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The Video The US Army Doesn't Want You To See*Warning*

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+155 more 
posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:56 AM
*Warning* graphic and language

This video might be hard for some to watch but it is very important in understanding what is really going on in this 'fake' "war on terror."

This illegal occupation and aggression by the United States and it's allies will have to be answered to...

The harvest is approaching and the chaff will be separated from the wheat...

Karma can be a bitch!!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:25 AM
i got to where the a$$hole threw the puppy off the cliff and tossed a grenade in the crowd of kneeling people and i couldnt watch anymore....

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:48 AM
Powerful. One of the strongest videos I have seen. The internet is the only hope left for truth, and the justice that necceitates the spreading of truth.

+22 more 
posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:48 AM
There is something seriously, mentally wrong with those *CENSORED* over there!

How do you rape and burn a 14 year old girl and say your fighting for your country?!?!?! And Americans wander why the rest of the world thinks they are the scum of the earth.

The whole thing is a croc of SNIP, Aparthied was protested around the world because of the in-justices to the black people of SA, but america can occupy any country they like and no one says SNIP?!

With the exception of the few who had the morals and inner voice to realise that what they were doing was wrong, like the marine in the begining, I hope the rest burn in hell.

War on terror = Murder

Mod Edit: Please review censor circumvention

[edit on 3/3/2010 by yeahright]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:49 AM
Generation kill, aptly sums up the US youth of today, mission accomplished generals.

No wonder, kill simulators like modern warfare and others are so popular now, and have record sales it would not surprise me, if a lot of these game companys are a CIA front.

Such barbarity, and lack of compassion for fellow man, but hey they are not American are they, so that makes it all right.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by mtok7]

+6 more 
posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:53 AM
Honestly, I can't believe that other countries are still sitting on their hands doing nothing. Truly there is no words to describe such animal behavior. This has to stop!

It's a good thing I didn't join the military for money, because my wife would be grieving of her husband's death. There would be no way I could watch someone do these type of acts without taking revenge. I actually have a soft spot for humans, not matter what race or language they speak. Any soldier who comes home, seeing these types of acts and did nothing to prevent it, is no hero or friend of mine. To me your not even an American. Don't even call yourself one!

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by rainfall

Dispicable ... because the animals and those many more like the ones portrayed in this video are generally hailed (as a uniformed group) as 'hero's ... there is nothing heroic about their sordid actions ... and more than that they tarnish the name and memory of those who are/were true hero's and worthy of the title.

Dispicable ... because under normal circumstances these animals would be seen for the low-lives they are ... no uniform can disguise what these creatures are ... and under normal circumstances these cretins would be hunted down and imprisoned for their savage inhuman crimes.

Dispicable ...


+20 more 
posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by rainfall

Dispicable ... because the animals and those many more like the ones portrayed in this video are generally hailed (as a uniformed group) as 'hero's ...
Dispicable ...


Dont call them Animals.

To do so would be an insult to animals. An animal kills to live, not for sport or entertainment, They could/would never be capable of commiting such terrible acts. They are filfth.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by EndOfWesternCivilization

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by rainfall

Dispicable ... because the animals and those many more like the ones portrayed in this video are generally hailed (as a uniformed group) as 'hero's ...
Dispicable ...


Dont call them Animals.

To do so would be an insult to animals. An animal kills to live, not for sport or entertainment, They could/would never be capable of commiting such terrible acts. They are filfth.

I totally agree .. I was just lost for any word that could really fit whatever they actually are. There is no suitable word in any language.


posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:21 AM
Hey thank for posting this, This goes in the youtube favorites, Very strong message indeed.

Could someone tell me who the women speaking and were the speech is from?

S & F

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

Abominations springs to mind!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:26 AM
Words cannot describe how I feel about this and I blame myself for part of their cause for not doing more to help bring justice to the world. But that said, more violence does not help prevent violence. The best way we as a world... is by making our own paths and creating a NEW WORLD ORDER for ourselves and not follow the lies from the billionaires and global elite.

WE as compassionate human people should stand up NOW. We should tear down the legal system of every developed country and re-write a new humane and justified society.

Like the berlin wall we should fight against injustice and tear down the hallmark of most ruling elite of the world. I propose we break down the Washington Monument (Obelisk), the same for the city of London and Vatican obelisks. We should also stand in Unity and burn a noted currency in protest of the financial corrupt system. And we should vet all new politicians based on merit and unbiased experience.

Too much people, have we all been ignorant and blinded by our own governments and the MSM.

