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Obama Threatens China And Iran, Another U.S. War?

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posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by nenothtu
Amen to you Sir.
Nice to have you on our side.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

Around 19,000 personnel and their families are set to relocate to Guam from southern Japan in a move that will treble the U.S. military presence on the island


The 15-year-old law had only been used once before - to secretly block another shipment to Iran in 2005 - but has now been used three times in as many months as the diplomatic and trade war with Iran escalates.

Chess pieces are a-moving.. fun times

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:43 PM
sorry for format, still getting used to this, external image is news articals.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Rentor

Military equipment worth billions are being delivered to Taiwan by United States Military contractors.China has ongoing talks with their neighbors Taiwan in order to keep the peace.China has put their economic strength at risk to help America and the worlds economy from collapsing.The Iranian people are trying to enter the 20th century after decades of our Political efforts to keep them in suppresion.Russia has supported Iran in this effort and that has led to ill will between the US and Russia.With all the Conspiracy theories and Predictions pointing towards Doomsday the facts of our reality has been made clear.The Political Elite and those who control the majority of material wealth have no other choice.The end of our popular reality has to end.The new reality is about to be written.A reality of more and new suffering for everyone who did not choose it.Or a new reality of hope and caring for everyone who stands up for it.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by randomname
the europeans have been fighting wars since the beginning of recorded history, the last one nearly destroyed european civilization. there absolutely no way they would fight any war unless there are foreign troops marching to their capitals.

Yeah ok...

So you're saying that Europe has been one of the most violent continents on the planet. Understood and agreed. Not to mention the global mayhem they carried out for centuries with their colonies, possessions and the slave trade. Did we also forget their participation in Korea, Vietnam. Ooops. I mean French Indochina, Gulf War 1 and Gulf War II?

the only ones that don't seem to know that are americans

And.... You.

who in the last 60 years have be picking on small countries and generally getting their asses kicked (korea-tie, vietnam-loss, panama(wow, a win), that giant military power house grenada-win, iraq I, shared semi-win, along with another 150 countries,

150 Countries? hmmm. Couldn't of been some of our "European" allies in that mix eh? Also you seem to have left out the other "two" contributing world powers of that time. The Peoples Republic of CHINA and the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic. USSR. Nah they didn't have ANYTHING to do with Korea or Vietnam. I mean French IndoChina. I'd suggest a read through world history. Topic: Cold War.

pot shots at kosovo (exhibition pre-season win), afghanistan (draw), iraq II-win, (pretty hard to lose when opponent has absolutey no team and equipment to play with.)

You also left out that it was needlessly extended a full two years or more by Iran by their assisting and training insurgency groups. I wonder if all the bombings the insurgents they helped will ever be counted so they can get the credit they deserve?

that runs americas record to 4 wins, 1 loss, 2 draws. u can throw in WWII but the russians were the ones that marched to berlin and they did the most brutal fighting against the bulk of the german offensive (ie elite) units. the japanese would have been at least a draw in the US hadn't cheated and used nukes.

Although I'll agree the Soviets did take on the grunt of the fighting in europe you're sadly mistaken if you think that the "Other" allies who fought in Europe didn't pay a high price for their contribution something to tune of Millions killed or wounded.

Nice Try

As far as the Japanese were concerned. I noticed how you left out their raping and pillaging of China and Korea as well as pretty much anywhere else they went during the conflict. The US and Allies fought and pretty much had beaten the Japanese hands down and they knew it. As far as the US cheating by nuking the Japanese. I guess your lack of real history has failed you. One could learn that the US was already bombing Japan at will and was destroying a city a day with conventional bombers.

thats a pretty sad record considering the quality of the wins, panama, grenada? chickened out against the cubans, unless u call threatening to start world war 3 and nuking the whole world brave, instead of fighting on cuban soil like castro and russia wanted.

Of course again you have failed to see the point. The US and the USSR avoided dragging themselves and the WORLD into a nuclear holocaust.

but ur practice run in the bay of pigs showed u were no match. so if anyone thinks that americans have the balls to fight china that can field an army larger than the population of the united states

Here is where a LIBRARY of your choice would help you.

Reference the "Korean War"

with the latest russian and chinese technology armed to the teeth with nukes on their soil has got to be insane considering americas track record of beating on defensless islands and unarmed nations. china has absolutely no fear of america.

