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Obama Threatens China And Iran, Another U.S. War?

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

Anybody who wind and kite surfs can't be a bad parson and ultimately in tune with the world. Windsurfers will know what I'm talking about.

Well yes, in fact I can relate to this...

A different video would have been more my style though...

From Maui or the Gorge, let's say...

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by LadySkadi

A different video would have been more my style though...

From Maui or the Gorge, let's say...

You knew I would star because you mentioned the Gorge

Don't forget the T-bones and cold ones.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:56 AM
this sounds like history repeating it self like how America entered the war with japan in the second world war, insult them and sanctions, they insulted them 3 times i think, then America let japan attack pearl harbor,so they'd look like the good guys,we'll just see if America has anything else up its sleeve in the near future,would they really want china to start defending itself,maybe America is trying to default from all the loans from china?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

You knew I would star because you mentioned the Gorge

Don't forget the T-bones and cold ones.

Well yes, I knew that too...

But I'm getting sidetracked... What were we all talking about again?

Ah yes, strategy...

[edit on 3-2-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by bigyin

Originally posted by NightoftheComet

Originally posted by bigyin
The atmosphere in UK is such that I doubt we would join in with you this time.

I will probably get flak for this and be called an "arrogant american" but here it goes.

When I see things like this it just irritates me to no end. Why? Because the USA has done so much for europe, in particular the UK (and please dont misconstrue what I'm saying, it is a 2 way street we have gotten some goodies from the brits as well). The US did far more for Europe than, in my opinion, Europe could probably repay. So I guess I would expect some support from our European brethren, especially against a country who just executed one of its citizens who had mental health issues. I can't help but feel that America has been slammed hard in europe and painted as the bad guy and probably easily so due to resentment.

I don't know.... I guess I should just expect that from Europeans.

Don't have any problems with Americans, but I can tell you that folk in the UK are sick to the back teeth with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and what with the Chilcot Enquiry with smug Blair rubbing our noses in it, it would be extrememly difficult for any government here to get the backing of the peoplf to go into another war.

If as was propsoed we got hit big style then that might be different, but why would China want to strike UK ? It's not a scenario I see.

Don't try to enlighten me about why we in Europe are so in debt to America, because I dont buy that either.

Who was executed ?

I know US wants Garry McKinnon, a Scottish guy with mental issues extradited, which is shameful.

you re so right .But nevertheless Europe and America are on the same side forever.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:13 AM
H.A.A.R.P. Missle Defense Network.

Missles Away!

(thanks Tesla!)


On a different note, the Chinese people usually are fairly moderate concerning thier tendencies in reaction. I don't think China will react in any aggressive format, even in the event war breaks out.

China has historically chosen to be a separatist nation, They even built a Great Wall to shield themselves from the hordes that sought to exploit it's quiet people.

They, like they did during the Vietnam War, may support opposing factions of the U.S. with arms and financial support, but - unlike the foolishness of the U.S. - They have a strong domestic policy and defend their peoples honorably.

It's interesting to note that when it comes to comparing America with China, China's internal political structure follows George Washington's advice a lot closer than America's does.


And for the record, if anyone want's to bring up the 'Democratic' revolt China forcefully supressed in Tienneman Square, Consider the forceful supression America has been involved with - from the shooting of student dissidents at Berkley during the Vietnam war to the killing of American families in places like ruby ridge, and Waco, Texas.

Tell me that the American government doesn't, or wouldn't, do the same thing China does. do it with a straight face, so we can both crack up laughing once you finish posting!


And about China's issues with Taiwan, Let's compare the Bay of Pigs to it and see who's really got anything more to say on the issue.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by LadySkadi

lol,its the only one i could find. There was one of him kite surfing but it has obviously been removed by the bush administration.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by tarifa37]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:22 AM
Its no problem for all these loud mouths that start wars. they,ve got nuclear bunkers tucked away...Its joe public that gets the atomic blast in his back yard.
If they wanna play big boys games, they should at least watch the action.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by union_jack]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:29 AM
I personally do not feel at any point that China will get involved in any war with the West.

In my opinion they will remain neutral.. And my reasoning is that at the end someone has to be "the" superpower.. The power that remains neutral the longest wins that title.. if your neutral you can still supply both sides ;-)

Besides it would enable them to then walk into other nations under the guise of helping and rebuilding..

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:34 AM
Probably. Perpetual war for perpetual peace, to borrow the title of Gore Vidal's book on the subject, which I'm sure some of you tin-foil hatters have read. Then again, it's Gore Vidal, a literary legend, so many not.

"Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace", dig it.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Chance321
We need to step back for a moment. Why is obama suddenly putting on a big show of force? While we're being distracted by this what's he doing with the other hand? Is he setting us up for a bigger event then 9/11? To me this whole thing just don't feel right.

On our local radio news here today, they said that the "head of US intelligence" sent out a warning that "Bin Laden" will probably strike the US mainland again within the next 3 to 6 months. And they actually stated that it may be bigger than 9/11.

This doesn't feel right to me either...

[edit on 3/2/10 by NuclearPaul]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by hoghead cheese
reply to post by Rentor

For some reason they are trying to provoke China, and not just the weapons deal Obama agreed to see the Dali Lama at the Whitehouse. These two things are a direct slap to the chinese because as with many Asian cultures you must save face. Either Obama is calling their bluff to see if they would dump our financial instruments, or it's not a bluff and needs a reason in order for this NWO to kick off (Insolvency of the US, world depression, consolidation of resources etc.).

