we were there to document the event --- EQUALS PRIOR KNOWLEDGE ---
what more proof do you need.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by andy1972

Bin Laden did not directly plan 9-11, KSM did, and admitted, I think OBL knew about it but he had no say in the preparations for it....

So going with what you say above everything the US government has told us is a LIE. All this money spent on troops in Afghanistan searching caves for WHO??? an innocent man ???
Whys everyone looking for him if he´s done nothing???

Ah, its because the US need a boogeyman to chase, a reason to stay alert and keep restrictions tight, thats right isnt it..??

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
we also have an admission of guilt - are you guys aware of the 5 dancing Isreali's... Young Mossad are not as experienced as the older ones...

we were there to document the event --- EQUALS PRIOR KNOWLEDGE ---
what more proof do you need.

He could mean he was in the parking lot to document the event. That he saw it happen on TV and so decided to film what was happening. So no, it doesn't necessarily equal prior knowledge.

As an aside, this is the first time I've seen the footage from the talk show. I've seen it described on ATS as the Israeli students admitting that they're part of Mossad. Which just shows how the TM inflates and spins stuff into the shape it wants to see.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:05 AM
Mossad undoubtedly was involved in 9/11 and almost certainly planned the whole thing, in conjunction with their neo-con, zionist allies in the US intelligence, military and executive branches. I've cited this evidence in other threads so many times I'm tired to explaining it all again in detail so I'll just summarize.

1)The Pentagon Controller who was responsible for overseeing the missing 2.3 trillion that Rumsfeld admitted to congress on Sept. 10th, 2001 was jewish.
2)Henry Silverstein (jewish) leased the towers from the New York Port Authority, whose chairman is...(you guessed it) jewish.
3)A jewish moving company emailed it employees the morning of 9/11 not to go anywhere near the WTC
4)An Israeli company broke their lease by moving out of one of the towers two weeks before 9/11
5)Siverstein insured both towers for billions against a terrorist attack and when he tried to collect, the case went to court where the (jewish) judge ruled in his favor.
6)Over 100 Israelis were arrested both before and after 9/11 on suspicion of spying on the US and were released by order of Justice Department official Michael Chertoff(with dual US/Israeli citizenship) who eventually became head of Homeland Security for a while.
7)Most of the neo-cons who called for a 'new Pearl Harbor' in their PNAC document are jewish.
8)The 'dancing' Israelis, who were observed cheering as the towers fell, were interviewed on Israeli TV as saying that they were there to document the event, which means they knew about it in advance. At the time of their arrest, the FBI found traces of explosives in the van these men had been standing on when they documented the event.
9)A van carrying four 'middle eastern' men, arrived at Bush's hotel early on 9/11 and told the secret service agent at the gate that they had been given permission to interview Bush by another SS agent who they named. They were not allowed to enter and left never to be seen again. Several days prior to this, an Afgan warlord was assassinated by an expolding video camera belonging to a team of 'journalists'.
10)Later as Bush was leaving Florida, the SS received an ENCRYPTED message over their own communcation channels that 'Angel is next'. Angel was that day's codename for Air Force One. They interpreted this threat to mean that somene had broken their codes and therefore possibly even nuclear launch codes which is why Bush flew first to Offut Air Force Base home of US Strategic Command in order to personnally countermand any bogus nuclear launch order. The US military had bought a lot of communication software from Israeli companies. How likely is it that Osama was able to hack into those systems? How likely is it that Mossad did?

There are other facts that lead in the same direction which I'm not going to bother writing again. I didn't start out thinking that Mossad was involved but the deeper I dug, the more convincing the evidence became. Mossad lives for deception. They have infiltrated every terrorist organization in the middle east and have ways of manipulating them. The son of the founder of Hamas or Hezbolah(can't remember which) admited to spying on the group for Mossad recently. Mossad agents used forged British passports to assassinate a Hamas leader. There is no line they will not cross.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Beancounter72]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

well watch video's ... and if you still think there's doubt... well let a jury decide.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

well watch video's ... and if you still think there's doubt... well let a jury decide.

I did watch them. They're verging towards antisemitism. And the poster above - well he's probably all the way there.

Seriously, if this ever got to court (which I doubt it ever will), do you think that a video of a man saying what that guy said will be in any way incriminating? It's abundantly obvious that it can be taken in so many ways.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Did ye scope out the two ones pointed out in the audience in the vid?Lookin' GUILTY as hell.

''There to document the event''...SPECTACLE is more like it.I always sorta considered a pony tail to be the sign of a fraud in a neo-hippy,never fails except in the holdovers sometimes,these types are a con and the 'five' have two of these.(600# gorilla hairstyle is a ponytail?How cute.)And,since no one has brought up the ''art students''that took out a window in one of the towers.Some kinda stunt to get one freaking photo.Ya Riiiight...Incompetence by one and all or infiltration by an 'ally'that has turned on us so many times in the past?You decide,just don't speak it or you become a bigot,yada yada.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:13 AM
here I found the link - when the Basra police busted some insurgents who turned out to be British.... interesting --- try to start a war are we...

