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Ukraine hit 300 miles into Russia

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posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

Ukraine, backed by hundreds of billions from the West can't even push Russia back from the Donbas.

So how will it be done? What further escalations?

Not trying to push him back. Do you get that yet? lol

Do you also know they been playing WWI with drones on top. Could you imagine if the US actually entered the war, maybe then it would be nukes since this Ukraine war would be over in a very short time. It's like Ukraine is fighting with their feet tied together and one hand behind their back. The US would be like an MMA fighter looking at a teenager in the ring.

Yeah, they got nukes, but until that MMA fighter actually steps in the ring they are not flying because Putin would be killed, and we all know he doesn't want that.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: Lazy88

There will most certainly be insurgency...but Russia will win on the conventional side. Its just much as no one wants it to be true. They will overthrow the puppet government we installed as well I suspect...

How does conventional stop Ukrainian resistance?

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

As in defeat the armed forces of Ukraine, remove the puppet government the west installed after initiating a coup. That's what they want to do...I am sure there will be people who will keep fighting after...but it won't be war like we see now...more like the war in Afghanistan. Also not saying its good or bad..just that it is.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Crimea has been a done deal for years now. Done.

A done deal? You really are a Putin supporter aren't you?
So if a person gets kidnapped, do you think well they're gone so whats the point is trying to get them back, let the criminal have them!

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

When you can't even accept the fact a coup took place,

You can't except that an attempt at controlling a free democratic country was being tried by Putin, and Yanukovych was Mad Vlads little puppet.

You are just a mouthpiece for the same Govts that lied about WMDs in Iraq.

Thats what people usually say when they can't defend their position with actual facts and evidence....

edit on 20-9-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: UKTruth

Ukraine, backed by hundreds of billions from the West can't even push Russia back from the Donbas.

So how will it be done? What further escalations?

Not trying to push him back. Do you get that yet? lol

Do you also know they been playing WWI with drones on top. Could you imagine if the US actually entered the war, maybe then it would be nukes since this Ukraine war would be over in a very short time. It's like Ukraine is fighting with their feet tied together and one hand behind their back. The US would be like an MMA fighter looking at a teenager in the ring.

Yeah, they got nukes, but until that MMA fighter actually steps in the ring they are not flying because Putin would be killed, and we all know he doesn't want that.

Of course... even Putin knows his conventional forces can not stand against NATO.
That's where the risk is if the US is stupid enough to escalate.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

When you can't even accept the fact a coup took place,

You can't except that an attempt at controlling a free democratic country was being tried by Putin, and Yanukovych was Mad Vlads little puppet.

You are just a mouthpiece for the same Govts that lied about WMDs in Iraq.

Thats what people usually say when they can't defend their position with actual facts and evidence....

It's a fact that our Govt lied about WMDs in Iraq and are responsible for the deaths of over 1 million people.
You know that as well as I do.
Yet here you are believing literally everything they say once again and dismissing what Putin and Russia says as Russian propaganda.

The fact remains that the West actively supported the overthrow of the Ukranian Govt and it directly led to war, almost immediately as Russia took Crimea.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

voted for some form of independent devolution agreed.

That happend it just wasn't respected by the Ukrainian government.

So what would you do if, let's say, Alberta wanted to sperate from canada, and join the USA. They had a successful vote, but canada wouldn't respect that and stories of US citizens being harassed in that region would start spreading...
What governement would sit by idly? Answer none

If you take western propaganda at facevalue to justify their "policing" actions, you should give all the other liars the same benefit of doubt... Unless of course you think your side never lies and the other always lie, then I'm sorry your opinion is absolutely worthless as it's obviously biased by your respective propaganda campaign...

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

t's a fact that our Govt lied about WMDs in Iraq and are responsible for the deaths of over 1 million people.
You know that as well as I do.
Yet here you are believing literally everything they say once again and dismissing what Putin and Russia says as Russian propaganda.

The evidence of Yanukovych being a puppet and allowing the killing of 70 people during mass demonstrations against his support of Russia was all just a lie was it? Yanukovych fled to Russia with his pockets full of money, how much more guilty do you want before you'll stop supporting a 'killer' invading a free country and seizing land?

