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DNA evidence of ET? part 2

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:05 PM
Its strong. Energy signatures are really hard to explain but they're a real sensory input akin to sight, sound, smell, touch. They're very strong and can even be interlaced from someones post, or an item you touch that connects to another, and the information comes. Pictures, thoughts, words, feelings, pinging, and if ET, monitoring, flashes from the sky even, and checkups. This happened when I sensed a base, in a photo a friend sent.

I have had this experience all my life, but even more enhanced now that I have been meditating and working on raising my frequency, particularly listening to dolphins and whales, nature, communing with nature. Also using it, being pushed by a friend to look at pictures, or excercises he did with me, and pushing past the blocks, activated further skills.
I had no idea it worked like that or I would pursued developing these gifts strongly all my life, instead of burying them, trying to turn it off, as it created difficulties, especially prefered solitude and no dramas. And had friends quickly discover that I had insight and push me for advice constantly, or readings, or whatnot....and I kept saying no, it doesnt work like that, and I cant force it.

Even when I was woken up to my memories, one friend who turned out to be having experiences with me at times, as I saw him there and described why he woke up with wounds on his heads, and this happened quite a few times. He had written and said, did he know me? I was not at all convinced he did, but he had had much memory blocks, and would wake up with wounds and missing time. So we wrote quite a bit, but he would also want me to pull the contacts. I'm very much aware of when I am being monitored. And for the first 1 1/2 years it always accompanied flashing, or sitings of crafts, and mostly ones my son(s) would witness with me, because I don't automatically accept things, and they knew I wouldnt. Now I can get a strong message of contact, monitoring, be told they are masked nearby, and sense them waiting for me to fall asleep.

He would try to get me to pull them, and I kept saying, no. This is not how it goes. Lets just say its not something I liked others pushing me to do, and it really bothered me. Not only that, but also they pick up your energy signature really fast, for people who attempt to remote view, for example a photo of a lake with strong energy, if you were to explore it mentally, you may find yourself being monitored. If this were greys abducted even.

Rather than a utility that others can push you on, its a natural sense that I want more and more people to develop, we all have it, but some are born with it stronger than others, and also ets do work with children, not to mention M'Kultra and black op programs as well. I have memories of a group of children, and experiences starting at 4.

I have a thread on waking up to who you are in source, and also manifesting, morningmayans manfiesting, and lots of songs, whales and dolphins, intentions, etc. to awaken your insight, your memories, activate them.

Ingo Swann says we are amazing multidimenional sensory systems, and that we have hundreds of biological psi toggle spots, and they are atrophied. Turn them on. Dna can be modified and rewritten in real time according to Russian Studies. So turn them on.

For me its like every other sense, and things leap out in big ways, even from a few posts, I don't need a photo usually if someone has strong energy. The more aware someone is, the more developed in their memories and spiritaul gifts/metaphysics the stronger the information is that comes to me about them.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Thanks for the clarification to my somewhat ambiguous question.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depends on how you look on it), your reply has settled the issue for me.

I will no longer need to post on this thread anymore.

Good luck with your claims.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by K J Gunderson

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
You need to back off a little and see the world for what it is.

Ooh, I know this answer

a dreamworld that enslaves the base instincts of the inhabitants while corrupting consciousness into little more than a droning consumerist sacrificial slave race...

ok, been watching a bit too much Tsarion as of late...stupid matrix.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by SaturnFX]

Or maybe this is what bothers me more. I guess you need a pretty avatar for the right to be sarcastic and snide. Oh, I am sure this was really meant just to be funny, right? I guess that is why it sucks so much that things are so open to interpretation. I take this as you being a jerk. I did not go out of my way to question your manner of dealing with anyone whether I find a post like this distastefully pointless or not. How about you learn not to tell other people how they should post too, ok?

Now, can we simply have a real discussion about the things being said or would you like to throw some more stones?

Actually, that was neither sarcasm, nor even directed at is a view that life itself is an illusion...that indeed we are in a sort of matrix, and that everything we know and feel is programmed into us by the master programmers through television, books, religion, etc...

as far as you finding my worldview tasteless...well, frankly, I dont give a sh%^ how you view my views of life.

as far as throwing stones, you cant jump on a stone I put down and claim I threw it at you...your diving for them.

