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Shuttle de-orbit burn will malfunction

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Cromagnum

Your thread truly got my attention but the more I read your replies, the more I question the whole event. Please try to understand my line of questioning here.

First, you state that this happened to the shuttle. I asked you earlier how you knew it was the one currently in orbit when instead I should have asked, " How do you know what you were viewing was even the shuttle?" What made you aware of this? Can you explain?

Right after it happened when I was verifying my information about the de-orbit burn I said to myself it would have been nice if they would have told me which shuttle it was because I did not know that it was Atlantis in orbit (I could have verified that too). I asked them many times "You could've at least shown me the name of the Shuttle on the side of it". I received no answer from them. I also could have had them give me the lotto winner number blah, blah, blah.They know what I am doing and if it is wrong I have no doubt they would tell me. The information about the shuttle using the engines in the rear to slow down was news to me. He (ET) told me (telepathically). I even hate to use the word telepathically because people will believe less but that is the truth.

Second, can you descibe how you verified your information?

Third, did you know that the name of the shuttles isn't on the side of it but in fact is on the top side of the wing?

And last, you state that you know that you are right about all of this because they would have informed you, and to prove it you make the comment about them correcting you on the rear burners, hence you guess it is the shuttle and that in fact it is Atlantis. Now isn't that a big assumption? Now, my guess is that since you didn't know that the shuttle swaps ends for re-entry, you probably aren't familiar with what one looks like inside. So, could you please elaborate on these points please?

How do you know what you were viewing was even the shuttle?" What made you aware of this? Can you explain?
*It was a Delta winged craft with a vertical stabilizer and bulbous in the rear where the motors are. Mostly white on top with black outlines. I know what an orbiter looks like! We started about 1/4 mile away and 45 degrees from the top 1/4 mi away.

Second, can you descibe how you verified your information?
*The information about the orientation of the shuttle during the de-orbit burn that I did not know I Googled I used "Shuttle de-orbit burn" and confirmed a fact that I did not know.

Now, my guess is that since you didn't know that the shuttle swaps ends for re-entry, you probably aren't familiar with what one looks like inside. So, could you please elaborate on these points please?
*I have never studied any detailed pictures of the shuttles interior just passing shots on tv or flipping through a magazine but I have been in "glass cockpits" before, fighter, cargo and recon aircraft.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by EyesII
I have a question.

Now that Nasa and possibly a few important governmental agencies are aware of your prediction, do you think that you would be "taken away" if anything devastating were to happen to the shuttle?

I fear that your prediction could be interpreted as a "confession" of a sorts and could lead to your "interrogation" and possible arrest, if something were to actually happen.

Guantanamo could be your new living quarters should our government claim "terrorist activity".

Please be careful. You could be treading on very thin ice.


Yes but I could have peace.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 03:45 PM
Space Shuttle Mission STS-122 is supposed to land on February 20th, at 07:06 EST (12:06 UT). That is next Wednesday.

I am sorry, I am not paying attention to this thread. Maybe someone posted this earlier, but I saw something above that said the Shuttle was landing on Friday, today, and that is incorrect.

This is the type of thread where the bottom line is the only thing that is important. I will wait for next Wednesday to comment, if at all.

Good luck and keep cool!

EDIT: Wow. Took me three attempts to get this mostly right. Go figure.

[edit on 15-2-2008 by Buck Division]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Just a slight correction to Bucks' data. Nominal KSC touchdown for an orbit 203 landing at KSC is 9:06 EST Wednesday morning.

The de-orbit burn should for that attempt occur at 8:02 AM EST 13:02 GMT... I'll be watching from about 4AM on... and praying for a safe return of Atlantis and the 122 crew.



posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:37 PM
New data from NASA via the Mission Status Briefing on now. They had a prepared statement. It will not impact ISS OP's but that Vandenberg will be called up as an STS touchdown site "to allow the military the best chances for a successful intercept".

A question was asked about photography from ISS of the USA193 intercept attempt... it was left "open" as to whether ISS would be in position or whether any photography would be attempted. It will be rebroadcast on NASA-TV...

Ever seen a kill vehicle? Here's a Raytheon brochure of an EKV.

I used to have some hi-res pics around... I'll take a look later after the NCTS race tonight.


[edit on 15-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:01 PM
personaly i think your a SNIP, mostly because u have contacted NASA and u have also given your details and POSTED what u have done on here there for drawing attention to s on ATS if nothing happens then they will see u as a wack job and if something happens then your in for a life of hell and questioning so good luck... wether we believe u on here or not is another story i guess only time will tell and thats providing we here about it...

