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Obama Threatens China And Iran, Another U.S. War?

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:38 AM
the europeans have been fighting wars since the beginning of recorded history, the last one nearly destroyed european civilization. there absolutely no way they would fight any war unless there are foreign troops marching to their capitals. the only ones that don't seem to know that are americans who in the last 60 years have be picking on small countries and generally getting their asses kicked (korea-tie, vietnam-loss, panama(wow, a win), that giant military power house grenada-win, iraq I, shared semi-win, along with another 150 countries, pot shots at kosovo (exhibition pre-season win), afghanistan (draw), iraq II-win, (pretty hard to lose when opponent has absolutey no team and equipment to play with.) that runs americas record to 4 wins, 1 loss, 2 draws. u can throw in WWII but the russians were the ones that marched to berlin and they did the most brutal fighting against the bulk of the german offensive (ie elite) units. the japanese would have been at least a draw in the US hadn't cheated and used nukes. thats a pretty sad record considering the quality of the wins, panama, grenada? chickened out against the cubans, unless u call threatening to start world war 3 and nuking the whole world brave, instead of fighting on cuban soil like castro and russia wanted. but ur practice run in the bay of pigs showed u were no match. so if anyone thinks that americans have the balls to fight china that can field an army larger than the population of the united states with the latest russian and chinese technology armed to the teeth with nukes on their soil has got to be insane considering americas track record of beating on defensless islands and unarmed nations. china has absolutely no fear of america. the only war america could win against china is a nuclear war if americans don't mind being blown back to the stone age doing it. at least the indians would get their land back. americans don't seem to realize that the greatest threat to global peace and what's holding the world back from advancing is america. europe, china, russia have been around 1000's of years they been thru all this sh-t. u should learn from them, they work 30 hrs a week their national dish isn't a big mac, they eat the finest cheeses, drink the finest wines relax and enjoy their lives in relative peace, comfort and luxury. only in delusional america and it's media does anyone think america is the global leader. good luck threatening iran and china. the israelis cant wait.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by randomname]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:40 AM
The US threaten war? This is unheard of! The US is the most peaceful nation on the planet. When was the last time the US ever invaded an occupied any country that didn't damn well deserve it? When!

China better step off the gas; or it'll get a big ol' US ass whoopin! Hooorah!

Last time I checked China was threatening sanctions over the US for doing something totally harmless like arming Taiwanese with the advanced technology for a measly 6 billion dollars that clearly the US intends to pay back it's debt to China with.

Aside from being the most peace loving nation; the United States is the best debt paying nation to all of it's neighbors. It would never borrow money past it's capacity to pay it back.

China wouldn't attack the US, because they know this peaceful nation will nuke every square inch of China into a glassy parking lot. China certainly wouldn't do the same to the US!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by rhadamantis
reply to post by Subjective Truth

i understand you quite well , one with the heart of a warrior will not surrender , but one wise man avoid conflic in one pice , if there no option will fight , but dont blame people of being coward if the like to have no blood sheed , if theres a war then will fight till the ones that want war are death.

Points are much better made when the spellcheck function is used. I am not a warrior I am a realist big difference.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Misoir

Here's your 9/11 for ya. A Chinese resident whom is a terrorist strikes the United States and causes far worse damage than 9/11. We find out he comes from China and somehow has connections to the Chinese government. So we are already loud mouthing China then we say, "You sent one of your own to attack our country". China obviously denies the claim and so the US rallies our western allies against China, we wage a war or maybe a cold war. Destroy China's economy which will send us into a great depression but no worse than the '30s. With China alienated we can somehow save our selves from hyperinflation by turning everyone against China.

I smell a third world war brewing.

Misoir, you make an interesting point here. A high body count does a lot in terms of motivating the populace. I’d like to offer another (albeit highly unlikely) possibility for those of us here on ATS.

I’ll mention the fact that we have the single most powerful military industrial complex in our history. It’s involved in everything. I spent a decade in the Air Force and one thing I can tell you (which you already know) is that the military industrial complex does not like having weapons laying around getting old that were built to kill. The largest collection of such arms lies in bunkers, below ground in missile silos, and under the waves in submarines throughout the globe. The nuclear weapons sit there, not being used. We used two when fighting a much smaller nation not that far away from China. I have good friends that were born and raised in Nagasaki and they are all to aware of the dangers in the world today.

People always like to site Reagan and his M.A.D., while completely underestimating the corruption in our government and the power of the military industrial complex. You take that into account with several other threads here talking about vast underground military bunkers where the elite will be swept away to, and keeping in mind that there have been yet other threads discussing a huge underground complex under Denver International Airport. It takes five hours to fly from D.C. to Denver non-stop, while it takes around seventeen hours for our B-52’s to fly from their bases here to Beijing. They time it so the bombs start falling when the US is asleep (say 2am), and the retaliatory ICBM strike from China (that we can’t stop) takes out US cities everywhere while everyone’s asleep. Overnight you have a huge population reduction in the US, you have all the other nations getting in on it if all the nuclear armed nations launch on protocol rather than on actual threat.

