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Magnitude 8.8 Offshore Maule, Chile

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:04 AM
I'm curious to see who is going to get hit next. I know there are thousands of earthquakes a year...but an 8.5 that can't be that common

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:06 AM

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:09 AM
SKY CHANGING COLORS ?On CNN AT 9:45 am east coast time. Cecila Lagos a journalist in Santiago,Chile was describing the earthquake while she was laying in bed. What caught my attention is she "saw the sky changing colors" as she could see outside her window from bed.
Does the sky chnage colors durning an earthquake ?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:11 AM
Third large afterschok in short pediod of time...

Country: Chile
State: Region del Maule
Location: Constitucion
Date: 2010-02-27 : 14:41:49
Magnitude: 5.2
Depth: 29 km

[edit on 27-2-2010 by JanusFIN]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:12 AM
Despite the graphic depicting 1mtr it seems that the NZ Civil Defence is predicting waves between 1 and 3 mtr for the East coast of NZ tomorrow morning.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by JanusFIN

3rd? Looks more like 27th to me

EQ ID,Network Src,Version,Date/Time UTC,Latitude,Longitude,Magnitude,No Of Rept Stns,Depth(Km),Location
27/02/2010 14:29:09,-35.0275,-71.7144,4.90,22,35.00,Maule
27/02/2010 14:23:27,-34.5050,-72.5956,5.20,81,35.00,offshore Libertador O'Higgins
27/02/2010 12:03:27,-34.3990,-73.8245,5.50,20,35.00,off the coast of Libertador O'Higgins
27/02/2010 11:27:00,-38.1031,-73.5865,5.30,32,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 10:54:23,-36.8283,-73.3364,5.40,34,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 10:38:35,-38.0187,-73.5751,5.90,101,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 10:30:34,-33.5586,-72.6357,5.90,81,35.00,offshore Valparaiso
27/02/2010 09:59:21,-37.9906,-73.4666,5.80,96,35.00,Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 09:21:25,-36.6088,-73.2179,5.10,59,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 09:00:17,-33.4250,-71.6250,5.60,145,35.00,Valparaiso
27/02/2010 08:53:56,-34.4474,-73.3974,5.30,66,35.00,off the coast of Libertador O'Higgins
27/02/2010 08:53:26,-35.0732,-71.7604,5.00,19,35.00,Maule
27/02/2010 08:48:05,-38.5836,-75.2569,5.60,68,35.00,off the coast of Araucania
27/02/2010 08:31:04,-34.8199,-72.4429,5.70,156,35.00,offshore Maule
27/02/2010 08:25:29,-34.7502,-72.3939,6.10,240,35.00,offshore Maule
27/02/2010 08:19:23,-33.4788,-71.5741,5.50,26,35.00,Valparaiso
27/02/2010 08:13:16,-33.0619,-71.7021,5.60,87,35.00,offshore Valparaiso
27/02/2010 08:01:24,-37.6542,-75.1986,6.90,313,39.00,off the coast of Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 07:59:55,-36.0505,-73.5621,5.40,28,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 07:56:37,-36.9333,-73.2404,5.20,57,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 07:51:05,-36.3988,-72.4981,5.40,80,35.00,Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 07:46:49,-36.7947,-72.9243,5.40,52,35.00,Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 07:37:18,-36.8375,-72.5411,6.00,220,35.00,Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 07:33:31,-38.0068,-73.4838,5.60,108,35.70,offshore Bio-Bio
27/02/2010 07:19:48,-35.8107,-72.9446,5.40,49,35.00,offshore Maule
27/02/2010 07:12:28,-33.8074,-71.9132,6.00,186,35.00,offshore Valparaiso
27/02/2010 06:52:35,-34.7352,-72.6379,6.20,85,35.00,offshore Maule
27/02/2010 06:34:14,-35.8464,-72.7189,8.80,255,35.00,offshore Maule

[edit on 27/2/2010 by PuterMan]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by esnov3

I Read that too while a go... - HAARP?

US offers help to Chile

US military monitoring situation after Chile quake

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:15 AM
Not to freak people out too much, but if you can stomach it and are able to see a bigger picture, read the following article:

Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse Possibly Triggered by Ocean Waves

Here is a quote to give you an idea of the contents:

...ocean waves originating along the Pacific coasts of North and South America impact Antarctic ice shelves and could play a role in their catastrophic collapse.

And, yes, a tsunami does generate infragravity waves...

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by PuterMan
reply to post by Jakes51

Perhaps, it is a geologic phenomenon akin to the violent situation that took place during the separation of the once super continent Pangea, some 250 million years ago?

Always assuming of course that you happen to subscribe to that particular theory. And if you do then you should also be aware that it is in theory a continuous process of the tectonic plates floating about over the earth and not some sudden parting.

