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The Video The US Army Doesn't Want You To See*Warning*

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by seethelight
reply to post by rainfall

Karma does not work like that.

Actually there might be a few hard core Buddhists who would discretely point out that the Muslims are ripening the karma of their previous viscous wars against the Buddhists... and its known as a wheel of suffering...

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:52 PM
this is discusting...i'm with you outkast yeah it was a puppy...but what about all the deformed little babies who will never live a happy life and the little girls getting raped while the parents are in the other room and can't do anything about that really what they are using over there is radio-active rounds....this is sick...gee what should we do with all these fuel rods???hey lets make bullets and rounds so we can get rid of it...who cares...this is just crazy i can't believe this is being allowed to happen...

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by crmanager

You are allowed to be anti war. The soldiers give you the ability to be anti-war. Anti war activists in China/russia/Iran...are imprisoned.

Personally I am anti abortion, and I think at one point in history its the constitution that trumped the soldier as far as that freedom of speech went... but in reality that has been a fallacy as there is economic and other pressure against really speaking out against war, and in some instances it's not beneficial for your health and well being.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:57 PM
ok. I'm not saying bad things don't happen in Iraq but don't for a minute believe that the USA is the only bad guy in this affair. You members who haven't been there haven't seen what the opposition does to us. I had a fellow PJ get gutted like an animal and have his genitalia stuffed in his dead mouth by the Taliban in the the lovely country of Afghanistan in 03 . remember we are all pawns and fill our roll as required. thank you and im out to work. I am a fireman/paramedic now so i can feel good about myself. PJ's "so others may live" and yes i have the green feet so don't start

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:58 PM
I think some of you need to look into the Army Civil Affairs jobs. They go through the towns and ask the leaders of each town how the soldiers have been treating them. You should ask about the polices, where if a detainee has a mark on their body; they are given a ride home with apologies the next day. Ask about how many counter fire missions get canceled because insurgents chose to shoot mortars in villages (all to avoid killing civilians).

This almost makes me feel as if I cannot trust any anti-war movement. They only going to attempt to prove a point no matter what the reality of a situation is.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by DrumsRfun
This is sensationalism.

Pretty sensational all right. I have a friend whose husband was a Marine frontline with the depleted uranium. He came home, turned yellow and died from it within 9 months. She was told not to even sleep near him as he was so toxic. The women in that area have stopped having children because it's so devastating. Sensational? If you don't near puke because it's hella sick do you have any sensations besides selfishness?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:07 PM
people, animals, vegitation,soil poisoned etc. etc.

you people who justify this madness make me sick.

FOR WHAT??????

WTF have we become?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by vardlokkur

You do realize those are isolated incidents and in no way represent the truth?

wrong the babies are real...
I have a brother who stormed Noriega's palace with a dead pregnant woman on his tank and a jar head friend who ran around the world with his squad gang raping little girls in public restaurant bathrooms...

and to those of you who cry 'don't demonize the all for the few' you are avoiding the point... and your logic is incomplete... yes rape and violence exists every where, and its ramping up everywhere, but that makes this ok??? and death always follows war, but the point is this one got especially sick? because its propaganda? The truth is propaganda? Or is the lie propaganda? I'm sorry I know people who had their lives devastated because they shot the depleted uranium or killed the pregnant women and all these words, arguments or the denial won't change the affected peoples lives.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by DChenO]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:24 PM
That clip made be bawl. It has brought tears to my eyes and put hate in my heart. I can not look at a man the same way again. I can not look at a soldier the same way again.
This has to stop!! I want to spit on the Military, you aren't heroes.....your Inglorious Bastards.
.....and evil will continue as long as good men do nothing!

[edit on 3-3-2010 by wickedwenchlet]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:29 PM
Scream at me if you want. But you know there is a thing called disinformation. I am appalled at this video, do not get me wrong. But um.... things can be "spun" in many different ways, and or "faked". This guy talking about ""pimping" a 14 yr. old girl on camera!! I am sorry... this could have been faked by anti-war interests.

The puppy on the other hand, well... i dunno. I guess it is what it is.. But again i am sorry.. You can edit, compose and juxtapose video to fit your needs in the form of propaganda.
So do not call me anti-American, etc..etc.. You should know how people can twist things.

Mr. Al Franken i admire and respect and im not saying that that was fake or anything. And it is a travesty what happened. But do you Sir or Ma'am have all the facts?? evidence?? and such to say all this is totally true and "the word of God" so to speak.
Do not be fooled by anyone, enemy OR friendly in this world.

You can't trust NO ONE. And that my friend is about as true as it gets.

(please remember, i am not down playing ANYTHING... but a video without proof or REFERENCE other than my own ears and eyes is not enough for me.)

No matter what i have said i know i am going to catch "heck" for this.

Do not attack me for my opinions... i am an American... stand for justice and the truth PERIOD.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:34 PM
An interesting video but I still don't think the cause of these problems is the military.

I think the causes of these problems are:

1) The fact that the decision was made by the Bush administration to go to war with Iraq in the first place when there was no clear justification for doing so (Even though Sadaam wasn't necessarily a saint).