The fact remains that the West actively supported the overthrow of the Ukranian Govt and it directly led to war, almost immediately as Russia took Crimea.

The people of Ukraine wanted closer ties to the west. That was well known at the time and as for the war. Putin invaded, there's no ifs, ands or buts about it.
It led to war because Putin lost his puppets in the Ukrainian government.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Kurokage

voted for some form of independent devolution agreed.

That happend it just wasn't respected by the Ukrainian government.

So what would you do if, let's say, Alberta wanted to sperate from canada, and join the USA. They had a successful vote, but canada wouldn't respect that and stories of US citizens being harassed in that region would start spreading...
What governement would sit by idly? Answer none

If you take western propaganda at facevalue to justify their "policing" actions, you should give all the other liars the same benefit of doubt... Unless of course you think your side never lies and the other always lie, then I'm sorry your opinion is absolutely worthless as it's obviously biased by your respective propaganda campaign...

Exactly right.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:47 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

t's a fact that our Govt lied about WMDs in Iraq and are responsible for the deaths of over 1 million people.
You know that as well as I do.
Yet here you are believing literally everything they say once again and dismissing what Putin and Russia says as Russian propaganda.

The evidence of Yanukovych being a puppet and allowing the killing of 70 people during mass demonstrations against his support of Russia was all just a lie was it? Yanukovych fled to Russia with his pockets full of money, how much more guilty do you want before you'll stop supporting a 'killer' invading a free country and seizing land?

The fact remains that the West actively supported the overthrow of the Ukranian Govt and it directly led to war, almost immediately as Russia took Crimea.

The people of Ukraine wanted closer ties to the west. That was well known at the time and as for the war. Putin invaded, there's no ifs, ands or buts about it.
It led to war because Putin lost his puppets in the Ukrainian government.

Again, you are just shilling.

For sure the Ukranian Govt resorted to violence to try to put down a violent coup attempt.
The coup was successful - you missed the part where the newly installed govt also killed people in the counter protests.

The Ukranian people are split - not a big singular block of people who wanted Yanukovych out.

All that leaves the same position - a MINORITY of Ukrainian people resorted to violence to overthrow the sitting govt with the support of the West.
Almost immediately after the conflict started and escalated to todays position.

In all likelihood if the West had not supported a violent coup, Crimea would still be part of Ukraine now and there would be no war - and hundreds of thousands of lives would not have been lost.

edit on 20/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

t's a fact that our Govt lied about WMDs in Iraq and are responsible for the deaths of over 1 million people.
You know that as well as I do.
Yet here you are believing literally everything they say once again and dismissing what Putin and Russia says as Russian propaganda.

The evidence of Yanukovych being a puppet and allowing the killing of 70 people during mass demonstrations against his support of Russia was all just a lie was it? Yanukovych fled to Russia with his pockets full of money, how much more guilty do you want before you'll stop supporting a 'killer' invading a free country and seizing land?

The fact remains that the West actively supported the overthrow of the Ukranian Govt and it directly led to war, almost immediately as Russia took Crimea.

The people of Ukraine wanted closer ties to the west. That was well known at the time and as for the war. Putin invaded, there's no ifs, ands or buts about it.
It led to war because Putin lost his puppets in the Ukrainian government.

Again, you are just shilling.

For sure the Ukranian Govt resorted to violence to try to put down a violent coup attempt.
The coup was successful - you missed the part where the newly installed govt also killed people in the counter coup.

The Ukranian people are split - not a big singular block of people who wanted Yanukovych out.

All that leaves the same position - a MINORITY of Ukrainian people resorted to violence to overthrow the sitting govt with the support of the West.
Almost immediately after the conflict started and escalated to todays position.

In all likelihood if the West had not supported a violent coup, Crimea would still be part of Ukraine now and there would be no war - and hundreds of thousands of lives would not have been lost.

Or if Russia hadn't invaded they would also not have been lost.

You keep missing that part out.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: Terpene

So what would you do if, let's say, Alberta wanted to sperate from canada, and join the USA.

There's a simple answer.

