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Shuttle de-orbit burn will malfunction

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:43 PM
On Feb 11, 2008 myself and a visitor (ET) observed a future event on the shuttle in orbit now. When a switch was engaged fuel going through what looked like a diverter valve or some type of actuator driven device a huge fuel leak is going to occur and half the fuel is going to be lost. This is going to happen when a de-orbital burn is made. Why am I not a kook? Because I did not know that the orbiter flipped end over end and used the engines in the rear of the shuttle to slow it down until after I found out and looked it up. The (ET) that was with me indicated this to me and informed me. How I thought it came down from orbit was wrong. Also if anything ever happened and I did not try to do something that would not be right. Since it happened I have tried to E-mail numerous people at NASA with this info as well as my name and phone numbers.
Also I admit to being a UFO abductee/contactee.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Doberman]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:49 PM
How did you observe this future event with the ET?? Was it a vision of some kind or did you travel into the future to witness this first hand?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Doberman

Quite a prophetic prediction. Do you have an "out" clause? Currently, RCS and OMS functions are not a concern at least publicly and performed nominally on achieving orbit. There have been fuel leaks before and one APU has been deactivated on this flight. Can you please provide more data on your "ET" and those folks at NASA you claim to have emailed? Both are of interest here.



posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by 1Angrylightbulb
How did you observe this future event with the ET?? Was it a vision of some kind or did you travel into the future to witness this first hand?

I was there with him on his left side and I assume we traveled into the future because it was all happening before me. Actually I didn't quite get what I was looking at (USAF Retired 20 years aircraft exp) because we were too close to the leak and we backed off a bit. Then he reran what we were seeing again to make sure I got it.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Doberman

Could you ask the ET to show me the same thing you saw so there are multiple witnesses to the story? I'm ready to do some time traveling.

+17 more 
posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:33 PM
Why is it that every darn time that someone gets to know an extra terrestrial that they forget to take a picture?

ATS is full of people who know aliens, are aliens, hang out with aliens, went to college with aliens, do tequila shots with aliens, had an alien as their best man at their wedding, et cetera, but not once, ever, has anyone bothered to take a frigging picture of it. Its not like its inconvenient, nearly every phone has a camera in it, but nooooo, we always get "but I don't have a cell phone" or "mine doesn't have a camera" or "I took a picture...lemme just pretend to post it while I disappear and register a new account".

Such a shame.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Doberman

I was there with him on his left side and I assume we traveled into the future because it was all happening before me. Actually I didn't quite get what I was looking at (USAF Retired 20 years aircraft exp) because we were too close to the leak and we backed off a bit. Then he reran what we were seeing again to make sure I got it.

The following questions are very sincere - trying to help pinpoint WHAT tank you saw:

1. Did you get a look at the tank? If so, what did it look like?
2. Could you see how it was leaking? (i.e. what failed?)
3. Can you describe anything around the tank? What it was next to, whether there was more than one tank, etc.


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:47 PM
and you're telling us why? why dont you contact NASA and warn them. what can we do about this..?

can you posts transcriptsof your emails/phone calls to nasa?

[edit on 13-2-2008 by GavCg]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts
Why is it that every darn time that someone gets to know an extra terrestrial that they forget to take a picture?

ATS is full of people who know aliens, are aliens, hang out with aliens, went to college with aliens, do tequila shots with aliens, had an alien as their best man at their wedding, et cetera, but not once, ever, has anyone bothered to take a frigging picture of it. Its not like its inconvenient, nearly every phone has a camera in it, but nooooo, we always get "but I don't have a cell phone" or "mine doesn't have a camera" or "I took a picture...lemme just pretend to post it while I disappear and register a new account".

Such a shame.

quoted for truth..

and, of all the cataclysmic events that happen in the world, ETs warn us about shuttle malfunctions.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:56 PM
Allow me to demonstrate my ignorance...

How significant would losing half the fuel be?

Also, is this problem in any way associated with something like this?

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by loam
Allow me to demonstrate my ignorance...

How significant would losing half the fuel be?

Well, yeah, if it's the APU hydrazine basically the retroburn "spends" the APU fuel (they try to come back with no hydrazine because it's just so foul). If you spilled half of the hydrazine, then you'd get half the retroburn, which means you get half the velocity decrease, basically.

Also, is this problem in any way associated with something like this?

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems

No, it shouldn't. The fuel sensors that have plagued them since the late 90's have to do with the hydrogen/oxygen fuel tank at launch (the big orange thingy that sheds foam). It SHOULDN'T have anything to do with this....she says.

