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Shuttle de-orbit burn will malfunction

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:59 AM
I fail to see these "true believers" that you're banging on about, Donoso. The people here have been fairly reasonable. Why don't you go post that in the threads where some poor people going through identity crises are convinced they're "chosen ones" or whatnot? The sun is pregnant, man.

I commend you for taking the risk, Doberman. If I had such a vision, I don't think I'd have the guts to tell anyone but my closest friends. And if the vision did happen after all...well, I'd go curl into a ball somewhere and curse the heavens for showing me anything. What's the point of knowing if you can't do anything about it?

But at least you're trying. So... Even though I think you're probably wrong, that the shuttle is most likely going to be just fine, I admire you for your courage. I guess we're going to have to just wait and see. And hope or whatever. Too bad I don't have a god to pray to, otherwise I would. We've had enough disasters in this space race.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:21 AM
Will ATS have the right to kick/ban you if this turns out to be nothing more than a post w**** thread>? I hope so..just saying.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by jainatorres]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Reality Hurts

Why is it that every darn time that someone gets to know an extra terrestrial that they forget to take a picture?

Why is it that every time someone comes to this website, you know a conspiracy website trying to relate an experience to people that is outside the norm of common occurance they are met with sarcastic, snide, rude, and unnecessary comments like yours? Do you not read the T&C? Debate the issues and not ridicule the poster?

But, to answer your rude question: if this guy was pulled out of bed in the middle of the night for or whatever it was, it's quite possible he forgot to grab his cellphone.

reply to post by GavCg

and you're telling us why? why dont you contact NASA and warn them. what can we do about this..?

Generally the purpose of a message board is to share information with other people. Or were you under the impression this was some kind of action committee? Also, rude and unnecessary.

Moving on to the rest of the people who have nothing better to do than make fun of other members in a conspiracy forum:
reply to post by ignorant_ape

ie , before 12:00 GMT on saturday 16th of feburary , provide the precise headlines from the sunday editions of the LA times , new york times , washington post

Yes, because of course someone who has been shown a vision or a prophecy by an extraterrestrial can just call him up on the phone and request another one, or perhaps the ET has a facebook page he could leave a message on.

reply to post by Now_Then

To the OP'er... - You should keep some duct tape close at all times in the future... That way you coulda done a quick fix and saved the day

Perhaps if you can't say anything constructive you shouldn't say anything at all?

Seriously, it isn't difficult to disagree with someone or not believe them and NOT be rude about it. If we keep treating everyone who comes here this way we will never receive any whistleblowers or eyewitnesses to anything. Perhaps that is what you all want though...

To the OP: I don't believe or disbelieve you. I don't know what happened. However, I am glad you came here to tell us about it.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:31 AM
i would suggest NOT sending that information to NASA/USAF/DNI seeing as they have the right to Fine you $5000 and NASA has the right to quarintine you Without

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:32 AM
Shuttle de-orbit burn will malfunction

Get on with the topic of this thread, I don't like to hand out warns and taking points, but thats whats coming down the pipe.

Courtesy Is Mandatory

Courtesy Is Mandatory

Consider this my last warning.

[edit on 14/2/2008 by Sauron]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:49 AM
Hello Doberman.

Like a few of the responses here, I am a believer of extraordinary gifts such as seeing visions. I myself have had only a few, (Three to be exact). I'm not sure what to really call them. ET's showing us, God, just that they are real. I do have a question though. What makes you think that what you were shown was this shuttle flight? Could it have been possibly a future flight? I have found that my experiences have actually taken place from 2 days later to a month later. I only ask because you place a No Out clause and I definately see a lot of folks here are going to cry hoax and berate you if this event doesn't happen. It's not that I don't believe your story. I just want all the folks to consider this as a possible scenario.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:55 AM
You know that's cool and all that you got to hang out with the ET and he shared with you the future.

