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The Video The US Army Doesn't Want You To See*Warning*

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:14 PM
What I am most surprised by, is that ANY of you are shocked by this video. First of all this is very old, secondly, WTF did you THINK has been happening over there?

They only want YOUNG males in the army. Not because they are stronger and fitter, jeez, I'm almost fifty and I beat the crap out of twenty year olds kickboxing every day. It's because they are easily brainwashed and brimming with testosterone, ready to fight over nothing, and will do what they are told. They can be turned into veritable zombies much easier than older men who have alittle more upstairs. THAT IS WHY. These guys are acting exactly the way they are supposed to.

All the ones "supporting the troops" here, are also wrong. No laws have been broken? Ever heard of the Geneva Convention? Hmmmm? Apparently none of you even know what that means. This whole thing has been totally illegal from day one. The military is somehow helping out Iraq? We are there to stabilize their country? What rock have you all crawled out from under? We are there to build tons of military bases, kill all the "ragheads" and steal all their resources. Period. And not to supply them to the American citizens either, but to STOP the flow of oil from there to drive up the price and increase profits for the satanic oil companies. Nothing else. Building schools and hospitals? HAH. BS. You mean rebuilding one for every hundred we blew up? And "borrowing money" from the banksters to do so.

Just a few bad apples, most of the soldiers are good people? Right. Just like the Nazis were? Everyone considered them ALL guilty. The Allies killed hundreds of thousands of Germans after they had surrendered. Don't think so? Look it up.

Anyone who sees these type of things happen and does nothing to stop it is just as guilty. It's called accessory after the fact. And the rest of you morons. Who do you think is paying for this whole thing? You all are. More accessories after the fact. Just as guilty.

I am shocked by the total idiocy displayed by all the comments. The military works this way. They WANT psychos. The most psychotic get PROMOTED. The lunatics are running the asylum. ANd the young kids brought in and brainwashed into doing exactly what they want them to, that is, commit murders and rapes, well, any of them with a shred of humanity will be driven insane once they get back, just like all the Vietnam vets only this is a hundred times worse. Those who return from this and are NOT driven insane are basically sociopaths, if not outright psychos, and go right into the police force.

This makes me sick. Not the video, but ALL the reactions to it. I can see that NONE OF YOU even understand in the slightest what is really going on. Keep arguing over it, that is what THEY want.

They attacked us. Right. They hate our freedoms. Right. What freedoms you numbskulls? You are all slaves and you are supporting all of this one way or another. It makes me sick. You are all pathetic.

i could go on and on, but why? None of you get it. Reap the whirlwind you freaks, you will get what's coming to you soon enough.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:14 PM
As I ponder the myriad of sharped witted comments I could go with here, I am suddenly reminded of those words of wisdom told to me so long ago...

"If you got nothing nice to say, shut your damn mouth."

Ah! the picture in my head is priceless...just priceless

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:14 PM
hey video makers can u give me the last 10 min of my life back thanks......... such a waste of time just another anti war hippie bull crap of a video

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by WWJFKD
As I ponder the myriad of sharped witted comments I could go with here, I am suddenly reminded of those words of wisdom told to me so long ago...

"If you got nothing nice to say, shut your damn mouth."

Ah! the picture in my head is priceless...just priceless

Or, as my dear Grandma used to say:
"If you can't say anything nice about someone, you're welcome at my house anytime!"

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:32 PM
And for who and what are we killing for ?
This explains the just of it :

Iraq's oil deals dominate PM election campaign
BASRA (AP) — Backed by armed bodyguards, international oil executives have flocked to this southern Iraqi city to survey their potentially lucrative prizes: the fields that they hope will one day be pumping out dramatically greater amounts of cheap, plentiful crude.

For their companies, the fields that they won the rights to develop in two biddings rounds last year are their first foray into Iraq's oil sector in over three decades.

For Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the executives and their investments are a vital part of his bid to win a second term in March 7 elections. read more :

And the "profits/prize" of this war is NOT going to benefit
anyone other then the one's engineering the war, to believe
otherwise is just gullible.

^^ these are whom we are killing for.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

It's not THAT old.

But it or variances of it has been posted here on ATS a few times. Each time the poster "Discovers something" that he thinks is new and then it get likes 150 stars. Meanwhile the poster doesn't have much to say or anything of real value to discuss.

Take it for what it is.
Anti-US propaganda.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:38 PM
Woah, this video is shocking.

I have no words for this, i'm disgusted.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:41 PM
The actions of the few, will damn the masses.

Those negative individuals in the video are not soldiers, but predators in uniform. And to allow such to even enter the much less perform those acts unchecked is grounds for fort levinworth, IMO+ turned over to the victims country for trial/ sentencing.

These are the same types I seen when I joined the navy. Not all sailors, but enough to make me rethink my reasons for joining. Sad, I joined to be of service to my country. @17, I truly believed in honor,courage and commitment, I still do, but I seen enough people who didn't to make my time in, no more than my contract.

Each and every one of those in the vid, should be tracked down and held accountable. Nothing less.

