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The debate. Who wins?

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posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: spacedoubt

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: spacedoubt
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

It’s because he was lying.
You can add a little “puffery” to statements like a salesman.
But you can’t make crap up.
He was being fact checked.
And he’s a compulsive liar.

Harris lied the entire night.

If you couldn't see that, that's on you and your mental illness.

Ok, you think Trump will debate her again and correct her mistakes?
I mean she wiped the floor with him so well that all the mops in the world are embarrassed.
How will he frame this tomorrow? He said nothing of substance, and has no plans for anything.

Is he ready to be dominated by her again?
Because that’s what will happen again.
He’s toast

Oh would be different the next time,because the moderators would be actually doing a fair job. And I would also ask no jewelry because i could had sworn harris had a mic disguised as a ear ring.
ABC gave her the questions DAYS earlier it sounds like. Why? because anything that was off question harris stumbled her way through.
They also didnt fact check harris at all. The quote about the dogs being eaten by hatians is true,even though the ABC people denied it was true. there are stories,witnesses,and police reports/arrest of individuals doing so.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:16 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: UKTruth
Debate went as i expected
Trump unable to control himself, seemed angry.
Harris wiped the floor with him and effectively won the election.

Trump proved he is unstable and doesn’t have the temperament to be President.
Maybe all the lawfare has got to him, but whatever, not seen a bigger disaster of a debate performance.
Harris made him dance.

Pfft you're lost. Trump answered all the questions and only rebutted with snips at Kamala due to her constant lying and sh1t talk. I highly doubt any regular human would sit there stoic while being ganged up on by not only the cackling VP but two other biased "moderators" from ABC. It's unfortunate that your TDS has infected you so bad in quick order, cause you used to seem to have a good head on your shoulders from my observations of some of your former posts. It's a good thing you're in the UK and it doesn't matter wtf you think.

Oh give me a break
Trump did the one thing the entire world knew he could not do.
Let Harris get to him.
He simply can't take the crticisms and wasted a massive percentage of his time defending himself - just like he did when he was President.
It's really not that difficult.

'I am going to use my time to tell America about what i will do as president. All you will hear from Kamala is made up nonsense about me because they have nothing else to offer - and the moderators will be ganging up to help her. I agreed to this debate because I don't mind, I am used to it , just like I handled the leaders of NATO. Kamala on the other hand chicked out of the Fox debate'.

Literally just say that once at the start and then ignore the lies and talk about policy.

Trump blew it because he can't help himself - and it will be HIS fault if America ends up with a far left radical witch as President. That will most certainly effect the UK too. The US election is vital for the world , not just America, and Trump made a fool of himself.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:21 AM

Well, that was fun.

Under Trump's skin that is.

"They're eating the dogs and cats." LoL

Job done Kamala.

And a Taylor Swift endorsement by the looks of things also.

Bring on the 6th of November.
edit on 11-9-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:23 AM
The question now is how do the Republicans get Trump off the ticket - is it even possible now that the convention is done?
Trump needs to step down. Just like Biden did after his disaster of a debate.
This is all too important for the world to let Trump's ego get in the way.

edit on 11/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:26 AM
Trump lost his 7 percent lead in the betting markets overnight.
Best measure of the debate.

edit on 11/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: malte86

My prediction wasnt that bad! Trump is Trump and ever will be, he is so predictable.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake

Well, that was fun.

Under Trump's skin that is.

"They're eating the dogs and cats." LoL

Job done Kamala.

And a Taylor Swift endorsement by the looks of things also.

Bring on the 6th of November.

It was utterly stupid of Trump to bring this up.
Crazy. Literally handed his detractors a comedy looking moment.

That said - it is true and the moderators were very dishonest in saying it was not.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: malte86
a reply to: malte86

My prediction wasnt that bad! Trump is Trump and ever will be, he is so predictable.

Yes - I and most people predicted exactly how it would go. He is totally predictable in that you just need to criticise him and he loses his mind.
There were a few who have now had a rude awakening that said Trump would demolish Harris.
Was never going to happen.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:33 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: andy06shake

Well, that was fun.

Under Trump's skin that is.

"They're eating the dogs and cats." LoL

Job done Kamala.

And a Taylor Swift endorsement by the looks of things also.

Bring on the 6th of November.