But what's bugging me is why would he show you something so specific?
And also what is the outcome of this leak?
Is he trying to say that the shuttle isn't coming back?
What's the final outcome?
I'd like to know.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:00 PM
Don't know if this point has come up yet (BTW I'm not even on he fence on this one) How it's this 'vision' related to this current mission? Presumably it could be any future mission also no?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:12 PM
Despite my skepticism, I'm not going to bash the OP for claims of ET contact and prophetic visions. John Lear would appreciate the irony since he believes (erroneously) that I am a "shill for NASA." I'll simply share the Facts of Life.

NASA receives a vast number of unsolicited letters, emails, and phone calls from people claiming contact with and messages from ET, psychic visions, advice on how to improve the space program, and offers of new inventions. Many of these are from people who are clearly disturbed, and some are absolutely incomprehensible. Some are sincere. Most are ignored.

The messages usually get as far as Public Affairs or Security. After that, it is frequently destined for the "round file." In a case like this, it would be nearly impossible to get anyone in a position to do something about it to take the warning seriously. Don't expect the shuttle crew or Mission Control to double check the OMS valves because someone posted a warning from ET on the Internet.

I'll be happy to bring it up at the pre-landing briefing on Friday where it will be roundly laughed at. I'm not saying that mockingly. I just know what will happen. The only way to prove the OP's story would be if the prediction actually came true.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
Shuttle de-orbit burn will malfunction

Get on with the topic of this thread, I don't like to hand out warns and taking points, but thats whats coming down the pipe.

Courtesy Is Mandatory

Courtesy Is Mandatory

Consider this my last warning.

[edit on 14/2/2008 by Sauron]

i wish the government would make sensibility mandatory for the public. the world would be a better place, a better place when we are all policed on how to feel.

so, if everyone arent agreeing that the guy has a vision, we get banned or kick?
but [like it says on my lawnmower] - i degrass.. or digress

like everyone else, im dying to know what the outcome was when the shuttle malfunctioned?
what else did you see, the vision just stopped there?
they didnt show you what happened afterwards...?

Originally posted by Forell
reply to post by Doberman

Wouldnt it be more logical for the ET to show this event rather to someone at Nasa for example..
whats the point if one cant do anything about it..

quoted for agreement.
if this stamtement made more sense, it wouldnt be right.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by GavCg]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:40 PM
And just like that *poof* the OP disappears. I've learned not to get too excited about many of these types of posts.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by amigo
I wonder why is that every time someone shows up and shares an unusual experience with us, some people come out of the wood work and start demanding "proof" such as pictures, items, etc.?
Actually it has become a standard practice on these forums to belittle personal experiences in favour of lack of "solid" evidence, for those who only believe things they can see or touch (the materialists from the Western World).

Let's say you were dead and came back from the dead after being cold for 24 hours. You shared your story about the existence behind the barrier to an open minded forum (or at least I'd like to think this one is) but nobody believes you because you did not bring anything physical back with you. Duh, sorry I forgot to take pictures with my handy holo-camera and physical sample collector, or whatever, while I was dead!

How about this one, surely everyone had seen the movie Contact, where at the end the protagonist shares her story that had profoundly moved her and changed her stance on life here (and elsewhere), and being a hypocritical society that we are, her testimony is discarded because she had no physical proof beyond her own experience.
I say hypocritical because we are reminded in the middle of the movie that 95% of the population believe in one kind of a God or the other, and they would not want the representative of the humankind to be someone who did not share the same views.
Yet at the end she is questioned by the skeptics (the remaining 5%) because apparently they are the ones who are dominating the World affairs, or the other 95% are too dumb to put two and two together and realize that skeptics don't have a clue either and the techno-babble they use is just a smoke screen to cover their ignorance and lack of factual knowledge.

Back to the OP, I'll play the Alien Advocate in this case. I believe that ET intelligence couldn't give a rats a$$ about ATS or its members and feel obligated to provide any kind of a proof beyond a mental experience simply because that's how THEY do things and it's our choice to take it or leave it.
They still have the right to say: "We told you so but you did not want to listen, and it's your fault not ours you Earthlings don't believe or trust each other."