Now thats just Un British

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:18 AM
Not enough is being said about who benefits: Israel. I don't see how Saudi Arabia would benefit from this, yet Israel now has U.S. bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, close to Israel to prevent countries like Iran from attacking Israel. Netanyahu said that 9/11 benefited Israel because it gave them a US ally in the middle east. The blackwater CEO, Eric Prince is a Crusader, waging holy war against the Muslims. Christians vs. the Muslims, with the Jews in the middle. How many times has this happened throughout history? We can basically say that the Middle East is a 1000 year old holy war. Not enough people see the religious implications in this. All religions lead to war and chaos, but Judaism is ingrained in the school system via the holohoax, and Christians are hijacked by religious extremists who justify war in the name of God. The Muslims, while not as modern of a society, is the real victim here. It is highly doubtful that any Muslim was responsible for 9/11, but even if they were, 3000 American deaths compared to 1.6 million + Iraq deaths? When does it stop? This is no longer just "revenge," it has long since been justified, yet they still claim to be chasing down al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Ah here we go!! The anti-semitic charge rears it's ugly head. I am NOT anti-semitic. I don't hate jews and I don't think all jews were involved nor do I think they would approve of Mossad's actions if they knew about them. Mossad is a zionist organization. Zionism is a political ideology no different than communism or fascism as an ideology. No one accuses an anti-communist of being racist against Russians (or Chinese) but ANY criticism of zionism or the Israeli government is deemed anti-semitic. The hypocrisy is mindboggling! This thread isn't the place to go into the extreme racism that's evident in the Judaic Talmud book (goggle the meaning of the word 'goyim'). The ugly secret of the Jewish religion is that't it's based on hate for and desire to control all non-jewish peoples. Having said that, the most ardent anti-zionists are jewish rabbis who consider zionism to be the biggest threat that the jewish people face. I applaud their courage and conviction.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
here I found the link - when the Basra police busted some insurgents who turned out to be British.... interesting --- try to start a war are we...

Now thats just Un British

That video isn't really true. It wasn't reported on as "no big deal" over here. And the situation was rather different to how it was portrayed - they certainly weren't "insurgents", and the police force at that time was completely corrupt.

Just another example of you seeing what you want to.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
That video isn't really true. It wasn't reported on as "no big deal" over here. And the situation was rather different to how it was portrayed - they certainly weren't "insurgents", and the police force at that time was completely corrupt.
Just another example of you seeing what you want to.

Hi wouldn't it be better if you state sources backing your claim? Just saying.... you know no one believes plain words.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by December_Rain]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by ancient_wisdom

So you're not antisemitic, but you use terms like "holohoax"?


posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Thanks for your response to my query about your reference to "Brittania". It doesn't seem to have much to do with 9/11 but is an interesting diversion.

You say it is your take on history and I would disagree with virtually all of it. If King George 111 and his government wanted an independent and united America why not just let them get on with it. Instead, a bitter war was fought an ocean away for years to try and stop that happening. All the evidence is that King George was bitterly upset by the loss of the colonies and the idea of him financing rebels against his own troops is a non-starter.

You leave the French completely out of the equation. Britain's ancient foe, with whom we have had intermittent war for centuries , and your ally. I can't see them wanting to help out with some devious plan of King George's.

Still, if you think you will all be subjects of the British Crown again then I am sure our Queen Elizabeth will make you very welcome.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:48 AM

[edit on 5-3-2010 by December_Rain]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

So the Holocaust is another taboo subject that we stupid goyim are not allowed to question? Is that what you're saying? Did you know that jewish organizations declared a total war against Germany in the 30's and that the charge that 6 million jews had already been killed were being made publically in mainstream articles written by jews BEFORE the war even started. Funny how they just happened to pick the 'right' number eh?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Beancounter72
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

So the Holocaust is another taboo subject that we stupid goyim are not allowed to question? Is that what you're saying? Did you know that jewish organizations declared a total war against Germany in the 30's and that the charge that 6 million jews had already been killed were being made publically in mainstream articles written by jews BEFORE the war even started. Funny how they just happened to pick the 'right' number eh?

No I didn't know that. Wow! It's amazing.

What other incredible information do you have?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:14 AM
In my personal life,I have learned to watch what I say around certain people.It's surprising how otherwise calm rational people go all extremist when certain subjects are even approached.The ZOG/9-11 connection is one such topic.I have been truly stunned at the breathtaking speed the ''you're anti-semetic''rhetoric rears it's god's-chosen-head.When I was not even close to mentioning MOSSAD,like asking what the position of the conversant was regarding the put options,or any peripheral issue.It's like,"put options=money=hate jews?"BAM BAM BAM Like the marching orders and talking points have been faxed.Code words seem to appear,like''silly'' and are used until the next one.I'd bet my bottom Oz of Au it's orchestrated.

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