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Shuttle de-orbit burn will malfunction

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
reply to post by Doberman

Quite a prophetic prediction. Do you have an "out" clause? Currently, RCS and OMS functions are not a concern at least publicly and performed nominally on achieving orbit. There have been fuel leaks before and one APU has been deactivated on this flight. Can you please provide more data on your "ET" and those folks at NASA you claim to have emailed? Both are of interest here.



No out clause. As a matter of fact I hope all goes well as it will make my life much simpler and then I will know I am a kook. I know a little bit about the shuttle but not the details. Before this the only thing I knew was that it did launch. I could not see the ET's face but I did know him. Kind of a Deja Vu thing. I e-mailed NASA Public affairs, IG, Crew Public affairs and mission Public affairs.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:47 PM
The following questions are very sincere - trying to help pinpoint WHAT tank you saw:

1. Did you get a look at the tank? If so, what did it look like?
2. Could you see how it was leaking? (i.e. what failed?)
3. Can you describe anything around the tank? What it was next to, whether there was more than one tank, etc.

1. I did not see a tank. I saw what looked like two actuators that looked like they were attached to a wall (bulkhead). Looked silver but it was dimly illuminated.
2. When a toggle switch was engaged the actuators both moved (like actuators are suppose to do). The actuators are next to each other one on top and one below (if my orientation was correct). Then there was a whitish grey (maybe because of lighting) billowing cloud of gas that erupted in an upward triangular pattern. Then the ET showed me a vernier quantity gauge that went from full to 1/2.
3. In that particular area where the problem is I did not see any tank(s) just lines.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by GavCg
and you're telling us why? why dont you contact NASA and warn them. what can we do about this..?

can you posts transcriptsof your emails/phone calls to nasa?

[edit on 13-2-2008 by GavCg]

No one has contacted me yet. Maybe somebody will know somebody that knows somebody. I just feel free to get the truth off my chest. Best case that I can think of is that maybe someone at NASA indirectly writes an action plan for/or makes sure that what if this happens can we recover safely.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by loam

Originally posted by loam
OK... to the OP, how would this ET know?

Sorry, parenthood called, so I couldn't be more clear when I posted.

I mean more fully: Was this a prophetic vision the ET shared with you, or had the ET already observed some defect...then shared with you the possible outcome?

Does that distinction make sense?

[edit on 13-2-2008 by loam]

He showed me the malfunction as it happens when the switch is thrown. I saw it happen twice because I had to see it again to make sure I was getting a good understanding. These particular ET's are not that social and they are sort of direct. If you were in the military speaking formally it's sort of like that but the answers you get are shorter.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Doberman

Sounds like you contacted the correct people at NASA. Very few know the power of IG. Very few even know it exists. Very few.

I don't think you or anyone is a "kook". All I've got is what you type.

I sleep walk and have done some rather complex tasks while unaware... when woken during sonambulism I remember what I was "dreaming" and the sense of deja vu is not something I would discount. Surprisngly, some people actually cook things in their sleep activity. Not me, I degree cams-in apparently. Did a good job too... shim and bucket.

BTW: There are diverter valves involved (the exact term too), but you disclosed that and you did know about IG and the alien told all about how a shuttle orients itself to land and you are USAF 20 years and don't know that? OK. Go Navy! What are you saying about STS-122 Atlantis?

I don't give a crap about ET at this moment, you see there's these people who have families who could have a real bad day if their deorbit burn is not nominal. Them, that's who I care about. So, you have inside pre-knowledge of events as supplied by a time travelling ET and I'm just gonna take your word for it?? With astro's "up"? Sure, OK. You're ET's messenger person, fine.

"Kook" is your choice of words too. Did you keep email records of your correspondence with NASA? It would be of interest to see in a "general" way the gist of what you tried to tell them. I'm trying to think of how I would try and tell NASA the same things as you have stated here on ATS.

It will be of greater interest still to see if they acknowledge receipt of your email and of most interest will be to see how NASA responds. And if there is a deorbit burn failure? What would I consider then? What if there were a loss of crew? Eh? That'd be about as serious as it gets.