Meh, be offended if that makes you happy, I dont care.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Actually, that was neither sarcasm, nor even directed at is a view that life itself is an illusion...that indeed we are in a sort of matrix, and that everything we know and feel is programmed into us by the master programmers through television, books, religion, etc...

Actually, if you read what I posted you would see that I did not mistake it for being directed at me one bit. If you are going to get indignant with me, please get your facts straight first.

as far as you finding my worldview tasteless...well, frankly, I dont give a sh%^ how you view my views of life.

You do realize that I was here chatting with Anthra and NOT YOU when you decided to tell me what you think of my posts? What makes you think that I am any more interested in your opinion than you are in mine? You gave me your unwarranted and unrequested opinion of my posts so I was giving it back. Expressing that you do not give a snip only makes my point that much more. Go back to just before you told me what you think and realize I am not going to care either, keep it to yourself, and I do not have to waste my time reading it. Then you will not have to waste your time reading the response.

as far as throwing stones, you cant jump on a stone I put down and claim I threw it at you...your diving for them.

Sure. If you are going to ignore logic and what you actually said, you have a point. If you can read and are paying attention, you do not. Go back to humoring/insulting the spaceman and you will be ok.

Meh, be offended if that makes you happy, I dont care.

Meh, like I said. I was not talking to you when you decided to tell me what you think. Funny how you thought I would be all about hearing your opinion while you did not want to hear mine.

This is how it works. I could care less what you think of me or anything I do or post or say. I did not ask you but you told me anyway. You do crap like that and I give it back to you. Now you have wasted plenty of time being snippy about how little my opinion matters.

Uh huh. So yours matters to me but mine is just stupid? Please just put me on ignore and I promise not to quietly star any more of your posts for making sense. I see you have not bothered to read any of the nice things I said about you so I got it.

You do not really read what you respond to. You have tunnel vision. You think your opinion of other people is valuable while theirs is not.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:52 AM
[edit on 3/13/10 by evil incarnate]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Actually, K J, I didn't say that you were wrong in calling us Andromedans. I said that Mr. Collier was wrong in calling those that he is in contact with are Andromedans. That little fact slipped past me until I went back and looked. I suspect that most to all of your so-called contradictions are based on the same kind and degree of misunderstanding.

By the way ... you should read A. Crowley's comments on Truth.

Etharzi od Oma

You just so happened to word it in such a way as to make this case. It is weak but there so go ahead and have that all you like. Telling me to read even more Crowley nonsense kind of undoes anything progress you made with your verbal tap-dance though.

Maybe you are not look at the right post. You do seem to have selective reading skills within this thread as evidenced by what you respond to and what you completely ignore. Go back and read again. You said you are not Andromedan before you said you were. It looks like you may have even said it after as well which really does not help.

You can comment on what you think my inconsistencies are based on only because when I have tried to ask you about them, you ignore them.

Here is the pattern. I point them out. You respond and manage to completely ignore what I pointed out. Then you claim you have not seen what I have pointed out. Try reading this thread about 10 times.

Do you really think that I am just calling you out because I am that bored? There are plenty of hoax threads and things to argue about/discuss, or just read here that are better uses of time than to just follow someone to call them a liar.

The reason I point it out and the reason it is all so interesting is because of how many times you have contradicted yourself and avoided any real discussion. It amazes me that someone can even be like that. This is why I am will to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that instead of just some internet jerk, you may be suffering.

If you are going to keep ignoring the real points people point out to you, even Saturn before they decided to get all up in my face about it, then why are you here? Seriously? Sick or a liar or an alien, what would be the point of taking it to a discussion board where you go ahead and ignore most of the feedback you get?

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Who is tap dancing? You and Mr. Mask seem to have a common trait; you read something and then give it your own unique meaning.

Whether you like it or not, I never said I wasn't Andromedan. If you think I did, why won't you show us where I said that?

It is true that I don't respond to some of the posts here, and the reason is the perceived attitude of the poster, and sometimes it is what is said in the post itself. I don't always respond to what I feel is a stupid question or comment.

In any case, please show me the post where I said I wasn't Andromedan, if you can.

Question: Just what makes Crowley nonsense? Have you ever read any of his works?

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by DrJay1975

Truly laughable! There is no contradiction, only your failure to read and understand. I would suggest you go back and look at everything, but I doubt it would help.