On the other hand you might subscribe to the expanding earth theories. They have some merit but there is a small matter of subduction that might not be adequately covered.

Mayb it is somewhere between the two?

Thanks for the reply friend! Yes, I am aware of that theory. It took a large expanse of time to get where we are today. Furthermore, it is a process that continues. The continents are above plates and they move constantly and when one plate collides with another we have a volcano here and an earthquake there. It takes place over eons, and is business as usual on the earth. Here is a good video illustrating for those who may not be familiar with the theories being explained in your response. Fascinating stuff!

What I meant by mentioning Pangea is, in those days when there was significant earth changes, it would have appeared to be violent if humans had walked the earth then. It seems like a violent geological event if it happened as the theory postulates? There would have been violent earthquakes and volcanic activity. It would have been very noticeable and extreme. That is what I was try to convey by using the Pangea break-up as a reference to the apparent increase in violent geological events of today. As you say, maybe there is a new phenomenon between the two theories taking place? Again, thanks for the reply!

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Jakes51]

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Jakes51]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Right - I was just pointing out last 15 minutes.

27.02.2010 - 14:41:49 5.2 South America Chile Region
27.02.2010 - 14:40:53 5.0 South America Chile Region
27.02.2010 - 14:29:03 5.0 South America Chile Region
27.02.2010 - 14:23:27 5.2 South America Chile Region
27.02.2010 - 14:20:00 5.0 South America Chile Region

[edit on 27-2-2010 by JanusFIN]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by esnov3
SKY CHANGING COLORS ?On CNN AT 9:45 am east coast time. Cecila Lagos a journalist in Santiago,Chile was describing the earthquake while she was laying in bed. What caught my attention is she "saw the sky changing colors" as she could see outside her window from bed.
Does the sky chnage colors durning an earthquake ?

Remember what the Sky looked like just before the big quake in China! makes me think "HAARP"

[edit on 27-2-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by esnov3
SKY CHANGING COLORS ?On CNN AT 9:45 am east coast time. Cecila Lagos a journalist in Santiago,Chile was describing the earthquake while she was laying in bed. What caught my attention is she "saw the sky changing colors" as she could see outside her window from bed.
Does the sky chnage colors durning an earthquake ?

Not unless HAARP is involved.

Very Good Catch! and important.

This happened in China too just before the massive quake hit and I remember seeing the footage on YouTube, showing the colors in the sky.

Someone should really put a thread together on this topic and compile all the quakes, videos and comments about the sky changing colors.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Hi Jack,

sorry for the slow reply.

The P-waves for this big Chile quake? Details here. Hard to say what they might trigger but there is a chance that they could affect a distant region. Remote triggering is certainly recognized by science, eg quakes in Alaska have been linked to subsequent ones in Yellowstone.

My main concern is that this huge quake doesn't give too much of a jolt to the Cascadia Zone fault (especially the Juan de Fuca subduction zone). It's within its P-Wave influence, but hopefully it won't lead to anything dramatic.


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:21 AM
Here is a Tsunami travel times map

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:22 AM
It makes ME think of Magnetification in Crystaline rock which, already at stressing point, is close to breaking. the Colours being released are a reversed form of the Aurora Borealis, with a Earth variant of a CME from this Magnetification being jetted skywards into the Magnetosphere.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Vexatious Vex

but if you can stomach it

Now would that be because it is Science Daily, sister of News Daily - a pair of seriously pro global warming web sites?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:28 AM
Here is a link to a youtube video that shows strange colors in the sky about 30 minutes before an earthquake hit China back in 2008.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by esnov3

The first I ever heard of that was a couple years ago about an earthquake in China. I have done some checking and it is a known phenomenon, however nobody took it seriously until photos surfaced from the Matsushiro earthquake swarm in 1965-7.

Aurora from Chinese earthquake Sichuan 2008

Wiki Entry

I had to check this out at the time because the link to HAARP (High-Frequency Active AURORAL Research Program) seemed pretty obvious.

I can't say that there isn't still a link (convenient cover if the effects mimic natural activities), but there is lots of data to show reports of this phenonmenon going back decades before HAARP ever began.

It's not new, it's just more common now (possiblly due to more cameras available to capture it, possiblly due to HAARP).

EDIT: Spelling

[edit on 27-2-2010 by [davinci]]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

There is a thread about the changing colors of the sky....

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by space cadet

My dog was for the first time ever seemed scared to see me come in the door today. Didn't want to be patted... just wasn't happy. Perhaps they can feel CMEs hitting the earth and know there will be an earthquake? Or perhaps they know by dreaming? Who knows.. but the fact of the matter is that animals seem to be onto it.

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