EDIT: The "bad sensor" location - I'm unsure of, but I think it is in the coil system of the main engines on the shuttle - where the hydrogen/oxygen fuel feeds in from the big tank at launch. Pretty sure that's right, but won't put money on it.

[edit on 2-13-2008 by Valhall]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
If you spilled half of the hydrazine, then you'd get half the retroburn, which means you get half the velocity decrease, basically.

Making re-entry too fast? Is that how it works? Would that necessarily be catastrophic?

[edit on 13-2-2008 by loam]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:07 PM
Uhhh (Val gets her directions straight)...making the orbital velocity too fast which would make their descent speed too slow, which would make their entry too shallow, making their entry point God only knows what but not where they meant, or maybe no re-entry at all (a skip), but I'm not sure of the latter.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Valhall

Thanks for the explanation. I follow that...and imagined as much....I think.

OK... to the OP, how would this ET know?

[edit on 13-2-2008 by loam]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts

ATS is full of people who know aliens, are aliens, hang out with aliens, went to college with aliens, do tequila shots with aliens, had an alien as their best man at their wedding, et cetera, but not once, ever, has anyone bothered to take a frigging picture of it.

You know I once had a tequila shot contest with an alien in fact I did take a picture of it and it's on my computer hold on let me find it....

oh wait that was just Juan never mind.

wait a minute isn't the shuttle pretty much empty when it re-enters the atmosphere? Thats what I thought anyway.

[edit on 2/13/2008 by whatukno]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:19 PM
Orbiter propellants, NASA PDF.

A Delta-V of approx. -200mph must be achived to slow enough to de-orbit nominally (this varies slightly from flight to flight) but each flight is unique in DOL pad stuff and burn time. Most burns are 3 to 4 minutes.

Losing half the fuel? Um, they dump that much after a successful burn anyway as Valhall has stated MMH is nasty stuff on the ground. A mixing imprecision during burn would have ramifications, however the RCS can integrate with an OMS burn so the desired retrograde deorbit thrust is achieved. It is not a perfect system... pretty damn good though so far.

Who did the OP at NASA notify? What flavor ET? Were jello-shots involved?


[edit on 13-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by loam
OK... to the OP, how would this ET know?

Sorry, parenthood called, so I couldn't be more clear when I posted.

I mean more fully: Was this a prophetic vision the ET shared with you, or had the ET already observed some defect...then shared with you the possible outcome?

Does that distinction make sense?

[edit on 13-2-2008 by loam]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:55 PM
I wonder why is that every time someone shows up and shares an unusual experience with us, some people come out of the wood work and start demanding "proof" such as pictures, items, etc.?
Actually it has become a standard practice on these forums to belittle personal experiences in favour of lack of "solid" evidence, for those who only believe things they can see or touch (the materialists from the Western World).

Let's say you were dead and came back from the dead after being cold for 24 hours. You shared your story about the existence behind the barrier to an open minded forum (or at least I'd like to think this one is) but nobody believes you because you did not bring anything physical back with you. Duh, sorry I forgot to take pictures with my handy holo-camera and physical sample collector, or whatever, while I was dead!

How about this one, surely everyone had seen the movie Contact, where at the end the protagonist shares her story that had profoundly moved her and changed her stance on life here (and elsewhere), and being a hypocritical society that we are, her testimony is discarded because she had no physical proof beyond her own experience.
I say hypocritical because we are reminded in the middle of the movie that 95% of the population believe in one kind of a God or the other, and they would not want the representative of the humankind to be someone who did not share the same views.
Yet at the end she is questioned by the skeptics (the remaining 5%) because apparently they are the ones who are dominating the World affairs, or the other 95% are too dumb to put two and two together and realize that skeptics don't have a clue either and the techno-babble they use is just a smoke screen to cover their ignorance and lack of factual knowledge.

Back to the OP, I'll play the Alien Advocate in this case. I believe that ET intelligence couldn't give a rats a$$ about ATS or its members and feel obligated to provide any kind of a proof beyond a mental experience simply because that's how THEY do things and it's our choice to take it or leave it.
They still have the right to say: "We told you so but you did not want to listen, and it's your fault not ours you Earthlings don't believe or trust each other."

[edit on 13-2-2008 by amigo]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:58 PM
I'm putting my sceptic dagger away, but maybe the title of this post should be changed? If someone doesn't know that much about the current shuttle mission, they're going to think that it has just happened, and generate a lot of pointless traffic to this thread, when nothing has actually happened.

Then there might be many sceptic daggers thrown at it.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by mattguy404

I think that is a fair criticism.

Maybe the OP should consider a change.

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