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Is He Trying to Lose Now?

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posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
Still pushing that lie, huh?

Not a lie.

Tim Walz signed a bill in 2023 that required Minnesota schools to stock free menstrual products in restrooms regularly used by students in grades four through 12. The law was gender neutral however since there are supposedly trans students using the boys rooms, then those boys rooms would indeed need to have menstrual products in them because the law required it.

The Minnesota Association of School Administrators claimed that it was up to the schools to interpret the law. However, since the LGBTQ mafia continually push their agenda, if the boys rooms were not stocked with free tampons, the schools would have been sued.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: Moon68

Still pushing that lie, huh?

It's not a lie and you know it.

"All menstruating students" is the terminology they use and that includes the deranged Liberal viewpoint that biological boys can menstruate too.

Own it.

(post by Threadbarer removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

And then the law goes onto state that it is left up to each school district to determine how best they are able to provide menstrual products to all menstruating students.

Nothing in the law requires them to be stocked in boys' restrooms.

I believe the term for claiming something as the truth when it is in fact false is called a lie.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 07:51 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:00 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
So the law does not require menstrual products to be stocked in boys' bathrooms?

I gave you the law. It does not specify by gender which bathrooms must have the products. However, It clearly states that menstrual products must be provided for ALL students grades four through 12. Some common sense is required ... Boys use bathrooms in those grades. So yes, the law says that menstrual products must be made available to those students. The obvious way to do that is to have them stocked in the boys room. Otherwise, the trans student would have to use the girls room or get them from the school office. Both of those options would drive the LGBTQ mafia crazy and lawsuits would abound.

By the way, I noticed your post is a bit light on sources. When you come on here and post something as fact, you're supposed to provide sources. How many times do you need to be reminded of this?

Here ya' go ....

Left Wing New York Times

Tucked into a stack of budget bills Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota signed into law last May was a measure that went largely unnoticed: Public schools would be required to provide free menstrual products to all students who needed them, beginning in the fourth grade.

" ALL STUDENTS WHO NEEDED THEM" - that includes trans students who use the boys room. And how would they get those products? Obviously by having them stocked in the boys rooms.

WRAL Story

The law, which took effect Jan. 1, requires schools to provide access to menstrual products such as pads, tampons or other similar period products, "in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district."

As adopted, the law does not distinguish by sex or gender. It says the products "must be available to all menstruating students."

This means transgender boys and nonbinary students — who might menstruate and are permitted to use boys’ restrooms — must also have access to the menstrual products.

The technical language of the law does NOT say that they have to be in 'the boys rooms'. The technical language of the law says 'available to all students ... ' which means that they should indeed be in the boys room otherwise they wouldn't be 'available to all students.

Where's the proof that any school district, let alone all of them, have chosen to stock menstrual products beyond girls' and unisex bathrooms?

No one here is going to go to Minnesota and start knocking on school doors asking what menstrual products they have provided in the bathrooms. The schools are required by law to have them in the bathrooms for all menstruating students ... and that includes supposed 'trans' students using the boys bathrooms. Therefore, if the schools are following the law, they will be stocking products in the boys rooms. Otherwise the trans students have to use the girls rooms or get products handed to them in the office and that would piss off the LGBTQ mafia.
edit on 8/22/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
Nothing in the law requires them to be stocked in boys' restrooms..

So your version of 'providing menstruation products to ALL students' would be for the products to be available only in the girls rooms? The female students who are mentally ill and think they are boys can't use the boys room but instead must use the girls rooms in order to get the products? That's your version of 'providing for ALL students'?? Doesn't that go against your LGBTQ mafia training?

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

How is posting facts "trolling"?

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota signed into law last May was a measure that went largely unnoticed: Public schools would be required to provide free menstrual products to all students who needed them, beginning in the fourth grade.

The measure was spearheaded by teenagers like Elif Ozturk, who had listened to classmates in the restroom fret over not having a tampon, and Maarit Mattson, who began carrying extra pads in middle school, as a gesture of support for friends uncomfortable confiding in their parents about the start of their periods.