So ... let explain a little here. I have no doubts as to whether I'm Human or not ... I'm not. Unless that nice, tall lady on the starship is a lier. And I have no reason to think she is, or to doubt her.

The evidence is an attempt to show this reality to you and your fellow humans. Unfotrunately, your technology isn't ready yet, or maybe you simply don't want to know the truth.

Why, prey tell, would you need a blood sample?

The MRI and CT scans have already been done, though, neither you or I will likely ever see them. And the psychologist? Been there and done that too. I think you must have missed the part about how your government already knows about who / what I am. Again, read.

Etharzi od Oma.

PS ya know its a shame you're not a real doctor of some sort, you might be of real benefit here.

Well the blood sample is for a test quite obviously. Raman spectroscopy to be exact. NIR was used to analyze multiple samples of various species which were analyzed and catalouged specificly for species identifacation. All of the spectra were combined into a single data matrix, and the number of principle components that described the system was determined using multiple statistical methods such as significant factor analysis (SFA), principle component analysis (PCA), and several cross-validation methods. I'ts typically used at crimescenes to make a species determination on blood samples. I imagine if there was some sort of government agency trying to verify your species that this would be the 1st test.

And my commentary on the short but thorough evoloution and your attitude is valid. You went from no being sure about your species to positive without any addittional validation. And it evolved into this nonsense.

As far as you being an enlightened individual it seems unlikely. You have a bad attitude and get rather snarky with those who question you rather than support your outlandish claims.

Simple fact is any police station or doctor can validate or disprove your story with this test. So why not put up or shut up? I'm more than happy to arrange it for you. The nice thing is the cost would be more reasonable than these tests you send off for.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:52 PM
Just for reference Omnipop has 179 different population samples and isn't the most accurate software in the world. We could get quite a few different answers for your tests.

I'd also love to see your COI barcode. I could determine your species from that as well.

But on your website you list criteria for a test, I'd like to run my forensic test. I'll take up a collection here. But it will prove your truth or lies beyond a shadow of a doubt.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975

Well the blood sample is for a test quite obviously. Raman spectroscopy to be exact. NIR was used to analyze multiple samples of various species which were analyzed and catalouged specificly for species identifacation. All of the spectra were combined into a single data matrix, and the number of principle components that described the system was determined using multiple statistical methods such as significant factor analysis (SFA), principle component analysis (PCA), and several cross-validation methods. I'ts typically used at crimescenes to make a species determination on blood samples. I imagine if there was some sort of government agency trying to verify your species that this would be the 1st test.

Raman spectroscopy is a technique used in chemical analysis. So, I fail to see how this would be of any benefit.

It would seem more prudent to obtain my DNA barcode (5' to 3' dna analysis) and see if it fits in any known species. By the way, it is this DNA test that was used to build the current species identification database, not your Raman spectroscopy. Check out The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL).

Or you could use the data I have already provided and do your own statistical analysis and find the probabilities of me being either ET or Human.

And my commentary on the short but thorough evoloution and your attitude is valid. You went from no being sure about your species to positive without any addittional validation. And it evolved into this nonsense.

Youe estimation is based on an incomplete dataset. I have been "positive" about my species from the day that I stood on the deck of a starship and mother told me about it. That sort of experience can be very convincing.

So I would ask; how much validation does One need?

As far as you being an enlightened individual it seems unlikely. You have a bad attitude and get rather snarky with those who question you rather than support your outlandish claims.

I have a bad attitude? I meet people with what the project. If I see a post that has a bad attitude, I first try to be reasonable, when that fails, my sttitude turns sour.

Simple fact is any police station or doctor can validate or disprove your story with this test. So why not put up or shut up? I'm more than happy to arrange it for you. The nice thing is the cost would be more reasonable than these tests you send off for.

Yes ... must be why the test has been replaced by the more detailed and reliable DNA tests, even at their greater expense.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
Just for reference Omnipop has 179 different population samples and isn't the most accurate software in the world. We could get quite a few different answers for your tests.

I'd also love to see your COI barcode. I could determine your species from that as well.

But on your website you list criteria for a test, I'd like to run my forensic test. I'll take up a collection here. But it will prove your truth or lies beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I looked into their database ... no matches were found. It also appeared to be rather small. The databases I've been using are all rather extensive.

