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Obama Threatens China And Iran, Another U.S. War?

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by oozyism

Originally posted by merkava
China and russia are basically getting peed off with US/israel extending their tentickles everywhere.

There's a saying that 'you shouldn't put your hand in every hole, there might be a snake in one',Iran will be that hole for US and israel.

There's another saying that 'you shouldn't put your hand in the same hole USSR did, a snake lives there', They are stuck in Afghanistan that is why they can't go anywhere.

More likely they are placed in Afghanistan then stuck there, it is more strategic than anything at this point.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:36 AM
Look, Obama is just bluffing, he wont do anything, he hasnt yet, and will continue to do nothing

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Hitemhard

nothing wrong with being a global policeman. and nothing new either.Britain was the global policeman for a hundred years, and the peace brought to the world was called the pax britannica.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Anything to prove this thread isn't a hoax???

Anonymous source.

Only thing that could be immediately cross-ref'd was the taiwan deal. To exploit that as pressure makes this thread look worse.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by CaptChaos

ONce again, the US military can't even defeat Iraq, a country that was already on her knees due to crippling sanctions, and is less than one tenth the size of China. China has an army bigger than our entire population, whom they wouldn't mind getting rid of because they have too many people, and more importantly, WAY TOO MANY YOUNG MEN.

The Iraq question has already been addressed satisfactorily, I see, so I'll address the quaint notion that "China has an army bigger than our entire population".

China's armed forces, including active duty, reserves, and all paramilitary forces, totals 7,024,000. That's assuming they call up ALL available personnel, in some sort of massive emergency.

List of countries by number of total troops

Kinda shoots that theory out of the water. What country are you including this 'us' in that has a population under 7 million? In the US, I believe just my STATE has a bigger population than that.

Matter of fact, last time I checked, just the licensed deer hunters in the US outnumbered the 5 largest armies of the world combined.

That's just the deer hunters, not ALL of the armed citizenry by a long shot.

Perspective is everything. "A rifle behind every blade of grass" is, I believe, the perspective of the Japanese general staff in WWII that kept all notions of an invasion in check.

The rest of that particular post is likewise shot through with exaggerations, errors, and outright untruths. It's a waste of my time to go line-for-line on it, but I damn sure will if required.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 08:44 PM
Its good Obama is finally stepping up the plate on China and Iran. Its time this country tells China whatsup. I think we should start getting rid of all the CHINESE products we have. We should be making more America products.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:41 PM
Hopefully when all the troops gather, and Obama gives the order to charge, they step aside and push him up front.

Not recommended to fight China. We have plenty of proxy wars with them over the last few decades and it would be massively destructive to go toe to toe with them. In the Korean war the Chinese came in never-ending waves, there were more Chinese than bullets.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:46 PM
nothing will happen even if Iran IS working secretly on an A-Bomb...
Nothing is going to happen, just more whining and complaining, and more empty meaninless sanctions and more words thrown back and forth... I think Russia and the U.S. and Israel are probably the only countries crazy enough to actively utilize weapons against other people...

The other countries are too afraid to upset the functioning of the World to do some sort of attack.

So when the U.S. attacks in Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, it's just acceptable, when Russia uses it's military near it's borders, that's o.k. When Israel annihilates some terrorists, thats o.k.

But if China say attacked Twain, problem, if North Korea attacks South Korea, problem, if Iran attacks Israel, "directly" problem.

See how the world works, there are exceptions and there are inexecptions.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:48 PM
Greetings Rentor,

It's rather unbelievable that our politburo, J-ROPES (van Jones, Reid, Obama, Pelosi, Emmanuel, Sunstein), would annoy fellow Communists. May I submit that they sent Comrade Hillary to beat the bushes and stir things up (enough for "the messiah" to declare martial law)? Well, Hillary wants it too - she was also trained by Saul Alinsky!

Well, the Chinese weren't born yesterday - they know that every word out of Barry Soetoro's mouth is a lie.

Why such a far fetched accusation?

Destroy the US from within, then declaration of martial law, then transition to the Dictatorship of the New World Order! Am I off topic? I don't think so. This ATS website is the world's most authoritative source of information on the NWO. If J-ROPES is "stirring the pot (vis a vis China)" to trigger a need to transition the US into the NWO, then the scholars of this website are the best ones to ask what our life will be like under the new dictatorship.


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:50 PM
Hopefully no war comes.If theres another global war,i doubt USA and china or whatever contries "participate" will be the ones affected.A big portion of the world can be blown to oblivion.I feel,and im sure im not the only one,like i've got a lot to live for,but sometimes i just wish they nuke the world and start all over again,or don't start at all.

Pretty nihilistic of me,me thinks

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:24 PM
War with China is not going to happen! Just like war with the USSR never happened. The US is already in a cold war with China and has just entered an economic war. The only thing that will happen is an escalation of these.

