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Shuttle de-orbit burn will malfunction

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by starskipper
reply to post by Doberman

Thanks for answering me. If you’re having visions (from any source) I’m kind of sad for the way you were treated in this thread. Best of luck.

Agreed! Even if it doesn't' come true I know for facts that visions can be true, don't let anyone get you down on it, it's closed minded people that tend to do that. They're so socially / culturally / religiously conditioned since birth to see life in such limited perspective that they even deny the fact of their own existence!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by GavCg
so, if everyone arent agreeing that the guy has a vision, we get banned or kick?
but [like it says on my lawnmower] - i degrass.. or digress

like everyone else, im dying to know what the outcome was when the shuttle malfunctioned?
what else did you see, the vision just stopped there?
they didnt show you what happened afterwards...?

It's quite simple don't be rude to other members, I couldn't care one way or the other what side of this discussion people are on.

Time will tell,

[edit on 14/2/2008 by Sauron]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:19 PM

Cromagnum, do not state or counter someones statement unless you yourself know what you are talking about.

My bad. Sorry! I couldn't see it with all the images I was looking at. Apparently I didn't zoom in.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:26 PM
This is such nonsense, I was with the alien last night and he showed me that 3/4 of the fuel will be lost, not half.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by DraconianKing

Prove that it is non-sense.

Also, if you cant back that story up you should be banned for hoaxing.

Im so sick of opinions here at ATS. I come hear to educate myself. Did OP have an alien encounter? I don't know. Neither do you. But what I do know is that every other post here on ATS is a one liner.."thats not true" or "he's a kook"

Keep your opinion to yourself because you are adding NOTHING to this community. If you have a question, ask it. If you are skeptical, tell us why.

I'am skeptical, too. But I don't feel the need to clutter threads with egotistical one liners to make myself feel better.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by METACOMET]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by METACOMET
reply to post by DraconianKing

Prove that it is non-sense.

Also, if you cant back that story up you should be banned for hoaxing.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by METACOMET]

* so should the OP *

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:55 PM
This conversation appears to have reached a new stage in polarization, but I prefer not to take sides so let's try thinking out of the box, if we can, for a moment. If this philosophizing is bothering you just skip this message then.

I'll use two postulates to justify my reasoning, first one being that the issue here is not really about this shuttle flight or some future one, but what would you do if you were told/shown/knew something *would* happen. The OP claims that he was shown, twice, that there would be a malfunction. He was not show before or after it, but just that a potentially disastrous malfunction would occur.

Next postulate is drawn from everything most of us have read and heard when it comes to ET culture. If we put the scare and boogie man stories aside, ET's most important concern seems to be preservation of life. There is some kind of a "prime directive" about not destroying life in the Universe, and beings who have reached the star traveling stage appear to obey it, at the expense of their own peril.

Heck if we use our (puny human) common sense it does not take much to realize that only life is of the essence - nothing else is more important. And yet what do we do here on our "Blue Marble"?
We treat life with disrespect and have literally put a price tag on it. Just think about how much life is (un-naturally) extinguished every day on this planet and then try to realize how backwards we really are.

What's my point here?

OP claims to have been contacted by the ETs and was shown a potentially disastrous situation where human life could be lost. Without going into a paradox of future predictions, ETs seem to think that the OP would try to prevent the loss of life from happening.
If we are to believe the OP, then he actually did try contacting the right people in charge and alerting them to a potentially dangerous situation.

Do those people in charge care? We don't know but OPs task was completed. OP is only responsible for his own thoughts and actions, as each of us is as well. I'll paraphrase what I said in my first post in this thread: "We told you so but what you do with this knowledge is your own problem not ours, we are only trying to help."

So when are we going to learn, to wake up, and start caring...?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:35 PM
Very good points amigo.I have been a member here for many years,dont post much,but i'm here every day reading.If the OP has an experience to share we should listen.there are far better ways to find the truth than running in circles with our hands in the air screaming"hoaxer,hoaxer,ban him"reminds me of a witch hunt.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:21 PM
Amigo, I think I know where you are coming from but what the hell does this mean?