This "might" have an alien in it... can't tell us much about that. Is this a prediction of future events you want registered? NASA has a record...

If you are being "visited" get a plan and get some help especially if you are isolated or sleeping alone during these visits. My Missus herds me back to bed when I "walk around"... I'd bet she'd... lemme ask. She says she'd kill it if it was where we sleep.

She's interested in how you were, you know, like alive in orbit with the alien who has no description as yet. Alien? How are you sure? Maybe it was a God or Tom Cruise method acting or Blackwater.

Anyway, if there is deorbit trouble I'll be sure and remember who I heard it from first. If not? It isn't a big deal for me who aliens choose to visit.


[edit on 14-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Doberman
2. When a toggle switch was engaged the actuators both moved (like actuators are suppose to do). The actuators are next to each other one on top and one below (if my orientation was correct). Then there was a whitish grey (maybe because of lighting) billowing cloud of gas that erupted in an upward triangular pattern. Then the ET showed me a vernier quantity gauge that went from full to 1/2.

Interesting. I did some looking around and found the following .pdf detailing the space shuttle's Orbital Maneuvering System (which is the system used for de-orbit burns): ORBITAL MANEUVERING SYSTEM (OMS)

Strangely enough, the .pdf does show that the OMS utilizes a dual actuator/valve system for the propellant, and OMS pressure guages that might be described as "vernier quantity guages".

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Xenophobe]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:48 PM
While I'm not into prophecy, there is the potential for something to happen, specifically with Atlantis -

But there's always something that could possibly happen, and I think the above problem mainly has to do with liftoff. The Shuttles are basically just another disaster waiting to happen.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by mattguy404

Whoa, so the warranty on these pressure tanks expired ten years ago!?!


They should have coughed up the extra bucks for the extended coverage.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by goosdawg]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by goosdawg

I would definitely hope so! The pressure vessel was made to last 10 years, but it's still being used after 22 years, and it's a crucial part of the whole system that stops the whole thing kapoloding

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by mattguy404

Too bad the Black Ops boys couldn't just toss them a bone now and then, out of their trillions(!?), just to keep the old show on the road until it's retired.


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:25 AM
Ok so I wonder how many skeptics would do an about face and start believing more eyewitness testimony on this site if something like this DID come true.

I'm pretty sure some people will say "oh well you are really a NASA engineer with advance knowledge of a problem that higher-ups ignored so you are still a hoaxer" blah blah blah.

There now that that's off my chest.

Interesting ... if indeed you had this experience that is very strange. I don't think I've ever read/seen eyewitness accounts of ETs pointing out something as technical/specific as they have done to you.

Is this the first time you've been "enlightened" by ETs about our involvement in space?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:14 AM
I think this guy is telling the truth

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:35 AM
ok , just a few points

scientific verification

having made your prophesy , and having allegedly contacted NASA , it could be claimed that your prophesy is invalidated as , if they see fit - they have a possible window of opportunity to circumvent the failure you allegedly viewed

so , could you provide a VERIFIABLE demonstration of your power ?

ie , before 12:00 GMT on saturday 16th of feburary , provide the precise headlines from the sunday editions of the LA times , new york times , washington post

not just what the story will be - but the exact headline from the three papers

lastly , a ` left feild observation `

the interference paradox

you claim that you traveled to the future , by undescribed means , curtesy of your ET friend - now consider the posibility that your presence and the side effects of your means of time travel caused the failure you alledgedly viewed

this is basically a reversal of the ` if i went back in time and killed someone / something - what would happen ` principle

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

He's not required to perform for you, nor is it required that his claim go through some "scientific verification" process. If you'll go back and read the top post on the second page of this thread you will see that he clearly states "no out clause". If the event doesn't happen he's willing to accept that as "he was wrong"...even though he's taken steps to try to warn NASA which could lead to a total prevention of the event.

That's a pretty fair deal for him to offer. I'm willing to accept that if the event DOES happen his version of how he came to know about it before hand is the only explanation I have. Just because I'm a skeptic of ETs talking to people doesn't give me a right to say he's a liar on how he had fore-knowledge of an event. Right?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Doberman

Did the ET have a Big head and really Tall?

