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Shuttle de-orbit burn will malfunction

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:17 AM
So that puts this thread to rest then. The OP may have seen something else or some other future shuttle. At this point, who knows?

The next event for the US is to shoot down their own satellite. Touché China!

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:22 AM
I just watched it on the TeeVee, as already mentioned above it's A,O,K,

So I'm taking this opportunity now to remind you all be courteous if you reply to the OP of this thread.

Sauron ATS Moderator

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:35 AM
that visitor surely fooled you, but you know: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me six billion seven times, call me a Republican senator.”

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Sauron
I just watched it on the TeeVee, as already mentioned above it's A,O,K,

So I'm taking this opportunity now to remind you all be courteous if you reply to the OP of this thread.

Sauron ATS Moderator

Well, one would hope that the OP would himself post that the null hypothesis has passed its key test.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Doberman

As I understand all went well with the landing. Perhaps your ats warning was all it took to change the destiny of the orbiter?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Doberman

As I understand all went well with the landing. Perhaps your ats warning was all it took to change the destiny of the orbiter?

That is what I am thinking because this is what I got off
Shortly after crew wakeup today, commander Steve Frick was asked to re-orient Atlantis, putting the ship's tail toward the sun to provide additional heating to four aft vernier thrusters that lost heater power late Monday due to a circuit failure. One of those thrusters, a left-firing jet on Atlantis' left-side aft rocket pod, dropped to 40 degrees overnight. prompting concern about possible freezing that could damage fuel lines. In a tail-toward-sun orientation, the thruster should stay warm enough to prevent any such damage.

The three things that caught my attention listed in order of importance are:
1. Damaged fuel lines that could have resulted if craft orientation was not changed.
2. Multiple heater failure
3. Rear end needed to be thawed out for some reason.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 11:03 AM
ahh another failed prediction.

my guess is that there will be many more failed predictions.

Obviously your aliens were wrong.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Alpha Grey

I doubt anybody believed this prediction. However, the good news it wasn't a prediction made years to come in the future like alot of the mumbo jumbo. Can anyone say 2012?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by raivo
that visitor surely fooled you, but you know: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me six billion seven times, call me a Republican senator.”

Not to get off topic but, this reminds me of that speech I see Bush giving on You tube so often, and he tries to use this quote, and he totally screws it up. It's painful to watch. I mean he is as dumb as rock, and that's an insult to all the great rocks of the world.

But yea, I'm glad this was a failed. But I mean how many chances do these people get. It's like Sylvia Brown doing cold readings. She does a 3 hour studio show with Montel. Gets the average amount of hits, you's expect from rolling dice, or flipping a coin, then they show 30 minutes of her hits, and close to hits. Pathetic.

I hate people who claim they are psychic, sorry, but it's an old trick, cold reading you can learn the basics from a book, then it just takes some prectice, and people reading skills, and common sense.

At least this guy didn't say he saw it in a psychic vision, but that an alien showed him. I dunno, kinda seems the same to me anyhow, Whats the difference whether Francine the spirit guide shows you, or Julio the Alien shows you?

Enough with the predictions, I mean if you make enough and make them general enough your bound to get a following, I.E. Nostrodamaus(sp?) another hack.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:28 PM
I tend to almost-believe most what people write here. Abductions, seeing UFOs, whatever. I assume people tend to speak the truth.

In this specific case, I did not buy the story for one reason: I do not believe in backwards time travel (neither mass nor info). I am pretty sure you cannot travel to the past. If we cannot do that, we cannot, ever, have any information about the future. So this story cannot be true.

This does not mean that Doberman did not see what he saw. As far as I am concerned, it is perfectly possible that the alien got him and showed him the opening scene of Armaggedon. In any case, it was not future knowledge.

