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Casualties reported after school shooting at Apalachee High School

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posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: KrustyKrab

It's also higly regulated, controlled, and violating these regulations is severly punished in Switzerland.

Guns are not the problem, people who think they need no government oversight are...

We have enough government up our arse. I don’t need the government to coddle me and hold my hand. If anything we need less government. Once you give them a little they’ll take a lot. I would like to hang onto what “fweedoms” I have left.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Notice how they mock the idea of freedom?

It's actually disgusting.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Notice how they mock the idea of freedom?

It's actually disgusting.

They love being controlled and told what to do through regulation.

Freedom? Meh they don’t seem to care. 🤷‍♂️

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Freedom is an anathema to the Marxists.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Thank God our children have the freedom to be executed in schools. Thoughts and prayers.

As for the parents, just wait 14 years until all the forced birth children age. Either with unfit parents or the underfunded awful foster care system.
edit on 4-9-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: DBCowboy

Thank God our children have the freedom to be executed in schools. Thoughts and prayers.

As for the parents, just wait 14 years until all the forced birth children age. Either with unfit parents or the underfunded awful foster care system.

If you even understood the Constitution, then you'd know this was a gross infringement on their rights to life.

Kinda like abortion.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: DBCowboy

Thank God our children have the freedom to be executed in schools. Thoughts and prayers.

As for the parents, just wait 14 years until all the forced birth children age. Either with unfit parents or the underfunded awful foster care system.

Instead of you guys picking and choosing what children get aborted, just abort all of them and the problem is solved.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:00 PM
Hmm... you seem to be much more upset over a fetus than a live child. Not surprising.

Guess I should do as Trump said about deaths of previous school children and just "get over it."

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:05 PM
I'm thoroughly disgusted. It isn't guns and 14-year-old kids that are the problem, it is grown men and women.

Colt Gray was on FBI’s radar 16 months before school shooting

The FBI, in a joint statement with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, revealed Gray was on law enforcement’s radar more than a year before Wednesday’s school shooting.

The FBI’s National Threat Operations Center had received several anonymous tips about threats made online. The posts, made on a gaming website, included photographs of guns and the threat to shoot up an unknown school at an undisclosed time.

Here's what pisses me off:

"The father stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them," the FBI wrote in its release. "The subject denied making the threats online. Jackson County alerted local schools for continued monitoring of the subject."

Law enforcement officials say there was not enough probable cause for an arrest or further legal action.

They knew and did nothing. I live in Georgia and last winter, there was a storm coming on a Friday which didn't include any frozen precipitation. They closed the schools out of "an abundance of caution". Yet, a 13-year-old can post about shooting up a school, the FBI identifies him and they do absolutely nothing.

Thank God we have school admins that keep our kids safe from a heavy rain storm!

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: DBCowboy

Thank God our children have the freedom to be executed in schools. Thoughts and prayers.

As for the parents, just wait 14 years until all the forced birth children age. Either with unfit parents or the underfunded awful foster care system.

Why hasn't the authorities proven any kind of gun control will stop mental illness?


posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
Hmm... you seem to be much more upset over a fetus than a live child. Not surprising.

Guess I should do as Trump said about deaths of previous school children and just "get over it."

Abortions aren't killing fetuses with guns. Your comparison is a non sequitur diversion tactic. 😃

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

Oh I think the FBI identified him alright.

Interesting that your quote says he posted pictures of guns. I wonder if they are the same pictures that come up when you Google his name.

Another one with connections to the FBI. 🥺

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
Hmm... you seem to be much more upset over a fetus than a live child. Not surprising.

Guess I should do as Trump said about deaths of previous school children and just "get over it."

Less than 50 people killed at schools this year, that number includes adults.
Over 1,000,000 per year, none of them by guns.

Maybe we should start talking about who is doing all the killing around here and what we can do to stop them.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:28 PM

--In the U.S.A., there have been 1,700 firearm deaths EVERY YEAR, of CHILDREN under age 18, since the year 2000.


--Mentally unbalanced 2024 President candidate Kamala Harris doesn't address this serious problem until 2 teens are killed, on Sept 4th 2024.


--Last week, Kamala said former President Trump was merely campaigning, when paying homage to 13 deceased heroes killed in Afghanistan in 2022. That was a lie.

--TRUTH: Kamala Harris would have nothing to say about these 2 teens being killed at a school today, if she had not thrown President Joe Biden under the bus, and taken his place as Democrat's 2024 candidate for President. (Her HISTORY proves this to be true.)

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

Law enforcement officials say there was not enough probable cause for an arrest or further legal action.

But as a vet if I get seen for mental health reasons there is a decent chance that those same law enforcement people would be more than happy to show up at my house to confiscate my guns.


posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

No red flag law in Georgia. They couldn't take the guns. So apparently the kid kept his plans quiet and even though the Dad claimed they were not accessible, guess they were.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: frogs453

The dad says he had hand guns locked up but the reports are that the kid used a rifle.

Who really knows where he got it at this point?

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Irishhaf

No red flag law in Georgia. They couldn't take the guns. So apparently the kid kept his plans quiet and even though the Dad claimed they were not accessible, guess they were.

If only there was a law against shooting up a school. That would have solved the problem.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
Hmm... you seem to be much more upset over a fetus than a live child. Not surprising.

Guess I should do as Trump said about deaths of previous school children and just "get over it."

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: frogs453
Hmm... you seem to be much more upset over a fetus than a live child. Not surprising.

Guess I should do as Trump said about deaths of previous school children and just "get over it."

Yeah, those 4 people who died today had a choice.

Oh, wait — NO — they didn’t.

edit on pm99America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago by Annee because: (no reason given)

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