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:57 AM
My question is why your opposed to a test that will conclusively prove you aren't human. An incomplee dataset is irrelevant. I don't need to see if you are a dog, cat or a horse. I just need to determine if your blood is human. And It will determine if you are human or something else. 99.9+% effective. Far more conclusive than your mail in dna test. If you don't have to pay for it what's the big deal? If i's good enough for every law enforcement agency in the country to determine if a blood sample is human then it should be good enough for you. You offer yourself for testing on your website. Why run from it now? I think I know the answer. Let's either validate your claims or put it them to bed forever. I'm more than happy to arrange a forensics professional in your area to administer the test. We can even use a control group. We can have a technician draw blood from 2 known humans a dog and a cat along with you. Cmon

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by DrJay1975
Just for reference Omnipop has 179 different population samples and isn't the most accurate software in the world. We could get quite a few different answers for your tests.

I'd also love to see your COI barcode. I could determine your species from that as well.

But on your website you list criteria for a test, I'd like to run my forensic test. I'll take up a collection here. But it will prove your truth or lies beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I looked into their database ... no matches were found. It also appeared to be rather small. The databases I've been using are all rather extensive.

Etharzi od Oma.

Didn't you say that the doctors used omnipop? Are you now saying that was an incorrect statement?

Anoher question. I read on another site that your moher was 90 light years away and it would ake her about 2 hours to travel that distance. If she's the lead negotiater I imagine she'd be traveling at close to max speed on her return. So is 45 light years per hour the maximum speed of her ship? Elaborate a bit on the propulsion system as well if you please. How long it took o travel from andromeda to here, etc....

Also if you check Burke's Peerage then you'll see direct links between your scottish royal line and Indian Royalty. There is your link between the 2.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by DrJay1975]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
My question is why your opposed to a test that will conclusively prove you aren't human. An incomplee dataset is irrelevant. I don't need to see if you are a dog, cat or a horse. I just need to determine if your blood is human. And It will determine if you are human or something else. 99.9+% effective. Far more conclusive than your mail in dna test. If you don't have to pay for it what's the big deal? If i's good enough for every law enforcement agency in the country to determine if a blood sample is human then it should be good enough for you. You offer yourself for testing on your website. Why run from it now? I think I know the answer. Let's either validate your claims or put it them to bed forever. I'm more than happy to arrange a forensics professional in your area to administer the test. We can even use a control group. We can have a technician draw blood from 2 known humans a dog and a cat along with you. Cmon

You misunderstand. I am not opposed to any test that can give conclusive results. I do, however, question the use of spectroscopy in such an endevor. Traditionally, spectroscopy could not determine the actual sequence of chemmical molecules in a string, and would only report the presense and quantity of such molecules. This unfortunately, does not identify a biological DNA strand.

From the reading that I have done on Raman Spectroscopy it would seem that it may be capable of some imaging, however, at the small distances required to resolve a strand of DNA, I have serious doubts. Some of my work has included robotics, at both ends of the size spectrum. I've worked on projects that build automobiles, and systems that image semiconductor integrations. The issue I have here is that it is difficult, at best, to resolve small distances, regardless of the size of the imaging beam, due to the simple fact that an X-Y Stage is difficult to position at extreamly small distances. The use of stepper motor/leadscrew, and even linear motors just doesn't work well at those very small distances.

That being said ... if you can provide additional information, in the form of a "white paper" that indicates that this technique is capable of resolving the DNA, I will give it serious thought.

Other questions I would have are; can it tell the difference between a Chimp and a Human?

You see, I doubt the ability of this science to provide answers, while, on the other hand, traditional DNA analysis has a proven track record and is known to provide the kind of results required.

And It will determine if you are human or something else. 99.9+% effective.

I've already shown that there is a 99.99999% probability that I am ET. If you are willing to accept probabilities, then why question the math? (since thats all you will get with your Raman test) Traditional DNA testing will provide results that are 100%.

Convince me that your tests will work.

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

Didn't you say that the doctors used omnipop? Are you now saying that was an incorrect statement?

No, actually I did not. I stated that I used Omnipop, and found the results interesting. That was where I found the Indian and African population links.

Anoher question. I read on another site that your moher was 90 light years away and it would ake her about 2 hours to travel that distance. If she's the lead negotiater I imagine she'd be traveling at close to max speed on her return. So is 45 light years per hour the maximum speed of her ship? Elaborate a bit on the propulsion system as well if you please. How long it took o travel from andromeda to here, etc....