Good neither do we have anything to fear from the Chinese. It seems to me the only one fanning the flames of war are you and people like you who spout all kinds of ignorant and unfounded versions of history.

the only war america could win against china is a nuclear war

Ignorance exposed.

Nobody wins a Nuclear war.

americans don't seem to realize that the greatest threat to global peace and what's holding the world back from advancing is america. europe, china, russia have been around 1000's of years

Although China has been around as a people for thousands of years. Giving the Present Day Government [64+ Years Young] credit for their ancient and illustrious history is like giving the modern day Egyptian Government credit for building the Great Pyramids. Didn't the Soviet union just collapse recently in 1991. Hmmm. I guess you have a whole spectrum of history to catch up on. Remember the Soviet Union spent almost the same amount of time in Afghanistan as we have and took a beating something to the tune of over 18.0000 deaths to our + or - 1.000

[edit on 4-2-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm

You see it's VERY SIMPLE. If soldiers just simply REFUSED to kill their fellow men ALL wars would STOP overnight.

End of Story.

That is, in all likelihood, an erroneous assumption based in a dream of rainbows and unicorns.

Human nature being what it is, should that event transpire, those "fellow men" the soldiers displayed such fear of would overrun them, and eat their lunches.

Yours too, should you be so unlucky as to be one of those protected by such peacenik soldiers.

Please, continue to dream of unicorns and fluffy puppies, but stick your head out into the real world upon occaision.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Slayer69 your name holds true to the meaning

2nd line

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Being amidst among chinese colleagues and friends for decades.. I would just like to say that the Chinese, in general, are pragmatic and collective people. That's why communism could easily take hold and thrive in China, yet could embraces capitalism - it's just another form of an empirical system, it has a long history of being a collective society.. They seemed to be individualistic when it comes to financial and personal gains, but are hardworking and largely peaceful. But once their pride are injured or their nation is insulted by a foriegn entity, most of them will unite, and even to the extend of selfless sacrifice for their collective authority. Somewhat similar to the Japs but different in style. Tell me, in recent three decades when has the Chinese government, ever made empty threats. They don't...they mean what they say.. what disputable is the extend of the responding action. That's why their response to foreign meddling, foriegn news disinfo and threats are always measured. The west took this as a weakness (of sorts) and made China the "Whipping Boy"for both their domestic and foreign policy consumption. However, note that the Chinese seems to be a patience lots, they bide their time. The Chinese government even bare embrassments, foreign initiated uprising, terrorist actions, supporting of all kinds of dissidents and threats, when they asseses they know are not ready for action respond. At most times (I notice), they will simply verbally rebuke accusations and blame. But they will remember... and keeps remembering, and that's the danger. While China bashing and double standards applied to China seems to be an American and British favourite past time. The danger is that, you tends to be get carried away, and thinks that China is all talk no play attitude has no political consequences in the future.

I think you misunderstand the criticism leveled at China, it's not "China bashing" just because Americans and British are bored. But rather because of all the things you just wrote in that post. It portrays the Chinese government in a bad way, and as people the West cannot, and therefore should not deal with.

The Chinese government always makes itself out as the victim, and the West as the big baddy. Had the Communist government not taken over, and the Chinese remained a strong ally of the West, China would have been the richest and most powerful country in the world by the 1970's. Think Japan times 10. Of course the Communists don't want their people to know this.

And as for China's recent economic success, who do you think is responsible for this? How successful do you think China would have been without increased trade with the West? Do we get a thank you? I didn't think so, that would be embarrassing for the Communists.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

What can I say Slayer that you havent already said, sometimes you can fix stupid, that seems to be going around here alot these days.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 08:32 AM
While Russia may have done the brunt of the ground fighting and taken the most casualties, they wouldn't have had a chance against Germany were it not for our involvement in the war. Aside from our military engagement with Nazi Germany, we were supplying Russia with all kinds of equipment in order for them to conduct their war efforts. Planes, tanks, etc, you name it... were all produced right here in the United States and shipped to our Russian allies. They would have never marched on Berlin as quickly as they were able to were it not for our contributions.

Trying to minimize our efforts in WWII is completely ignorant. Trying to minimize any of the allies efforts, be it Britain, Russia, Australia or anyone else is disgraceful and a slap in the face to all those who lost their lives fighting the Nazis and the Japanese.