[edit on 13-2-2008 by amigo]

Ya, I hate it when some idiots come up right off the bat, usually first few posters on a thread trying to be "logical" and "skeptical". First of all I've had amazing things happen to me on my life time (ET contact, out of body experiences, predictions, etc...) and i NEVER took a photo of it, because I don't really give a # what anyone thinks, it was simply my personal experience and I feel privileged by it. I saw it, shared the experience with some friends and moved on. Sometimes if I feel this information needs to be public I share it, but NEVER respond to so called skeptics when all their intention is to shut this idea down. It doesn't matter if there are NO proofs, it's not for you to "judge", it is for you to "debate".

Instead you people ALWAYS asking for proof, why don't you just take the idea and make YOUR OWN god damn dictions on if it's real or not. If you're just being helpfully by pointing out logical questions go for it, but just to try to disprove someone because their ideas/stories are over your head and doesn't match your limited perspective on life, no need to be ignorant.

Sometimes you just gotta listen to your gut feeling. Don't forget the fact that there are "skeptics" out there and consistently arguing the statements looking for fact, just proves the subject you're discussing MUST be a realistic subject. I don't see skeptics asking for proofs on fairies, unicorns, etc... so even they know something about what they don't believe is viable.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:57 PM
So your predict that this event is going to happen, but you've already contacted NASA regarding it, so when the shuttle lands safe and sound you've got the part that NASA know because you told them to cover your self when people start to call hoax when nothing happens, So how about providing us with another prophecy or like some else posted the head lines for tomorrow's news paper's.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by u4ria]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Donoso
Amazing, it's like a bunch of locusts preying on anyone with skepticism. How do you go into believing a completely random person with a TYPICAL story. These stories never change, it's always the same premise except with a different guide.

You name it:

angels, demons, aliens, leprechauns, dragons, talking watermelons, jesus, god, satan, santa, etc.

They all fall under the same category:


There's no point in even arguing with folks that are "true" believers of any kind! It's like if I were to claim there's a magical dragon in my garage that you can't see because he's invisible to everyone else but me. Not only that, but, this dragon grants me magical properties that allows me to do/witness supernatural events.

Sure, you can say "throw paint on the ground! if he moves, we'll see it!" and I'll say, "he never stops to land, he's a dragon!". You can go on and on and on and folks will make up more and more and more.

Reality revolves around proof. With all these extraordinary speculations and claims there's no wonder science steers clear and labels this whole phenomena supernatural.

There's no room for truth with all this falsity.

First of all you need to listen to your other brain as well, "heart" it's not all about logic. Logic is only half of the understanding.

Now I'm a sorta normal person, I'm not a psychic nor a prophet. I've had lucid dreams recently about a child getting abducted, in my dreams i wrote the license plate down of the car I saw the child in. I woke up and was curious what this number was that i kept writing in my dreams. I goggled it and only one result showed up, it matched a "serial" number of a car, not the plate but the car was the "exact" same car as the one I saw in my dream.

I felt responsible, just like "Doberman" to do something. But was wondered what people like YOU would see this, I almost never give a damn what anyone thinks, I've experienced what I have. I emailed the "amber alert" people and explained my vision. The emailed me back saying they like more info. even though I told them it was just a dream. I replied back with full detail of my experience.

They replied back a week later saying they referenced the number and found a match and are pursuiting this. They asked me to send any more visions I have about anything else.

This is how lucid dreams work, that's how prophecies work, there are NEVER one exact answer. It's like hints towards something, you get visions, you get thoughts, you get some of it and you need to put pieces together. That's the ONLY way this so called psychic phenomena works. But I know it's legit and real, just have to narrow it down.