Did you ever stop to ask yourself if those bunkers being built weren’t because the US was worried about aliens invading, but rather a huge global population reduction ushered in with a lengthy series of blinding white flashes? The test sites of many other nuclear detonations are still radioactive, but don’t look it. They have populations living near them now and while cancer is higher, they do live. Chernobyl has tours going through it now, though not to the point where people go up to the reactor. Animal life, however, is thriving there.

We have governments all around the globe that don’t care for, or listen to, their people and do their own thing anyway. We have massive corruption and involvement by huge corporations through every level of government. We have weapons ready to be used around the globe. We have many people in TPTB that have spoken openly about population reduction as a goal. Is it not possible that the bunkers are now ready, the seeds are safely stored in the Arctic, and the hammer is about to be cocked? Just remember what Cheney said, "Deficits don't matter." They don't matter if this goes down.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Rentor

Remember it was a world war that brought America out of a depression.

On a side note, your avatar is very annoying, you couldn't find something better than that out of 30 trillion pics, avatars and such.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by Dramey

So would you be happy if the battleground was in Texas.

Or maybe in Idaho?

yes to be honest, yes

it may be grim or maybe not the popular thing to say

but in all honestly, it would be better for us, better for our country, to be in an all out war, then in this weird limbo that we are stuck in now dealing with the war on terror and the war on drugs

if we're going to go through all this crap we are going through, lets go all out and get it over with so we can stop wasting time on this crap and start to focus on rebuilding

as long as we continue this stupid rhetoric and these stupid policies, we will continue to go downhill

personally i truly want NO war, no terror war, no drug war, just let us live in peace and them live in peace, and when someone tries something, lets have citizens who have their eyes open who are willing to stop something bad they see happening rather then walk the other way with the eyes closed

i find it interesting it took a guy from amsterdam to stop a terror attack on the usa when 4 planes full of americans let 9/11 happen

americans need to start to take more responsibility and grow back our balls, and stop paying to have some corrupt security company give us this false sense of security

maybe if more americans took more personal responsibility 9/11 wouldnt have happened, i mean supposedly they all had box cutters, but a plane full of people couldnt take down a couple people with box cutters

we need to stop depending on other to keep us secure and we need to provide our own safety when its needed

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Dramey]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by randomname
the europeans have been fighting wars since the beginning of recorded history, the last one nearly destroyed european civilization. there absolutely no way they would fight any war unless there are foreign troops marching to their capitals. the only ones that don't seem to know that are americans who in the last 60 years have be picking on small countries and generally getting their asses kicked (korea-tie, vietnam-loss, panama(wow, a win), that giant military power house grenada-win, iraq I, shared semi-win, along with another 150 countries, pot shots at kosovo (exhibition pre-season win), afghanistan (draw), iraq II-win, (pretty hard to lose when opponent has absolutey no team and equipment to play with.) that runs americas record to 4 wins, 1 loss, 2 draws. u can throw in WWII but the russians were the ones that marched to berlin and they did the most brutal fighting against the bulk of the german offensive (ie elite) units. the japanese would have been at least a draw in the US hadn't cheated and used nukes. thats a pretty sad record considering the quality of the wins, panama, grenada? chickened out against the cubans, unless u call threatening to start world war 3 and nuking the whole world brave, instead of fighting on cuban soil like castro and russia wanted. but ur practice run in the bay of pigs showed u were no match. so if anyone thinks that americans have the balls to fight china that can field an army larger than the population of the united states with the latest russian and chinese technology armed to the teeth with nukes on their soil has got to be insane considering americas track record of beating on defensless islands and unarmed nations. china has absolutely no fear of america. the only war america could win against china is a nuclear war if americans don't mind being blown back to the stone age doing it. at least the indians would get their land back. americans don't seem to realize that the greatest threat to global peace and what's holding the world back from advancing is america. europe, china, russia have been around 1000's of years they been thru all this sh-t. u should learn from them, they work 30 hrs a week their national dish isn't a big mac, they eat the finest cheeses, drink the finest wines relax and enjoy their lives in relative peace, comfort and luxury. only in delusional america and it's media does anyone think america is the global leader. good luck threatening iran and china. the israelis cant wait.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by randomname]

more credit can be given to the Americans in my opinion in the first half of the 20th century, if it was not the Americans (deliberately) joining the WW2, Nazi Germany might have enough forces to conquer USSR given enough time and not splitting their forces in different fronts. And I do believe USA was pretty human to show off their Nuke on only two cities in Japan, if an all-out invasion was forced through, the human victims on both sides will be much higher.

athe early wars in Korea and Vietnam, regardless of the wild stories, it is much more legitimate and "idealistic", smaller wars in a bigger Cold War picture, totally unlike the modern wars in the Middle East which is obviously only money-driven.....