Do you have a choice in Contacting them at all, or do they come too you?

Was Contact in your room?

Of course i think we all wanna try a little contact.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:56 AM
To the OP'er... - You should keep some duct tape close at all times in the future... That way you coulda done a quick fix and saved the day

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Doberman

Wouldnt it be more logical for the ET to show this event rather to someone at Nasa for example..
whats the point if one cant do anything about it..

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:11 AM
The shuttle cannot renter if it is not slowed to the correct speed. So the possiblility of not enough fuel to slow down, would destroy the shuttle.

There is plenty of fuel for this process even if half is lost under normal operations. The shuttle also has multiple "feeds" for fuel, so actually loosing fuel in that manner is not really an option. They are pressurized and monitored like crazy, you can't turn them on if there is a problem.

If there was a leak in the fuel lines, the shuttle would have been destroyed all ready. Now, if the shuttle was actually stuck by something after leaving the station by "space junk" that is a different story, but you wouldn't have to worry about a fuel leak just leaking fuel, you will simply loose the shuttle.

From a technical point of view, I wouldn't worry about it. Now I am not saying what you experienced is real, or fake, or a dream, so don't read into that too much

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:32 AM
Amazing, it's like a bunch of locusts preying on anyone with skepticism. How do you go into believing a completely random person with a TYPICAL story. These stories never change, it's always the same premise except with a different guide.

You name it:

angels, demons, aliens, leprechauns, dragons, talking watermelons, jesus, god, satan, santa, etc.

They all fall under the same category:


There's no point in even arguing with folks that are "true" believers of any kind! It's like if I were to claim there's a magical dragon in my garage that you can't see because he's invisible to everyone else but me. Not only that, but, this dragon grants me magical properties that allows me to do/witness supernatural events.

Sure, you can say "throw paint on the ground! if he moves, we'll see it!" and I'll say, "he never stops to land, he's a dragon!". You can go on and on and on and folks will make up more and more and more.

Reality revolves around proof. With all these extraordinary speculations and claims there's no wonder science steers clear and labels this whole phenomena supernatural.

There's no room for truth with all this falsity.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:50 AM
the OP never states what the final result is of his vision..... Only the fact of the leak in the partitioning valve happens.

Is the alien really even an "alien".

Reality is far more complex then what we believe to be true. Many messages that can and do change our reality have been brought forth by visions, by images gained in sleep deprived states, in hallucingenic spl? states, by the use of drugs, by claimed religious visitations.

The exact method of communication to those capable of understanding the vision and acting on them are sometimes not clear and evident.

In this case the OP vision and his method for expressing the vision may have enabled the "right" person(s) to also receive the "signal" and thus act or fail to act on the information provided.

Is it GOD ? Is it some other associated network such as a hive communication process that links humans, reality, perception and creation together ? Is it truly a vision or a gift from a higher species to be broadcast as a warning ?

Who knows.

To the other poster basically commanding the OP to perform a specific visionary task, sit down if you knew how the process worked you would not make such a silly request. "Gifts" are not on demand, that are instantaneous events that the "gifted" person has no control over time or place or event. They just occur out of nowhere with usually no rhyme or reason. Some people simply ignore them all together. While others try and find some association to their life to make meaning out of them. While others simply submit and acknowledge they might only be a conduit, a messenger for broadcasting information to a receiver who at the time may either be unknown or someone incapable of receiving the vision in such a direct manner.

The intended receiver might only take action on the spoken word or the text of a website posted by another like minded person.

You never know.

The OP must believe he has some sense of responsibility to get the message out, regardless of how it may or may not be interpreted. This is what some Christians refer to as "GOD tugging at your heart".

And once the OP posted it more then likely he felt as if this great load had been lifted from him at least knowing he put it out there for the message to be acted on.

Through this for the OP at least he may receive validation that in fact there is something more then just us, be it Alien or divine. Hopefully he will use this confirmation as a chance to address whatever personal issues with faith he might be having.

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