The contractor who killed the army soldier needs to be held accountable as well, and his hiring company.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by rainfall

Dear rainfall

This video should be played on every MSN for the fist ten minutes each night until these people are all but the memory of a very bad dream. The time to stand up and be counted is now.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by ahmonrarh

Dear ahmonrarh

When you teach young men to kill and enjoy doing it is it the fault of the young man when he gets good at it??

I feel that you are missing the point these people in the video are but the symptom but the cause is those who sent them they are the one who should be on trial. The leaders I don’t mean just the officers the politicians all of them.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:54 PM
Just more propaganda. You praise Che, Mao and Marx - true active human killers yet you want to condemn all US soldiers because of a few bad ones. The are 135,000 US soldiers and 100,000 US civilians in Iraq alone, much less than 1% are problems. The rest are putting up with the BS.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:00 PM
When the US reaps what she has sown it will be like nothing we have seen before! 9/11 whether an inside job or terrorist action (I believe an inside job) is timid compared to what is coming.

The creator of this world will bring such wrath upon these leaders and those that support this that it will truly be fearful times. I pray that those of us who see through their lies will be divinely protected.

I know this is going to bring a whole lot of negative comments, but it is time for people to get their lives in order and live lives that are right in the sight of God. We don't want to be caught in the judgment of the wicked. Jesus IS coming back like Charles Bronson like George Carlin said and it ain't going to be pretty!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:04 PM
Just to let everyone here know. Not every soldier, sailor, airman or Marine is a Jack Booted Thug for the Globalists and Corporations. Trust me. There are A LOT of soldiers out there who are doing a good job for their country and are trying to help protect both their countrymen and any members of the country they are currently in, and will disobey any unconstitutional orders.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:13 PM
I don't have the patience to read through 13 pages of posts so I am posting without having read most of this thread. I am just putting my 2 cents in.

This is a conglomeration of a bunch of random acts of violence that happen to have been perpetrated by soldiers. Its nothing that you wouldn't find in every civilization throughout history and in current times on planet Earth. Bad stuff happens all the time.

I do not for a second expect anything about war to be civil. I expect it to be brutal, I expect people to get raped, I expect civilian casualties, I expect corruption, etc. There is no reason to think these things wouldn't happen. I do not support war, but it is necessary in a world where people believe that war is necessary, if you catch my drift. Face it, you cannot control the acts of soldiers. They are trained to be just plain killers. They are not trained to be "nice" killers. They trade in death and deal in destruction. Looting, raping, pillaging, plundering hurting small animals, etc. comes with the trade.

To know that there is such a thing as war and then to react so adversely towards the reality of it doesn't make sense.

I do believe the soldiers are being desensitized for use at a later date against their own country. I do believe the induction of the NWO is beginning with the wars in the urban centers of the Middle East and the desensitization of society towards increasing military presence in their own country. This video, however, does nothing to prove that point. It is a lot of rhetoric, however there are some good points to it and it brings a good discussion to the boards.

**WARNING: Do not read this last bit if you value animal life above humans.**

Also, as a side note, I find it pathetic that some of you actually found the harming of the puppy to be more offensive than the murdering of a family, raping of the daughter and burning of her body. Thank you for giving us a good measurement of the human condition. I value human life above all others. I'd rather someone rape and kill a dog than a child any day.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:17 PM
If you want to see the real documentary that the US Army doesn't want people to see watch "Beyond Treason"

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:19 PM
105 stars and 111 flags. All for a video which gives a one sided story, on a site which claims to "deny ignorance".

From a group of people who will demonize main stream media, yet support some guy in a basement who wants you to believe as he does (Or her).

I am sorry for posting. I have been to Iraq, but my opinion is worthless here. We don't think outside of the box here, this is just another form of following the crowd. People go where they are accepted; it's simple psychology.

I bet most of you are still paying your taxes (paying for everything shown in this video), yet preaching that soldiers should take illegal actions by laying down their guns.

I have done my part; I have never once done a thing that I would take back. I went overseas and treated the people of Iraq with respect. You will never, never make me feel bad about what I have done.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Hey Mr. President, While enjoying a smoke and a cold one in the sweats in the easy chair, check out this short video......

proud to be the leader of the FREE world are you...........

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

But the one thing I keep thinking over and over are those that are on ATS that keep calling for another American revolution. Doesn't matter whose side the soldiers would be on...they would be unleashed on American soil and I don't think the results would be very different then what we see in the video. Whoever they see as their percieved enemy will be victims of atrocity. And I keep asking myself, is this really what people want to see on a daily basis on American soil? It's not going to be muskets and's not even going to be your handguns and hunting's going to be tanks, UAVs, mine fields, white phosphorous, and depleted uranium rounds.

Ay, a revolution in this country would be even worse it would be a holocaust...
a revolution of violence is a very bad idea... But does the world really have another Ghandi or MLK to sacrifice?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

this got to me...
i wish i could meet that bloke who threw the puppy.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:49 PM
America, f yeah. Coming again to save the mf'n day yeah!

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