2) War is profitable. These private security firms recieve immense sums of taxpayer dollars through a variety of means (sometimes questionable means). These companies become so large they end up being given the right to bid on lucrative contracts in areas such as domestic intelligence gathering, like Blackwater did last year or so. Imagine how much money we would've saved by using the military as intended rather than paying contractors 3-4 times as much per person (or more) to do the same job! Most of these people that work in the private security industry are ex-military or special forces anyway. Who wouldn't want to make that kind of money??! Maybe if we compensated our military members a little better they would stay in longer. And then there's these infamous "no-bid" contracts..

3) Lack of accountability in the public and private sectors. Until the lawsuit involving blackwater security guards killing innocent civilians in Iraq, no private security personnel had ever been held accountable for his/her actions. They can't be forced to abide by the UCMJ. They can be untouchable, anyway, just depending on what wording is within the contract. Plus, if they're on foreign soil they don't necessarily have to abide by local law, again, depending on what wording is in the contract. And usually the government gives these companies a wide birth for the purpose of facilitating the completion of these contracts.

4) The men and women of the armed forces are sent to Iraq sometimes for a year at a time (or more). And sometimes as soon as they come home for a few months and finally get situated again, they get sent right back. These people are emotionally and physically stretched thin. And they're fighting a war in the region that has no end in sight.

There are, obviously, other causes. But a lare part of it is sick people that act a certain way because they're encouraged to. They're encouraged to view war in a certain light in order to save face and then some people take this philosophy of "this is war" and run with it. But the main cause isn't necessarily the military overall. I actually resent the very concept.


posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:39 PM

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:43 PM
The reaction to that video is exactly why we have Britney Spears in the news more than footage of the victims of the war.

Americans would have ended this war years ago if Vietnam had not taught our government to limit the amount of footage Americans are allowed to see of the "collateral damage." We are allowed to here how many of our men die, only so that we may continue to perceive the people there as a threat to us.

I hope we wake up and actually do something. We bicker endlessly among ourselves about right wing, left wing, black, white, etc, etc. All of those are distractions from the fact that it is the rich against the poor. It always has been.

Someday, when we have put down resistance around the world among the poor, it will be our turn, here in America and in the other industrialized nations. And there will be no one left to help us. Even if they could forgive us for doing nothing while our country beat them into the ground enough to want to help us.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Excellent post, so true

the meek shall inherit the earth

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by djmolecular

I wonder if you would feel as you do if your town, family, friends would suffer as much.

No wonder they call us the great satan. fked up is this.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:18 AM
Poor LaVena Johnson.


Friendly fire is one thing, I can see how they may want to try and cover that blunder, up but this??

Broken nose, black eye and even more disturbing...chemical burns to her genitals!!

Looks like someone was trying to destroy the evidence of a rape.

Shame that this got no real media attention either. I'm sure race plays a large factor in that since if you go by the media all U.S. soldiers are white people. The heroic acts or even dubious "deaths" of minority soldiers is largely ignored.

I hope her family finds justice but this is highly unlikely.

And yet we're told God destroyed Haiti for the sin of wanting freedom and praying to someone else to give it, since he was too busy reading Mad Magazine on the can while blessing the Slavers instead.

If God is insane I guess it's every man for himself.

- Lee

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:19 AM
Wow, a lot of people here will believe anything you see. I guess that's what you get when you come here though.

My advice is, until you go there and fight and see things first hand, don't pretend like you know what's going on over there.

If you believe every youtube video you see, then you really need to evaluate your mental maturity.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Now I know I might get flammed for this but,

Can you really blame the military as a whole for each solders actions?

This is the emotional cost and result of war. This is what happens to normal human beings who are living in a constant fear and vision of death. Death is everywhere, every day, every second. This is all they see and fear. Think about that....

Being that I have seen stuff similar to this for several years steady,(not this extreme) I know how one can become "numb" to death. Now I'm not saying that anything depicted in this video is right. I feel every guilty party shall be accounted for and punished. Maybe even harsher punishment than some of you may feel. All i am saying is that this is what the reality of war does to those fighting.

When you go to war bad things happen. You are either ready to deal with the reality of these things or your not. You have to decide as a person and a Nation if this is what you want. Remember thought, some extremest will do way worse to you if given the opportunity....are you ready for that??

Now for all the other reasons why were there, that's another ball game......

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

haha, it wasn't kneeling people my friend, It was a herd of Sheep being blown up by an M203 off his gun, or gernade

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:32 AM
Ironic as it seems - 1 person enter a plane with explosives in his pants - and there's consequences, for everyone. Governments are brushing us civilians with a single stroke. Don't do the same here.

I think the levelheaded people are the ones that try to see this video for what it is - *individuals*. Don't judge everyone from a single instance - or you are just as bad as the oppressing governments that you hate so much.
And remember - for every such video - how many video's do you think could be made of soldiers doing honorable actions? - the problem is, that such video would have no "shock / awe" factor.

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