Furthermore, no country in the history of mankind has done more- spent more of its money, given more of its men's lives, and parted with its resources for the sake of others than the United States of America. You and your anti-American buddies can cry about the evils of the US all you want. But God forbid your country endure a natural disaster or the military aggression of a neighbor. Because everyone knows that the US is always the first to be called upon and the first to respond.

And I know we're not perfect and that we sometimes make the wrong choices as a nation. But our good deeds far outweigh our bad. And no country now or ever has done more for the rest of the world than we do.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:10 AM
Would you have the nerve to paste a bumber sticker on the back of a nice car that says:

OneBadAssMistakeAmerica ?

I saw it on a car yesterday, on the back bumper, and there were 3 or 4 huge dents in the trunk area that looked like someone had taken a sledge hammer to it. I didn't see the rest of the car but it probably looked as bad!

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 11:44 PM
Hillary Clinton needs to shut her fat #ing mouth, and Obama needs to just go away.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by Rasputin13

Yes, you are very much correct.
I applaud you standing up like that.. no if's or buts. The US is the leader..

My only contribution, my only question..

Is how long do we need to look the other way, or accept something thats clearly not in the interests of humanity because in your PAST you were the world leaders of aid, assistance and might?

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:16 AM
Can you blame the President for how things have turned out .. really it does not matter who claims to be in charge .. it is all Politics and Propaganda ... no matter what President is in the White House they will all have to make the tough choices .. he may be one guy with a strong vote but there are many who have his ear and tugging it... Let alone the other countries are just that other countries... They have there own agenda and they don't care about the US agenda that is our Goverments... What ever our goverment has chosen to do has been well discussed by many not just by one... President may have his finger near the trigger but he is not the one forcing it on it...

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:20 AM
link, and posted by Anonymous...well there you have it.
Two highly creditble sources of information.. if this is for real how come im not seeing it in SERIOUS press releases, i.e national newspapers etc.

Chinas on the brink of a financial breakdown. the government has been cooking the books to prove to thw west thatChinas economy is better than ever and in the process has led the country to financial ruin, although they´ll never admit it. They arnt in a position to fight anyone.

Although, thinking of the saying "you cant destroy a empire until it has destroyed itself from within", maybe now with China on the brink of an economic collapse its a good time to turn the thumbscrews.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by andy1972

I said that at the beginning of thread, as did someone else.
I was directed to a list of links found by google... all re-directing to those sites.
I am still waiting for some credible sources on this "news"...

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:25 PM
Hey, been gone a while, any REAL news ?
I didn't see anything scary yet.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by andy1972

I know too many people are running around honestly believing that China is the second coming.
The China Bubble's Coming -- But Not the One You Think

Forget about a Shanghai stock bubble. The whole Chinese economy's getting ready to burst.

Financial commentators are obsessively debating whether the recent rise in the Chinese stock market means there's a bubble -- and if so, when it's going to burst.

My take? Who cares! What happens to the broader Chinese economy is what we should really be watching. It will have a far-reaching impact on the rest of the world -- much more far-reaching than a decline in stocks.

Despite everything, the Chinese economy has shown incredible resilience recently. Although its biggest customers -- the United States and Europe -- are struggling (to say the least) and its exports are down more than 20 percent, China is still spitting out economic growth numbers as if there weren't a worry in the world. The most recent estimate put annual growth at nearly 8 percent.

Is the Chinese economy operating in a different economic reality? Will it continue to grow, no matter what the global economy is doing?

The answer to both questions is no.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

I know too many people are running around honestly believing that China is the second coming.
The China Bubble's Coming -- But Not the One You Think

Is the Chinese economy operating in a different economic reality? Will it continue to grow, no matter what the global economy is doing?

The answer to both questions is no.

It sounds like you are happy that the Global Economy is in the Crapper,

because it happens to drag China down with it!

Stay closer to home Slayer, The Commericial real Estate Bubble is about

to hit soon, Obama's Printing Press has been working overtime, and with

the "Liberation" of Iran looming.

Doesn't sound like the Time to throw stones.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
It sounds like you are happy that the Global Economy is in the Crapper,

because it happens to drag China down with it!

Not at all. I have maintained a very realistic view of this market for a good many months now. My postings are publicly available to view. Check them out if you care. Many Americans here have read over and over again how the US economy will tank and that the US will collapse and fragment posted all day everyday.

Do a quick search. Meanwhile many would spout how China is the next upcoming World Power blah blah blah. The Fact remains that we're a Global community now and are headed for a world wide tanking.

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