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Is He Trying to Lose Now?

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posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Vermilion

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: Vermilion

Same challenge to you as I gave to FF, find a single school that is stocking menstrual products in boys' restrooms. The largest school district says they aren't doing it in any of their schools.

Here’s video from the ACTUAL hearing where the democrats declare that trans boys menstruate and use boys bathrooms.

Don’t run from the truth about this ridiculous bill.
Embrace it for a win like you want to.
Stop pretending.
You’re fooling nobody here.


Any response from these insane Libs after that post from you would only be deflection and lies.

It's on video and they claim we are the ones lying.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:05 AM
If boys need a tampon they should just go to a Taylor Swift show.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

So you should be able to point where in the law it requires boys' restrooms to be stocked.
edit on 22-8-2024 by Threadbarer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:09 AM
okay I do have to play a little devils advocate here. Tampons a perfect for plugging chest wounds in combat. So when those mentally unhinged children that are allowed to be in the same space as your kids, maybe having some around can make practical since.
edit on 22-8-2024 by SomeStupidName because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

121A.212 ACCESS TO MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS. A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.

ALL students in regularly used restrooms.
Not only girls restrooms.
Not only faculty restrooms.

The law is very clear.

Then it continues…
according to a plan developed by the school 1.7 district. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other 1.8 similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle.

The plan by the district pertains to which products(and quantity) they choose to offer, NOT that they get to choose where they’re offered.
The law states they are to be offered in ALL regularly used school restrooms.

Watch the video to the end…

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: RazorV66

So you should be able to point where in the law it requires boys' restrooms to be stocked.

It's on video where she says it.

How many times will you make a stand on a subject, knowing that you are completely wrong, before you will admit that you are wrong?

My guess is never because of you've never admitted you were wrong the last 500 times that you were completely wrong.
edit on 22-8-2024 by RazorV66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

Considering you didn't answer the question, I'll take that to mean that you can't point out in the law where it requires menstrual products to be stocked on boys' restrooms. So that would make you a liar. And frankly, your obsession with me is more than a bit weird.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Vermilion

The law is very clear.

IT is. I don't see anything in there about trans student, either.

I think you're just pissed off because the State of Minnesota doesn't bar trans students from using the restrooms of their choice, and this law makes it even harder to identify, isolate, shame and harass trans menstruating students.


By the way, you're "X" link is broken.

edit on 5720242024k19America/Chicago2024-08-22T10:19:57-05:0010am2024-08-22T10:19:57-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: RazorV66

Considering you didn't answer the question, I'll take that to mean that you can't point out in the law where it requires menstrual products to be stocked on boys' restrooms. So that would make you a liar. And frankly, your obsession with me is more than a bit weird.

Deflection and lies as usual from you X.

Refer to Vermillion's post that directly quotes the law.

And my only obsession is to call out insane, lying Liberals, you happen to be one of them, so you would be included.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

By the way, you're "X" link is broken.

No it's not, it's works perfectly.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
It's not open to interpretation.

Yeah it is. The law states that the product must be provided for ALL menstruating students. The spirit of the law is that if it's offered to normal girls in the girls room, then it should be offered to the mentally ill girls who think they are boys and use the boys room. Otherwise, the product isn't being offered to ALL menstruating students. If the school wants to interpret that the law says the product must be in the bathrooms, then it should be in both. Otherwise, it's prejudiced against the trans students.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.

Don't see anything about requiring it in boys' restrooms. Looks like it's up to the discretion of the school districts. And so far no one has pointed me in the direction of a single school district stocking boys' restrooms.

Considering it such a tough ask if you guys, the only conclusion we can come to is that schools aren't required to stock boys' restrooms.

Well, that and that anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
So if the bill requires menstrual products to be stocked in boys' bathrooms, it should pretty easy to find a single example of a school doing it.

Again .. the schools aren't putting their internal procedures online. And what the schools actually do is IRRELEVANT in regards to what the law says to do. That's two different things.

I'll wait.

Keep waiting. Have a cookie.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
Don't see anything about requiring it in boys' restrooms..

Then you don't know how to read. It clearly says it has to be offered to ALL menstruating students in the rest rooms. If it's only offered in girls restrooms, then it's not offered to ALL menstruating students according to LGBTQ illogic. For the law to be followed, equal access for both boys rooms and girls rooms needs to be done.

121A.212 ACCESS TO MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS. A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.

Not sure why you are having such a problem with this.
You should be embracing it instead of running away from it.
It's LGBTQ mafia solid gold!

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

If not stocking boys' restrooms is against the law, where are all the lawsuits?

If boys' restrooms are being stocked, where are all the posts from up-in-arms bigoted parents showing proof?

The silence on both fronts speaks volumes but you may not be able to hear it from all the echoes in your chamber.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
And so far no one has pointed me in the direction of a single school district stocking boys' restrooms..

- Because the schools aren't putting their internal procedures up on the internet.

- Because it's IRRELEVANT as to what the schools are doing. The law stands alone from what the schools decide to do.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:37 AM
If, and, then. Used in legalese.

If, the law says hygiene products are to be provided to all students that menstruate bathrooms

And, they say some boys menstruate

Then, hygiene products are required in boys bathrooms

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Not sure why you have such a problem understanding unisex bathrooms exist.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
If not stocking boys' restrooms is against the law, where are all the lawsuits?

That's a problem for the LGBTQ mafia. Ask them.

If boys' restrooms are being stocked, where are all the posts from up-in-arms bigoted parents showing proof?

Maybe there aren't any getting upset. Doesn't change the law.

The silence on both fronts speaks volumes but you may not be able to hear it from all the echoes in your chamber.

You are running away from this ... the law itself ....

121A.212 ACCESS TO MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS. A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.


Why are you running from the language of the law and trying to claim that it doesn't say what it clearly does? Shouldn't you be embracing this as equal rights for LGBTQ students? It's WEIRD that you are trying to change the wording and the spirit of the law. Embrace it. Your side owns it.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
Not sure why you have such a problem understanding unisex bathrooms exist.

Not sure why you have such a problem understanding that they don't exist in most schools.

Not sure why you have such a problem understanding the simple words ... must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students ... and that trans students who menstruate use boys bathrooms.

Not sure why you are running away from equal rights for LGBTQ youth.

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