It was utterly stupid of Trump to bring this up.
Crazy. Literally handed his detractors a comedy looking moment.

That said - it is true and the moderators were very dishonest in saying it was not.

deleted because i adressed the wrong person

edit on 11-9-2024 by malte86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: malte86

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: andy06shake

Well, that was fun.

Under Trump's skin that is.

"They're eating the dogs and cats." LoL

Job done Kamala.

And a Taylor Swift endorsement by the looks of things also.

Bring on the 6th of November.

It was utterly stupid of Trump to bring this up.
Crazy. Literally handed his detractors a comedy looking moment.

That said - it is true and the moderators were very dishonest in saying it was not.

its a lie and you fall for it.

Please do not link NPR as a proof point.
I believe the man who stood up in a committee meeting and said clearly on video that they were catching and decapitating ducks in the park and carrying them off. I see no reason that he would make something up like that if he had not seen it.

edit on 11/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

I don't think she won anything.

She is a fraud, a fake cardboard cutout.

Anyone that believes her schtick is insane.

Old Faithful, too, erupts in a very predictable fashion.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:35 AM
Have not seen a lot of Harris before this, she done better than I was expecting. Has been taking lessons from Obama in portraying a happy future. Her actions to date leave a lot lacking in capability to getting there for the majority of America. Her cackle is a mask to live with her inconsistencies and hide from the facts.

To read between the lines, her attacks on Trump is a reflection of her true nature. To claim peace in Ukraine is about Trump's ego and not the millions already dead is a heads up.

Trump was consistent with a lot of his past stuff.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: UKTruth
Debate went as i expected
Trump unable to control himself, seemed angry.
Harris wiped the floor with him and effectively won the election.

Trump proved he is unstable and doesn’t have the temperament to be President.
Maybe all the lawfare has got to him, but whatever, not seen a bigger disaster of a debate performance.
Harris made him dance.

Pfft you're lost. Trump answered all the questions and only rebutted with snips at Kamala due to her constant lying and sh1t talk. I highly doubt any regular human would sit there stoic while being ganged up on by not only the cackling VP but two other biased "moderators" from ABC. It's unfortunate that your TDS has infected you so bad in quick order, cause you used to seem to have a good head on your shoulders from my observations of some of your former posts. It's a good thing you're in the UK and it doesn't matter wtf you think.

Oh give me a break
Trump did the one thing the entire world knew he could not do.
Let Harris get to him.
He simply can't take the crticisms and wasted a massive percentage of his time defending himself - just like he did when he was President.
It's really not that difficult.

'I am going to use my time to tell America about what i will do as president. All you will hear from Kamala is made up nonsense about me because they have nothing else to offer - and the moderators will be ganging up to help her. I agreed to this debate because I don't mind, I am used to it , just like I handled the leaders of NATO. Kamala on the other hand chicked out of the Fox debate'.

Literally just say that once at the start and then ignore the lies and talk about policy.

Trump blew it because he can't help himself - and it will be HIS fault if America ends up with a far left radical witch as President. That will most certainly effect the UK too. The US election is vital for the world , not just America, and Trump made a fool of himself.

Oh please. Get over your stupid fantasy trip that Trump will somehow act all stoic and passive toward his opponents. This TDS gaslighting, reeeing, lying and flat out manipulation from the media and Hollywood has been going on over EIGHT freakin' YEARS on a DAILY basis, do you honestly believe Trump can, or should swallow it to appease a-holes like you? People like you get tripped up and all sensitive because you don't like that he's an egotistical jerk? Well, no-one living in reality cares about that because the theatrics have NEVER mattered to thinking people whom support Trump.

You wanna keep crying for Trump to be replaced because your TDS just can't stand reality? Be my guest, but he's still 1000 times better than Marxist Kamala. There is NO way in Hell Trump will be replaced like how you wish in your delusional dream, so come off it. Keep crying all you want but it will never happen.

At this point you should go focus your emotions on your own sh1t government, cause while you have a right to your opinion, it really means nothing here.
edit on 11-9-2024 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee
It does amuse me when those opposed to Harris start yelping: “What has she done, what has she done?”

When most people can’t even remember past Vice Presidents — let alone any specific accomplishments.

She is the incumbent, the last to leave the room on the Afghanistan disaster, was given leadership on the border, supported the failing economy on many levels etc. She has also flipped from the most progressive voter in Congress to being Trump lite, does anything bother you from the left or is it all good...

