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Ukraine hit 300 miles into Russia

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posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: UKTruth

sympathetic to Russia and install a new one sympathetic to the West on Russia's doorstep and then arm them too.

They probably wouldn’t be very supportive if Putin goes nuclear and contaminates the regions air, soil, and water.

If he ends up doing that people's sympathies will not matter - including yours.
We'll all be dead.


Visualising the 2,056 nuclear tests conducted since 1945

If Putin used a nuke or two, I think Russia and the world turns on him before things get out of control.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

You can't overthrow govts because they are sympathetic to Russia and install a new one sympathetic to the West on Russia's doorstep and then arm them too.

Complete fantasy.
Ukraine didn't want the Russian puppet Yanukovych in power and started protesting with 'police' killing 70 people. Yanukovych then fled to Russia with pockets full of cash.

When Putin couldn't manipulate the Ukraine government any more, he then invaded. You seem to only see one side of this argument and blame the west for Putins land grab.

Over the last decade plus there has been a continual and ever increasing attack on Russia to make it clear they are a threat to the world and a mortal enemy.

Again you seem happy to ignore Putins attempts at influencing free nations on Russias boarder forcing many into the arms of the EU and wanting Nato protection. Poland is a prime example of this.

I refuse to believe any claim they make after they lied about WMDs in Iraq and murdered millions as a result.

Yet you seem eager to swollow putins claims of Nazis and his propaganda for his war against Ukraine and the murder he's commiting there??
edit on 19-9-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

You need to get over the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia - and the Crimean people are fine with that. Most of them are Russians.

I don't need to get over anything??? So you're from Crimea are you? You should maybe look into your misunderstanding a bit more?
A peace deal should be agreed by both sides and not forced up the people of Ukraine which you seem to think is fine?

Yes you do.

Crimea has been a done deal for years now. Done.

Are you from Crimea?

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

You can't overthrow govts because they are sympathetic to Russia and install a new one sympathetic to the West on Russia's doorstep and then arm them too.

Complete fantasy.
Ukraine didn't want the Russian puppet Yanukovych in power and started protesting with 'police' killing 70 people. Yanukovych then fled to Russia with pockets full of cash.

When Putin couldn't manipulate the Ukraine government any more, he then invaded. You seem to only see one side of this argument and blame the west for Putins land grab.

Over the last decade plus there has been a continual and ever increasing attack on Russia to make it clear they are a threat to the world and a mortal enemy.

Again you seem happy to ignore Putins attempts at influencing free nations on Russias boarder forcing many into the arms of the EU and wanting Nato protection. Poland is a prime example of this.

I refuse to believe any claim they make after they lied about WMDs in Iraq and murdered millions as a result.

Yet you seem eager to swollow putins claims of Nazis and his propaganda for his war against Ukraine and the murder he's commiting there??

When you can't even accept the fact a coup took place, supported by the West, to overthrow the Ukranian Govt and install a new pro Western Govt then you have no further basis for debate. You are just a mouthpiece for the same Govts that lied about WMDs in Iraq.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Imhere

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

You need to get over the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia - and the Crimean people are fine with that. Most of them are Russians.

I don't need to get over anything??? So you're from Crimea are you? You should maybe look into your misunderstanding a bit more?
A peace deal should be agreed by both sides and not forced up the people of Ukraine which you seem to think is fine?

Yes you do.

Crimea has been a done deal for years now. Done.

Are you from Crimea?

How is the Black Sea fleet doing there?

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

I honestly don't know what the West's response would be if Putin used a tactical nuke on Ukraine but I doubt it would trigger WW3?

Don't want to find out the hard way, mind.

Any views?

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: UKTruth

sympathetic to Russia and install a new one sympathetic to the West on Russia's doorstep and then arm them too.

They probably wouldn’t be very supportive if Putin goes nuclear and contaminates the regions air, soil, and water.

If he ends up doing that people's sympathies will not matter - including yours.
We'll all be dead.


Visualising the 2,056 nuclear tests conducted since 1945

If Putin used a nuke or two, I think Russia and the world turns on him before things get out of control.

You should read back what you wrote.
It's utterly crazy

' a nuke or 2.'

The media are even desensitising people to the effects of one or 2 nuclear strikes.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Imhere

Crimea has been a done deal for years now. Done.

Of course it's a done deal. that's why Britain and The US give their approval for Ukraine hitting military targets in Crimea.

Carry on dreaming.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

What's left of it has fled.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Imhere

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

You need to get over the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia - and the Crimean people are fine with that. Most of them are Russians.

I don't need to get over anything??? So you're from Crimea are you? You should maybe look into your misunderstanding a bit more?
A peace deal should be agreed by both sides and not forced up the people of Ukraine which you seem to think is fine?

Yes you do.

Crimea has been a done deal for years now. Done.

Are you from Crimea?

How is the Black Sea fleet doing there?