Do those people in charge care? We don't know but OPs task was completed. OP is only responsible for his own thoughts and actions, as each of us is as well. I'll paraphrase what I said in my first post in this thread: "We told you so but what you do with this knowledge is your own problem not ours, we are only trying to help."

If I were to go to a family and say, " I saw a strange man interacting with your child. He didn't look friendly and in fact, he looked as if he were prospecting for an abduction. I've told you this so if you don't react, whatever happens is your problem, not mine."

That is what you sound like and I hope that is not your intention. With my questions, I posed some serious holes in his post that should truely be answered.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:27 PM
Well, being a newb here shows in my post.

All I wanted to say was that I understand exactly how you posted but I was concerned how you posted it. I'm still waiting for a logical answer to the OP.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Reality Hurts

Honestly, what makes you think they will let you walk away with a picture of them? When they are ready to show up, I am sure that you will have all the time in the world to pour over what they look like to your hearts content. If I were them I wouldnt come down here anyway. And it's not like they would do so anytime soon considering the fact that we can't stop squabbling and warring with each other long enough to live and let live without the greedy flexing political muscle to wage war for profit, or a radical blowing himself to smitherines because he can't find any other way of expressing his frustration when his family gets destroyed in the crossfire.

Too primitive, and far too skeptical to be trusted with anything. And to think, people actually get paid to be this silly.


[edit on 14-2-2008 by Knightshadowz]

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Knightshadowz]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by GavCg

quoted for truth..

and, of all the cataclysmic events that happen in the world, ETs warn us about shuttle malfunctions.

Why wouldn't a fellow astronaut help out another?

Could be a premonition, those do happen too you know

Frankly I'm refreshed to not see another " the world is coming to an end" thread.

If this turns out to be true and fixed it could save lives.

Besides if the OP can figure out what the ET looks like we can finally know what species are the good ones

[edit on 15-2-2008 by porschedrifter]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Cromagnum

Third, did you know that the name of the shuttles isn't on the side of it but in fact is on the top side of the wing?

Not so, it's on the side by the cockpit as well.

I've read, heard and discussed time travel, the effects of time travel, alternate timelines etc.. Even if this doesn't come true in our now there's always another now where it may have.

I would think that because you came on this board then it would highly suggest this now, but . well.. I guess we'll see.

I'm crossing my fingers you were wrong and a kook becasue it seems like that could become an issue if true.


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 05:22 AM
I have a question.

Now that Nasa and possibly a few important governmental agencies are aware of your prediction, do you think that you would be "taken away" if anything devastating were to happen to the shuttle?

I fear that your prediction could be interpreted as a "confession" of a sorts and could lead to your "interrogation" and possible arrest, if something were to actually happen.

Guantanamo could be your new living quarters should our government claim "terrorist activity".

Please be careful. You could be treading on very thin ice.


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Shadowhawk

I'll be happy to bring it up at the pre-landing briefing on Friday where it will be roundly laughed at. I'm not saying that mockingly. I just know what will happen. The only way to prove the OP's story would be if the prediction actually came true.

Well, might I suggest (since today is Friday I hope I catch you in time) that you omit where the OP says he got his information for the sake of it being taken a bit more seriously. Why not leave it at "premonition" or "precognitive vision" - both of which have a higher possibility of being taken a bit more seriously.

My point being, the goal should be to get the concern listened to seriously, right? By the way, who will be Flight Director during this particular part of the mission?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:37 AM
After spending some time on this I correct myself previously, since the APU fuel tanks and supply system appear to be completely separate from the OMS system so a loss of fuel in the APU system wouldn't affect the fuel available for the OMS deorbit burn. If the APU system lost fuel it would only affect that system. If the APU system "ran out of fuel" the control surface actuation would be lost due to loss of hydraulic power.