China need the US and the west, they have too much invested in the US (debt), China whole economy is based on export to the west. If they decide to destroy all that wealth it would lead to internal turmoil and depression, companies and people would go bankrupt. All China care about is the growth of their GDP, they totally ignore the environment and their own people, eventually it will kick them back in the face really hard.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by rhines]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
China and Iran are as impotent as a 90 year old man who has not taken his Viagra in a month. I pray China declares war on us it would wipe our debt away with them and we basically have them surrounded and they have little if no navy. They are screwed and they know it, I don't think there population would even fight it is so divided.

And for all you China is a great super power please look at the numbers and you will see the truth China is screwed and so is Iran for that matter WW3 is just around the corner and it will shape our future Europe and the US will gain an advantage that will last 100 years after this one.

you are saying this because you think your Blackops technologies are an american propreties.Are you sure it is really the case? and more Japan will soon change his allegiance to china and you will surrounded what when it will happen? but yeah you re right on many points except that you obvisouly don t know that 60% of your debt isn t China or Japan but your own Fed and Private interests...

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Ray Amuro]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:12 AM
Here are the US/ Chinese issues: Why the US and China will Clash

I think the Chinese government is in a tough position right now. They are trying to appease many factions in country, stretching themselves thin. This from last night: Chinese Premier wars of challenges in Economy

China may be facing economic collapse. They have used up much of their reserves to stave it off.

What the US wants from the Chinese?

Don't undervalue their currency, float it to be economically fair to the rest of the world, modernize their archaic human rights policies, stay out of the affairs of NK, Tibet, Tiawan, join the US in the war on terror, and apply pressure on Iran to stop developing the Bomb to name a few. IMHO there is zero progress in any of these areas. The US honoring its commitments to Tiawan's defense is maintaining the stattus quo and not a threat.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by Rentor

World leaders are probably just misdirecting us from what is really happening.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul

Originally posted by Chance321
We need to step back for a moment. Why is obama suddenly putting on a big show of force? While we're being distracted by this what's he doing with the other hand? Is he setting us up for a bigger event then 9/11? To me this whole thing just don't feel right.

On our local radio news here today, they said that the "head of US intelligence" sent out a warning that "Bin Laden" will probably strike the US mainland again within the next 3 to 6 months. And they actually stated that it may be bigger than 9/11.

This doesn't feel right to me either...

[edit on 3/2/10 by NuclearPaul]

They've been reporting that since 2001.

Don't worry, it's called keeping a nation under control by using fear. Bush did it and Obama is doing it.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:16 AM
The declining relationship between the U.S and China I believe is related to two different issues. First, is China's decision not to support sanctions against Iran. Second, and most important, is China's constant hacking of the U.S's systems. The extent to which they have hacked into the U.S military computer system is definately classified. They have been snooping every where and have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar many times. What has surprsied me the most is how Hillary Clinton actuaully called them out on their hacking.

I dont see U.S and China going to war anytime soon unless the U.S starts it. To be honest I cant remember the last time China started one. If they do it will probably be to reclaim Taiwan. Years back I read a report about Chinese objectives for the next 20 or 30 years and from what I recall a major goal of theirs was to reclaim Taiwan by 2020.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by shyster55]

[edit on 3-2-2010 by shyster55]

[edit on 3-2-2010 by shyster55]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:38 AM
Hey there , in 2003 , i went on a talk back radio discussing with the host how china is the superpower we should be wary of , Chinese hacking of american computers is a long running affair , also , note when Usa realise any technology or software etc, china will always be only 24 hours away from doing the same , think of it as the two toughest kids in the schoolyard who time to time get along ,but every one in school knows that if these two decide to tango ,its gonna be one hell of a fight , on this scale its terrifying , China had an anniversary late last year and showed off some of their new toys to the world (Tanks,Artillary,etc) , they have numbers ,and technolgy , judging by the photos on another thread , they dont care about contamination of their land , so yeah , i believe with their one child policy ,(which is usually a boy) ,they have a stratigic plan in place , waiting to see the dance of all dances !

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Ray Amuro

I think you a very wrong about japan ever siding with china the two share alot of history and 99% of it is not very nice. In reality debt means nothing when your currency is worth nothing I wish people could wrap their heads around that we can tell them to f*ck off and they can not do a single thing to stop it. And if war did break out they would lose china has always had alot of people but poor leadership and they are also inclusive. If you would give Japan the chance I think you would see them rain death on china once again.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth

Originally posted by Faiol
obama and the us politics are disgusting ...

well, US is very powerful, to murder people and invade from countries that dont even have an army is amazing, congratulation for everybody who supports "WAR" ... this is not WWII, this is not a war ...

I love you bleeding heart peace and love types war sucks I agree but you paint with a pretty big brush. I bet you are alive because of American military might am I right? what country does you grand pa come from?

Let me ask you a question should we have let Hitler do what he wanted and hoped for the best? It did not work out to well for the french and others. Peace comes down the barrel of a gun and no matter how much you want to change the facts will stay the same. Pray for peace prepare for war this is what we must do and people like you are the first ones on your knees begging to be helped. You are also the first to try and appease your oppressors. Would you not rather die on your feet than live on your knees?

WAll street funded Hitler in order to get rid of French and other european countries. Some french historian did have access to intelligence archives and had prove it, a british historian did the same. I think French army where no match anyways for The German army but trust me if Ford and Co didn t give money to Nazi and if French governement and Elites of this time didn t sell France to Germany the fight wouldn t have turn in such humiliation.

Lastly about US/China relation it is just about political game, we are already a one world governement anyway...

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Ray Amuro]

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