Let us start by giving the nations around the world threatened and tyrannised by our own military enforcers hope that we stand next to them in defiance to bring justice and peace to them. Lets us please do something without worrying what the selfish gains are to ourselves unless it is to prevent loss of life, encourage strong bonds of all people around a world. Lets create our OWN NEW WORLD and throw the order away.

Best wishes to all those affected by conflict in the world.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by eclectic.thoughts]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:30 AM
this has been posted before , but i cant find it.

any way nice thread as a reminder for those who did forget
and a good one for those who didn't see it before

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by rainfall

Wow.... Can it get any more disturbing than that.
I am disguted right now after viewing this insanity.

The sad part.... can't say I was shocked!!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:52 AM
This video is powerful. Hard to watch, but it must be understood to effect change in our world.

How can we, as compassionate HUMAN beings allow for such DEMONIC actions by our government. This is absolutly Monsterous.

The cruelty and demonic behavior by these soliders, representing the rest of us to the world, and the actions our government is allowing to happen is nothing more then treasonus to the rest of us who are decent human beings. THis is an absolute Tradgedy that must not be allowed to continue.

There is no accountability short of death that is acceptable for such actions to be allowed to continue. One someone kills something out of pleasure, it then becomes a pleasureable act more powerful then any known drug. Such is how cruelty and insideous behavior plots itself through the human race. and they all get away with it due to their military suit, and privledge as a military member.

It is not the responsibility of 1 person to control this group of Occultic inhuman monsters, it is the responsibility of all of them. They are all responsibile for what is going on, and all should be penned up, and put away for as long as their natural lives allow for.

How can we let this contiue, How can we, as decent members of the human race, continue to let this continue.

it MUST be stopped. We MUST stop it. Less we burn with the rest who are guilty.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:56 AM
I saw it...that puppy had an AK47..
And those pesky sheep were planting IUD´s by the road side...

"he like...pimped her out for 50$ a time...i think he made like er...500$ BEFORE SHE HANGED HERSELF".....

To all the boy´s...(and i mean boys, because a man doesnt act like that), on the video...YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE FLAG YOU WEAR ON YOUR ARM.


posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:00 AM
I could not watch anything more after the puppy. That is the first time I
have seen that. What a sparkling mentality. If that were a son of mine.
As soon as he got back from Iraq. I would take his ass out back, beat
him down hard. Brand him a coward and disown his ass as an act of charity. He'd be lucky to live. A full grown man being cruel to little anmals.
You may as well be a pedophile. The mentality of todays G.I., seems to
have taken a turn for the worst. This from what could already be described as a trigger happy mentality at best.

"The day that soldiers start to think for themselves, there will be none left in the ranks".


As long as we have the willing, there will be war.


One day God is going to deal with our military. when that happens there
will be nothing left of it. I hate to say it but God is not their allie.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:02 AM
Can't watch animal cruelty, so I'm not going to watch the video. I hope that the scum who abuse people and animals in this way, die in the most unimaginable pain. Screw them, screw the US (and Uk/any other military force)army, and screw anyone who even begins to try and defend this crap.

[edit on 3/3/2010 by Acidtastic]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:10 AM
Very disturbing video. And if anyone is watching this thinking it isn't true or isn't obviously have not ever been with a large group of guys for any amount of time.

But the one thing I keep thinking over and over are those that are on ATS that keep calling for another American revolution. Doesn't matter whose side the soldiers would be on...they would be unleashed on American soil and I don't think the results would be very different then what we see in the video. Whoever they see as their percieved enemy will be victims of atrocity. And I keep asking myself, is this really what people want to see on a daily basis on American soil? It's not going to be muskets and's not even going to be your handguns and hunting's going to be tanks, UAVs, mine fields, white phosphorous, and depleted uranium rounds.

Sometimes I think that people really don't think through their ideas.

+31 more 
posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Ok...had to post another reply to address something else.

People who are talking about the puppy....are you serious???

You had no problem listening to the descriptions of raping and burning an innocent 14 year old girl...prostituting a 15 year old till she killed herself...but the puppy is where you drew the line???

I could see if it was a video of all animal cruelty...and the puppy scene was too much for you...but it's not. It's about multiple HUMAN cruelty events and one animal...and that is where you drew the line. If you would watch more you would see worse things happening to HUMANS (babies included) is a disrespect to those victims that all of you decide that the puppy scene was enough for you and you stopped watching.

If we are caring more about puppies than HUMAN LIVES...then that is as big of a problem as the actions in the video.

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