The US would most likely be reassessing the value of it's trade with China. If the politicians weren't so stupid and/or corrupt, they would scale back trade with China. The GFC has made that almost impossible at the moment, but the US used to be just fine without China two decades ago.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
we cant predict much because sometimes we can be really surprised on how events unfold... theres so much going on in the world, and it seems like everyone is gearing up for war... maybe not china and usa, but iran, syria, and israel will go at it... israel made it clear that it will not allow iran to build a nuclear reactor or whatever, and iran stated that if attacked it would retaliate... somehow everyone will get dragged in and you have a world war 3 that only lasts a few weeks... we, as a collective society have never been this far in regards to technologies and knowledge...

anyway heres my prediction which is a pile of sh*t

- israel attacks iran
- iran, syria, hezbollah retaliate
- US to the rescue
- iraq splits into 2 sides (pro-iran and pro-arab)
- saudi, oman, kuwait, qatar join usa and allies
- russia and china will support iran
- north korea will urgently requests chinese and russian support for supplies to ready it for war againts south
- israel is set on fire from 1000 rockets, its gets pissed off and sets her nuke
- one iranian city disapears
- the whole world protests chaos everywhere
- pakistan uses the nuke as an excuse to invade india
- indian-paki war starts while iranian troops are flowing through basra making thier way to the city of kuwait
- china find opportunity to take taiwan
- more people join the houthis in yemen as they prepare to invade saudis
- the UAE cries and tell everyone not to come to thier city dubai
- millions of people die in the 1st 3 days
- iraqis start to run away and move north towards the kurds for safety, kurdistan refuses them
- arab iraqis unite and overtake kurdistan with the help of iran
- america leaves iraq
- america collapses
- russia arms up, china fires an EMP over the USA, all power goes off
- china invades what she claims belongs to her
- NATO loses nations to the SCO alliance
- georgia requests nato troops on its land
- turkey accepts even though they fight kurds at the same moment
- 5 days later syria is in a very bad state but the army still fights, very little advancement on israeli land
- hezbollah is bushed back after fierce and dealy fighting with israeli troops
- lebanese goverment help israelites
- most africa starves, libyan leader gathers muslim african nations and prepares them to go aid the muslims.
- egypt rejects and war erupts as sudan and somali militants advance on egyptian land
- NATO warns russia not to interfere
- russia supplies iran with stealth fighters
- israel gets pissed as they lose, more nukes on russia, iran, pakistan
- pakistan lunches nuke on india
- russia begins the invasion of europe which is for some reason easy as more countries start to go against israel for using the nukes
- the only safe country in europe is the UK, but over priced and secret police everywhere

bullsh*T right?!?!

You missed -

- Australia laughs at you all from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down here.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by Booki

Originally posted by RizeorDie
- pakistan uses the nuke as an excuse to invade india
- indian-paki war starts while iranian troops are flowing through basra making thier way to the city of kuwait
- china find opportunity to take taiwan
- more people join the houthis in yemen as they prepare to invade saudis
- the UAE cries and tell everyone not to come to thier city dubai
- millions of people die in the 1st 3 days
- iraqis start to run away and move north towards the kurds for safety, kurdistan refuses them
- arab iraqis unite and overtake kurdistan with the help of iran
- america leaves iraq
- america collapses
- russia arms up, china fires an EMP over the USA, all power goes off
- china invades what she claims belongs to her
- NATO loses nations to the SCO alliance
- georgia requests nato troops on its land
- turkey accepts even though they fight kurds at the same moment
- 5 days later syria is in a very bad state but the army still fights, very little advancement on israeli land
- hezbollah is bushed back after fierce and dealy fighting with israeli troops
- lebanese goverment help israelites
- most africa starves, libyan leader gathers muslim african nations and prepares them to go aid the muslims.
- egypt rejects and war erupts as sudan and somali militants advance on egyptian land
- NATO warns russia not to interfere
- russia supplies iran with stealth fighters
- israel gets pissed as they lose, more nukes on russia, iran, pakistan
- pakistan lunches nuke on india
- russia begins the invasion of europe which is for some reason easy as more countries start to go against israel for using the nukes
- the only safe country in europe is the UK, but over priced and secret police everywhere

bullsh*T right?!?!

You missed -

- Australia laughs at you all from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down here.