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[edit on 15/2/2008 by Sauron]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:56 PM
Sometimes they show us events to come because we need to prepare for it. I was shown my son's death by a speeding car in front of the house. I tried to change it. I knew the day and the time and the where and the how. So we put a chain link fence around the front yard. On the same day at the same time he fell in the swimming pool and drown. I could change only HOW it happened--not stop it. This was almost 40 years ago, and it's taken me this many years to realize that SOME information is given ahead of time so we can prepare to cope.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:45 PM
It seems to me, and this is purely speculation, that if the ET chose to contact the OP with this information, and it is widely assumed here that the OP can do nothing to stop it (hence the musings of others as to why ET did not contact someone who could stop it) then perhaps the OP wasn't shown the event to stop it. Maybe the OP was shown this event as a test. I've read a number of posts on this thread that indicate that to ET's we are primitive in regards to the rules of the universe, and that from afar we seem to delight in killing one another, rather than embracing this universal policy of live and let live. Perhaps this is one of many tests being conducted on humans to determine if in fact we are all of the same ilk (warring, bloodthirsty types) to determine if we are ready for a contact with a higher being. The OP's response to try to stop the event from occurring would be a positive answer to the 'test' imposed by the ET's, as the OP attempted to save lives rather than to let them be ended. Whether the event actually occurs or not, to me, does not necessarily invalidate the claim if my theory of the reasons behind the encounter are correct. All that having been said, I'm sincerely hoping this WAS just a test if it did indeed happen and that nothing bad befalls the crew of that spacecraft.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:01 PM
Hey didn't some guy on here predict the start of the tribulation would be signalled with the crash of the space shuttle ? It might not have been the tribulation but the beginning of the end of the world or something that I can't seem to remember.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by mazzroth

did the end times start in 1986 with the challenger disaster ?

or in 2003 , with the columbia crash ?

or is it to be ` third time lucky ` requiring a future mishap ?

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 12:09 PM
Pretty funny... STS-122 Atlantis orbiter engines were just used for a 36 minute burn to successfully boost ISS 2 Km in altitude. No leaks reported.
122 is "nominal".
Same motors as for the de-orbit burn estimated to occur on orbit 203 Wednesday morning. Mission status briefing on NASA-TV now... consumables "good".


Right now over New Zealand STS/ISS and USA 193 just crossed paths...

[edit on 16-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Doberman
On Feb 11, 2008 myself and a visitor (ET) observed a future event

And we wonder why the ET/UFO phenomena isn't taken seriously and why most people who report seeing them are labeled as Kooks!

It's because of people like you dude! Sorry if that offends. As they say, "It's one thing to build sandcastles in the sky - but it's another thing to go live in them." I'd imagine most people here are simply humoring you or just being polite but I would suggest seeking help. Don't expect other people to buy into your dillusions. I'm a bit sick of hearing this 'new age', 'tree hugging', Aliens are here to help us rubbish.

That, my friend is the very reason why NASA don't bother to answer your kooky correspondence. How do I know this? Because a little Alien beside me told me so!

Now... do YOU believe me? .. thought not!

Your not part of the solution man, your part of the problem!

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

I'd imagine most people here are simply humoring you or just being polite but I would suggest seeking help.

You would imagine wrong. I have no problem allowing some one the benefit of the doubt when it comes to precognitive visions. While I am a skeptic of ET visitations and abductions, it doesn't diminish that this man has done a brave thing to come forward and share something he saw that he feels was a premonition.

People start acting stupid and hateful when they are approached by metaphysical situations they can't physically explain. I don't know why that is. Fear I guess.

As a person who has had precognitive visions that have ultimately come true, I know what it feels like to worry that what you have seen might need to be shared. And I know what it feels like to take that step of's scary. And I commend him for doing this.

[edit on 2-17-2008 by Valhall]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Valhall

People start acting stupid and hateful when they are approached by metaphysical situations they can't physically explain. I don't know why that is. Fear I guess.

I respectfully beg to differ Valhall. Fear? Stupid? Hateful? They are very powerful words my friend. I suggest you read my sighting labeled "An Australian Account". I am a believer in ET's/UFO's but the mans theory has more holes than a 20 year old sock.

I also see peoples judgements severely clouded here by the need to 'believe' everything they read and if you believe this report, then I have acres of swampland I'd love to sell you!

Because a 'story' appears at this forum doesn't make it true and as far as bravery goes - well were all under alias ID's here so the stories rarely lead back to the real person. There is NO bravery in anonymity! Lets get real now!