Best regards to you all,


posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:39 PM
I think he was probably high on drugs with nothing better to do than have a laugh at our expense, wont be the last but c' guys give the trolls plenty of bait lol

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Sauron

lol that's funny...Sauron...OK EVERYBODY DON'T JUMP ON THE OP... gave me a laugh though...jim jones does comes to mind... nice post Sauron

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:25 PM
i vote permaban the OP as an example for those who claim to have intimate relationship with "multi-dimentional" creatures from thousands of Light Years away... maybe that would restore ATS' credibility a bit more. why dont people just write blogs when they want to be heard anyways... like the rest of the world -_-

maybe we should go ahead and close this thread before it derails

[edit on 20-2-2008 by GavCg]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by GavCg

Thread derailing? It did as soon as the OP hit 'POST'. This is classic example of bait and laugh. I wonder how many sheep actually tuned into to watch the return just because of this thread.

ATS is now becoming a breeding ground for lunatics. Oh wait, it's been that way since it's inception.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Doberman

What do you and ETs know about Tesla and will he come back in the future?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by Stockburn

God, I said the same as you basically, I get all my points taken away. Great to see consistency with the moderators here. I want my points back! This is plain hypocrytical.

As it turns out, my call was right. If this forum is all about the truth, and I give an honest opinion that turns out to be true, where is the fairness in being given a warning and all my points taken? Points I earned by being highly constructive in my time here.

Perhaps a warning without points being taken for a first offence would be more appropriate?

[edit on 22/2/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:45 AM
This message is directed at the person who claims to have seen a possible failure in the return of the shuttle, my question is; As and when the shuttle makes the re entry and returns to earth safely, where do you stand, or do you just disappear like so many others who make fantastic and unreasonable claims due to visions that fail to come to fruition.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 07:46 AM
I had a nightmare. It involved and endless battle with those who make the "flimsiest" of fact into "The Big Story". When I wake I'm covered in the human entrails of those lame enough not to know their own story let alone the real story...

Sound of helos coming out of the Angolan sky...
Late, late in my bed at night,
I curse the dark and pray for the light,
And sometimes the light's no consolation...

[edit on 22-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Mukiwa
This message is directed at the person who claims to have seen a possible failure in the return of the shuttle, my question is; As and when the shuttle makes the re entry and returns to earth safely, where do you stand, or do you just disappear like so many others who make fantastic and unreasonable claims due to visions that fail to come to fruition.

I think I read a 'Get Out Of Jail Clause" somewhere in this thread where it said, "perhaps you saw a future mission" or something along those lines. hahaha!

The Author also made an edit that is important to note. He/She said, (though this is not verbatim) that they would seek professional help if the 'prediction' did not come to pass. Kinda weird how that part has since disappeared :s

Also, how can it be a 'prediction' when you state you were being shown the future? That's more of a bold statement if not an eyewitness account, is it not?

I also note an uncomfortable hush from the people within this thread that supported the validity of the authors claims.

When I attacked the logic, reason and truthfulness of the Author, I was told by a member, and I quote:

"People start acting stupid and hateful when they are approached by metaphysical situations they can't physically explain. I don't know why that is. Fear I guess." - End Quote

Apparently, the rational people are fearful and stupid. I can only wonder how this member escaped a warning while painting the rest of us with such a broad and uneducated brush. If I said anything 'bad', this must certainly be it's

The same person also followed up by saying:

"You came on this thread and basically called the OP a liar. Who is jumping to more conclusions here? " - End Quote

Is it just me or has rationality gone out of fashion? Apparently, I was jumping to more conclusions stating it as a fraud than the Author making the claim - or people who may have believed the story.

Does something seem wrong here or is it just me?

My position is that it's this type of thread that completely undermines the years and years of hard work that many serious investigators put into the subject. If anyone out there can disprove this hypothesis, I'd be highly surprised.

When mainstream media and the average 'joe public' come out and call us all kooks, who should we blame? The rational people?

InfraRedman Out!

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:39 AM
Hello im curious as to what Doberman (the thread starter) has to say about what happend or more importantly what didnt happen. godt any comments Doberman? Atleast its positive that nothing bad happen we can all be happy about that.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by thecsb]

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