I'm not sure where you read that, however, mother is in Earth orbit at around 100,000km. She does occasionally travel to the Federaation "home world" which is some 90ly fro here. And yes orbit to orbit time is around 2 hours. actual travel time is more like 30 - 45 minutes.

Method of travel: Depends on the distance. Within a solar system it is typically akin to "space warp" (refer to Alcubierre, and Heim for more info), when traveling to distant stars it is more common to use a "wormhole".

Travel time from Andromeda to Earth: about 6 terrestrial weeks. Something about the amount of energy required to open a wormhole over long distances, and that the trip requires multiple wormholes, with intervals at high warp inbetween. I'm not a warp engineer nor a physicist, so I'm not the one to ask.

Also if you check Burke's Peerage then you'll see direct links between your scottish royal line and Indian Royalty. There is your link between the 2.

Sorry ... almost forgot this. I'm sure that there is a link between India and several European populations, however, that is not the issue. The issue is the lack of Europesn populations in my DNA. I mean, you'd think that with my Angle-Saxon phenotype, there would be some link to a European population, some where. Yet such a link is absent.

Etharzi od Oma.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by AnthraAndromda]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:54 PM
Just a bit of a recap here ...

I have shown you three (3) data objects that perhaps shouldn't be.

In the first; autosomal DNA that points to a genotype / phenotype that shouldn't exist given the actual phenotype of Anthra. It is also lacking in DNA populations that could explain Anthra's phenotype.

In the second we see conflicting reports of Y Chromosome haplogroup. While one group attempts to attribute it to one haplogroup, another attributes it to none, with the closest matches marginally confirming estimations from the autosomal panel (African).

In the third case we are shown that there is a sort of confirmation of the general idea within the Human collective consciousness. And, done so in a way that should not exist.

If we use the simplest of math we can see some, perhaps, surprising results. In the first estimation of Anthra being Extraterrestrial it was inferred that he was extraterrestrial (actual value was 99.99999%). To arrive at this value a starting point of 7.00E-15 (0.000000000000007) was used as the probability that Anthra was extraterrestrial. Approximately one chance in the population of 1,000,000 Earths.

Using simple math we can arrive at a probability that Anthra is Human. By multiplying the values together we arrive at: 1.5E-29 (0.000000000000000000000000000015), not a very good chance. If we compare it to the original 7.00E-15 we find that there is approximately a 2.14E13 (21,400,000,000,000 / 21.4 trillion) times greater probability that Anthra is an extraterrestrial. Or if you prefer to leave out the Collective consciousness data: 1.07E2. A 107 times greater probability that Anthra is extraterrestrial than he is Human.

Is this conclusive? You decide, but remember, there is a far greater probability that Anthra is extraterrestrial than there is for him being a terrestrial Human.

I have writen a paper on this which can be viewed at my website. The paper goes into much more detail about each of these data objects.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:54 PM
Forensic analysis has become one of the most growing areas of analytical chemistry in recent years. The ability to determine the species of origin of a body fluid sample is a very important and crucial part of a forensic investigation. We introduce here a new technique which utilizes a modern analytical method based on the combination of Raman spectroscopy and advanced statistics to analyze the composition of blood traces from different species. Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy (NIR) was used to analyze multiple dry samples of human, canine, and feline blood for the ultimate application to forensic species identification. All of the spectra were combined into a single data matrix, and the number of principle components that described the system was determined using multiple statistical methods such as significant factor analysis (SFA), principle component analysis (PCA), and several cross-validation methods. Of the six principle components that were determined to be present, the first three, which contributed over 90% to the spectral data of the system, were used to form a three-dimensional scores plot that clearly showed significant separation between the three groups of species. Ellipsoids representing a 99% confidence interval surrounding each species group showed no overlap. This technique using Raman spectroscopy is nondestructive and quick and can be performed at the scene of a crime.

Another option

This may assist you with the information you already have.

One other thing. You had the YDNA panel. Which is your father's dna correct? Now you say your mother is alien so wouldn't mtDNA be more relevant to your cause? Now if you'd like a mtDNA test and for all you folks her are interested in seeing this through, it's $280 with sample collection done in a local Dr's office with strict chain of custody.