“It isn’t part of a political agenda,” Ms. Mattson, 15, said

But with each of Minnesota’s more than 300 school districts responsible for drafting a plan for meeting the requirements of the law, schools have not interpreted it as a mandate to specifically place tampons and pads in restrooms designated only for boys.

In calls and emails to district officials across the state this week, none of the half dozen who responded said that their schools had placed menstrual products in boys’ restrooms.


That's funny coming from "the world will end if Dems are elected" " we will be a communist country" and the former President literally said that you will be shot and raped for crossing the street to buy bread. Talk about trolling.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: frogs453

In calls and emails to district officials across the state this week, none of the half dozen who responded said that their schools had placed menstrual products in boys’ restrooms.

... and those that haven't put the menstruation products in the boys rooms are NOT 'providing menstruation products for ALL students' as the law requires and could be sued by the LGBTQ mafia for not doing so.

(post by Threadbarer removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Yet not true. If they provide them in any area that a student can access them, including the nurses office.

So now that the facts clearly state they are not required in the boys bathroom, you chase another ghost argument? 🤣

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: Threadbarer

You got trolled by Walz and the thousands of lies told by Democrats in one room this week. 💥

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
From your own source. Why do you have to turn this website into a house of lies?

I know that's in my source.

I already said that the law didn't specify by gender which rest rooms they had to be in.

The law says 'available to ALL students'.

So how exactly are the trans students who use the boys room going to get the menstruation products if they are only in the girls bathrooms? If they are only in the girls rooms, isn't that NOT providing to ALL students like the law requires?

You didn't answer that. How about you give it a try and answer it now?

Common sense says that, according to the law, the products must be in both the boys and girls bathrooms. Otherwise, they are not being 'provided to ALL students'.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
Yet not true. If they provide them in any area that a student can access them, including the nurses office.

So every student that is menstruating must first go to the nurses office, tell other people that they are menstruating, and get the product, then go to the bathroom and use it? You've never been a teen/preteen girl menstruating .. have you? I didn't think so. Otherwise, you'd see how silly, time consuming, and embarrassing that is.

So now that the facts clearly state they are not required in the boys bathroom, you chase another ghost argument? 🤣

You poor thing. Read what i posted. I clearly said from the first post that the law did NOT say specifically anything about which gender restrooms had to have them ... just that the law said "ALL STUDENTS" and therefore the products couldn't just be in the girls room according to that law, but must also be in the boys room to take care of ALL STUDENTS .. otherwise ALL STUDENTS were not being taken care of.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Some districts, such as Minneapolis Public Schools, require schools to provide improved bathroom access for transgender and nonbinary students, including more accessible all-gender bathrooms, MinnPost, a local news organization, reported.

In an Aug. 8 editorial, the Star Tribune reported that a spokesperson for Anoka-Hennepin schools, the state’s largest school district, said free menstrual products aren’t found in male-only bathrooms, but they are provided in nongendered bathrooms, girls’ bathrooms or from health staff.

Did you even bother to read the article you posted? It seems to answer all of your questions as well as show how the initial claim I called out is a lie.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Except the law doesn't say "all students." Just lies on top of lies.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: Kallipygywiggy

A more sensible thing to do would be to wait until Swifties For Trump actually announces its existence as a PAC.

No. That would be stupid.

You think random Swifties can't make t shirts saying they support Trump unless they start a formal political fund raiser ? If they don't start a pac then the t shirts are sus ?

No. The sensible thing is to believe your eyes and accept reality.

What isn't sensible is to think no Taylor Swift fans like Trump. Or that girls wouldn't make and wear cute t shirts. you even know any girls ?

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: FlyersFan

Except the law doesn't say "all students." Just lies on top of lies.

It says ""must be available to all menstruating students." And since your LGBTQ mafia says that little girls who are mentally ill and think they are boys still menstruate, the products must be available to them as well. And since the products are available in the girls rooms, it is prejudiced not to have them in the boys rooms.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

And yet you can't point to a single school that's stocking them in boys' rooms or a single lawsuit forcing any schools to do so. Interesting.
edit on 22-8-2024 by Threadbarer because: (no reason given)

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