It was Trump’s plan to vacate Afghanistan.

He didn’t get it done.

Biden/Harris did.

President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday.


Here you go, not that you care about the whole truth....just the biased liberal spin. F the facts, amiright?

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: Wookiep

I think it's a safe bet that he's shat the bed with the immigrants are eating dogs and cats rant.

I mean his fan base will lap that up by the bucket load.

But its not exactly inclined to win any sort of hearts and minds where the remaining swing voters are concerned.

Trump will do what Trump does because the fact is thats all he knows.

And teaching that old dog new tricks is not exactly on the cards.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Wookiep

I think it's a safe bet that he's shat the bed with the immigrants are eating dogs and cats rant.

I mean his fan base will lap that up by the bucket load.

But its not exactly inclined to win any sort of hearts and minds where the remaining swing voters are concerned.

Trump will do what Trump does because the fact is thats all he knows.

And teaching that old dog new tricks is not exactly on the cards.

I guess we'll see won't we? I know where you stand on U.S. politics. Thanks.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

And a Taylor Swift endorsement by the looks of things also.

Talor Swift it was the most over-rated thing this century...until Kamala one-upped her.

As UKTruth said "That will most certainly effect the UK too." If/when Kamal becomes POTUS the UK will go down right along with the USA, probably first.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:54 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: UKTruth
Debate went as i expected
Trump unable to control himself, seemed angry.
Harris wiped the floor with him and effectively won the election.

Trump proved he is unstable and doesn’t have the temperament to be President.
Maybe all the lawfare has got to him, but whatever, not seen a bigger disaster of a debate performance.
Harris made him dance.

Pfft you're lost. Trump answered all the questions and only rebutted with snips at Kamala due to her constant lying and sh1t talk. I highly doubt any regular human would sit there stoic while being ganged up on by not only the cackling VP but two other biased "moderators" from ABC. It's unfortunate that your TDS has infected you so bad in quick order, cause you used to seem to have a good head on your shoulders from my observations of some of your former posts. It's a good thing you're in the UK and it doesn't matter wtf you think.

Oh give me a break
Trump did the one thing the entire world knew he could not do.
Let Harris get to him.
He simply can't take the crticisms and wasted a massive percentage of his time defending himself - just like he did when he was President.
It's really not that difficult.

'I am going to use my time to tell America about what i will do as president. All you will hear from Kamala is made up nonsense about me because they have nothing else to offer - and the moderators will be ganging up to help her. I agreed to this debate because I don't mind, I am used to it , just like I handled the leaders of NATO. Kamala on the other hand chicked out of the Fox debate'.

Literally just say that once at the start and then ignore the lies and talk about policy.

Trump blew it because he can't help himself - and it will be HIS fault if America ends up with a far left radical witch as President. That will most certainly effect the UK too. The US election is vital for the world , not just America, and Trump made a fool of himself.

Oh please. Get over your stupid fantasy trip that Trump will somehow act all stoic and passive toward his opponents. This TDS gaslighting, reeeing, lying and flat out manipulation from the media and Hollywood has been going on over EIGHT freakin' YEARS on a DAILY basis, do you honestly believe Trump can, or should swallow it to appease a-holes like you? People like you get tripped up and all sensitive because you don't like that he's an egotistical jerk? Well, no-one living in reality cares about that because the theatrics have NEVER mattered to thinking people whom support Trump.

You wanna keep crying for Trump to be replaced because your TDS just can't stand reality? Be my guest, but he's still 1000 times better than Marxist Kamala. There is NO way in Hell Trump will be replaced like how you wish in your delusional dream, so come off it. Keep crying all you want but it will never happen.

At this point you should go focus your emotions on your own sh1t government, cause while you have a right to your opinion, it really means nothing here.

Try to cut out the ad hominems directed at other forum posters.
Not necessary.

Trump lost the debate and made a fool of himself.
It's that simple.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Sounds like butthurt to me nugget1.

As to Talor Swift, well my daughter never seems to shut up about her, seems pretty famous to me.

And the UK has been going downhill long before Kamala materialised.

If anything i think the opposite is likely to be on the cards.

Let's stick to the topic of the thread through which is the debate and not the UK.
edit on 11-9-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

Lol it's funny how you post your opinion as fact. Carry on Kamala.

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