You must also remember that I am as entitled to my opinion as yours. This is a democratic forum yeah? Plus I can certainly understand the psychology behind people supporting something that parallels their own belief system. It's how people validate themselves when no one else will! Just ask any decent psychologist or psychiatrist this question. However I doubt you will before I see a rebuttal on this forum ...

I'm here for the truth. No to blindly believe each thread because it's posted at ATS. We need parity here mate. I want MORE proof and if you followed the thread. It would appear that the REAL technical data is in complete contradiction to the mans, or should I say, the Aliens claims.

Anyway, thats my opinion so deal with it.. and next time, if it's not directed at you, don't take it so personally. I'm sure this man is a big boy with thick skin and he is perfectly capable of standing up for himself.

[edit on 17/2/08 by InfaRedMan]

[edit on 17/2/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:17 AM
You still seem to be protesting a bit too much and also putting intentions and words in other people's mouths.

I have never said I accept his vision as the truth. I have said I give him the benefit of the doubt.

You also have decided to ignore the poster's own words that state he is not trying to manipulate the outcome of this. He has clearly stated if it does not happen then he, himself, will seek help because of the series of events he has experienced leading up to this.

You are being highly vitriolic toward him doing nothing more than sharing a vision. The man has stated he awaits to see if this vision is accurate - along with the rest of us who keep an open mind. That you would insinuate being open-minded as being gullible and believing everything one hears shows that you have some other aspect of this that has you so openly angry about the thread.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:29 AM
Okay, you win! I have been converted and I now see the truth! lol

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:39 AM
Being a smart alec and making disingenuous statements doesn't really help your position at this point...not with me anyway.

You came on this thread and basically called the OP a liar. Who is jumping to more conclusions here?

Why can't you at least look at this situation as the man believes the experience he has related was real, and he has enough concern about what he believes he saw during that experience that he genuinely believes happened to not only contact a government organization to try to inform some one, but to go out on a limb in front of a million people and share it?

That's the benefit of the doubt I give him. I accept that he is genuine in his belief that the experience really happened, and he saw what he says he saw. That does not mean I believe the experience happened and he actually saw what he thought he saw. Jury is out on that - appears it is out for him as well based on comments he has made in this thread.

I have not seen this man be underhanded in the discussion that has taken place after he shared this. Why would you want to treat him as if he has acted that way?

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Doberman

Originally posted by Reality Hurts
If there is no malfunction, what then? Where does that leave you in all of this and what do you think your explanation would be? Dream? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this prior to the actual event.

Due to too many numerous events that have lead up to this and changes I will seek Proffessional Help. Personally I hope everything is all right with the ship and I do get the Help. Until then I will do my best to get information out.

That is a wise and rational response. I mean that in all sincerity and I am not mocking you in any manner or fashion. I appreciate the candor of your plan as well, it isn't easy to say "If I'm wrong, than I need counseling".

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts
Why is it that every darn time that someone gets to know an extra terrestrial that they forget to take a picture?

ATS is full of people who know aliens, are aliens, hang out with aliens, went to college with aliens, do tequila shots with aliens, had an alien as their best man at their wedding, et cetera, but not once, ever, has anyone bothered to take a frigging picture of it. Its not like its inconvenient, nearly every phone has a camera in it, but nooooo, we always get "but I don't have a cell phone" or "mine doesn't have a camera" or "I took a picture...lemme just pretend to post it while I disappear and register a new account".

Such a shame.

What is this supposed to mean? If ET's wanted to make their presence known to the world, they would do so. Obviously, they're not going to abduct someone with a camera on hand. If they would do that, they may as well just appear to the entire world during the 2008 Presidential debates.

It doesn't matter anyway. Even if someone took a picture or a movie, you'd say it was a hoax anyway. Clearly CGI, right? There's thousands of UFO videos out there. I guess they're all fake, right? Every single person who has seen an alien, had an extraterrestrial experience or caught something on video is either a liar or insane. It's a 100% failure rate, right?

Such a shame.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts
Why is it that every darn time that someone gets to know an extra terrestrial that they forget to take a picture?

ATS is full of people who know aliens, are aliens, hang out with aliens, went to college with aliens, do tequila shots with aliens, had an alien as their best man at their wedding, et cetera, but not once, ever, has anyone bothered to take a frigging picture of it. Its not like its inconvenient, nearly every phone has a camera in it, but nooooo, we always get "but I don't have a cell phone" or "mine doesn't have a camera" or "I took a picture...lemme just pretend to post it while I disappear and register a new account".

Such a shame.

With so many mobiles ET could phone home

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