Apparently good enough seeing Crimea has been back to Russia for years now.

Apparently Zelensky and NAFO peeps called for a Crimean beach party 2 years ago. The only thing they can book to go to next is at a motel in Lviv, or a Chucky Cheese in Stockholm.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Lazy88

I honestly don't know what the West's response would be if Putin used a tactical nuke on Ukraine but I doubt it would trigger WW3?

Don't want to find out the hard way, mind.

Any views?

If it goes that far the West would not have time to think about what to do next.
The latest Sarmat ICBM is packed with 11,000 kilo tons of TNT - about 800 times more than the bomb that dropped on Hiroshima. 1 missile wipes out an area the size of Texas.

We don't want to go there.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

We don't, but I was talking about a tactical nuke?

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

Apparently reading comprehension has left the building the last couple of pages

Your one to post.

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
No, I don’t want to see nuclear war. I merely said that if Putin wanted to end the war with Ukraine that he could,

How. Putin is already using carpet bombing. How many nukes of what size, targeting what. With radiation and contamination that would probably spread to places like the Donbas and Crimea. With probably contamination crapping up the North Crimea Canal.
JHC give it a rest with your projecting would ya. I’ve already explained myself over n over and not going to explain it to you again. Don’t need to hear you repeat yourself every post🙄. If you need further clarification re-read thread. I’m out.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: Imhere

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Imhere

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: UKTruth

You need to get over the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia - and the Crimean people are fine with that. Most of them are Russians.

I don't need to get over anything??? So you're from Crimea are you? You should maybe look into your misunderstanding a bit more?
A peace deal should be agreed by both sides and not forced up the people of Ukraine which you seem to think is fine?

Yes you do.

Crimea has been a done deal for years now. Done.

Are you from Crimea?

How is the Black Sea fleet doing there?

Apparently good enough seeing Crimea has been back to Russia for years now.

Apparently Zelensky and NAFO peeps called for a Crimean beach party 2 years ago. The only thing they can book to go to next is at a motel in Lviv, or a Chucky Cheese in Stockholm.

I believe shipwrecks are excellent for coral growth. I am sure that will be lovely tourist spot.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

How's their only tug towed aircraft "carrier" doing?

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Of course Putin could stop the war in an instant; he could call an immediate ceasefire, withdraw to the previous internationally recognised borders and enter into well intentioned negotiations without any preconditions.

He is the only person who can do that, yet he chooses not to.

Russia, the US, UK and later France are co-signatories of an Agreement to respect Ukraine's independence, to never invade Ukraine and provide aid should anyone invade.
Obviously Russia broke that Agreement the moment Russian forces rolled over the border.
Our respective nations haven't, yet. I'd like to think they both honour that Agreement to the bitter end.

You seem to be recommending that we abandon Ukraine to the wolves and fail to support its Right to Self-Determination.

You failed to acknowledge any of the other points raised; about the signal it sends to Putin and the rest of the world.
It gives Putin a green light to further his expansionism in eastern Europe - The Baltic States, Moldova and all the Stan's soon to be bulldozed and forced into a Greater Russia against their wishes.
Ok for China to threaten nuclear weapons over Taiwan.
Iran could then bully and intimidate all of its neighbours.
And heaven knows how both India and Pakistan would interpret that bearing in mind their never ending spat with each other. (And I'm sure China would appreciate that considering its border conflicts with both countries.)
And Kim Jong Un will be pulling himself stupid at the prospect of being able to threaten South Korea safe in knowledge that 'The West' will not do a thing about it.

Appeasement does not work.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

It's really odd.
Maybe these people simply don't have the experience of the Cold War and don't actually realise what nuclear war is.

Or maybe we don’t play the chicken little game every time Putin flexes his muscles. Putin knows that nukes would be a death sentence for him, so do you think he is at the brink of being suicidal?

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

The media are even desensitising people to the effects of one or 2 nuclear strikes.

With the amount of carpet bombing / shelling by Putin, what in reality is one or even two tactical nukes going to do ( other than poison the area with the on going mass destruction) other the make the people of the Ukraine more resolved, piss of the Donbas and Crimea for being put at risk for contamination, make the world turn on Putin.

Again. For a country already being carpet bombed and shelled. How many nukes, of what size to win the war in a day. With what risk to neighbouring Donbas and Crimea. Risking the water supply to Crimea via the Northern Crimea Canal.

I’m guessing Putin would use something with shorter term impact like chlorine gas before nukes.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
I’ve already explained myself over n over and not going to explain it to you again.

See my last post for the relevant questions you refuse to answer on how Putin can win the war in one day. Anyone with commons sense knows the amount of even tactical nukes needed to crush the Ukraine in one day would leave the area with dangerous radiation and contamination where the whole region loses.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

There will most certainly be insurgency...but Russia will win on the conventional side. Its just much as no one wants it to be true. They will overthrow the puppet government we installed as well I suspect...

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