Shadowhawk, what percent of fuel should be remaining in the APU system at the time of the deorbit maneuver? It seems to me it would already be at below 50% at this point. Correct?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:57 AM
STS APU systems are one of the many engineering marvels that folks take for granted on STS. It works rather well and isn't without troubles from time to time including on STS-122. It is simple to say "APU"... more difficult to understand the sheer beauty of such a complex and at the time leading-edge system. Temperature control of the APU's is critical to their performance. STS can de-orbit on one "good" APU, but there are three.

Each of the three tiny (6.5" x 7.5" x 19") turbine two pass "motors" and gearbox spins up 135 HP to power the pumps. Each of the three tanks can hold 325lbs of MMH. There are a variety of overboard drains for different parts of the system. STS APU were upgraded 20 or so years ago to provide a doubling of service life before re-fitting/refurbishment.

Here's an older NASA information page that is a bit "dry" but covers APU systems and integration pretty well. KSC Science link.

There used to be a whole pictorial deal at NASA on STS APU's... but they've "upgraded" their website and it's broken-link central nowadays.



posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Reality Hurts

This doesn't mean I believe these self-titled alien contactees, but don't you think that if a being has the energy and the technology to travel trillions and trillions of miles (the closest star system to ours is roughly 26 trillion miles away) in a reasonable (then again what's reasonable to them) amount of time OR the effective technology and energy to safely hibernate during a slightly longer flight time.. they possibly COULD stop a relatively lower being from capturing their picture?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Originally posted by Doberman
I was in the USAF for 20 years and have worked on the SR-71, U-2, TR-1, HH-3, F-4, C-141, KC-135, C-5, C-130 and a few more ......

And you had no clue the shuttle needs to swap ends before an engine burn would slow it down?

None of those aircraft work in space. I thought the thrusters in the nose of the shuttle slowed it down some and the heat shield took the rest of the load off reentry. Ever since this happened I made sure not to delve into anything shuttle related besides what I did not already know which was mostly from the evening news. They do not want me to study/lookup (except what I already did-de-orbit) anything about the shuttle. It's kind of like a command/request from them and I think it's not to contaminate what they have shown me. I know it may seem like a little information to everyone but I am not going to fill it in with fluff to make it easier for me to explain. I did not even want to explain about the alien space suit training but it became necessary. For the USAF types I was at Kunsan AB ROK-Wolf Pack, Beale AFB, Tyndall AFB, Pope AFB, Yokota AB, Osan AB BlackCat, Macdill AFB. As far as doing good here I can see that it already has and I knew the 3rd degree was going to be part of it. I even expect the 4th degree!

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts

Originally posted by Malynn
Why is it that every time someone comes to this website, you know a conspiracy website trying to relate an experience to people that is outside the norm of common occurance they are met with sarcastic, snide, rude, and unnecessary comments like yours? Do you not read the T&C? Debate the issues and not ridicule the poster?

I'm not trying to drag out the issue or annoy the mods, but I feel that I am entitled to provide a brief explanation in my own defence.

I in no way attacked the OP, I made a pertinent comment about a ongoing issue here at ATS. And its a valid point. Plus, my comment was directed at the issue in general and not towards the poster specifically.

And regardless, part of ATS involves the members investigating extraordinary claims, especially those of really new members who, if they're disingenuous, may often try to post fiction and not real events. Its part of the process of examination. Without any sort of critical thinking and investigation, every Tom, Dick, & Harry could feel free to flood this board with contrived stories in an effort to feed their adolescent power fantasies or what have you.

Thank you for your post.

Now back to the original topic-

For the OP, I have a genuine question, one that I hope will further the discussion:

If there is no malfunction, what then? Where does that leave you in all of this and what do you think your explanation would be? Dream? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this prior to the actual event.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Reality Hurts]

Due to too many numerous events that have lead up to this and changes I will seek Proffessional Help. Personally I hope everything is all right with the ship and I do get the Help. Until then I will do my best to get information out.

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