Canada wouldn't then invade Alberta and the USA, killing indiscriminately. Unlike mad vlad who invaded Ukraine and killed and tortured inoccent civillians.
You just can't compare apples with oranges.
We're not perfect here in the west but Russia is on the next level with it's state controlled propaganda factories and state run media, gulags for civillian protesters and state sponsored hotel window flying lessons for anyone else...

edit on 20-9-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Terpene

So what would you do if, let's say, Alberta wanted to sperate from canada, and join the USA.

There's a simple answer.

Canada wouldn't then invade Alberta and the USA and kill indiscriminately, unlike mad vlad who invaded Ukraine and killed and tortured inoccent civillians.
You just can't compare apples with oranges.
We're not perfect here in the west but Russia is on the next level with it's state controled propaganda factories and state run media, gulags for civillian protesters and state sponsered hotel window flying lessons for anyone else...

No country is on the level of the US State controlled propaganda.
UK is not far behind.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

Again, you are just shilling.

Bannable and against the T&Cs to call fellow members shills!!

Also shows your argument is empty if your only come back is to claim and reee "SHILL" Very weak.

The Ukranian people are split - not a big singular block of people who wanted Yanukovych out.

It's called democracy and the majority wins, maybe you've heard of it?? Yanukovych pulled out of an agreement with the EU which the majority of the Ukrainian people wanted which caused the demonstrations and following deaths. After the Ukrainian parliament voted to impeach Yanukovych he fleed to Russia with $70 billion in embezzeled money. That really shows his inoccence?!?!?!

edit on 20-9-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

No country is on the level of the US State controlled propaganda.
UK is not far behind.

So Russia and China with its only state run and controlled media is free to post, broadcast, and print about anything??? Thanks for that lesson!!

You really need to get your eyes checked.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

No country is on the level of the US State controlled propaganda.
UK is not far behind.

So Russia and China with its only state run and controlled media is free to post, broadcast, and print about anything??? Thanks for that lesson!!

You really need to get your eyes checked.

Can't remember saying that.

Your problem is you think propaganda is a tool used by the big bad East.
Again, until you start accepting that there is no hero vs villain situation here, you'll always end up just parroting propaganda for one corrupt actor over another.
edit on 20/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 05:24 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

Again, you are just shilling.

Bannable and against the T&Cs to call fellow members shills!!

Also shows your argument is empty if your only come back is to claim and reee "SHILL" Very weak.

The Ukranian people are split - not a big singular block of people who wanted Yanukovych out.

It's called democracy and the majority wins, maybe you've heard of it?? Yanukovych pulled out of an agreement with the EU which the majority of the Ukrainian people wanted which caused the demonstrations and following deaths. After the Ukrainian parliament voted to impeach Yanukovych he fleed to Russia with $70 billion in embezzeled money. That really shows his inoccence?!?!?!

A coup has nothing to do with Democracy.
No one has said that Yanukovych was a good guy.
His successor wasn't either and neither is Zelensky.

Once again, the facts are that a Western backed coup removed a puppet of the Russians and installed a puppet of the West.
That led to war.

edit on 20/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

Lol... pot meets kettle...

It's just not wise to mess with superpowers. do you think every action by the UN was welcomed by the brics nations? No...
are they stupid enough to mess with superpowers if the UN decided to go forth with military aggression? No

Why are we so stupid? Do we really think this would profit us in any way or form? Why is this our problem, appart from thinking we have to solve every problem for everyone, which is just plain stupid and not the actual aim of the UN.

There is only a financial interest and it's not worth the risk, well unless you are part of the few that profit financially.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Kurokage

Lol... pot meets kettle...

It's just not wise to mess with superpowers. do you think every action by the UN was welcomed by the brics nations? No...
are they stupid enough to mess with superpowers if the UN decided to go forth with military aggression? No

Why are we so stupid? Do we really think this would profit us in any way or form? Why is this our problem, appart from thinking we have to solve every problem for everyone, which is just plain stupid and not the actual aim of the UN.

There is only a financial interest and it's not worth the risk, well unless you are part of the few that profit financially.

The BRICS nations are in the UN. 2 of them are permanent members of the security council. They are not in competition.

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