I'll start by throwing in 50 bucks. $230 left. Let's resolve this.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:23 PM
And no offense but the website you used to search for your haplotype, well it took me about 5 minutes to punch in numbers that produced a duplicate result. I disagree that the results you produce prove with a 99% probability you are indeed alien. We have no way to determine if the markers are correct. Or if you simply punched in random numbers to produce your desired result. Being as your results are not verifiable or under any sort of controlled process it doesn't mean they are invalid it jsut means they lack credibility. No offense. You may be ET but for all your chatter you have provided nothing. No real evidence. Only what you say your markers are. Raman Spectroscopy is used by law enforcement to determine blood's species origination at crimescenes. It won't tell us where your roots are, it will just tell us if you are a human, a dog, or a cat, or none of the above. That is adaquate. A proper mtdna test under controlled circumstances is acceptable as well. But you telling us your markers and punching them into a website just oozes zero credibility.

Besides I can arrange a test with the RS in your little tx town very quickly and have an instant result. Do a little research on the forensic applications of this technology and you'll find it's accurate. And if you aren't human it'll tell us. If you don't want to do it in your town, I can arrange it here in New Orleans. And while I may no believe you in he slightest I'm open minded to real evidence. And while I don't see anything overly special with your Y panel if its even legitimate, I tend to think that if you produced that result in controlled circumstances we'd get a different result. And if we didn't i just means some of your markers are rare. When I look at a similar list on the rare transplant markers, I see similar results. But if you make it through the Ramen Spectroscopy I'll take you right down to the lab and we can have a full DNA panel run, Y and mt, my treat.

Scan a copy of the results from the lab, not the website.

Has anyone ever met an alien named Jimmy?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
And no offense but the website you used to search for your haplotype, well it took me about 5 minutes to punch in numbers that produced a duplicate result. I disagree that the results you produce prove with a 99% probability you are indeed alien. We have no way to determine if the markers are correct. Or if you simply punched in random numbers to produce your desired result. Being as your results are not verifiable or under any sort of controlled process it doesn't mean they are invalid it jsut means they lack credibility. No offense. You may be ET but for all your chatter you have provided nothing. No real evidence. Only what you say your markers are. Raman Spectroscopy is used by law enforcement to determine blood's species origination at crimescenes. It won't tell us where your roots are, it will just tell us if you are a human, a dog, or a cat, or none of the above. That is adaquate. A proper mtdna test under controlled circumstances is acceptable as well. But you telling us your markers and punching them into a website just oozes zero credibility.

How is it not verifiable? I will gladly supply you with a certified sample foryou to run your own tests. I may need swabs though, not sure if I have any left. One caveat however, on your nickle.

The evidence I've provided is real, and it is verifiable.

Besides I can arrange a test with the RS in your little tx town very quickly and have an instant result. Do a little research on the forensic applications of this technology and you'll find it's accurate. And if you aren't human it'll tell us. If you don't want to do it in your town, I can arrange it here in New Orleans. And while I may no believe you in he slightest I'm open minded to real evidence. And while I don't see anything overly special with your Y panel if its even legitimate, I tend to think that if you produced that result in controlled circumstances we'd get a different result. And if we didn't i just means some of your markers are rare. When I look at a similar list on the rare transplant markers, I see similar results. But if you make it through the Ramen Spectroscopy I'll take you right down to the lab and we can have a full DNA panel run, Y and mt, my treat.

This sounds interesting. While I would probably enjoy a trip to New Orleans, I afraid my Wolf would probably have a cow in my absents, so if you can arrange a test here in Kaufman, or Dallas I would probably accept. The next question is cost. I am on a very limited budget, and have just paid for yearly software subscriptions. Still if it is affordable, perhaps I can do something in April.

Scan a copy of the results from the lab, not the website.

Not sure I under this somment. All of the results I've provided were scanned from documents sent to be from the labs I used.

Has anyone ever met an alien named Jimmy?

To hide in a human world, I needed a human name, though it wasn't my choice.

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

Raman Spectroscopy is used by law enforcement to determine blood's species origination at crimescenes. It won't tell us where your roots are, it will just tell us if you are a human, a dog, or a cat, or none of the above.

I still have one major question; can it tell the difference between a Human and a Chimpanzee? What does it say about very close analogs to Human?

Etharzi od Oma

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