You are right though that the European (excluding that puppet Island), Russians and Chinese are sick of chaos, instability, wars etc........

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by bpg131313

Interesting theory, but my question to those opting for this one is always "Why they did not already pull the trigger when we all hear about that these underground bases (world) were already built for decades???"

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:11 AM
Not sure if someone posted this Here yet but...

China already threatened the US.

You want to bash YOUR president for the Warning against China? How about the threat from them?

Also, love how This made the front page but the threat from the Chinese didn't. Really lets you know what political direction ATS is going. Way to be unfair and unbalanced.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by GorehoundLarry]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by yiersan
reply to post by bpg131313

Interesting theory, but my question to those opting for this one is always "Why they did not already pull the trigger when we all hear about that these underground bases (world) were already built for decades???"

My guess is that the US bunkers weren't up to the task. Switzerland is well prepared. The bunker system in the US wasn't all that great, until recently. We've seen some of the bunkers that have been exposed and they were a good start, but not enough to handle TPTB. My guess is that other things had to happen first. I don't know why, but those puzzle pieces sure do look like they fit.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Rentor

I'm so tired of American Arrogance. I realize that America and China are deeply intertwined with in the economy, but what makes people think that China won't just shut us down.
I love my country, with all my heart, however I am not so ignorant as to believe that we are still the worlds domonant power. We are not! China, though americans like to think that all Products from china are crap, Creates a higher level of Quality then America does. They have more money, and they have Colateral deeds to most of our National Parks. Thank you Washington!!
I'm just waiting for the day you need a passport to go to Yellowstone, because it will be China!!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by Rentor

Sometimes I wonder who wants war more, the US or the people who keep predicting or insinuating that war with Iraq, China, etc. is imminent. It just never ends.

The threats that are being referred to are merely a show. China has and in time will likewise make statements that could be interpreted as threats. It is part of the game.

When the cameras aren't on, I'm pretty sure that the differences between the two country are being talked out in a peaceful non-threatening manner.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by UnlawfullPriest
I am not so ignorant

they have Colateral deeds to most of our National Parks.

Oh Brother....

Man go for a walk, get some air. Lay off the "Conspiracy sites"

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by UnlawfullPriest

American are not anti china, it's anti communist. Guess who's the communist lover.
And claiming yellowstone will be china's, who's the real arrogant now, huh?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:29 AM
? 4 me is, although umay not b supportive of this, what would u suggest anyone of your loved ones do 2 combat behavior/speech of this nature besides being aware of it?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by jam321

Sometimes I wonder who wants war more, the US or the people who keep predicting or insinuating that war with Iraq, China, etc. is imminent. It just never ends.

The threats that are being referred to are merely a show. China has and in time will likewise make statements that could be interpreted as threats. It is part of the game.

When the cameras aren't on, I'm pretty sure that the differences between the two country are being talked out in a peaceful non-threatening manner.

Oh thank you!

Finally, a sane post.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:34 AM
Hey, I still vote Nader...

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by Rentor

Sometimes I wonder who wants war more, the US or the people who keep predicting or insinuating that war with Iraq, China, etc. is imminent. It just never ends.

Aint that the truth.

The old Cold War [I know everybody remembers Reagan but...] lasted from Ike right on through to when the Berlin wall came down under Bush Sr. That was over 45+ years of this type of back and forth rhetoric. I'll bet if those people here on ATS who think WW III is just around the corner every DAY were alive then they would have died from a Nervous Breakdown waiting all those years.

CALM Down people sheesh.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by jam321
The threats that are being referred to are merely a show. China has and in time will likewise make statements that could be interpreted as threats. It is part of the game.

When the cameras aren't on, I'm pretty sure that the differences between the two country are being talked out in a peaceful non-threatening manner.

Merely a show? The answer is no. The concept of face is an important point when you're dealing with china.
I don't think there will be any war with china anytime soon. But regarding the potential for an iran war, it's a legitimate concern. Israel seems to want it really bad, it doesn't want to take any chances. I believe that's the main purpose of the iraq war also.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Common Good
reply to post by DaMod


Im sick of this guy .

I have gotten to the point that I dont care if Biden runs this country, I WELCOME it.

Pelosi as VP? that sends chills up my spine, but if thats what I have to accept, than so be it, as long as we dont have to put up with this moron anymore.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by Common Good]

You guys should have voted for John Kerry all those years ago. We wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. Anybody who wind and kite surfs can't be a bad parson and ultimately in tune with the world. Windsurfers will know what I'm talking about, He was a good guy imho. Oh well too late now.

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