No we wont, we will be censored
oops do I know about that, wait i hear the CIA knocking on my door. LOL

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:54 AM
You guys still are not thinking at the level that this world is already controlled? Anything that comes out of the mouth of any world leader (Including Iran, China etc) has already been orchestrated to serve the elites game plan (What you think China owns the US economy by luck?). Your president is just that, the president of a Large company US to be precise and it, and every other country, will act in accordance with the will of the global elite who owns these companies UK PLC, US Corp, Germany Ltd. Haven't you looked back at every war/conflict seen on the planet and not understood that none just happened?
Come-on stop trying to make sense of it all, you me everyone are already controlled by the Global elite the NWO has been here for 100’s of years. No? Well, open your pocket wallet or trousers pocket. That's it now open your many ID cards, licenses, proof that you are owned 100%. Got any credit cards? Thought so you’re owned. How about some of those pretty green pieces of paper with funny numbers on them like 10, 20, 100 that are only valuable when a bank says so (what hasn't any of the political parties since the 1930's reversed the control of your money away from the private elite banks? Why not?), thought so you’re Owned. But, what have we here, a black guy running the country things must be a changing yeah? I saw all those movie stars flocking to his side and well they got lots of money and can act so they can’t be wrong? All those black statics you got there in the land of the free will become a thing of the past? Even his slogan was so obvious but not spotted. Hope, he was bring hope. Hope is the thing that has zero substance unless you give it some and all those ignorant stupid ‘believers’ that took precious time to VOTE for the top position of a Corporation? I’m still staggered by the thought that people on this planet actually think that voting will change anything? It’s almost comical that they cannot look back at the track record of all modern day politicians anywhere on the planet and think that there voting was changing anything.

But, hey we got Abovetopsecret to keep us safe, entertained, enlightened? What happens when you don't have the internet? Well as they say in Ireland your Fecked!

The only place to hide and rebel is in your mind or what's left of it.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
reply to post by Common Good

You do know that Obama is not the one responsible.

There's 3 groups of people responsible for war, and this has been true ever since the first wars mankind has had.

1)The Congress, parliament, senate, majlis, knesset, etc. (The people who are sitting there talking about what's good for their interest and their companies, corporations, etc.)

2)The Bankers, Military Complex, Religious Sectors

3)The Soldiers themselves

The MOST IMPORTANT role is on the soldiers.

You see it's VERY SIMPLE. If soldiers just simply REFUSED to kill their fellow men ALL wars would STOP overnight.

End of Story.

Exactly right about the soldiers , but everyone has got to get paid ! and some like killing others for money SIMPLE !

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 12:08 PM
Being amidst among chinese colleagues and friends for decades..

I would just like to say that the Chinese, in general, are pragmatic and collective people. That's why communism could easily take hold and thrive in China, yet could embraces capitalism - it's just another form of an empirical system, it has a long history of being a collective society..

They seemed to be individualistic when it comes to financial and personal gains, but are hardworking and largely peaceful. But once their pride are injured or their nation is insulted by a foriegn entity, most of them will unite, and even to the extend of selfless sacrifice for their collective authority. Somewhat similar to the Japs but different in style.

Tell me, in recent three decades when has the Chinese government, ever made empty threats. They don't...they mean what they say.. what disputable is the extend of the responding action. That's why their response to foreign meddling, foriegn news disinfo and threats are always measured. The west took this as a weakness (of sorts) and made China the "Whipping Boy"for both their domestic and foreign policy consumption.

However, note that the Chinese seems to be a patience lots, they bide their time. The Chinese government even bare embrassments, foreign initiated uprising, terrorist actions, supporting of all kinds of dissidents and threats, when they asseses they know are not ready for action respond. At most times (I notice), they will simply verbally rebuke accusations and blame. But they will remember... and keeps remembering, and that's the danger.

While China bashing and double standards applied to China seems to be an American and British favourite past time. The danger is that, you tends to be get carried away, and thinks that China is all talk no play attitude has no political consequences in the future.

[edit on 4-2-2010 by mobydog]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
Hopefully when all the troops gather, and Obama gives the order to charge, they step aside and push him up front.

Not recommended to fight China. We have plenty of proxy wars with them over the last few decades and it would be massively destructive to go toe to toe with them. In the Korean war the Chinese came in never-ending waves, there were more Chinese than bullets.

Except the human wave tactics, or 'Man over Machine' Doctrine as the Chinese called it failed to defeat the US/UK forces.
They lost crippling amounts of manpower and couldn't do much after that.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:14 PM
If we do go to war I hope its not with obama in office. I want a president that has a background in the military before we go do anything serious like starting a war with china. China claims to be bigger then they are, they warn obama that they will take actions if he meets with the Dalilama. I hope we do go to a war with china so they know there place, they wouldnt stand a chance.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:14 PM
IMHO it seems to me that Barack Obama is trying to "set-up" China, publically. Whilst on the inside, he is planning another attack on his own country leasing with Al-Qaeda, proclaiming that it was China.

Then we shall go to war for an "inside job deal".

I give up with following society.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX
And why did you start a war in iraq and afganistan...and why did you make us go into debt when you came in with a surplus...and why did you take our lovely green earth and catastrophically add mass greenhouse gases to melt the ice caps...(from what I understand, it was done in fema deathcamps where they burned mass amounts of aborted babies)

Ya I guess you were smoking dope during the Bush administration, because all this happened then. Obama started office with a bush war a bush economical crisis, and not to mention bush has mad financial intersts in oil, and refused to sign tons of EPA regulations into effect...

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