For all you so called "skeptics" out there, your not helping anyone by consistently looking for an excuse to shut someone down, simply because you NEVER experienced their events. You should try to make sense of it, help each other out, be logical in a positive way, not negative. Be HUMBLE about it, life is FULL of mysteries and we don't even know ANYTHING about "REALITY". So be supportive or don't say anything at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:09 PM

life is FULL of mysteries and we don't even know ANYTHING about "REALITY". So be supportive or don't say anything at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion!

So what your saying is not to question or seek the truth, when some one predicts a future event were suppose to go along with it or ignore it, which then makes us ignorant or sheep, remember the saying ? " if you don't ask you wont learn ".

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
Be HUMBLE about it, life is FULL of mysteries and we don't even know ANYTHING about "REALITY". So be supportive or don't say anything at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion!

if everyone is entitled to their opinions, do those opinions only have to be "supportive", or can they be non-supportive.

if i cant agree, dont shed my opinion.. yet everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

we need a new sub-forum in the alien&ufo section, entitled "**********'s"

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Fiverz

Interesting ... if indeed you had this experience that is very strange. I don't think I've ever read/seen eyewitness accounts of ETs pointing out something as technical/specific as they have done to you.

Is this the first time you've been "enlightened" by ETs about our involvement in space?

Yes the first time about an advanced event. Strange as it sounds I feel more time travel/dimensionally aware. Also about 9 mos- a year ago I was in a class for ET space suit training. Maybe they knew then about the event. Easier to try to save someone in space than to save the world.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by GavCg

Originally posted by freighttrain
Be HUMBLE about it, life is FULL of mysteries and we don't even know ANYTHING about "REALITY". So be supportive or don't say anything at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion!

if everyone is entitled to their opinions, do those opinions only have to be "supportive", or can they be non-supportive.

if i cant agree, dont shed my opinion.. yet everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

we need a new sub-forum in the alien&ufo section, entitled "**********'s"

What am I saying is to change your perspective! If you enter anything NEW that is something you don't understand, with a closed minded perspective or the intention to find a fault with it, you will NEVER learn what it is your missing out on.

ALWAYS be OPEN to ideas, false/real then question from that perspective. Like I said before, even if a UFO lands on your lawn some people will find ANY excuse not to believe it and will come up with ANY excuse to make themselves NOT to believe it. So it really it is in the eyes of the beholder.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by u4ria

life is FULL of mysteries and we don't even know ANYTHING about "REALITY". So be supportive or don't say anything at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion!

So what your saying is not to question or seek the truth, when some one predicts a future event were suppose to go along with it or ignore it, which then makes us ignorant or sheep, remember the saying ? " if you don't ask you wont learn ".

That's NOT what I'm saying, that's what YOU'RE assuming I'm saying. What I'm implying here is to enter the world of unknown with OPEN MIND, not with any ego/intention. Don't believe everything you see, but be open to the idea that there are things in this world that are unexplainable, pure example of that is your birth/death something that WE ALL SHARE. There is no proof of the other world, yet majority of people in the world believe in life after death.

So to accept this idea we need to be supportive (that does not mean believing or accepting the idea) but to question it with an OPEN MIND, without intention, without cause.

Take it as it is, we can NEVER rationalize everything we see/experience. There are NO answer to everything. It's the only TRUE way of learning/experiencing life. It's the curiosity that drives us into learning new things. The things I've seen/experience I can never explain to anyone, but one thing I can say is that life is SOOOOOO MUCH more then meets the eyes, just we can't bash it with a hammer and measure it doesn't mean it's an invalid.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by BallBreaker
reply to post by Doberman

Did the ET have a Big head and really Tall?

Do you have a choice in Contacting them at all, or do they come too you?

Was Contact in your room?

Of course i think we all wanna try a little contact.

Of the ones I saw 2 were white Greys about 4 Ft, 1 Brownish white tall grey, and one that under a florescent light appeared like and invisible phantom or smoke or like tv snow but more crystal clear ie cammoflaged. Contact was in my house and bedroom. I was not looking for contact. It just comes. I did not see any of these in this event.

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